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The childish and savage taste of men and women for new patterns
keeps how many shaking and squinting through kaleidoscopes that they
may discover the particular figure which this generation requires
today。 The manufacturers have learned that this taste is merely
whimsical。 Of two patterns which differ only by a few threads more
or less of a particular color; the one will be sold readily; the
other lie on the shelf; though it frequently happens that after the
lapse of a season the latter becomes the most fashionable。
Comparatively; tattooing is not the hideous custom which it is
called。 It is not barbarous merely because the printing is
skin…deep and unalterable。
I cannot believe that our factory system is the best mode by
which men may get clothing。 The condition of the operatives is
becoming every day more like that of the English; and it cannot be
wondered at; since; as far as I have heard or observed; the
principal object is; not that mankind may be well and honestly clad;
but; unquestionably; that corporations may be enriched。 In the long
run men hit only what they aim at。 Therefore; though they should
fail immediately; they had better aim at something high。
As for a Shelter; I will not deny that this is now a necessary
of life; though there are instances of men having done without it
for long periods in colder countries than this。 Samuel Laing says
that 〃the Laplander in his skin dress; and in a skin bag which he
puts over his head and shoulders; will sleep night after night on
the snow 。。。 in a degree of cold which would extinguish the life of
one exposed to it in any woollen clothing。〃 He had seen them asleep
thus。 Yet he adds; 〃They are not hardier than other people。〃 But;
probably; man did not live long on the earth without discovering the
convenience which there is in a house; the domestic comforts; which
phrase may have originally signified the satisfactions of the house
more than of the family; though these must be extremely partial and
occasional in those climates where the house is associated in our
thoughts with winter or the rainy season chiefly; and two thirds of
the year; except for a parasol; is unnecessary。 In our climate; in
the summer; it was formerly almost solely a covering at night。 In
the Indian gazettes a wigwam was the symbol of a day's march; and a
row of them cut or painted on the bark of a tree signified that so
many times they had camped。 Man was not made so large limbed and
robust but that he must seek to narrow his world and wall in a space
such as fitted him。 He was at first bare and out of doors; but
though this was pleasant enough in serene and warm weather; by
daylight; the rainy season and the winter; to say nothing of the
torrid sun; would perhaps have nipped his race in the bud if he had
not made haste to clothe himself with the shelter of a house。 Adam
and Eve; according to the fable; wore the bower before other
clothes。 Man wanted a home; a place of warmth; or comfort; first of
warmth; then the warmth of the affections。
We may imagine a time when; in the infancy of the human race;
some enterprising mortal crept into a hollow in a rock for shelter。
Every child begins the world again; to some extent; and loves to
stay outdoors; even in wet and cold。 It plays house; as well as
horse; having an instinct for it。 Who does not remember the
interest with which; when young; he looked at shelving rocks; or any
approach to a cave? It was the natural yearning of that portion;
any portion of our most primitive ancestor which still survived in
us。 From the cave we have advanced to roofs of palm leaves; of bark
and boughs; of linen woven and stretched; of grass and straw; of
boards and shingles; of stones and tiles。 At last; we know not what
it is to live in the open air; and our lives are domestic in more
senses than we think。 From the hearth the field is a great
distance。 It would be well; perhaps; if we were to spend more of
our days and nights without any obstruction between us and the
celestial bodies; if the poet did not speak so much from under a
roof; or the saint dwell there so long。 Birds do not sing in caves;
nor do doves cherish their innocence in dovecots。
However; if one designs to construct a dwelling…house; it
behooves him to exercise a little Yankee shrewdness; lest after all
he find himself in a workhouse; a labyrinth without a clue; a
museum; an almshouse; a prison; or a splendid mausoleum instead。
Consider first how slight a shelter is absolutely necessary。 I have
seen Penobscot Indians; in this town; living in tents of thin cotton
cloth; while the snow was nearly a foot deep around them; and I
thought that they would be glad to have it deeper to keep out the
wind。 Formerly; when how to get my living honestly; with freedom
left for my proper pursuits; was a question which vexed me even more
than it does now; for unfortunately I am become somewhat callous; I
used to see a large box by the railroad; six feet long by three
wide; in which the laborers locked up their tools at night; and it
suggested to me that every man who was hard pushed might get such a
one for a dollar; and; having bored a few auger holes in it; to
admit the air at least; get into it when it rained and at night; and
hook down the lid; and so have freedom in his love; and in his soul
be free。 This did not appear the worst; nor by any means a
