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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第50章

小说: madame bovary(包法利夫人) 字数: 每页3500字

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the theatre together with five or six masks; debardeuses* and
sailors; Leon's comrades; who were talking about having supper。
* People dressed as longshoremen。

The neighbouring cafes were full。 They caught sight of one on the
harbour; a very indifferent restaurant; whose proprietor showed
them to a little room on the fourth floor。
The men were whispering in a corner; no doubt consorting about
expenses。 There were a clerk; two medical students; and a
shopmanwhat company for her! As to the women; Emma soon
perceived from the tone of their voices that they must almost
belong to the lowest class。 Then she was frightened; pushed back
her chair; and cast down her eyes。
The others began to eat; she ate nothing。 Her head was on fire;
her eyes smarted; and her skin was ice…cold。 In her head she
seemed to feel the floor of the ball…room rebounding again
beneath the rhythmical pulsation of the thousands of dancing
feet。 And now the smell of the punch; the smoke of the cigars;
made her giddy。 She fainted; and they carried her to the window。
Day was breaking; and a great stain of purple colour broadened
out in the pale horizon over the St。 Catherine hills。 The livid
river was shivering in the wind; there was no one on the bridges;
the street lamps were going out。
She revived; and began thinking of Berthe asleep yonder in the
servant's room。 Then a cart filled with long strips of iron
passed by; and made a deafening metallic vibration against the
walls of the houses。
She slipped away suddenly; threw off her costume; told Leon she
must get back; and at last was alone at the Hotel de Boulogne。
Everything; even herself; was now unbearable to her。 She wished
that; taking wing like a bird; she could fly somewhere; far away
to regions of purity; and there grow young again。
She went out; crossed the Boulevard; the Place Cauchoise; and the
Faubourg; as far as an open street that overlooked some gardens。
She walked rapidly; the fresh air calming her; and; little by
little; the faces of the crowd; the masks; the quadrilles; the
lights; the supper; those women; all disappeared like mists
fading away。 Then; reaching the 〃Croix…Rouge;〃 she threw herself
on the bed in her little room on the second floor; where there
were pictures of the 〃Tour de Nesle。〃 At four o'clock Hivert
awoke her。
When she got home; Felicite showed her behind the clock a grey
paper。 She read
〃In virtue of the seizure in execution of a judgment。〃
What judgment? As a matter of fact; the evening before another
paper had been brought that she had not yet seen; and she was
stunned by these words
〃By order of the king; law; and justice; to Madame Bovary。〃 Then;
skipping several lines; she read; 〃Within twenty…four hours;
without fail〃 But what? 〃To pay the sum of eight thousand
francs。〃 And there was even at the bottom; 〃She will be
constrained thereto by every form of law; and notably by a writ
of distraint on her furniture and effects。〃
What was to be done? In twenty…four hourstomorrow。 Lheureux;
she thought; wanted to frighten her again; for she saw through
all his devices; the object of his kindnesses。 What reassured her
was the very magnitude of the sum。
However; by dint of buying and not paying; of borrowing; signing
bills; and renewing these bills that grew at each new falling…in;
she had ended by preparing a capital for Monsieur Lheureux which
he was impatiently awaiting for his speculations。
She presented herself at his place with an offhand air。
〃You know what has happened to me? No doubt it's a joke!〃
〃How so?〃
He turned away slowly; and; folding his arms; said to her
〃My good lady; did you think I should go on to all eternity being
your purveyor and banker; for the love of God? Now be just。 I
must get back what I've laid out。 Now be just。〃
She cried out against the debt。
〃Ah! so much the worse。 The court has admitted it。 There's a
judgment。 It's been notified to you。 Besides; it isn't my fault。
It's Vincart's。〃
〃Could you not?〃
〃Oh; nothing whatever。〃
〃But still; now talk it over。〃
And she began beating about the bush; she had known nothing about
it; it was a surprise。
〃Whose fault is that?〃 said Lheureux; bowing ironically。 〃While
I'm slaving like a nigger; you go gallivanting about。〃
〃Ah! no lecturing。〃
〃It never does any harm;〃 he replied。
She turned coward; she implored him; she even pressed her pretty
white and slender hand against the shopkeeper's knee。
〃There; that'll do! Anyone'd think you wanted to seduce me!〃
〃You are a wretch!〃 she cried。
〃Oh; oh! go it! go it!〃
〃I will show you up。 I shall tell my husband。〃
〃All right! I too。 I'll show your husband something。〃
And Lheureux drew from his strong box the receipt for eighteen
hundred francs that she had given him when Vincart had discounted
the bills。
〃Do you think;〃 he added; 〃that he'll not understand your little
theft; the poor dear man?〃
She collapsed; more overcome than if felled by the blow of a
pole…axe。 He was walking up and down from the window to the
bureau; repeating all the while
〃Ah! I'll show him! I'll show him!〃 Then he approached her; and
in a soft voice said
〃It isn't pleasant; I know; but; after all; no bones are broken;
and; since that is the only way that is left for you paying back
my money〃
〃But where am I to get any?〃 said Emma; wringing her hands。
〃Bah! when one has friends like you!〃
And he looked at her in so keen; so terrible a fashion; that she
shuddered to her very heart。
〃I promise you;〃 she said; 〃to sign〃
〃I've enough of your signatures。〃
〃I will sell something。〃
〃Get along!〃 he said; shrugging his shoulders; 〃you've not got
And he called through the peep…hole that looked down into the
〃Annette; don't forget the three coupons of No。 14。〃
The servant appeared。 Emma understood; and asked how much money
would be wanted to put a stop to the proceedings。
〃It is too late。〃
〃But if I brought you several thousand francsa quarter of the
suma thirdperhaps the whole?〃
〃No; it's no use!〃
And he pushed her gently towards the staircase。
〃I implore you; Monsieur Lheureux; just a few days more!〃 She was
〃There! tears now!〃
〃You are driving me to despair!〃
〃What do I care?〃 said he; shutting the door。

