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lay morals-第6章

小说: lay morals 字数: 每页3500字

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atchwords;  and been looking at morals on a certain system; it was a pity  to lose an opportunity of testing the catchwords; and seeing  whether; by this system as well as by others; current  doctrines could show any probable justification。  If the  doctrines had come too badly out of the trial; it would have  condemned the system。  Our sight of the world is very narrow;  the mind but a pedestrian instrument; there's nothing new  under the sun; as Solomon says; except the man himself; and  though that changes the aspect of everything else; yet he  must see the same things as other people; only from a  different side。

And now; having admitted so much; let us turn to criticism。

If you teach a man to keep his eyes upon what others think of  him; unthinkingly to lead the life and hold the principles of  the majority of his contemporaries; you must discredit in his  eyes the one authoritative voice of his own soul。  He may be  a docile citizen; he will never be a man。  It is ours; on the  other hand; to disregard this babble and chattering of other  men better and worse than we are; and to walk straight before  us by what light we have。  They may be right; but so; before  heaven; are we。  They may know; but we know also; and by that  knowledge we must stand or fall。  There is such a thing as  loyalty to a man's own better self; and from those who have  not that; God help me; how am I to look for loyalty to  others?  The most dull; the most imbecile; at a certain  moment turn round; at a certain point will hear no further  argument; but stand unflinching by their own dumb; irrational  sense of right。  It is not only by steel or fire; but through  contempt and blame; that the martyr fulfils the calling of  his dear soul。  Be glad if you are not tried by such  extremities。  But although all the world ranged themselves in  one line to tell you 'This is wrong;' be you your own  faithful vassal and the ambassador of God … throw down the  glove and answer 'This is right。'  Do you think you are only  declaring yourself?  Perhaps in some dim way; like a child  who delivers a message not fully understood; you are opening  wider the straits of prejudice and preparing mankind for some  truer and more spiritual grasp of truth; perhaps; as you  stand forth for your own judgment; you are covering a  thousand weak ones with your body; perhaps; by this  declaration alone; you have avoided the guilt of false  witness against humanity and the little ones unborn。  It is  good; I believe; to be respectable; but much nobler to  respect oneself and utter the voice of God。  God; if there be  any God; speaks daily in a new language by the tongues of  men; the thoughts and habits of each fresh generation and  each new…coined spirit throw another light upon the universe  and contain another commentary on the printed Bibles; every  scruple; every true dissent; every glimpse of something new;  is a letter of God's alphabet; and though there is a grave  responsibility for all who speak; is there none for those who  unrighteously keep silence and conform?  Is not that also to  conceal and cloak God's counsel?  And how should we regard  the man of science who suppressed all facts that would not  tally with the orthodoxy of the hour?

Wrong?  You are as surely wrong as the sun rose this morning  round the revolving shoulder of the world。  Not truth; but  truthfulness; is the good of your endeavour。  For when will  men receive that first part and prerequisite of truth; that;  by the order of things; by the greatness of the universe; by  the darkness and partiality of man's experience; by the  inviolate secrecy of God; kept close in His most open  revelations; every man is; and to the end of the ages must  be; wrong?  Wrong to the universe; wrong to mankind; wrong to  God。  And yet in another sense; and that plainer and nearer;  every man of men; who wishes truly; must be right。  He is  right to himself; and in the measure of his sagacity and  candour。  That let him do in all sincerity and zeal; not  sparing a thought for contrary opinions; that; for what it is  worth; let him proclaim。  Be not afraid; although he be  wrong; so also is the dead; stuffed Dagon he insults。  For  the voice of God; whatever it is; is not that stammering;  inept tradition which the people holds。  These truths survive  in travesty; swamped in a world of spiritual darkness and  confusion; and what a few comprehend and faithfully hold; the  many; in their dead jargon; repeat; degrade; and  misinterpret。

So far of Respectability; what the Covenanters used to call  'rank conformity': the deadliest gag and wet blanket that can  be laid on men。  And now of Profit。  And this doctrine is  perhaps the more redoubtable; because it harms all sorts of  men; not only the heroic and self…reliant; but the obedient;  cowlike squadrons。  A man; by this doctrine; looks to  consequences at the second; or third; or fiftieth turn。  He  chooses his end; and for that; with wily turns and through a  great sea of tedium; steers this mortal bark。  There may be  political wisdom in such a view; but I am persuaded there can  spring no great moral zeal。  To look thus obliquely upon life  is the very recipe for moral slumber。  Our intention and  endeavour should be directed; not on some vague end of money  or applause; which shall come to us by a ricochet in a month  or a year; or twenty years; but on the act itself; not on the  approval of others; but on the rightness of that act。  At  every instant; at every step in life; the point has to be  decided; our soul has to be saved; heaven has to be gained or  lost。  At every step our spirits must applaud; at every step  we must set down the foot and sound the trumpet。  'This have  I done;' we must say; 'right or wrong; this have I done; in  unfeigned honour of intention; as to myself and God。'  The  profit of every act should be this; that it was right for us  to do it。  Any other profit than that; if it involved a  kingdom or the woman I love; ought; if I were God's upright  soldier; to leave me untempted。

