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小说: 5425-考研英语难句突破300句 字数: 每页3500字

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  【讲词】 track在此句中的意思同monitor(监视,记录)。The air controller in Perth tracked the aircraft’s progress as it headed east across the desert。(在飞机朝东飞越沙漠时,珀斯的空中管制员跟踪到飞机的航线。)track down可以表示“追到,查到,找到”。After two days of almost nightmare;I tracked down the problem。(经过几乎是噩梦般的两天,我终于查到了问题的所在。)    

  4。 Now he is suing the casino;charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted。    

  【译文】 现在他正在起诉赌场,控告赌场既然知道他赌博上瘾就应该阻止他上船赌博。    

  【析句】 句子比较简单,但是应该掌握句中关键的单词。    

  【讲词】 sue意为“控告;请求;求婚”。He sued the department store for his personal injury he had suffered when he slipped on the floor inside the store。(他起诉了那家百货大楼,要求对其在店内滑倒所受到的人身伤害进行赔偿。)The enemy sued for peace after the battle。(敌人在战斗结束以后求和。)He sued for the hand of the girl he loved。(他向自己所爱的姑娘求婚。)    


  patron意为“赞助人,资助人;老顾客”。patronage表示“保护;赞助;光顾”或“保护人的身份;老顾客的身份”。It seems our little establishment has finally been deemed worthy of the banks patronage。(看来银行终于认为值得资助我们这种小机构。)Shopkeepers thanked Christmas shoppers for their patronage。(店老板感谢圣诞节顾客的光临。)    

  addict意为“上瘾的人;瘾君子”,a cigarette addict(烟民,烟鬼),a drug addict(吸毒者)。addicted意为“上瘾;着迷”,如表示对什么上瘾或着迷,后面要跟介词to。例如:He was addicted to drugs。(他吸毒上瘾。)    

  5。 Noting the “medical/psychological” nature of problem gambling behaviors;the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety or wellbeing。    

  【译文】 鉴于其问题赌博行为的“医疗和心理”性质,信中表示在他出示医学和心理学证明以示光顾赌博不会对其安全和健康构成任何威胁之前,赌场不会再次对他开放。    

  【析句】 句子的主干是the letter said。Noting…gambling behaviors是现在分词短语作状语,宾语是一个that引导的从句。从句是一个复合句,主句是he would have to present… his safety or wellbeing,从句是before(he is) being readmitted to the casino。    

  【讲词】 /在英语中表示“和”的意思。    

  admit在句中的意思是“接纳”。After two years in practice;he was admitted to the bar association。(从业两年以后,他加入了律师协会。)You will not be admitted to the auditorium without a ticket。(没有票是不会让你进礼堂的。)    

  wellbeing表示“康乐;安宁;福利”,台湾人喜欢译成“福祉”。We should put the people first and give priority to the people’s wellbeing。(我们应该把人民放在首位,以人民的安康为重。)    

  6。 Every entrance ticket lists a tollfree number for counseling from the Indiana Department of Mental Health。 Nevertheless; Williams’s suit charges that the casino;knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling;” intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage in conduct against his will”。    

  【译文】 每张入场券上都印有印第安纳心理健康中心的免费咨询电话号码。然而,威廉斯的诉讼指责赌场明知他“赌博成瘾不能自拔”,还故意设法“引诱”他“继续违反其意愿的行为”。    

  【析句】 第二句中charge所跟的宾语从句主干为the casino… worked to “lure” him to…。    

  【讲词】 toll作名词主要表示“(钟、铃)声;征税;收费;伤亡”。The death toll from the train accident over the weekend passed 250。(在上周末的火车脱轨事故中死亡的人数超过了250。)tollfree意为“免费”,例如:Most big panies have tollfree numbers。(多数大公司都有免费电话。)    

  suit作名词有“起诉,诉讼”意,等于law suit。    

  work在句中表示“设法”。All his life;he worked to help the poor rural women。(他一生都设法帮助那些贫穷的农村妇女。)    

  7。 The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says “pathological gambling” involves persistent;recurring and uncontrollable pursuit less of money than of the thrill of taking risks in quest of a windfall。    

  【译文】 《精神错乱诊断与统计手册》第四版写道:“病态赌博”是一种持续反复并难以控制的行为,与其说是追求金钱,倒不如说是为了寻求冒险博取横财的刺激。    

  【析句】 句子的主干结构是The fourth edition… says,宾语是一个从句,其主语是“pathological gambling”,谓语是involves,宾语是一个less… than…构成的比较结构,比较pursuit of money和pursuit of the thrill of taking risks in quest of a windfall。    

  【讲词】 pursuit意为“追求”,pursuit of money即表示“对金钱的追求”。    

  to take risks(the risk) in doing sth表示“冒险做某事”。The entrepreneurs took the risk in lending their money and hoped that the business they invested in would succeed。(企业家冒险借出他们的钱,希望他们所投资的生意会成功。)    

  quest表示“追求;寻找”。The pany is questing for improving its service。(公司正在追求改进服务。)The quest for truth has never been more important than it is now。(对真理的追求从来没有像现在这样重要。)    

  8。 Pushed by science;or what claims to be science;society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities。    

  【译文】 在科学或所谓的科学的驱动下,社会正对曾被视为性格缺陷或道德缺失的东西重新进行归类,认为是类似于身体残疾的性格失衡。    

  【析句】 句子的主干结构是society is reclassifying,宾语是what…moral failings,后面的成分(as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities)是宾语补足语。被动分词结构(Pushed by science;or what claims to be science)作全句的状语。    

