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northanger abbey-第11章

小说: northanger abbey 字数: 每页3500字

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years after it is fairly worn out。  Lord bless you! I

would undertake for five pounds to drive it to York

and back again; without losing a nail。〃

     Catherine listened with astonishment; she knew

not how to reconcile two such very different accounts

of the same thing; for she had not been brought up

to understand the propensities of a rattle; nor to know

to how many idle assertions and impudent falsehoods the

excess of vanity will lead。  Her own family were plain;

matter…of…fact people who seldom aimed at wit of any kind;

her father; at the utmost; being contented with a pun;

and her mother with a proverb; they were not in the habit

therefore of telling lies to increase their importance;

or of asserting at one moment what they would contradict

the next。  She reflected on the affair for some time

in much perplexity; and was more than once on the point

of requesting from Mr。 Thorpe a clearer insight into his

real opinion on the subject; but she checked herself;

because it appeared to her that he did not excel in giving

those clearer insights; in making those things plain

which he had before made ambiguous; and; joining to this;

the consideration that he would not really suffer

his sister and his friend to be exposed to a danger

from which he might easily preserve them; she concluded

at last that he must know the carriage to be in fact

perfectly safe; and therefore would alarm herself no longer。 

By him the whole matter seemed entirely forgotten;

and all the rest of his conversation; or rather talk;

began and ended with himself and his own concerns。 

He told her of horses which he had bought for a trifle

and sold for incredible sums; of racing matches;

in which his judgment had infallibly foretold the winner;

of shooting parties; in which he had killed more birds

(though without having one good shot) than all his

companions together; and described to her some famous

day's sport; with the fox…hounds; in which his foresight

and skill in directing the dogs had repaired the mistakes

of the most experienced huntsman; and in which the boldness

of his riding; though it had never endangered his own

life for a moment; had been constantly leading others

into difficulties; which he calmly concluded had broken

the necks of many。 

     Little as Catherine was in the habit of judging

for herself; and unfixed as were her general notions of what

men ought to be; she could not entirely repress a doubt;

while she bore with the effusions of his endless conceit;

of his being altogether completely agreeable。  It was a

bold surmise; for he was Isabella's brother; and she had

been assured by James that his manners would recommend him

to all her sex; but in spite of this; the extreme weariness

of his company; which crept over her before they had been

out an hour; and which continued unceasingly to increase

till they stopped in Pulteney Street again; induced her;

in some small degree; to resist such high authority;

and to distrust his powers of giving universal pleasure。 

     When they arrived at Mrs。 Allen's door; the astonishment

of Isabella was hardly to be expressed; on finding that it

was too late in the day for them to attend her friend into

the house: 〃Past three o'clock!〃 It was inconceivable;

incredible; impossible! And she would neither believe her

own watch; nor her brother's; nor the servant's; she would

believe no assurance of it founded on reason or reality;

till Morland produced his watch; and ascertained the fact;

to have doubted a moment longer then would have been

equally inconceivable; incredible; and impossible;

and she could only protest; over and over again; that no

two hours and a half had ever gone off so swiftly before;

as Catherine was called on to confirm; Catherine could not

tell a falsehood even to please Isabella; but the latter

was spared the misery of her friend's dissenting voice;

by not waiting for her answer。  Her own feelings entirely

engrossed her; her wretchedness was most acute on finding

herself obliged to go directly home。  It was ages since she

had had a moment's conversation with her dearest Catherine;

and; though she had such thousands of things to say to her;

it appeared as if they were never to be together again;

so; with sniffles of most exquisite misery; and the laughing

eye of utter despondency; she bade her friend adieu and went on。 

     Catherine found Mrs。 Allen just returned from all

the busy idleness of the morning; and was immediately

greeted with; 〃Well; my dear; here you are;〃 a truth

which she had no greater inclination than power to dispute;

