the golden asse-第40章
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and giving me admonition said; There is no occasion why thou shouldest be afraid with so often order of religion; as though there were somewhat omitted; but that thou shouldest rather rejoyce; since as it hath pleased the gods to call thee three times; when as there was never yet any person that atchieved to the order but once : wherefore thou maist thinke thy selfe happy for so great benefits。 And know thou that the religion which thou must now receive; is right necessary; if thou meane to persever in the worshipping of the goddesse; and to make solempnity on the festivall day with the blessed habite; which thing shalt be a glory and renowne to thee。
After this sort; the divine majesty perswaded me in my sleepe; whereupon by and by I went towards the Priest; and declared all that which I had seene; then I fasted ten dayes according to the custome; and of mine owne proper will I abstained longer then I was commanded : and verely I did nothing repent of the paine which I had taken; and of the charges which I was at; considering that the divine providence had given me such an order; that I gained much money in pleading of causes : Finally after a few dayes; the great god Osiris appeared to me in the night; not disguised in any other forme; but in his owne essence; commanding me that I should be an Advocate in the court; and not feare the slander and envie of ill persons ; which beare me stomacke and grudge by reason of my doctrine; which I had gotten by much labour : moreover; he would not that I should be any longer of the number of his Priests; but he allotted me to be one of the Decurions and Senatours : and after he appointed me a place within the ancient pallace; which was erected in the time of Silla; where I executed my office in great joy with a shaven Crowne。