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小说: 远大前程 字数: 每页3500字

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s quite annoyed with me about it.

‘Really, Mr Pip, to lose so much cash!’ he said.‘You see,Compeyson was so determined to get his revenge that you couldn't have saved Magwitch. But you certainly could have saved the cash.That's the difference. But could I ask you something, Mr Pip? Would you come for a walk with me on Monday morning?’

It seemed a strange request, and although I did not really feel like accepting, he politely insisted.

I arrived at the Castle early on Monday morning, and after a glass of rum and milk, we set out on the road.

‘Well,well!’ said Wemmick suddenly.‘Here's a church!Let's go in!’And when we were inside,there was another surprise.

‘Well,well!’ he said again.‘Look what I've found in my pockets!Let's put them on!’As he had‘found’two pairs of white gloves,and his post…box mouth was as wide as it could possibly be,I began to suspect something.And when I saw the Aged come in with a lady,I knew I was right.

‘Well,well!’said Wemmick,still pretending to be sur…prised,‘here's the Aged,and Miss Skiffins! Let's have a wedding!’

And so wemmick was married to Miss Skiffins, and we all celebrated afterwards at a little pub near the church.

I was delighted for Wemmick,but I could not stop worrying about Magwitch.He had been so badly injured that he was moved to the prison hospital,where I visited him every day.I read to him, and talked to him, and did everything I could to make him comfortable. But day by day I watched him becom…ing weaker,although he never complained.To the prison guards he was a dangerous criminal, but to me he was an un…fortunate man,who had at least some goodness in him.I could not leave him now.

At his trial Jaggers was proved right. The judge decided that Magwitch,a convict sent away for life who had returned,must be hanged.I could not accept this terrible punishment,and wrote to all the important people I could think of, asking for mercy for Magwitch.But all of them refused to help.

I noticed,on my daily visits to him, that he was getting much worse.He lay in bed,looking calmly at the white ceiling.Sometimes he could not speak,and just pressed my hand.One evening as I entered his room, he smiled weakly at me.

‘Dear boy,’he said,‘you're never late.’

‘I don't want to lose a moment of the time I'm allowed to visit you,’I said.

‘Thank you, dear boy.God bless you!You've never de serted me,dear boy!’ He had spoken his last words.

I touched his chest,remembering that I had wanted to desert him once.He put both his hands on mine.

‘Dear Magwitch,listen to me.You had a child once, who you loved and lost.’He pressed my hand gently.‘She's alive.She's a lady and very beautiful.And I love her!’

He was too weak to speak any more, but he just managed to lift my hand to his lips.Then he looked peacefully up at the white ceiling again.Slowly his eyes closed and his head dropped quietly on to his chest.


19  A wedding


The excitement of all these events made me seriously ill for several weeks.Herbert was abroad, on business for Clarrikers,and there would have been nobody to look after me, if Joe bad not heard about my illness and come to London to nurse me.

When I was getting better, he told me some of the local news.Miss Havisham had died,and left all her fortune to Estella,except for£4000,which Matthew Pocket inherited.And Orlick had been arrested for breaking into Pumblechook's house and stealing his money.Dear old Joe seemed just the same, but as I got better,he began to remember I was a gentleman,and call me sir again,and when I got up one morning,I discovered he had gone.

I decided to go back to the village,to thank him for all his help,and to carry out a plan I had been considering for some time.I wanted to ask Biddy to marry me,and I knew I would be happy with her.So I went by coach to the old town,as I had done so many times before, and walked to the forge. But as I came closer,I could not hear the sound of Joe's hammer,and I noticed fresh white curtains at the windows, and bright flowers everywhere.Suddenly I saw Biddy and Joe at the door,arm in arm.

‘Pip!’cried Biddy happily,running to kiss me.‘Pip,it's my wedding day,and I'm married to Joe!’

I was still weak from my illness, and the shock was too much for me.They had to help me into the house and let me rest in a chair. They were both so pleased that I had come, by accident,to make their day perfect.I could only be glad that I had never spoken of my plan to Joe, when he was looking after me.

‘Dear Biddy,’I said,‘you have the best husband in the whole world.’

‘I couldn't love him more than I do,’ she replied.

‘And dear Joe, you have the best wife in the world, and she will make you as happy as even you deserve to be, dear good Joe!’Joe put his arm over his eyes.‘And Joe and Biddy, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you've done for me. Tell me you forgive me for not being grateful,and not being good. And think better of me in the future!’

‘Oh dear old Pip,’said Joe,‘God knows we forgive you,if there is anything to forgive!’

So I left the forge,and started a new life, working as a clerk for Clarrikers,Herbert's company. I was sent to the new office in India to take charge,while Herbert came back to England to marry his Clara.

Herbert and his wife invited me to live with them, and we all stayed out in India for many years.In the end I too became a partner in the company.We worked hard and honestly, and made good profits.

It was not until eleven years later that I returned to England and saw Biddy and Joe again,although I had been writing regularly to them.One evening in December I gently pushed open the old kitchen door, and there,sitting by the fire next to Joe,in my old place,was…Pip!Joe and Biddy's son had my name and looked just like me.They also had a little daughter,and were the happiest of parents.

‘Dear Pip,’said Biddy quietly to me after supper,‘have you quite forgotten her? Tell me, as an old friend.’

‘My dear Biddy,I can never forget her. But that was all a dream, which has passed!’

But I was secretly planning to revisit Miss Havisham's old house, alone, as a way of remembering Estella. I had heard that her husband had been very cruel to her.They had separated,and then he had died two years ago.Perhaps she had remarried by now.

The old house had been knocked down, and there was nothing left but piles of stones in the garden. In the moonlight I walked sadly around,until suddenly I saw a woman's figure in the shadows.I went closer and then——

‘Estella!’I cried.

‘You recognize me?I have changed a lot,’she answered.

She was older,but still beautiful.I had never before seen such a soft light in those once proud eyes,or felt such a friend…ly touch of her once cold hand.

‘It's strange, Estella! Afer so many years,we meet by chance,here,where we first met!’

‘Yes,it's strange.I haven't been here for years,although the land belongs to me.But tell me,you still live abroad?’

‘Yes,I still do.I'm doing well in India.’

‘I've often thought of you.Since…my husband…died,I have given you a place in my heart.’

‘You have always held your place in my heart,I answered.

There was silence for a few moments.

‘I didn't think I would say goodbye to you here,’she said.

‘It's painful saying goodbye,Estella.’

‘But last time you said,“God bless you, God forgive you!”You could say that to me now, now that I understand how much you loved me, now that I have suffered, now that I am a better person.Tell me we are friends.’She spoke more eagerly than I had ever heard her speak before.

‘We are friends,’ I said,taking her hand.

‘And will continue being friends,even when we are apart,’said Estella.

We walked,hand in hand, out of the old garden.As the morning mist had risen long ago when I first left the forge,so the evening mist was rising now,and in the clear moonlight I saw no shadow of another separation from her.



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