despicable alternative。 You could sit up as late as you pleased;
and; whenever you got up; go abroad without any landlord or
house…lord dogging you for rent。 Many a man is harassed to death to
pay the rent of a larger and more luxurious box who would not have
frozen to death in such a box as this。 I am far from jesting。
Economy is a subject which admits of being treated with levity; but
it cannot so be disposed of。 A comfortable house for a rude and
hardy race; that lived mostly out of doors; was once made here
almost entirely of such materials as Nature furnished ready to their
hands。 Gookin; who was superintendent of the Indians subject to the
Massachusetts Colony; writing in 1674; says; 〃The best of their
houses are covered very neatly; tight and warm; with barks of trees;
slipped from their bodies at those seasons when the sap is up; and
made into great flakes; with pressure of weighty timber; when they
are green。。。。 The meaner sort are covered with mats which they make
of a kind of bulrush; and are also indifferently tight and warm; but
not so good as the former。。。。 Some I have seen; sixty or a hundred
feet long and thirty feet broad。。。。 I have often lodged in their
wigwams; and found them as warm as the best English houses。〃 He
adds that they were commonly carpeted and lined within with
well…wrought embroidered mats; and were furnished with various
utensils。 The Indians had advanced so far as to regulate the effect
of the wind by a mat suspended over the hole in the roof and moved
by a string。 Such a lodge was in the first instance constructed in
a day or two at most; and taken down and put up in a few hours; and
every family owned one; or its apartment in one。
In the savage state every family owns a shelter as good as the
best; and sufficient for its coarser and simpler wants; but I think
that I speak within bounds when I say that; though the birds of the
air have their nests; and the foxes their holes; and the savages
their wigwams; in modern civilized society not more than one half
the families own a shelter。 In the large towns and cities; where
civilization especially prevails; the number of those who own a
shelter is a very small fraction of the whole。 The rest pay an
annual tax for this outside garment of all; become indispensable
summer and winter; which would buy a village of Indian wigwams; but
now helps to keep them poor as long as they live。 I do not mean to
insist here on the disadvantage of hiring compared with owning; but
it is evident that the savage owns his shelter because it costs so
little; while the civilized man hires his commonly because he cannot
afford to own it; nor can he; in the long run; any better afford to
hire。 But; answers one; by merely paying this tax; the poor
civilized man secures an abode which is a palace compared with the
savage's。 An annual rent of from twenty…five to a hundred dollars
(these are the country rates) entitles him to the benefit of the
improvements of centuries; spacious apartments; clean paint and
paper; Rumford fire…place; back plastering; Venetian blinds; copper
pump; spring lock; a commodious cellar; and many other things。 But
how happens it that he who is said to enjoy these things is so
commonly a poor civilized man; while the savage; who has them not;
is rich as a savage? If it is asserted that civilization is a real
advance in the condition of man and I think that it is; though
only the wise improve their advantages it must be shown that it
has produced better dwellings without making them more costly; and
the cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is
required to be exchanged for it; immediately or in the long run。 An
average house in this neighborhood costs perhaps eight hundred
dollars; and to lay up this sum will take from ten to fifteen years
of the laborer's life; even if he is not encumbered with a family
estimating the pecuniary value of every man's labor at one dollar a
day; for if some receive more; others receive less; so that he
must have spent more than half his life commonly before his wigwam
will be earned。 If we suppose him to pay a rent instead; this is
but a doubtful choice of evils。 Would the savage have been wise to
exchange his wigwam for a palace on these terms?
It may be guessed that I reduce almost the whole advantage of
holding this superfluous property as a fund in store against the
future; so far as the individual is concerned; mainly to the
defraying of funeral expenses。 But perhaps a man is not required to
bury himself。 Nevertheless this points to an important distinction
between the civilized man and the savage; and; no doubt; they have
designs on us for our benefit; in making the life of a civilized
people an institution; in which the life of the individual is to a
great extent absorbed; in order to preserve and perfect that of the
race。 But I wish to show at what a sacrifice this advantage is at
present obtained; and to suggest that we may possibly so live as to
secure all the advantage without suffering any of the disadvantage。
What mean ye by saying that the poor ye have always with you; or
that the fathers have eaten sour grapes; and the children's teeth
are set on edge?
〃As I live; saith the Lord God; ye shall not have occasion any
more to use this proverb in Israel。
〃Behold all souls are mine; as the soul of the father; so also
the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth; it