Chapter Seven
She was stoical the next day when Maitre Hareng; the bailiff;
with two assistants; presented himself at her house to draw up
the inventory for the distraint。
They began with Bovary's consulting…room; and did not write down
the phrenological head; which was considered an 〃instrument of
his profession〃; but in the kitchen they counted the plates; the
saucepans; the chairs; the candlesticks; and in the bedroom all
the nick…nacks on the whatnot。 They examined her dresses; the
linen; the dressing…room; and her whole existence to its most
intimate details; was; like a corpse on whom a post…mortem is
made; outspread before the eyes of these three men。
Maitre Hareng; buttoned up in his thin black coat; wearing a
white choker and very tight foot…straps; repeated from time to
time〃Allow me; madame。 You allow me?〃 Often he uttered
exclamations。 〃Charming! very pretty。〃 Then he began writing
again; dipping his pen into the horn inkstand in his left hand。
When they had done with the rooms they went up to the attic。 She
kept a desk there in which Rodolphe's letters were locked。 It had
to be opened。
〃Ah! a correspondence;〃 said Maitre Hareng; with a discreet
smile。 〃But allow me; for I must make sure the box contains
nothing else。〃 And he tipped up the papers lightly; as if to
shake out napoleons。 Then she grew angered to see this coarse
hand; with fingers red and pulpy like slugs; touching these pages
against which her heart had beaten。
They went at last。 Felicite came back。 Emma had sent her out to
watch for Bovary in order to keep him off; and they hurriedly
installed the man in possession under the roof; where he swore he
would remain。
During the evening Charles seemed to her careworn。 Emma watched
him with a look of anguish; fancying she saw an accusation in
every line of his face。 Then; when her eyes wandered over the
chimney…piece ornamented with Chinese screens; over the large
curtains; the armchairs; all those things; in a word; that had;
softened the bitterness of her life; remorse seized her or rather
an immense regret; that; far from crushing; irritated her
passion。 Charles placidly poked the fire; both his feet on the
Once the man; no doubt bored in his hiding…place; made a slight
〃Is anyone walking upstairs?〃 said Charles。
〃No;〃 she replied; 〃it is a window that has been left open; and
is rattling in the wind。〃
The next day; Sunday; she went to Rouen to call on all the
brokers whose names she knew。 They were at their country…places
or on journeys。 She was not discouraged; and those whom she did
manage to see she asked for money; declaring she must have some;
and that she would pay it back。 Some laughed in her face; all
At two o'clock she hurried to Leon; and knocked at the door。 No
one answered。 At length he appeared。
〃What brings you here?〃
〃Do I disturb you?〃
〃No; but〃 And he admitted that his landlord didn't like his
having 〃women〃 there。
〃I must speak to you;〃 she went on。
Then he took down the key; but she stopped him。
〃No; no! Down there; in our home!〃
And they went to their room at the Hotel de Boulogne。
On arriving she drank off a large glass of water。 She was very
pale。 She said to him
〃Leon; you will do me a service?〃
And; shaking him by both hands that she grasped tightly; she
〃Listen; I want eight thousand francs。〃
〃But you are mad!〃
〃Not yet。〃
And thereupon; telling him the story of the distraint; she
explained her distress to him; for Charles knew nothing of it;
her mother…in…law detested her; old Rouault could do nothing; but
he; Leon; he would set about finding this indispensable sum。
〃How on earth can I?〃
〃What a coward you are!〃 she cried。
Then he said stupidly; 〃You are exaggerating the difficulty。
Perhaps; with a thousand crowns or so the fellow could be
All the greater reason to try and do something; it was impossible
that they could not find three thousand francs。 Besides; Leon;
could be security instead of her。
〃Go; try; try! I will love you so!〃
He went out; and came back at the end of an hour; saying; with
solemn face
〃I have been to three people with no success。〃
Then they remained sitting face to face at the two chimney
corners; motionless; in silence。 Emma shrugged her shoulders as
she stamped her feet。 He heard her murmuring
〃If I were in your place _I_ should soon get some。〃
〃But where?〃
〃At your office。〃 And she looked at him。
An infernal boldness looked out from her burning eyes; and their
lids drew close together with a lascivious and encouraging look;
so that the young man felt himself growing weak beneath the mute
will of this woman who was urging him to a crime。 Then he was
afraid; and to avoid any explanation he smote his forehead;
〃Morel is to come back to…night; he will not refuse me; I hope〃
(this was one of his friends; the son of a very rich merchant);
〃and I will bring it you to…morrow;〃 he added。
Emma did not seem to welcome this hope with all the joy he had
expected。 Did 

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