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ut then shall I know even as also I am known。 — Christ 。。。 shall change our vile body 。。。 that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body; according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself。 — As for me; I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied; when I awake; with thy likeness。 I JOHN 3:2。 John 1:12。 …II Pet。 1:4。 Isa。 64:4。 I Cor。 13:12。 …Phi。 3:20;21。 …Psa。 17:15。
六月二十五日 晚课
万军之耶和华说:我的同伴(亚13:7)。 神本性一切的丰盛,都有形有体地居住在基督里面(西2:9)。我已把救助之力加在那有能者的身上,我高举那从民中所拣选的(诗89:19)。我独自踹酒榨,众民中无一人与我同在(赛63:3)。 大哉!敬虔的奥秘,就是 神在肉身显现(提前3:16)。因有一婴孩为我们而生,有一子赐给我们,政权必担在他的肩头上。他名称为奇妙、策士、全能的 神、永在的父、和平的君(赛9:6)。 他是 神荣耀所发的光辉,是 神本体的真像,常用他权能的命令托住万有。他洗净了人的罪,就坐在高天至大者的右边。论到子却说: 神啊,你的宝座是永永远远的(来1:3,8)。 神的使者都要拜他(来1:6)。 万王之王,万主之主(来19:16)。 The man that is my fellow; saith the Lord of hosts。
In him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily。 — I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people。 — I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me。 Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh。 — Unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful; Counsellor; The mighty God; The Everlasting Father; The Prince of Peace。 The brightness of his glory; and the express image of his person; and upholding all things by the word of his power; when he had by himself purged our sins; sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high。 — Unto the Son he saith; Thy throne; O God; is for ever and ever。 Let all the angels of God worship him。 Kings of kings; and Lord of lords。 ZECH。 13:7。 Col。 2:9。 …Psa。 89:19。 …Isa。 63:3。 I Tim。 3:16。 …Isa。 9:6。 Heb。 1:3。 …Heb。 1:8。 Heb。 1:6。 Rev。 19:16。
六月二十六日 早课
甚愿你赐福与我,保佑我不遭患难。 神就应允他所求的(代上4:10)。 耶和华所赐的福,使人富足,并不加上忧虑(箴10:22)。他使人安静,谁能扰乱呢?他掩面谁能见他呢(伯34:29)。 救恩属乎耶和华,愿你赐福给你的百姓(诗3:8)。敬畏你、投靠你的人,你为他们所积存的,在世人面前所施行的恩惠是何等大呢(诗31:19)!我不求你叫他们离开世界,只求你保守他们脱离那恶者(约17:15)。 你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门。因为凡祈求的,就得着;寻找的,就寻见;叩门的,就给他开门(太7:7,8)。耶和华救赎他仆人的灵魂,凡投靠他的,必不致定罪(诗34:22)。 Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed; and that thou wouldest keep me from evil! And God granted him that which he requested。 The blessing of the LORD; it maketh rich; and he addeth no sorrow with it。 — When he giveth quietness; who then can make trouble? and when he hideth his face; who then can behold him? Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: thy blessing is upon thy people。 — How great is thy goodness; which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men。 — I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world; but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil。 Ask; and it shall be given you; seek; and ye shall find; knock; and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened。 — The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate。 I CHR。 4:10。 Prov。 l0:22。 …Job 34:29。 Psa。 3:8。 …Psa。 31:19。 …John 17:15。 Matt。 7:7;8。 …Psa。 34。22。
六月二十六日 晚课
这夜是耶和华的夜,因耶和华领他们出了埃及地(出12:42)。 主耶稣被卖的那一夜,拿起饼来,祝谢了,就擘开,说:这是我的身体,为你们舍的。你们应当如此行,为的是记念我。饭后,也照样拿起杯来,说:这杯是用我的血所立的新约。你们每逢喝的时候,要如此行,为的是记念我(林前11:23…25)。 耶稣跪下祷告,……极其伤痛,祷告更加恳切,汗珠如大血点,滴在地上(路22:41,44)。 那日是预备逾越节的日子,约有午正……他们就把耶稣带到一个地方,名叫各各他。他们就在那里钉他在十字架上(约19:14,16…18)。 因为我们逾越节的羔羊基督,已经被杀献祭了。所以我们守这节(林前5:7,8)。 It is a night to be much observed unto the Lord for bringing them out from the land of Egypt。 The Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: and when he had given thanks; he brake it; and said; Take; eat: this is my body which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me。 After the same manner also he took the cup; when he had supped; saying; This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye; as oft as ye drink it; in remembrance of me。 He 。。。 kneeled down; and prayed。 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground。 It was the preparation of the passover; and about the sixth hour: 。。。 they took Jesus; and led him away; 。。。 into a place called 。。。 Golgotha: where they cruci…fied him。 Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep the feast。 EXO。 12:42。 I Cor。 11:23…25。 Luke 22:41;44。 John 19:14;16…18。 I Cor。 5:7;8。
