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at the back of the north wind-第26章

小说: at the back of the north wind 字数: 每页3500字

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〃Father's ill at home; and so I came out with the cab。  There's no

fear of me。  I can drive。  Besides; the old horse could go alone。〃

〃Just as well; I daresay。  You're a pair of 'em。  But you are

a rum 'un for a cabbyain't you now?〃 said the policeman。 

〃I don't know as I ought to let you go。〃

〃I ain't done nothing;〃 said Diamond。  〃It's not my fault I'm

no bigger。  I'm big enough for my age。〃

〃That's where it is;〃 said the man。  〃You ain't fit。〃

〃How do you know that?〃 asked Diamond; with his usual smile;

and turning his head like a little bird。

〃Why; how are you to get out of this ruck now; when it begins

to move?〃

〃Just you get up on the box;〃 said Diamond; 〃and I'll show you。 

There; that van's a…moving now。  Jump up。〃

The policeman did as Diamond told him; and was soon satisfied

that the little fellow could drive。

〃Well;〃 he said; as he got down again; 〃I don't know as I should

be right to interfere。  Good luck to you; my little man!〃

〃Thank you; sir;〃 said Diamond; and drove away。

In a few minutes a gentleman hailed him。

〃Are you the driver of this cab?〃 he asked。

〃Yes; sir〃 said Diamond; showing his badge; of which; he was proud。

〃You're the youngest cabman I ever saw。  How am I to know you won't

break all my bones?〃

〃I would rather break all my own;〃 said Diamond。  〃But if you're afraid;

never mind me; I shall soon get another fare。〃

〃I'll risk it;〃 said the gentleman; and; opening the door himself;

he jumped in。

He was going a good distance; and soon found that Diamond got him

over the ground well。  Now when Diamond had only to go straight ahead;

and had not to mind so much what he was about; his thoughts always

turned to the riddle Mr。 Raymond had set him; and this gentleman

looked so clever that he fancied he must be able to read it for him。 

He had given up all hope of finding it out for himself; and he could

not plague his father about it when he was ill。  He had thought

of the answer himself; but fancied it could not be the right one;

for to see how it all fitted required some knowledge of physiology。 

So; when he reached the end of his journey; he got down very quickly;

and with his head just looking in at the window; said; as the gentleman

gathered his gloves and newspapers:

〃Please; sir; can you tell me the meaning of a riddle?〃

〃You must tell me the riddle first;〃 answered the gentleman; amused。

Diamond repeated the riddle。

〃Oh! that's easy enough;〃 he returned。  〃It's a tree。〃

〃Well; it ain't got no mouth; sure enough; but how then does it

eat all day long?〃

〃It sucks in its food through the tiniest holes in its leaves;〃

he answered。  〃Its breath is its food。  And it can't do it except

in the daylight。〃

〃Thank you; sir; thank you;〃 returned Diamond。  〃I'm sorry I

couldn't find it out myself; Mr。 Raymond would have been better

pleased with me。〃

〃But you needn't tell him any one told you。〃

Diamond gave him a stare which came from the very back of the

north wind; where that kind of thing is unknown。

〃That would be cheating;〃 he said at last。

〃Ain't you a cabby; then?〃

〃Cabbies don't cheat。〃

〃Don't they?  I am of a different opinion。〃

〃I'm sure my father don't。〃

〃What's your fare; young innocent?〃

〃Well; I think the distance is a good deal over three miles

that's two shillings。  Only father says sixpence a mile is too little;

though we can't ask for more。〃

〃You're a deep one。  But I think you're wrong。  It's over four miles

not much; but it is。〃

〃Then that's half…a…crown;〃 said Diamond。

〃Well; here's three shillings。  Will that do?〃

〃Thank you kindly; sir。  I'll tell my father how good you were to me

first to tell me my riddle; then to put me right about the distance;

and then to give me sixpence over。  It'll help father to get well again;

it will。〃

〃I hope it may; my man。  I shouldn't wonder if you're as good

as you look; after all。〃

As Diamond returned; he drew up at a stand he had never been on before: 

it was time to give Diamond his bag of chopped beans and oats。 

The men got about him; and began to chaff him。  He took it all

good…humouredly; until one of them; who was an ill…conditioned fellow;

began to tease old Diamond by poking him roughly in the ribs;

and making general game of him。  That he could not bear; and the

tears came in his eyes。  He undid the nose…bag; put it in the boot;

and was just going to mount and drive away; when the fellow interfered;

and would not let him get up。  Diamond endeavoured to persuade him;

and was very civil; but he would have his fun out of him;

as he said。  In a few minutes a group of idle boys had assembled;

