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at the back of the north wind-第2章

小说: at the back of the north wind 字数: 每页3500字

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getting upon his four great legs!  It's like thunder。〃

〃You don't seem to know what a diamond is。〃

〃Oh; don't I just!  Diamond is a great and good horse;

and he sleeps right under me。  He is old Diamond; and I am

young Diamond; or; if you like it better; for you're very particular;

Mr。 North Wind; he's big Diamond; and I'm little Diamond;

and I don't know which of us my father likes best。〃

A beautiful laugh; large but very soft and musical; sounded somewhere

beside him; but Diamond kept his head under the clothes。

〃I'm not Mr。 North Wind;〃 said the voice。

〃You told me that you were the North Wind;〃 insisted Diamond。

〃I did not say Mister North Wind;〃 said the voice。

〃Well; then; I do; for mother tells me I ought to be polite。〃

〃Then let me tell you I don't think it at all polite of you to say

Mister to me。〃

〃Well; I didn't know better。  I'm very sorry。〃

〃But you ought to know better。〃

〃I don't know that。〃

〃I do。  You can't say it's polite to lie there talkingwith your

head under the bed…clothes; and never look up to see what kind

of person you are talking to。I want you to come out with me。〃

〃I want to go to sleep;〃 said Diamond; very nearly crying; for he

did not like to be scolded; even when he deserved it。

〃You shall sleep all the better to…morrow night。〃

〃Besides;〃 said Diamond; 〃you are out in Mr。 Dyves's garden;

and I can't get there。  I can only get into our own yard。〃

〃Will you take your head out of the bed…clothes?〃 said the voice;

just a little angrily。

〃No!〃 answered Diamond; half peevish; half frightened。

The instant he said the word; a tremendous blast of wind crashed

in a board of the wall; and swept the clothes off Diamond。 

He started up in terror。  Leaning over him was the large; beautiful;

pale face of a woman。  Her dark eyes looked a little angry;

for they had just begun to flash; but a quivering in her sweet

upper lip made her look as if she were going to cry。  What was

the most strange was that away from her head streamed out her black

hair in every direction; so that the darkness in the hay…loft

looked as if it were made of her; hair but as Diamond gazed at her

in speechless amazement; mingled with confidencefor the boy was

entranced with her mighty beautyher hair began to gather itself

out of the darkness; and fell down all about her again; till her

face looked out of the midst of it like a moon out of a cloud。 

From her eyes came all the light by which Diamond saw her face and her;

hair; and that was all he did see of her yet。  The wind was over and gone。

〃Will you go with me now; you little Diamond?  I am sorry I was

forced to be so rough with you;〃 said the lady。

〃I will; yes; I will;〃 answered Diamond; holding out both his arms。 

〃But;〃 he added; dropping them; 〃how shall I get my clothes? 

They are in mother's room; and the door is locked。〃

〃Oh; never mind your clothes。  You will not be cold。  I shall take

care of that。  Nobody is cold with the north wind。〃

〃I thought everybody was;〃 said Diamond。

〃That is a great mistake。  Most people make it; however。  They are

cold because they are not with the north wind; but without it。〃

If Diamond had been a little older; and had supposed himself

a good deal wiser; he would have thought the lady was joking。 

But he was not older; and did not fancy himself wiser; and therefore

understood her well enough。  Again he stretched out his arms。 

The lady's face drew back a little。

〃Follow me; Diamond;〃 she said。

〃Yes;〃 said Diamond; only a little ruefully。

〃You're not afraid?〃 said the North Wind。

〃No; ma'am; but mother never would let me go without shoes: 

she never said anything about clothes; so I dare say she wouldn't

mind that。〃

〃I know your mother very well;〃 said the lady。  〃She is a good woman。 

I have visited her often。  I was with her when you were born。 

I saw her laugh and cry both at once。  I love your mother; Diamond。〃

〃How was it you did not know my name; then; ma'am? Please am I

to say ma'am to you; ma'am?〃

〃One question at a time; dear boy。  I knew your name quite well;

but I wanted to hear what you would say for it。  Don't you remember

that day when the man was finding fault with your namehow I blew

the window in?〃

〃Yes; yes;〃 answered Diamond; eagerly。  〃Our window opens like a door;

right over the coach…house door。  And the windyou; ma'amcame in;

and blew the Bible out of the man's hands; and the leaves went

all flutter; flutter on the floor; and my mother picked it up

and gave it back to him open; and there〃

〃Was your name in the Biblethe sixth stone in the high

priest's breastplate。〃

〃Oh!a stone; was it?〃 said Diamond。  〃I thought it had been a horse

I did。〃

〃Never mind。  A horse is better than a stone any day。  Well; you see;