  【讲词】 flaws意为“缺点;裂纹;瑕疵”,character flaws指“性格缺陷”。 They share the character flaw of arrogance。(他们都有傲慢的缺点。)    


  physical disability意为“身体残疾或缺陷”,这里的physical意为“身体的,生理的”。    

  akin意为“同类的,类似的”。I should teach my students that science is akin to mon sense。(我要教导学生,让他们了解科学类似于常识。)The situation there is akin to that of the West before the rise of the readytowear industry in the early 1900s。(这种情形与20世纪初成衣工业出现前的西方相仿。)    

  9。 It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems;often defining as addictions what earlier;sterner generations explained as weakness of will。    

  【译文】 令人担心的是,社会越发把行为问题当作是疾病来治疗,常把更为坚强的上几代人称之为意志薄弱的行为定义成上瘾。    

  【析句】 这是一个简单句,主干结构是It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems;其中it作形式主语。often defining as… weakness of will是medicalizing的伴随状语。注意more and more在句中是副词,修饰medicalizing。    

  【讲词】 will作名词时意为“意愿;意志”,will power意为“意志力,自制力”。Where there is a will; there is a way。(有志者,事竟成。)The international munity needs to demonstrate its political will to end hunger。(国际社会应该拿出根除饥饿的政治意志来。)When you have the will to win;you will find the skill to win。(你要是有赢的意志,就会获得赢的技巧。)    

  will作名词还可表示“遗愿;遗嘱”。Never yielding to Victorian conventions;Collins had insisted upon a simple funeral in his will。(考林斯一生都不愿迎合维多利亚时代的习俗,他在遗嘱中要求在他死后只举办一个简单的葬礼。)

正文2006 Part C

正文2005 Part A Text 1

      2005 Part A Text 1    
      1。 Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”;with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance。    
      【译文】 这种行为被看作是“人之常情”,其潜在的假定是:其他动物不可能具有如此高度发达的埋怨意识。    
      【析句】 主句是Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”,介词短语with the underlying…作伴随状语,而that引导同位语从句解释前面的名词assumption。    
      【讲词】 regard作动词时通常表示“看作,尊重”。Accounting may be regarded as a process of munication in a very real sense。(会计也许可以被看作是真实的交流过程。)He is a highly regarded scholar in the academic circle。(他在学术界被视为一位德高望重的学者。)    
      underlying表示“潜在的,根本的”。Clearly;Leftists have an underlying view of the difference between the “civilized” and “savage” races。(显然,左派人士对“文明”种族和“野蛮”种族的区别有一个基本的看法。)    
      capable表示“有能力”,如果与of连用可以表示“有能力做某事”。That mob’s capable of any crime。(这群暴徒什么犯法的事都能做出来。)    
      human意为“人类的,人性的,有同情心的”,在句中表示“有人性的”,all too human意为“太具有人性的”,因而可以译为“人之常情”。    
      2。 But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta;Georgia;which has just been published in Nature;suggests that it is all too monkey;as well。    
      【译文】 但是由佐治亚州亚特兰大埃里莫大学的Sarah Brosnan 和Frans de Waal进行的一项研究表明猴子也具有“猴之常情”,该成果刚在《自然》上发表。    
      【析句】 本句的主干是a study… suggests that…;其中主语study有两个定语:一个是介词结构by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal…;另一个是which引导的非限定性定语从句。谓语动词suggests后面的that 引导一个宾语从句。    
      【讲词】 suggest基本意思表示“建议”;所跟的从句常用虚拟语气。It was suggested that English should be the only language spoken in the European Parliament。(有人建议欧洲议会只使用英语。)在suggest后面的从句中,英国人一般会用should+动词原形,而美国人只用动词原形。当然suggest后面跟从句并不一定表示“建议”。I never suggested that anyone has lied or should lie。(我从没有表示过有人说过谎,或者应该说谎。)suggest还可以表示“暗示,唤起”。The arrangement of these pillars strongly suggests unity and support。(这些柱子的排列强烈暗示团结和支持。)His silence could only suggest disapproval。(他的沉默只能暗示反对。)另外,suggest有“要求;提醒”的意思。Such a crime suggests punishment。(对这样一桩犯罪应该给予惩罚。)    
      3。 However;when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers; so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock; their behaviour became markedly different。    
      【译文】 但是,当两个猴子被放在隔开但相邻的两个房间里,能够互相看见对方用石头换回来什么东西时,猴子的行为就会变得明显不同。    
      【析句】 本句是一个复合句,开始是when引导的时间状语从句,其中包含so that 引导的目的状语从句,而observe后面又是what引导的宾语从句;最后是主句their behavior bee markedly different。    
      【讲词】 so that是一个连接词,在英语中十分常见,可以表示目的。How do you raise your children so that they will have healthy relationships?(你怎样培养孩子,以便使他们能够建立健康的个人关系呢?)    
      markedly意为“明显地,显著地”,其形容词形式为marked。He showed a marked lack of interest。(他表现出明显的兴趣不足。)    
      4。 And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all;the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber;or refused to accept the slice of cucumber。    
      【译文】 如果一只猴子无需拿出代币就能够得到一颗葡萄,那么另外一只就会将代币掷向研究人员或者扔出房间外,或者拒绝接受那片黄瓜。    
      【析句】 本句是一个是由if

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