and Diamond found himself in a very uncomfortable position。 

Another cab drew up at the stand; and the driver got off and approached

the assemblage。

〃What's up here?〃 he asked; and Diamond knew the voice。  It was

that of the drunken cabman。

〃Do you see this young oyster?  He pretends to drive a cab;〃

said his enemy。

〃Yes; I do see him。  And I sees you too。  You'd better leave him alone。 

He ain't no oyster。  He's a angel come down on his own business。 

You be off; or I'll be nearer you than quite agreeable。〃

The drunken cabman was a tall; stout man; who did not look one

to take liberties with。

〃Oh! if he's a friend of yours;〃 said the other; drawing back。

Diamond got out the nose…bag again。  Old Diamond should have his

feed out now。

〃Yes; he is a friend o' mine。  One o' the best I ever had。 

It's a pity he ain't a friend o' yourn。  You'd be the better for it;

but it ain't no fault of hisn。〃

When Diamond went home at night; he carried with him one pound

one shilling and sixpence; besides a few coppers extra; which had

followed some of the fares。

His mother had got very anxious indeedso much so that she

was almost afraid; when she did hear the sound of his cab; to go

and look; lest she should be yet again disappointed; and should

break down before her husband。  But there was the old horse;

and there was the cab all right; and there was Diamond in the box;

his pale face looking triumphant as a full moon in the twilight。

When he drew up at the stable…door; Jack came out; and after a good

many friendly questions and congratulations; said:

〃You go in to your mother; Diamond。  I'll put up the old 'oss。 

I'll take care on him。  He do deserve some small attention;

he do。〃

〃Thank you; Jack;〃 said Diamond; and bounded into the house;

and into the arms of his mother; who was waiting him at the top

of the stair。

The poor; anxious woman led him into his own room; sat down on his bed;

took him on her lap as if he had been a baby; and cried。

〃How's father?〃 asked Diamond; almost afraid to ask。

〃Better; my child;〃 she answered; 〃but uneasy about you; my dear。〃

〃Didn't you tell him I was the early bird gone out to catch the worm?〃

〃That was what put it in your head; was it; you monkey?〃

said his mother; beginning to get better。

〃That or something else;〃 answered Diamond; so very quietly

that his mother held his head back and stared in his face。

〃Well! of all the children!〃 she said; and said no more。

〃And here's my worm;〃 resumed Diamond。

But to see her face as he poured the shillings and sixpences

and pence into her lap!  She burst out crying a second time;

and ran with the money to her husband。

And how pleased he was!  It did him no end of good。  But while he

was counting the coins; Diamond turned to baby; who was lying awake

in his cradle; sucking his precious thumb; and took him up; saying:

〃Baby; baby!  I haven't seen you for a whole year。〃

And then he began to sing to him as usual。  And what he sang was this;

for he was too happy either to make a song of his own or to sing sense。 

It was one out of Mr。 Raymond's book。


               Hey; diddle; diddle!

               The cat and the fiddle!

            He played such a merry tune;

               That the cow went mad

               With the pleasure she had;

            And jumped right over the moon。

               But then; don't you see?

               Before that could be;

            The moon had come down and listened。

               The little dog hearkened;

               So loud that he barkened;

            〃There's nothing like it; there isn't。〃

               Hey; diddle; diddle!

               Went the cat and the fiddle;

            Hey diddle; diddle; dee; dee!

               The dog laughed at the sport

               Till his cough cut him short;

            It was hey diddle; diddle; oh me!

               And back came the cow

               With a merry; merry low;

            For she'd humbled the man in the moon。

               The dish got excited;

               The spoon was delighted;

            And the dish waltzed away with the spoon。

               But the man in the moon;

               Coming back too soon

            From the famous town of Norwich;

               Caught up the dish;

               Said; 〃It's just what I wish

            To hold my cold plum…porridge!〃

               Gave the cow a rat…tat;

               Flung water on the cat;

            And sent him away like a rocket。

               Said; 〃O Moon there you are!〃

               Got into her car;

            And went off with the spoon in his pocket

               Hey ho!  diddle; diddle!

               The wet cat and wet fiddle;

            They made such a caterwauling;

               That the cow in a fright

               Stood bolt upright

            Bellowing now; and bawling;

               And the dog on his tail;

               Stretched his neck with a wail。

            But 〃Ho! ho!〃 said the man in the moon 

               〃No more in the South

               Shall I burn my mouth;

            For I've found a dish and a spoon。〃



〃THERE; baby!〃 said Diamond; 〃I'm so happy that I can only

sing nonsense。  Oh; father; think if you had been a poor man;

and hadn't had a cab and old Diamond!  What should I have done?〃

〃I don't know indeed what you could have done;〃 said his father

from the bed。

〃We should have all starved; my precious Diamond;〃 said his mother;

whose pride in her boy was even greater than her joy in the shillings。 

Both of them together made her heart ache; for pleasure can do that

as well as pain。

〃Oh no! we shouldn't;〃 said Diamond。  〃I could have taken Nanny's

crossing till she came back; and then the money; instead of going

for Old Sal's gin; would have gone for father's beef…tea。 I wonder

what Nanny will do when she gets well again。  Somebod

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