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henry ossian flipper-第19章

小说: henry ossian flipper 字数: 每页3500字

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〃Oh! yes;〃 said he; 〃I've known John for several years。 He used to peddle newspapers around the bank here。 I was agreeably surprised when I heard he had been appointed to a cadetship at West Point。 The boys who come in almost every morning with their papers told me John was to sell me no more papers。 His mother has scrubbed out the office here; and cleaned up daily for a number of years。 John's a good fellow though; and I'm glad to know of his success。〃

This information was to me most startling。 There certainly was nothing dishonorable in that sort of labornay; even there was much in it that deserved our highest praise。 It was honest; humble work。 But who would imagine from the pompous bearing assumed by the gentleman that he ever peddled newspapers; or that his mother earned her daily bread by scrubbing on her knees office floors? And how does this compare with the average negro?

It is not to me very pleasant to thus have another's private history revealed; but when it is done I can't help feeling myself better in one sense at least than my self…styled superiors。 I certainly am not really one thing and apparently another。 The distant haughtiness assumed by some of them; and the constant endeavor to avoid me; as if I were 〃a stick or a stone; the veriest poke of creation;〃 had no other effect than to make me feel as if I were really so; and to discourage and dishearten me。 I hardly know how I endured it all so long。 If I were asked to go over it all again; even with the experience I now have; I fear I should fail。 I mean of course the strain on my mind and sensitiveness would be so great I'd be unable to endure it。

There is that in every man; it has been said; either good or bad; which will manifest itself in his speech or acts。 Keeping this in mind while I constantly study those around me; I find myself at times driven to most extraordinary conclusions。 If some are as good as their speech; then; if I may be permitted to judge; they have most devoutly observed that blessed commandment; 〃Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee;〃 in that they have profited by their teaching both mentally and morally。

On the other hand; we hear from many the very worst possible language。 Some make pardonable errors; while others make blunders for which there can be no excuse save ignorance。 Judging their character by their speech; what a sad condition must be theirs; and more; what a need for missionary work!

This state of affairs gives way in the second; and often in the first year; to instruction and discipline。 West Point's greatest glory arises from her unparalleled success in polishing these rough specimens and sending them forth 〃officers and gentlemen。〃 No college in the country has such a 〃heterogeneous conglomeration〃to quote Dr。 Johnsonof classes。 The highest and lowest are represented。 The glory of free America; her recognition of equality of all men; is not so apparent anywhere else as at West Point。 And were prejudice entirely obliterated; then would America in truth be that Utopia of which so many have but dreamed。 It is rapidly giving way to better reason; and the day is not far distant when West Point will stand forth as the proud exponent of absolute social equality。 Prejudice weakens; and ere long will fail completely。 The advent of general education sounds its death knell。 And may the day be not afar off when America shall proclaim her emancipation from the basest of all servitudes; the subservience to prejudice!

After feeling reasonably sure of success; I have often thought that my good treatment was due in a measure to a sort of apprehension on the part of the cadets that; when I should come to exercise command over them; I would use my authority to retaliate for any ill…treatment I had suffered。 I have thought this the case with those especially who have been reared in the principles of prejudice; and often in none other; for 〃prejudices; it is well known; are the most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education。 They grow there as firm as weeds among rocks。〃

When the time did come; and I proved by purely gentlemanly conduct that it was no harder; no more dishonorable; to be under me than under others; this reserve vanished to a very great extent。 I might mention instances in which this is evident。

At practical engineering; one day; three of us were making a gabion。 One was putting in the watling; another keeping it firmly down; while I was preparing it。 I had had some instruction on a previous day as to how it should be made; but the two others had not。 When they had put in the watling to within the proper distance of the top they began trimming off the twigs and butt ends of the withes。 I happened to turn toward the gabion and observed what they were doing。 In a tone of voice; and with a familiarity that surprised my own self; I exclaimed; 〃Oh; don't do that。 Don't you see if you cut those off before sewing; the whole thing will come to pieces? Secure the ends first and then cut off the twigs。〃

They stopped working; listened attentively; and one of them replied; 〃Yes; that would be the most sensible way。〃 I proceeded to show them how to sew the watling and to secure the ends。 They were classmates。 They listened to my voluntary instruction and followed it without a thought of who gave it; or any feeling of prejudice。

