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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第36章

小说: madame bovary(包法利夫人) 字数: 每页3500字

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〃What surprises you in that? He absents himself like that from
time to time for a change; and; ma foi; I think he's right; when
one has a fortune and is a bachelor。 Besides; he has jolly times;
has our friend。 He's a bit of a rake。 Monsieur Langlois told me〃
He stopped for propriety's sake because the servant came in。 She
put back into the basket the apricots scattered on the sideboard。
Charles; without noticing his wife's colour; had them brought to
him; took one; and bit into it。
〃Ah! perfect!〃 said he; 〃just taste!〃
And he handed her the basket; which she put away from her gently。
〃Do just smell! What an odour!〃 he remarked; passing it under her
nose several times。
〃I am choking;〃 she cried; leaping up。 But by an effort of will
the spasm passed; then
〃It is nothing;〃 she said; 〃it is nothing! It is nervousness。 Sit
down and go on eating。〃 For she dreaded lest he should begin
questioning her; attending to her; that she should not be left
Charles; to obey her; sat down again; and he spat the stones of
the apricots into his hands; afterwards putting them on his
Suddenly a blue tilbury passed across the square at a rapid trot。
Emma uttered a cry and fell back rigid to the ground。
In fact; Rodolphe; after many reflections; had decided to set out
for Rouen。 Now; as from La Huchette to Buchy there is no other
way than by Yonville; he had to go through the village; and Emma
had recognised him by the rays of the lanterns; which like
lightning flashed through the twilight。
The chemist; at the tumult which broke out in the house ran
thither。 The table with all the plates was upset; sauce; meat;
knives; the salt; and cruet…stand were strewn over the room;
Charles was calling for help; Berthe; scared; was crying; and
Felicite; whose hands trembled; was unlacing her mistress; whose
whole body shivered convulsively。
〃I'll run to my laboratory for some aromatic vinegar;〃 said the
Then as she opened her eyes on smelling the bottle
〃I was sure of it;〃 he remarked; 〃that would wake any dead person
for you!〃
〃Speak to us;〃 said Charles; 〃collect yourself; it is your
Charles; who loves you。 Do you know me? See! here is your little
girl! Oh; kiss her!〃
The child stretched out her arms to her mother to cling to her
neck。 But turning away her head; Emma said in a broken voice
〃No; no! no one!〃
She fainted again。 They carried her to her bed。 She lay there
stretched at full length; her lips apart; her eyelids closed; her
hands open; motionless; and white as a waxen image。 Two streams
of tears flowed from her eyes and fell slowly upon the pillow。
Charles; standing up; was at the back of the alcove; and the
chemist; near him; maintained that meditative silence that is
becoming on the serious occasions of life。
〃Do not be uneasy;〃 he said; touching his elbow; 〃I think the
paroxysm is past。〃
〃Yes; she is resting a little now;〃 answered Charles; watching
her sleep。 〃Poor girl! poor girl! She had gone off now!〃
Then Homais asked how the accident had come about。 Charles
answered that she had been taken ill suddenly while she was
eating some apricots。
〃Extraordinary!〃 continued the chemist。 〃But it might be that the
apricots had brought on the syncope。 Some natures are so
sensitive to certain smells; and it would even be a very fine
question to study both in its pathological and physiological
relation。 The priests know the importance of it; they who have
introduced aromatics into all their ceremonies。 It is to stupefy
the senses and to bring on ecstasiesa thing; moreover; very
easy in persons of the weaker sex; who are more delicate than the
other。 Some are cited who faint at the smell of burnt hartshorn;
of new bread〃
〃Take care; you'll wake her!〃 said Bovary in a low voice。
〃And not only;〃 the druggist went on; 〃are human beings subject
to such anomalies; but animals also。 Thus you are not ignorant of
the singularly aphrodisiac effect produced by the Nepeta cataria;
vulgarly called catmint; on the feline race; and; on the other
hand; to quote an example whose authenticity I can answer for。
Bridaux (one of my old comrades; at present established in the
Rue Malpalu) possesses a dog that falls into convulsions as soon
as you hold out a snuff…box to him。 He often even makes the
experiment before his friends at his summer…house at Guillaume
Wood。 Would anyone believe that a simple sternutation could
produce such ravages on a quadrupedal organism? It is extremely
curious; is it not?〃
〃Yes;〃 said Charles; who was not listening to him。
〃This shows us;〃 went on the other; smiling with benign
self…sufficiency; 〃the innumerable irregularities of the nervous
system。 With regard to madame; she has always seemed to me; I
confess; very susceptible。 And so I should by no means recommend
to you; my dear friend; any of those so…called remedies that;
under the pretence of attacking the symptoms; attack the
constitution。 No; no useless physicking! Diet; that is all;
sedatives; emollients; dulcification。 Then; don't you think that
perhaps her imagination should be worked upon?〃
〃In what way? How?〃 said Bovary。
〃Ah! that is it。 Such is indeed the question。 'That is the
question;' as I lately read in a newspaper。〃
But Emma; awaking; cried out
〃The letter! the letter!〃
They thought she was delirious; and she was by midnight。
Brain…fever had set in。
For forty…three days Charles did not leave her。 He gave up all
his patients; he no longer went to bed; he was constantly feeling
her pulse; putting on sinapisms and cold…water compresses。 He
sent Justin as far as Neufchatel for ice; the ice melted on the
way; he sent him back again。 He called Monsieur Canivet into
consultation; he sent for Dr。 Lariviere; his old master; from
Rouen; he was in despair。 What alarmed him most was Emma's
prostration; for she did not speak; did not listen; did not even
seem to suffer; as if her body and soul were both resting
together after all their troubles。
About the middle of October she could sit up in bed supported by
pillows。 Charles wept when he saw her eat her first
bread…and…jelly。 Her strength returned to her; she got up for a
few hours of an afternoon; and one day; when she felt better; he
tried to take her; leaning on his arm; for a walk round the
garden。 The sand of the paths was disappearing beneath the dead
leaves; she walked slowly; dragging along her slippers; and
leaning against Charles's shoulder。 She smiled all the time。
They went thus to the bottom of the garden near the terrace。 She
drew herself up slowly; shading her eyes with her hand to look。
She looked far off; as far as she could; but on the horizon were
only great bonfires of grass smoking on the hills。
〃You will tire yourself; my darling!〃 said Bovary。 And; pushing
her gently to make her go into the arbour; 〃Sit down on this
seat; you'll be comfortable。〃
〃Oh! no; not there!〃 she said in a faltering voice。
She was seized with giddiness; and from that evening her illness
recommenced; with a more uncertain character; it is true; and
more complex symptoms。 Now she suffered in her heart; then in the
chest; the head; the limbs; she had vomitings; in which Charles
thought he saw the first signs of cancer。
And besides this; the poor fellow was worried about money

