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confessio amantis-第59章

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页3500字

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For in the cas of yifte and lone
Stant every man for him al one;
Him thenkth of his unkindeschipe
That him nedeth no felaschipe:  4700
Be so the bagge and he acorden;
Him reccheth noght what men recorden
Of him; or it be evel or good。
For al his trust is on his good;
So that al one he falleth ofte;
Whan he best weneth stonde alofte;
Als wel in love as other wise;
For love is evere of som reprise
To him that wole his love holde。
Forthi; mi Sone; as thou art holde;   4710
Touchende of this tell me thi schrifte:
Hast thou be scars or large of yifte
Unto thi love; whom thou servest?
For after that thou wel deservest
Of yifte; thou miht be the bet;
For that good holde I wel beset;
For why thou miht the betre fare;
Thanne is no wisdom forto spare。
For thus men sein; in every nede
He was wys that ferst made mede;   4720
For where as mede mai noght spede;
I not what helpeth other dede:
Fulofte he faileth of his game
That wol with ydel hand reclame
His hauk; as many a nyce doth。
Forthi; mi Sone; tell me soth
And sei the trouthe; if thou hast be
Unto thy love or skars or fre。
Mi fader; it hath stonde thus;
That if the tresor of Cresus    4730
And al the gold Octovien;
Forth with the richesse Yndien
Of Perles and of riche stones;
Were al togedre myn at ones;
I sette it at nomore acompte
Than wolde a bare straw amonte;
To yive it hire al in a day;
Be so that to that suete may
I myhte like or more or lesse。
And thus be cause of my scarsnesse    4740
Ye mai wel understonde and lieve
That I schal noght the worse achieve
The pourpos which is in my thoght。
Bot yit I yaf hir nevere noght;
Ne therto dorste a profre make;
For wel I wot sche wol noght take;
And yive wol sche noght also;
Sche is eschu of bothe tuo。
And this I trowe be the skile
Towardes me; for sche ne wile   4750
That I have eny cause of hope;
Noght also mochel as a drope。
Bot toward othre; as I mai se;
Sche takth and yifth in such degre;
That as be weie of frendlihiede
Sche can so kepe hir wommanhiede;
That every man spekth of hir wel。
Bot sche wole take of me no del;
And yit sche wot wel that I wolde
Yive and do bothe what I scholde   4760
To plesen hire in al my myht:
Be reson this wot every wyht;
For that mai be no weie asterte;
Ther sche is maister of the herte;
Sche mot be maister of the good。
For god wot wel that al my mod
And al min herte and al mi thoght
And al mi good; whil I have oght;
Als freliche as god hath it yive;
It schal ben hires; while I live;  4770
Riht as hir list hirself commande。
So that it nedeth no demande;
To axe of me if I be scars
To love; for as to tho pars
I wole ansuere and seie no。
Mi Sone; that is riht wel do。
For often times of scarsnesse
It hath be sen; that for the lesse
Is lost the more; as thou schalt hiere
A tale lich to this matiere。    4780
Skarsnesse and love acorden nevere;
For every thing is wel the levere;
Whan that a man hath boght it diere:
And forto speke in this matiere;
For sparinge of a litel cost
Fulofte time a man hath lost
The large cote for the hod。
What man that scars is of his good
And wol noght yive; he schal noght take:
With yifte a man mai undertake  4790
The hihe god to plese and queme;
With yifte a man the world mai deme;
For every creature bore;
If thou him yive; is glad therfore;
And every gladschipe; as I finde;
Is confort unto loves kinde
And causeth ofte a man to spede。
So was he wys that ferst yaf mede;
For mede kepeth love in house;
Bot wher the men ben coveitouse    4800
And sparen forto yive a part;
Thei knowe noght Cupides art:
For his fortune and his aprise
Desdeigneth alle coveitise