At foot battery drill one day I was chief of piece。 After a time the instructor rested the battery。 The cannoneers at my piece; instead of going off and sitting down; gathered around me and asked questions about the nomenclature of the piece and its carriage。 〃What is this?〃 〃What is it for?〃 and many others。 They were third…classmen。 Certainly there was no prejudice in this。  Certainly; too; it could only be due to good conduct on my part。 And here is another。

Just after taps on the night of July 12th; 1876; while lying in my tent studying the stars; I happened to overhear a rather angry conversation concerning my unfortunate self。

It seems the cadet speaking had learned beforehand that he and myself would be on duty a few days hence; myself as senior and he as junior officer of the guard。 His chums were teasing him on his misfortune of being under me as junior; which act caused him to enter into a violent panegyric upon me。 He began by criticising my military aptitude and the manner in which I was treated by the authorities; that is; by the cadet officers; as is apparent from what follows:

〃That nigger;〃 said he; 〃don't keep dressed。 Sometimes he's 'way head of the line。 He swings his arms; and does other things not half as well as other 'devils;' and yet he's not 'skinned' for it。〃

What a severe comment upon the way in which the file… closers discharge their duties! Severe; indeed; it would be were it true。 It is hardly reasonable; I think; to suppose the file…closers; in the face of prejudice and the probability of being 〃cut;〃 would permit me to do the things mentioned with impunity; while they reported even their own classmates for them。

And here again we see the fox and sour grapes。 The gentleman who so honored me with his criticism was junior to me in every branch of study we had taken up to that time except in French。 I was his senior in tactics by well; to give the number of files would be to specify him too closely and make my narrative too personal。 Suffice it to say I ranked him; and I rather fancy; as I did not gain that position by favoritism; but by study and proficiency; he should not venture to criticise。 But so it is all through life; at West Point as well as elsewhere。 Malcontents are ever finding faults in others which they never think of discovering in themselves。

When the time came the detail was published at parade; and next day we duly marched on guard。 When I appeared on the general parade in full dress; I noticed mischievous smiles on more than one face; for the majority of the corps had turned out to see me。 I walked along; proudly unconscious of their presence。

Although I went through the ceremony of guard mounting without a single blunder; I was not at all at ease。 I inspected the front rank; while my junior inspected the rear。 I was sorely displeased to observe some of the cadets change color as they tossed up their pieces for my inspection; and that they watched me as I went through that operation。 Some of them were from the South; and educated to consider themselves far superior to those of whom they once claimed the right of possession。 I know it was to them most galling; and although I fully felt the responsibility and honor of commanding the guard; I frankly and candidly confess that I found no pleasure in their apparent humiliation。

I am as a matter of course opposed to prejudice;

but I nevertheless hold that those who are not have just as much right to their opinions on the matter as they would have to any one of the various religious creeds。 We in free America at least would not be justified in forcing them to renounce their views or beliefs on race and color any more than those on religion。

We can sometimes; by so living that those who differ from us in opinion respecting any thing can find no fault with us or our creed; influence them to a just consideration of our views; and perhaps persuade them unconsciously to adopt our way of thinking。  And just so it is; I think; with prejudice。 There is a certain dignity in enduring it which always evokes praise from those who indulge it; and also often discovers to them their error and its injustice。

Knowing that it would be unpleasant to my junior to have to ask my permission to do this or that; and not wishing to subject him to more mortification than was possible; I gave him all the latitude I could; telling him to use his own discretion; and that he need not ask my permission for any thing unless he chose。

This simple act; forgotten almost as soon as done; was in an exceedingly short time known to every cadet throughout the camp; and I had the indescribable pleasure; some days after; of knowing that by it I had been raised many degrees in the estimation of the corps。 Nor did this knowledge remain in camp。 It was spread all over the Point。 The act was talked of and praised by the cadets wherever they went; and their conversations were repeated to me many times by different persons。

When on guard again I was the junior; and of course subject to the orders of the senior。 He came to me voluntarily; and in almost my own words gave me exactly the same privileges I had given my junior; who was a chum of my present senior。 In view of the ostracism and isolation to which I had been subjected; it was expected that I would be severe; and use my authority to retaliate。 When; however; I did a more Christian act; did to others as I would have them do to me; and not as they had sometimes done; I gave cause for a similar act of good…will; which was in a degree beyond all expectation accorded me。

Indeed; while we are all prone to err; we are also very apt to do to others as they really do to us。 If they treat us well; we treat them well; if badly; we treat them so also。 I believe such to be in accordance with our nature; and if we do not always do so our failure is du

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