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david elginbrod-第9章

小说: david elginbrod 字数: 每页3500字

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about her husband's opinions; although she never hesitated to utter
what she considered her common…sense notions; in attempted
modification of some of the more extreme of them。  The fact was
that; if he was wrong; Janet did not care to be right; and if he was
right; Janet was sure to be; 〃for;〃 said sheand in spirit; if not
in the letter; it was quite true〃I never mint at contradickin'
him。  My man sall hae his ain get; that sall he。〃  But she had one
especial grudge at his opinions; which was; that it must have been
in consequence of them that he had declined; with a queer smile; the
honourable position of Elder of the Kirk; for which Janet considered
him; notwithstanding his opinions; immeasurably more fitted than any
other man 〃in the haill country…sideye may add Scotlan' forby。〃
The fact of his having been requested to fill the vacant place of
Elder; is proof enough that David was not in the habit of giving
open expression to his opinions。  He was looked upon as a douce man;
long…headed enough; and somewhat precise in the exaction of the
laird's rights; but open…hearted and open…handed with what was his
own。  Every one respected him; and felt kindly towards him; some
were a little afraid of him; but few suspected him of being
religious beyond the degree which is commonly supposed to be the
general inheritance of Scotchmen; possibly in virtue of their being
brought up upon oatmeal porridge and the Shorter Catechism。

Hugh walked behind the party for a short way; contemplating them in
their Sunday clothes: David wore a suit of fine black cloth。  He
then turned to rejoin the laird's company。  Mrs。 Glasford was
questioning her boys; in an intermittent and desultory fashion;
about the sermon。

〃An' what was the fourth heid; can ye tell me; Willie?〃

Willie; the eldest; who had carefully impressed the fourth head upon
his memory; and had been anxiously waiting for an opportunity of
bringing it out; replied at once:

〃Fourthly: The various appellations by which those who have indued
the robe of righteousness are designated in Holy Writ。〃

〃Weel done; Willie!〃 cried the laird。

〃That's richt; Willie;〃 said his mother。  Then turning to the
younger; whose attention was attracted by a strange bird in the
hedge in front。 〃An' what called he them; Johnnie; that put on the
robe?〃 she asked。

〃Whited sepulchres;〃 answered Johnnie; indebted for his wit to his

This put an end to the catechising。  Mrs。 Glasford glanced round at
Hugh; whose defection she had seen with indignation; and who;
waiting for them by the roadside; had heard the last question and
reply; with an expression that seemed to attribute any defect in the
answer; entirely to the carelessness of the tutor; and the
withdrawal of his energies from her boys to that 〃saucy quean; Meg



When the Soul is kindled or enlightened by the Holy Ghost; then it
beholds what God its Father does; as a Son beholds what his Father
does at Home in his own House。JACOB BEHMEN'S AuroraLaw's

Margaret began to read Wordsworth; slowly at first; but soon with
greater facility。  Ere long she perceived that she had found a
friend; for not only did he sympathize with her in her love for
nature; putting many vague feelings into thoughts; and many thoughts
into words for her; but he introduced her to nature in many
altogether new aspects; and taught her to regard it in ways which
had hitherto been unknown to her。  Not only was the pine wood now
dearer to her than before; but its mystery seemed more sacred; and;
at the same time; more likely to be one day solved。  She felt far
more assuredly the presence of a spirit in nature;

     〃Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns;
      And the round ocean; and the living air;〃

for he taught her to take wider views of nature; and to perceive and
feel the expressions of more extended aspects of the world around
her。  The purple hill…side was almost as dear to her as the fir…wood
now; and the star that crowned its summit at eve; sparkled an
especial message to her; before it went on its way up the blue。  She
extended her rambles in all directions; and began to get with the
neighbours the character of an idle girl。  Little they knew how
early she rose; and how diligently she did her share of the work;
urged by desire to read the word of God in his own handwriting; or
rather; to pore upon that expression of the face of God; which;
however little a man may think of it; yet sinks so deeply into his
nature; and moulds it towards its own likeness。

Nature was doing for Margaret what she had done before for
Wordsworth's Lucy: she was making of her 〃a lady of her own。〃  She
grew taller and more graceful。  The lasting quiet of her face began
to look as if it were ever upon the point of blossoming into an
expression of lovely feeling。  The principal change was in her
mouth; which became delicate and tender in its curves; the lips
seeming to kiss each other for very sweetness。  But I am
anticipating these changes; for it took a far longer time to perfect
them than has yet been occupied by my story。

But even her mother was not altogether proof against the appearance
of listlessness and idleness which Margaret's behaviour sometimes
wore to her eyes; nor could she quite understand or excuse her long
lonely walks; so that now and then she could not help addressing her
after this fashion:

〃Meg!  Meg! ye do try my patience; lass; idlin' awa' yer time that
get。  It's an awfu' wastery o' time; what wi' beuks; an' what wi'
stravaguin'; an' what wi' naething ava。  Jist pit yer han' to this
kirn noo; like a gude bairn。〃