〃and I hope you have had a pleasant airing?〃

     〃Yes; ma'am; I thank you; we could not have had

a nicer day。〃

     〃So Mrs。 Thorpe said; she was vastly pleased

at your all going。〃

     〃You have seen Mrs。 Thorpe; then?〃

     〃Yes; I went to the pump…room as soon as you were gone;

and there I met her; and we had a great deal of talk together。 

She says there was hardly any veal to be got at market

this morning; it is so uncommonly scarce。〃

     〃Did you see anybody else of our acquaintance?〃

     〃Yes; we agreed to take a turn in the Crescent;

and there we met Mrs。 Hughes; and Mr。 and Miss Tilney

walking with her。〃

     〃Did you indeed? And did they speak to you?〃

     〃Yes; we walked along the Crescent together for half

an hour。  They seem very agreeable people。  Miss Tilney

was in a very pretty spotted muslin; and I fancy; by what I

can learn; that she always dresses very handsomely。 

Mrs。 Hughes talked to me a great deal about the family。〃

     〃And what did she tell you of them?〃

     〃Oh! A vast deal indeed; she hardly talked of anything else。〃

     〃Did she tell you what part of Gloucestershire they

come from?〃

     〃Yes; she did; but I cannot recollect now。  But they

are very good kind of people; and very rich。  Mrs。 Tilney was

a Miss Drummond; and she and Mrs。 Hughes were schoolfellows;

and Miss Drummond had a very large fortune; and; when she

married; her father gave her twenty thousand pounds;

and five hundred to buy wedding…clothes。 Mrs。 Hughes

saw all the clothes after they came from the warehouse。〃

     〃And are Mr。 and Mrs。 Tilney in Bath?〃

     〃Yes; I fancy they are; but I am not quite certain。 

Upon recollection; however; I have a notion they are both dead;

at least the mother is; yes; I am sure Mrs。 Tilney is dead;

because Mrs。 Hughes told me there was a very beautiful

set of pearls that Mr。 Drummond gave his daughter on her

wedding…day and that Miss Tilney has got now; for they

were put by for her when her mother died。〃

     〃And is Mr。 Tilney; my partner; the only son?〃

     〃I cannot be quite positive about that; my dear;

I have some idea he is; but; however; he is a very fine

young man; Mrs。 Hughes says; and likely to do very well。〃

     Catherine inquired no further; she had heard enough

to feel that Mrs。 Allen had no real intelligence to give;

and that she was most particularly unfortunate herself

in having missed such a meeting with both brother

and sister。  Could she have foreseen such a circumstance;

nothing should have persuaded her to go out with the others;

and; as it was; she could only lament her ill luck;

and think over what she had lost; till it was clear

to her that the drive had by no means been very pleasant

and that John Thorpe himself was quite disagreeable。 


     The Allens; Thorpes; and Morlands all met in the

evening at the theatre; and; as Catherine and Isabella

sat together; there was then an opportunity for the

latter to utter some few of the many thousand things

which had been collecting within her for communication

in the immeasurable length of time which had divided them。 

〃Oh; heavens! My beloved Catherine; have I got you at last?〃

was her address on Catherine's entering the box and sitting

by her。  〃Now; Mr。 Morland;〃 for he was close to her on

the other side; 〃I shall not speak another word to you all

the rest of the evening; so I charge you not to expect it。 

My sweetest Catherine; how have you been this long age? But

I need not ask you; for you look delightfully。  You really

have done your hair in a more heavenly style than ever;

you mischievous creature; do you want to attract everybody?

I assure you; my brother is quite in love with you already;

and as for Mr。 Tilneybut that is a settled thingeven

your modesty cannot doubt his attachment now; his coming

back to Bath makes it too plain。  Oh! What would not I

give to see him! I really am quite wild with impatience。 

My mother says he is the most delightful young man in

the world; she saw him this morning; you know; you must

introduce him to me。  Is he in the house now? Look about;

for heaven's sake! I assure you; I can hardly exist till I

see him。〃

     〃No;〃 said Catherine; 〃he is not here; I cannot see

him anywhere。〃

     〃Oh; horrid! Am I never to be acquainted with him?

How do you like my gown? I think it does not look amiss;

the sleeves were entirely my own thought。  Do you know;

I get so immoderately sick of Bath; your brother and I

were agreeing this morning that; though it is vastly

well to be here for a few weeks; we would not live

here for millions。  We soon found out that our tastes

were exactly alike in preferring the country to every

other place; really; our opinions were so exactly the same;

it was quite ridiculous! There was not a single point in

which we differed; I would not have had you by for the world;

you are such a sly thing; I am sure you would have made

some droll remark or other about it。〃

     〃No; indeed I should not。〃

     〃Oh; yes you would indeed; I know you better than you

know yourself。  You would have told us that we seemed

born for each other; or some nonsense of that kind;

which would have distressed me beyond conception;

my cheeks would have been as red as your roses; I would

not have had you by for the world。〃


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