It is the mark of what we call a righteous decision; that it  is made directly and for its own sake。  The whole man; mind  and body; having come to an agreement; tyrannically dictates  conduct。  There are two dispositions eternally opposed: that  in which we recognise that one thing is wrong and another  right; and that in which; not seeing any clear distinction;  we fall back on the consideration of consequences。  The truth  is; by the scope of our present teaching; nothing is thought  very wrong and nothing very right; except a few actions which  have the disadvantage of being disrespectable when found out;  the more serious part of men inclining to think all things  RATHER WRONG; the more jovial to suppose them RIGHT ENOUGH  FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES。  I will engage my head; they do not  find that view in their own hearts; they have taken it up in  a dark despair; they are but troubled sleepers talking in  their sleep。  The soul; or my soul at least; thinks very  distinctly upon many points of right and wrong; and often  differs flatly with what is held out as the thought of  corporate humanity in the code of society or the code of law。   Am I to suppose myself a monster?  I have only to read books;  the Christian Gospels for example; to think myself a monster  no longer; and instead I think the mass of people are merely  speaking in their sleep。

It is a commonplace; enshrined; if I mistake not; even in  school copy…books; that honour is to be sought and not fame。   I ask no other admission; we are to seek honour; upright  walking with our own conscience every hour of the day; and  not fame; the consequence; the far…off reverberation of our  footsteps。  The walk; not the rumour of the walk; is what  concerns righteousness。  Better disrespectable honour than  dishonourable fame。  Better useless or seemingly hurtful  honour; than dishonour ruling empires and filling the mouths  of thousands。  For the man must walk by what he sees; and  leave the issue with God who made him and taught him by the  fortune of his life。  You would not dishonour yourself for  money; which is at least tangible; would you do it; then; for  a doubtful forecast in politics; or another person's theory  in morals?

So intricate is the scheme of our affairs; that no man can  calculate the bearing of his own behaviour even on those  immediately around him; how much less upon the world at large  or on succeeding generations!  To walk by external prudence  and the rule of consequences would require; not a man; but  God。  All that we know to guide us in this changing labyrinth  is our soul with its fixed design of righteousness; and a few  old precepts which commend themselves to that。  The precepts  are vague when we endeavour to apply them; consequences are  more entangled than a wisp of string; and their confusion is  unrestingly in change; we must hold to what we know and walk  by it。  We must walk by faith; indeed; and not by knowledge。

You do not love another because he is wealthy or wise or  eminently respectable: you love him because you love him;  that is love; and any other only a derision and grimace。  It  should be the same with all our actions。  If we were to  conceive a perfect man; it should be one who was never torn  between conflicting impulses; but who; on the absolute  consent of all his parts and faculties; submitted in every  action of his life to a self…dictation as absolute and  unreasoned as that which bids him love one woman and be true  to her till death。  But we should not conceive him as  sagacious; ascetical; playing off his appetites against each  other; turning the wing of public respectable immorality  instead of riding it directly down; or advancing toward his  end through a thousand sinister compromises and  considerations。  The one man might be wily; might be adroit;  might be wise; might be respectable; might be gloriously  useful; it is the other man who would be good。

The soul asks honour and not fame; to be upright; not to be  successful; to be good; not prosperous; to be essentially;  not outwardly; respectable。  Does your soul ask profit?  Does  it ask money?  Does it ask the approval of the indifferent  herd?  I believe not。  For my own part; I want but little  money; I hope; and I do not want to be decent at all; but to  be good。


WE have spoken of that supreme self…dictation which keeps  varying from hour to hour in its dictates with the variation  of events and circumstances。  Now; for us; that is ultimate。   It may be founded on some reasonable process; but it is not a  process which we can follow or comprehend。  And moreover the  dictation is not continuous; or not continuous except in very  lively and well…living natures; and between…whiles we must  brush along without it。  Practice is a more intricate and  desperate business than the toughest theorising; life is an  affair of cavalry; where rapid judgment and prompt action are  alone possible and right。  As a matter of fact; there is no  one so upright but he is influenced by the world's chatter;  and no one so headlong but he requires to consider  consequences and to keep an eye on profit。  For the soul  adopts all affections and appetites without exception; and  

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