I know all about you and your mother。〃

〃Yes。  I will go with you。〃

〃Now for the next question:  you're not to call me ma'am。 You must

call me just my own namerespectfully; you knowjust North Wind。〃

〃Well; please; North Wind; you are so beautiful; I am quite ready

to go with you。〃

〃You must not be ready to go with everything beautiful all

at once; Diamond。〃

〃But what's beautiful can't be bad。  You're not bad; North Wind?〃

〃No; I'm not bad。  But sometimes beautiful things grow bad by doing bad;

and it takes some time for their badness to spoil their beauty。 

So little boys may be mistaken if they go after things because they

are beautiful。〃

〃Well; I will go with you because you are beautiful and good; too。〃

〃Ah; but there's another thing; Diamond:What if I should look

ugly without being badlook ugly myself because I am making ugly

things beautiful?What then?〃

〃I don't quite understand you; North Wind。  You tell me what then。〃

〃Well; I will tell you。  If you see me with my face all black;

don't be frightened。  If you see me flapping wings like a bat's; as big

as the whole sky; don't be frightened。  If you hear me raging ten times

worse than Mrs。 Bill; the blacksmith's wifeeven if you see me looking

in at people's windows like Mrs。 Eve Dropper; the gardener's wife

you must believe that I am doing my work。  Nay; Diamond; if I change

into a serpent or a tiger; you must not let go your hold of me;

for my hand will never change in yours if you keep a good hold。 

If you keep a hold; you will know who I am all the time; even when

you look at me and can't see me the least like the North Wind。 

I may look something very awful。  Do you understand?〃

〃Quite well;〃 said little Diamond。

〃Come along; then;〃 said North Wind; and disappeared behind

the mountain of hay。

Diamond crept out of bed and followed her。



WHEN Diamond got round the corner of the hay; for a moment he hesitated。 

The stair by which he would naturally have gone down to the door

was at the other side of the loft; and looked very black indeed;

for it was full of North Wind's hair; as she descended before him。 

And just beside him was the ladder going straight down into the stable;

up which his father always came to fetch the hay for Diamond's dinner。 

Through the opening in the floor the faint gleam of the…stable lantern

was enticing; and Diamond thought he would run down that way。

The stair went close past the loose…box in which Diamond the horse lived。 

When Diamond the boy was half…way down; he remembered that it

was of no use to go this way; for the stable…door was locked。 

But at the same moment there was horse Diamond's great head

poked out of his box on to the ladder; for he knew boy Diamond

although he was in his night…gown; and wanted him to pull his

ears for him。  This Diamond did very gently for a minute or so;

and patted and stroked his neck too; and kissed the big horse;

and had begun to take the bits of straw and hay out of his mane;

when all at once he recollected that the Lady North Wind was waiting

for him in the yard。

〃Good night; Diamond;〃 he said; and darted up the ladder;

across the loft; and down the stair to the door。  But when he

got out into the yard; there was no lady。

Now it is always a dreadful thing to think there is somebody and

find nobody。  Children in particular have not made up their minds to it;

they generally cry at nobody; especially when they wake up at night。 

But it was an especial disappointment to Diamond; for his little heart

had been beating with joy:  the face of the North Wind was so grand! 

To have a lady like that for a friendwith such long hair; too! 

Why; it was longer than twenty Diamonds' tails!  She was gone。 

And there he stood; with his bare feet on the stones of the paved yard。

It was a clear night overhead; and the stars were shining。 

Orion in particular was making the most of his bright belt

and golden sword。  But the moon was only a poor thin crescent。 

There was just one great; jagged; black and gray cloud in the sky;

with a steep side to it like a precipice; and the moon was against

this side; and looked as if she had tumbled off the top of the

cloud…hill; and broken herself in rolling down the precipice。 

She did not seem comfortable; for she was looking down into the

deep pit waiting for her。  At least that was what Diamond thought

as he stood for a moment staring at her。  But he was quite wrong;

for the moon was not afraid; and there was no pit she was going

down into; for there were no sides to it; and a pit without sides

to it is not a pit at all。  Diamond; however; had not been out so late

before in all his life; and things looked so strange about him!

just as if he had got into Fairyland; of which he knew quite as much

as anybody; for his mother had no money to buy books to set him

wrong on the subject。  I have seen this worldonly sometimes;

just now and then; you knowlook as strange as ever I saw Fairyland。 

But I confess that I have not yet seen Fairyland at its best。 

I am always going to see it so some time。  But if you had been out

in the face and not at the back of the North Wind; on a cold rather

frosty night; and in your night…gown; you would have felt it all

quite as strange as Diamond did。  He cried a little; just a little;

he was so disappointed to lose the lady:  of course; you; little man;

wouldn't have done that!  But for my part; I don't mind people

crying so much as I mind what they cry about; and how they cry

whether they cry quietly like ladies and gentlemen; or go shrieking

like vulgar emperors; or ill…natured cooks; for all emperors are

not gentlemen; and all cooks are not ladiesnor all queens and

princesses for that matter; either。

But it can't be denied that a little gentle crying does one good。 

It did Diamond good; for as soon as it was over he was a brave

boy again。

〃She shan't say it was my fault; anyhow!〃 sa

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