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red eve-第13章

小说: red eve 字数: 每页3500字

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set a little 〃clout;〃 or target; of white wood; not more than two feet
square。 This clout had a red mark; or eye; three inches across;
painted in its centre; and stood not very high above the sward。

〃Now; Richard;〃 said the King; 〃three of the best archers that we have
about us have been chosen to shoot against you and each other by their
fellows。 Say; will you draw first or last?〃

〃Last; Sire;〃 he answered; 〃that I may know their mettle。〃

Then a man stepped forward; a strong and gallant looking fellow; and
loosed his three arrows。 The first missed the clout; the second
pierced the white wood; and the third hit the red eye。

The clout having been changed; and the old one brought to the King
with the arrows in it; the second man took his turn。 This time all
three of the arrows hit the mark; one of them being in the red。 Again
it was changed; and forth came the great archer of the guard; a tall
and clear…eyed man named Jack Green; and whom; it was said; none had
ever beaten。 He drew; and the arrow went home in the red on its left
edge。 He drew again; and the arrow went home in the red on its right
edge。 He drew a third time; and the arrow went home straight in the
very centre of the red; where was a little black spot。

Now a great laugh went up; since clearly the Suffolk man was beaten
ere ever he began。

〃Your Dick may do as well; he can do no better;〃 said the King; when
the target was brought to him。

Grey Dick looked at it。

〃A boon; your Grace;〃 said Dick。 〃Grant that this clout may be set up
again with the arrows fast。 Any may know them from mine since they are
grey; whereas those I make are black; for I am a fletcher in my spare
hours; and love my own handiwork。〃

〃So be it;〃 said the King; wondering; and the clout was replaced upon
its stand。

Now Grey Dick stretched himself; looked at the clout; looked at his
bow; and set a black…winged arrow on the string。 Then he drew; it
seemed but lightly and carelessly; as though he thought the distance
small。 Away flew the shaft; and sank into the red a good inch within
the leftmost arrow of Jack Green。

〃Ah;〃 said the onlookers; 〃a lucky shot indeed!〃

Again he drew; and again the arrow sank into the red; a good inch
within the rightmost shot of Jack Green。

〃Oh!〃 said the onlookers; 〃this man is an archer; but Jack's last he
cannot best; let the devil help him how he will。〃

〃In the devil's name; then; be silent!〃 wheezed Grey Dick; with a
flash of his half…opened eye。

〃Ay; be silentbe silent!〃 said the King。 〃We do not see such
shooting every day。〃

Now Dick set his foot apart and; arrow on string; thrice he lifted his
bow and thrice let it sink again; perhaps because he felt some breath
of wind stir the still air。 A fourth time he lifted; and drew; not as
he had before; but straight to the ear; then loosed at once。

Away rushed the yard…long shaft; and folk noted that it scarcely
seemed to rise as arrows do; or at least not half so high。 It rushed;
it smote; and there was silence; for none could see exactly what had
happened。 Then he who stood near the target to mark ran forward; and
screamed out:

〃By God's name; he has shattered Jack Green's centre arrow; and shot
/clean through the clout!/〃

Then from all sides rose the old archer cry; 〃/He; He! He; He!/〃 while
the young Prince threw his cap on high; and the King said:

〃Would that there were more such men as this in England! Jack Green;
it seems that you are beaten。〃

〃Nay;〃 said Grey Dick; seating himself again upon the grass; 〃there is
naught to choose between us in this round。 What next; your Grace?〃

Only Hugh; who watched him; saw the big veins swell beneath the pale
skin of his forehead; as they ever did when he was moved。

〃The war game;〃 said the King; 〃that is; if you will; for here rough
knocks may be going。 Set it out; one of you。〃

Then a captain of the archers explained this sport。 In short it was
that man should stand against man clad in leather jerkins; and wearing
a vizor to protect the face; and shoot at each other with blunt arrows
rubbed with chalk; he who first took what would have been a mortal
wound to be held worsted。

〃I like not blunted arrows;〃 said Grey Dick; 〃or; for the matter of
that; any other arrows save my own。 Against how many must I play? The

The captain nodded。

〃Then; by your leave; I will take them all at once。〃

Now some said that this was not fair; but in the end Dick won his
point; and those archers whom he had beaten; among them Jack Green;
were placed against him; standing five yards apart; and blunted arrows
served out to all。 Dick set one of them on the string; and laid the
two others in front of them。 Then a knight rode to halfway between
them; but a little to one side; and shouted: 〃Loose!〃

As the word struck his ear Dick shot with wonderful swiftness; and
almost as the arrow left the bow flung himself down; grasping another
as he fell。 Next instant; three shafts whistled over where he had
stood。 But his found its mark on the body of him at whom he had aimed;
causing the man to stagger backward and throw down his bow; as he was
bound to do; if hit。

Next instant Dick was up again and his second arrow flew; striking
full and fair before ever he at whom it was aimed had drawn。

Now there remained Jack Green alone; and; as Dick set the third arrow;
but before he could draw; Jack Green shot。

〃Beat!〃 said Dick; and stood quite still。

At him rushed the swift shaft; and passed over his shoulder within a
hairbreadth of his ear。 Then came Dick's turn。 On Jack Green's cap was
an archer's plume。