Margaret would obey her mother instantly; but with a look of silent
expostulation which her mother could not resist; sometimes; perhaps;
if the words were sharper than usual; with symptoms of gathering
tears; upon which Janet would say; with her honest smile of sweet

〃Hootoots; bairn! never heed me。  My bark's aye waur nor my bite; ye
ken that。〃

Then Margaret's face would brighten at once; and she would work hard
at whatever her mother set her to do; till it was finished; upon
which her mother would be more glad than she; and in no haste to
impose any further labour out of the usual routine。

In the course of reading Wordsworth; Margaret had frequent occasion
to apply to Hugh for help。  These occasions; however; generally
involved no more than small external difficulties; which prevented
her from taking in the scope of a passage。  Hugh was always able to
meet these; and Margaret supposed that the whole of the light which
flashed upon her mind when they were removed; was poured upon the
page by the wisdom of her tutor; never dreamingsuch was her
humility with regard to herself; and her reverence towards himthat
it came from the depths of her own lucent nature; ready to perceive
what the poet came prepared to show。  Now and then; it is true; she
applied to him with difficulties in which he was incapable of aiding
her; but she put down her failure in discovering the meaning; after
all which it must be confessed he sometimes tried to say; to her own
stupidity or peculiaritynever to his incapacity。  She had been
helped to so much by his superior acquirements; and his real gift
for communicating what he thoroughly understood; he had been so
entirely her guide to knowledge; that she would at once have felt
self…condemned of impietyin the old meaning of the wordif she
had doubted for a moment his ability to understand or explain any
difficulty which she could place clearly before him。

By…and…by he began to lend her harder; that is; more purely
intellectual books。  He was himself preparing for the class of Moral
Philosophy and Metaphysics; and he chose for her some of the simpler
of his books on these subjectsof course all of the Scotch
schoolbeginning with Abercrombie's Intellectual Powers。  She took
this eagerly; and evidently read it with great attention。

One evening in the end of summer; Hugh climbed a waste heathery hill
that lay behind the house of Turriepuffit; and overlooked a great
part of the neighbouring country; the peaks of some of the greatest
of the Scotch mountains being visible from its top。  Here he
intended to wait for the sunset。  He threw himself on the heather;
that most delightful and luxurious of all couches; supporting the
body with a kindly upholding of every part; and there he lay in the
great slumberous sunlight of the late afternoon; with the blue
heavens; into which he was gazing full up; closing down upon him; as
the light descended the side of the sky。  He fell fast asleep。  If
ever there be an excuse for falling asleep out of bed; surely it is
when stretched at full length upon heather in bloom。  When he awoke;
the last of the sunset was dying away; and between him and the
sunset sat Margaret; book in hand; waiting apparently for his
waking。  He lay still for a few minutes; to come to himself before
she should see he was awake。  But she rose at the moment; and
drawing near very quietly; looked down upon him with her sweet
sunset face; to see whether or not he was beginning to rouse; for
she feared to let him lie much longer after sundown。  Finding him
awake; she drew back again without a word; and sat down as before
with her book。  At length he rose; and; approaching her; said

〃Well; Margaret; what book are you at now?〃

〃Dr。 Abercrombie; sir;〃 replied Margaret。

〃How do you like it?〃

〃Verra weel for some things。  It makes a body think; but not
a'thegither as I like to think either。〃

It will be observed that Margaret's speech had begun to improve;
that is; to be more like English。

〃What is the matter with it?〃

〃Weel; ye see; sir; it taks a body a' to bits like; and never pits
them together again。  An' it seems to me that a body's min' or soul;
or whatever it may be calledbut it's jist a body's ain sel'can
no more be ta'en to pieces like; than you could tak' that red licht
there oot o' the blue; or the haill sunset oot o' the heavens an'
earth。  It may be a' verra weel; Mr。 Sutherland; but oh! it's no
like this!〃

And Margaret looked around her from the hill…top; and then up into
the heavens; where the stars were beginning to crack the blue with
their thin; steely sparkle。

〃It seems to me to tak' a' the poetry oot o' us; Mr。 Sutherland。〃

〃Well; well;〃 said Hugh; with a smile; 〃you must just go to
Wordsworth to put it in again; or to set you again up after Dr。
Abercrombie has demolished you。〃

〃Na; na; sir; he sanna demolish me: nor I winna trouble Mr。
Wordsworth to put the poetry into me again。  A' the power on earth
shanna tak' that oot o' me; gin it be God's will; for it's his ain
gift; Mr。 Sutherland; ye ken。〃

〃Of course; of course;〃 replied Hugh; who very likely thought this
too serious a way of speaking of poetry; and therefore; perhaps;
rather an irreverent way of speaking of God; for he saw neither the
divine in poetry; nor the human in God。 Could he be said to believe
that God made man; when he did not believe that God created
poetryand yet loved it as he did?  It was to him only a grand
invention of humanity in its loftiest development。  In th

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