And hateth alle nygardie。
And forto loke of this partie;
A soth ensample; hou it is so;
I finde write of Babio;
Which hadde a love at his menage;
Ther was non fairere of hire age;  4810
And hihte Viola be name;
Which full of youthe and ful of game
Was of hirself; and large and fre;

Bot such an other chinche as he
Men wisten noght in al the lond;
And hadde affaited to his hond
His servant; the which Spodius
Was hote。 And in this wise thus
The worldes good of sufficance
Was had; bot likinge and plesance;    4820
Of that belongeth to richesse
Of love; stod in gret destresse;
So that this yonge lusty wyht
Of thing which fell to loves riht
Was evele served overal;
That sche was wo bego withal;
Til that Cupide and Venus eke
A medicine for the seke
Ordeigne wolden in this cas。
So as fortune thanne was;    4830
Of love upon the destine
It fell; riht as it scholde be;
A freissh; a fre; a frendly man
That noght of Avarice can;
Which Croceus be name hihte;
Toward this swete caste his sihte;
And ther sche was cam in presence。
Sche sih him large of his despence;
And amorous and glad of chiere;
So that hir liketh wel to hiere    4840
The goodly wordes whiche he seide;
And therupon of love he preide;
Of love was al that he mente;
To love and for sche scholde assente;
He yaf hire yiftes evere among。
Bot for men sein that mede is strong;
It was wel seene at thilke tyde;
For as it scholde of ryht betyde;
This Viola largesce hath take
And the nygard sche hath forsake:  4850
Of Babio sche wol no more;
For he was grucchende everemore;
Ther was with him non other fare
Bot forto prinche and forto spare;
Of worldes muk to gete encress。
So goth the wrecche loveles;
Bejaped for his Skarcete;
And he that large was and fre
And sette his herte to despende;
This Croceus; the bowe bende;   4860
Which Venus tok him forto holde;
And schotte als ofte as evere he wolde。
Lo; thus departeth love his lawe;
That what man wol noght be felawe
To yive and spende; as I thee telle;
He is noght worthi forto duelle
In loves court to be relieved。
Forthi; my Sone; if I be lieved;
Thou schalt be large of thi despence。
Mi fader; in mi conscience   4870
If ther be eny thing amis;
I wol amende it after this;
Toward mi love namely。
Mi Sone; wel and redely
Thou seist; so that wel paid withal
I am; and forthere if I schal
Unto thi schrifte specefie
Of Avarices progenie
What vice suieth after this;
Thou schalt have wonder hou it is;    4880
Among the folk in eny regne
That such a vice myhte regne;
Which is comun at alle assaies;
As men mai finde nou adaies。
The vice lik unto the fend;
Which nevere yit was mannes frend;
And cleped is Unkindeschipe;
Of covine and of felaschipe
With Avarice he is withholde。
Him thenkth he scholde noght ben holde   4890
Unto the moder which him bar;
Of him mai nevere man be war;
He wol noght knowe the merite;
For that he wolde it noght aquite;
Which in this world is mochel used;
And fewe ben therof excused。
To telle of him is endeles;
Bot this I seie natheles;
Wher as this vice comth to londe;
Ther takth noman his thonk on honde;  4900
Thogh he with alle his myhtes serve;
He schal of him no thonk deserve。
He takth what eny man wol yive;
Bot whil he hath o day to live;
He wol nothing rewarde ayein;
He gruccheth forto yive o grein;
Wher he hath take a berne full。
That makth a kinde herte dull;
To sette his trust in such frendschipe;
Ther as he fint no kindeschipe;    4910
And forto speke wordes pleine;
Thus hiere I many a man compleigne;
That nou on daies thou schalt finde
At nede fewe frendes kinde;
What thou hast don for hem tofore;
It is foryete; as it were lore。
The bokes speken of this vice;
And telle hou god of his justice;
Be weie of kinde and ek nature
And every lifissh creature;  4920
The lawe also; who that it kan;