〃Mark the plume; lords;〃 he said; and lo! the feather leapt from that

Now there was silence。 No one spoke; but Dick drew out three more

〃Tell me; captain;〃 he said; 〃is your ground marked out in scores; and
what is the farthest that any one of you has sent a flighting shot?〃

〃Ay;〃 answered the officer; 〃and twenty score and one yard is the
farthest; nor has that been done for many a day。〃

Dick steadied himself; and seemed to fill his lungs with air。 Then;
stretching his long arms to the full; he drew the great bow till the
horns looked as though they came quite close together; and loosed。
High and far flew that shaft; men's eyes could scarcely follow it; and
all must wait long before a man came running to say where it had

〃Twenty score and two yards!〃 he cried。

〃Not much to win by;〃 grunted Dick; 〃though enough。 I have done twenty
and one score once; but that was somewhat downhill。〃

Then; while the silence still reigned; he set the second arrow on the
string; and waited; as though he knew not what to do。 Presently; about
fifty paces from him; a wood dove flew from out a tree and; as such
birds do at the first breath of spring; for the day was mild and
sunny; hovered a moment in the air ere it dipped toward a great fir
where doubtless it had built for years。 Never; poor fowl; was it
destined to build again; for as it turned its beak downward Dick's
shaft pierced it through and through and bore it onward to the earth。

Still in the midst of a great silence; Dick took up his quiver and
emptied it on the ground; then gave it to the captain of the archers;

〃And you will; step sixty; nay; seventy paces; and set this mouth
upward in the grass where a man may see it well。〃

The captain did so; propping the quiver straight with stones and a bit
of wood。 Then; having studied all things with his eyes; Dick shot
upward; but softly。 Making a gentle curve; the arrow turned in the air
as it drew near the quiver; and fell into its mouth; striking it flat。

〃Ill done;〃 grumbled Dick; 〃had I shot well; it should have been
pinned to earth。 Well; yon shadow baulked me; and it might have been

Then he unstrung his bow; and slipped it into its case。

Now; at length; the silence was broken; and in good earnest。 Men;
especially those of Dunwich; screamed and shouted; hurling up their
caps。 Jack Green; for all jealousy was forgotten at the sight of this
wondrous skill; ran to Dick; clasped him in his arms; and; dragging
the badge from off his breast; tried to pin it to his rough doublet。
The young Prince came and clapped him on the shoulder; saying:

〃Be my man! Be my man!〃

But Dick only growled; 〃Paws off! What have I done that I have not
done a score of times before with no fine folk to watch me? I shot to
please my master and for the honour of Suffolk; not for you; and
because some dogs keep their tails too tightly curled。〃

〃A sulky fellow;〃 said the Prince; 〃but; by heaven; I like him!〃

Then the King pushed his horse through the throng; and all fell back
before his Grace。

〃Richard Archer;〃 he said; 〃never has such marksmanship as yours been
seen in England since we sat upon the throne; nor shall it go
unrewarded。 The twenty angels that you said you would stake last night
shall be paid to you by the treasurer of our household。 Moreover; here
is a gift from Edward of England; the friend of archers; that you may
be pleased to wear;〃 and taking his velvet cap from off his head; the
King unpinned from it a golden arrow of which the barbed head was cut
from a ruby; and gave it to him。

〃I thank you; Sire;〃 said Dick; his pale skin flushing with pride and
pleasure。 〃I'll wear it while I live; and may the sight of it mean
death to many of your enemies。〃

〃Without doubt it will; and that ere long; Richard; for know you that
soon we sail again for France; whence the tempest held us back; and it
is my pleasure that you sail with us。 Therefore I name you one of our
fletchers; with place about our person in our bodyguard of archers。
Jack Green will show you your quarters; and instruct you in your
duties; and soon you shall match your skill against his again; but
next time with Frenchmen for your targets。〃

〃Sire;〃 said Dick; very slowly; 〃take back your arrow; for I cannot do
as you will。〃

〃Why; man? Are you a Frenchman?〃 asked the King; angrily; for he was
not wont to have his favours thus refused。

〃My mother never told me so; Sire; although I don't know for certain
who my father may have been。 Still; I think not; since I hate the
sight of that breed as a farmer's dog hates rats。 But; Sire; I have a
good master; and do not wish to change him for one who; saving your
presence; may prove a worse; since King's favour on Monday has been
known to mean King's halter on Tuesday。 Did you not promise to whip me
round your walls last night unless I shot as well as I thought I
could; and now do you not change your face and give me golden arrows?〃

At these bold words a roar of laughter went up from all who heard
them; in which the King himself joined heartily enough。

〃Silence!〃 he cried presently。 〃This yeoman's tongue is as sharp as
his shafts。 I am pierced。 Let us hear whom he will hit next。〃

〃You again; Sire; I think;〃 went on Dick; 〃because; after the fashion
of kings; you are unjust。 You praise me for my shooting; whereas you
should praise God; seeing that it is no merit of mine; but a gift He
gave me at my birth in place of much which He withheld。 Moreover; my
master there;〃 and he pointed to Hugh; 〃who has just done you better
service than hi

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