Chapter Fourteen
To begin with; he did not know how he could pay Monsieur Homais
for all the physic supplied by him; and though; as a medical man;
he was not obliged to pay for it; he nevertheless blushed a
little at such an obligation。 Then the expenses of the household;
now that the servant was mistress; became terrible。 Bills rained
in upon the house; the tradesmen grumbled; Monsieur Lheureux
especially harassed him。 In fact; at the height of Emma's
illness; the latter; taking advantage of the circumstances to
make his bill larger; had hurriedly brought the cloak; the
travelling…bag; two trunks instead of one; and a number of other
things。 It was very well for Charles to say he did not want them。
The tradesman answered arrogantly that these articles had been
ordered; and that he would not take them back; besides; it would
vex madame in her convalescence; the doctor had better think it
over; in short; he was resolved to sue him rather than give up
his rights and take back his goods。 Charles subsequently ordered
them to be sent back to the shop。 Felicite forgot; he had other
things to attend to; then thought no more about them。 Monsieur
Lheureux returned to the charge; and; by turns threatening and
whining; so managed that Bovary ended by signing a bill at six
months。 But hardly had he signed this bill than a bold idea
occurred to him: it was to borrow a thousand francs from
Lheureux。 So; with an embarrassed air; he asked if it were
possible to get them; adding that it would be for a year; at any
interest he wished。 Lheureux ran off to his shop; brought back
the money; and dictated another bill; by which Bovary undertook
to pay to his order on the 1st of September next the sum of one
thousand and seventy francs; which; with the hundred and eighty
already agreed to; made just twelve hundred and fifty; thus
lending at six per cent in addition to one…fourth for commission:
and the things bringing him in a good third at the least; this
ought in twelve months to give him a profit of a hundred and
thirty francs。 He hoped that the business would not stop there;
that the bills would not be paid; that they would be renewed; and
that his poor little money; having thriven at the doctor's as at
a hospital; would come back to him one day considerably more
plump; and fat enough to burst his bag。
Everything; moreover; succeeded with him。 He was adjudicator for
a supply of cider to the hospital at Neufchatel; Monsieur
Guillaumin promised him some shares in the turf…pits of
Gaumesnil; and he dreamt of establishing a new diligence service
between Arcueil and Rouen; which no doubt would not be long in
ruining the ramshackle van of the 〃Lion d'Or;〃 and that;
travelling faster; at a cheaper rate; and carrying more luggage;
would thus put into his hands the whole commerce of Yonville。
Charles several times asked himself by what means he should next
year be able to pay back so much money。 He reflected; imagined
expedients; such as applying to his father or selling something。
But his father would be deaf; and hehe had nothing to sell。
Then he foresaw such worries that he quickly dismissed so
disagreeable a subject of meditation from his mind。 He reproached
himself with forgetting Emma; as if; all his thoughts belonging
to this woman; it was robbing her of something not to be
constantly thinking of her。
The winter was severe; Madame Bovary's convalescence slow。 When
it was fine they wheeled her arm…chair to the window that
overlooked the square; for she now had an antipathy to the
garden; and the blinds on that side were always down。 She wished
the horse to be sold; what she formerly liked now displeased her。
All her ideas seemed to be limited to the care of herself。 She
stayed in bed taking little meals; rang for the servant to
inquire about her gruel or to chat with her。 The snow on the
market…roof threw a white; still light into the room; then the
rain began to fall; and Emma waited daily w

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