Thei dampnen an unkinde man。
It is al on to seie unkinde
As thing which don is ayein kinde;
For it with kinde nevere stod
A man to yelden evel for good。
For who that wolde taken hede;
A beste is glad of a good dede;
And loveth thilke creature
After the lawe of his nature    4930
Which doth him ese。 And forto se
Of this matiere Auctorite;
Fulofte time it hath befalle;
Wherof a tale amonges alle;
Which is of olde ensamplerie;
I thenke forto specefie。
To speke of an unkinde man;
I finde hou whilom Adrian;
Of Rome which a gret lord was;
Upon a day as he per cas  4940
To wode in his huntinge wente;
It hapneth at a soudein wente;
After his chace as he poursuieth;
Thurgh happ; the which noman eschuieth;
He fell unwar into a pet;
Wher that it mihte noght be let。
The pet was dep and he fell lowe;
That of his men non myhte knowe
Wher he becam; for non was nyh;
Which of his fall the meschief syh。   4950
And thus al one ther he lay
Clepende and criende al the day
For socour and deliverance;
Til ayein Eve it fell per chance;
A while er it began to nyhte;
A povere man; which Bardus hihte;
Cam forth walkende with his asse;
And hadde gadred him a tasse
Of grene stickes and of dreie
To selle; who that wolde hem beie;    4960
As he which hadde no liflode;
Bot whanne he myhte such a lode
To toune with his Asse carie。
And as it fell him forto tarie
That ilke time nyh the pet;
And hath the trusse faste knet;
He herde a vois; which cride dimme;
And he his Ere to the brimme
Hath leid; and herde it was a man;
Which seide; 〃Ha; help hier Adrian;   4970
And I wol yiven half mi good。〃
The povere man this understod;
As he that wolde gladly winne;
And to this lord which was withinne
He spak and seide; 〃If I thee save;
What sikernesse schal I have
Of covenant; that afterward
Thou wolt me yive such reward
As thou behihtest nou tofore?〃
That other hath his othes swore    4980
Be hevene and be the goddes alle;
If that it myhte so befalle
That he out of the pet him broghte;
Of all the goodes whiche he oghte
He schal have evene halvendel。
This Bardus seide he wolde wel;
And with this word his Asse anon
He let untrusse; and therupon
Doun goth the corde into the pet;
To which he hath at ende knet       4990
A staf; wherby; he seide; he wolde
That Adrian him scholde holde。
Bot it was tho per chance falle;
Into that pet was also falle
An Ape; which at thilke throwe;
Whan that the corde cam doun lowe;
Al sodeinli therto he skipte
And it in bothe hise armes clipte。
And Bardus with his Asse anon
Him hath updrawe; and he is gon。   5000
But whan he sih it was an Ape;
He wende al hadde ben a jape
Of faierie; and sore him dradde:
And Adrian eftsone gradde
For help; and cride and preide faste;
And he eftsone his corde caste;
Bot whan it cam unto the grounde;
A gret Serpent it hath bewounde;
The which Bardus anon up drouh。
And thanne him thoghte wel ynouh;  5010
It was fantosme; bot yit he herde
The vois; and he therto ansuerde;
〃What wiht art thou in goddes name?〃
〃I am;〃 quod Adrian; 〃the same;
Whos good thou schalt have evene half。〃
Quod Bardus; 〃Thanne a goddes half
The thridde time assaie I schal〃:
And caste his corde forth withal
Into the pet; and whan it cam
To him; this lord of Rome it nam;  5020
And therupon him hath adresced;
And with his hand fulofte blessed;
And thanne he bad to Bardus hale。
And he; which understod his tale;
Betwen him and his Asse al softe
Hath drawe and set him up alofte
Withouten harm al esely。
He seith noght ones 〃grant merci;〃
Bot strauhte him forth to the cite;
And let this povere Bardus be。  5030
And natheles this simple man
His covenant; so as he can;
Hath axed; and that other seide;
If so be that he him umbreide
Of oght that hath b

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