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on memory and reminiscence-第3章

小说: on memory and reminiscence 字数: 每页3500字

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impulse to move sometimes in the required direction; and at other

times otherwise; (doing the latter) particularly when something else

somehow deflects the mind from the right direction and attracts it

to itself。 This last consideration explains too how it happens that;

when we want to remember a name; we remember one somewhat like it;

indeed; but blunder in reference to (i。e。 in pronouncing) the one we


  Thus; then; recollection takes place。

  But the point of capital importance is that (for the purpose of

recollection) one should cognize; determinately or indeterminately;

the time…relation (of that which he wishes to recollect)。 There

is;…let it be taken as a fact;…something by which one distinguishes

a greater and a smaller time; and it is reasonable to think that one

does this in a way analogous to that in which one discerns (spacial)

magnitudes。 For it is not by the mind's reaching out towards them;

as some say a visual ray from the eye does (in seeing); that one

thinks of large things at a distance in space (for even if they are

not there; one may similarly think them); but one does so by a

proportionate mental movement。 For there are in the mind the like

figures and movements (i。e。 'like' to those of objects and events)。

Therefore; when one thinks the greater objects; in what will his

thinking those differ from his thinking the smaller? (In nothing;)

because all the internal though smaller are as it were proportional to

the external。 Now; as we may assume within a person something

proportional to the forms (of distant magnitudes); so; too; we may

doubtless assume also something else proportional to their

distances。 As; therefore; if one has (psychically) the movement in AB;

BE; he constructs in thought (i。e。 knows objectively) GD; since AG and

GD bear equal ratios respectively (to AB and BE); (so he who

recollects also proceeds)。 Why then does he construct GD rather than

ZH? Is it not because as AG is to AB; so is O to I? These movements

therefore (sc。 in AB; BE; and in O:I) he has simultaneously。 But if he

wishes to construct to thought ZH; he has in mind BE in like manner as

before (when constructing GD); but now; instead of (the movements of

the ratio) O:I; he has in mind (those of the ratio K:L; for

K:L::ZA:BA。 (See diagram。)

  When; therefore; the 'movement' corresponding to the object and that

corresponding to its time concur; then one actually remembers。 If

one supposes (himself to move in these different but concurrent

ways) without really doing so; he supposes himself to remember。

  For one may be mistaken; and think that he remembers when he

really does not。 But it is not possible; conversely; that when one

actually remembers he should not suppose himself to remember; but

should remember unconsciously。 For remembering; as we have conceived

it; essentially implies consciousness of itself。 If; however; the

movement corresponding to the objective fact takes place without

that corresponding to the time; or; if the latter takes place

without the former; one does not remember。

  The movement answering to the time is of two kinds。 Sometimes in

remembering a fact one has no determinate time…notion of it; no such

notion as that e。g。 he did something or other on the day before

yesterday; while in other cases he has a determinate notion…of the

time。 Still; even though one does not remember with actual

determination of the time; he genuinely remembers; none the less。

Persons are wont to say that they remember (something); but yet do not

know when (it occurred; as happens) whenever they do not know

determinately the exact length of time implied in the 'when'。

  It has been already stated that those who have a good memory are not

identical with those who are quick at recollecting。 But the act of

recollecting differs from that of remembering; not only

chronologically; but also in this; that many also of the other animals

(as well as man) have memory; but; of all that we are acquainted with;

none; we venture to say; except man; shares in the faculty of

recollection。 The cause of this is that recollection is; as it were

a mode of inference。 For he who endeavours to recollect infers that he

formerly saw; or heard; or had some such experience; and the process

(by which he succeeds in recollecting) is; as it were; a sort of

investigation。 But to investigate in this way belongs naturally to

those animals alone which are also endowed with the faculty of

deliberation; (which proves what was said above); for deliberation

is a form of inference。

  That the affection is corporeal; i。e。 that recollection is a

searching for an 'image' in a corporeal substrate; is proved by the

fact that in some persons; when; despite the most strenuous

application of thought; they have been unable to recollect; it (viz。

the anamnesis = the effort at recollection) excites a feeling of

discomfort; which; even though they abandon the effort at

recollection; persists in them none the less; and especially in

persons of melancholic temperament。 For these are most powerfully

moved by presentations。 The reason why the effort of recollection is

not under the control of their will is that; as those who throw a

stone cannot stop it at their will when thrown; so he who tries to

recollect and 'hunts' (after an idea) sets up a process in a

material part; (that) in which resides the affection。 Those who have

moisture around that part which is the centre of sense…perception

suffer most discomfort of this kind。 For when once the moisture has

been set in motion it is not easily brought to rest; until the idea

which was sought for has again presented itself; and thus the movement

has found a straight course。 For a similar reason bursts of anger or

fits of terror; when once they have excited such motions; are not at

once allayed; even though the angry or terrified persons (by efforts

of will) set up counter motions; but the passions continue to move

them on; in the same direction as at first; in opposition to such

counter motions。 The affection resembles also that in the case of

words; tunes; or sayings; whenever one of them has become inveterate

on the lips。 People give them up and resolve to avoid them; yet

again they find themselves humming the forbidden air; or using the

prohibited word。 Those whose upper parts are abnormally large; as。

is the case with dwarfs; have abnormally weak memory; as compared with

their opposites; because of the great weight which they have resting

upon the organ of perception; and because their mnemonic movements

are; from the very first; not able to keep true to a course; but are

dispersed; and because; in the effort at recollection; these movements

do not easily find a direct onward path。 Infants and very old

persons have bad memories; owing to the amount of movement going on

within them; for the latter are in process of rapid decay; the

former in process of vigorous growth; and we may add that children;

until considerably advanced in years; are dwarf…like in their bodily

structure。 Such then is our theory as regards memory and remembering

their nature; and the particular organ of the soul by which animals

remember; also as regards recollection; its formal definition; and the

manner and causes…of its performance。

                                   …THE END…

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