六月二十七日 早课
谁能站得住呢(启6:17)? 他发忿恨,谁能立得住呢?他发烈怒,谁能当得起呢(鸿1:6)?他来的日子,谁能当得起呢?他显现的时候,谁能立得住呢?因为他如炼金之人的火。如漂布之人的碱(玛3:2)。 我观看,见有许多的人,没有人能数过来,是从各国、各族、各民、各方来的,站在宝座和羔羊面前,身穿白衣,手拿棕树枝。这些人是从大患难中出来的,曾用羔羊的血把衣裳洗白净了。他们不再饥、不再渴,日头和炎热也必不伤害他们,因为宝座中的羔羊必牧养他们,领他们到生命水的泉源, 神也必擦去他们一切的眼泪(启7:9,14,16,17)。 如今那些在基督耶稣里的,就不定罪了(罗8:1)。基督释放了我们,叫我们得以自由,所以要站立得稳(加5:1)。 Who shall be able to stand? Who may abide the day of his ing? and who shall stand when he ap…peareth? for he is like a refiner's fire; and like fullers' soap。 I beheld; and; lo; a great multitude; which no man could number; of all nations; and kindreds; and peoples; and tongues; stood before the throne; and before the Lamb; clothed with white robes; and palms in their hands。 These are they which came out of great tribulation; and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb。 They shall hunger no more; neither thirst any more: neither shall the sun light on them; nor any heat。 For the Lamb; which is in the midst of the throne; shall feed them; and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes。 There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus; who walk not after the flesh; but after the Spirit。 — Stand fast therefore in the liberty where…with Christ hath made us free。 REV。 6:17。 Mal。3:2。 Rev。 7:9;14…17。 Rom。 8:1。 …Gal。 5:1。
六月二十七日 晚课
求你不要审问仆人,因为在你面前,凡活着的人没有一个是义的(诗143:2)。 耶和华说:你们来,我们彼此辩论。你们的罪虽像朱红,必变成雪白;虽红如丹颜,必白如羊毛(赛1:18)。 让他持住我的能力,使他与我和好,愿他与我和好(赛27:5)。认识 神,就得平安(伯22:21)。 我们既因信称义,就藉着我们的主耶稣基督得与 神相和(罗5:1)。人称义不是因行律法,乃是因信耶稣基督(加2:16)。凡有血气的,没有一个因行律法能在 神面前称义(罗3:20)。 你们靠摩西的律法,在一切不得称义的事上信靠这人,就都得称义了(徒13:39)。 感谢,神,使我们藉着我们的主耶稣基督得胜(林前15:57)。 Enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified。 e now; and let us reason together; saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet; they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson; they shall be as wool。 Let him take hold of my strength that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me。 — Acquaint now thyself with him; and be at peace。 Being justified by faith; we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ。 — A man is not justified by the works of the law; but by the faith of Jesus Christ。 — By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight。 By him all that believe are justified from all things; from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses。
Thanks be to God; which giveth us the victory through
our Lord Jesus Christ。 PSA。 143:2。 Isa。 1:18。 Isa。 27:5。 …Job。 22:21。 Rom。 5:1。 …Gal。 2:16。 …Rom。 3:20。 Acts 13:39。 I Cor。 15:57。
六月二十八日 早课
我知道我的救赎主活着(伯19:25)。 我们作仇敌的时候,且藉着神儿子的死,得与神和好,既已和好,就更要因他的生得救了(罗5:10)。这位既是永远常存的,他祭司的职任就长久不更换。凡靠着他进到神面前的人,他都能拯救到底,因为他是长远活着,替他们祈求(来7:24,25)。 因为我活着,你们也要活着(约14:19)。我们若靠基督只在今生有指望,就算比众人更可怜。但基督已经从死里复活,成为睡了之人初熟的果子(林前15:19,20)。 必有一位救赎主来到锡安、雅各族中转离过犯的人那里,这是耶和华说的(赛59:20)。我们藉这爱子的血得蒙救赎,过犯得以赦免,乃是照他丰富的恩典(弗l:7)。你们得赎、脱去你们祖宗所传流虚妄的行为,不是凭着能坏的金银等物,乃是凭着基督的宝血,如同无瑕疵、无玷污的羔羊之血(彼前l:18,19)。 I know that my Redeemer liveth。 If; when we were enemies; we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son; much more; being reconciled; we shall be saved by his life。 — This man; because he continueth ever; hath an unchangeable priesthood。 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that e unto God by him; seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them。 Because I live; ye shall live also。 — If in this life only we have hope in Christ; we are of all men most miserable。 But now is Christ risen from the dead; and bee the firstfruits of them that slept。 The Redeemer shall e to Zion; and unto them that turn from trans…gression in Jacob; saith the LORD。 — We have redemption through his blood; the forgiveness of sins; according to the riches of his grace。 — Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things; as silver and gold; from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ; as of a lamb without blemish and without spot。 JOB 19:25。 Rom。 5:10。 …Heb。 7:24;25。 John 14:19。 …I Cor。 15:19;20。 Isa。 59:20。 …Eph。 1:7。 …I Pet。 1:15;19。
六月二十八日 晚课
圣灵明说:在后来的时候,必有人离弃真道,听从那引诱人的邪灵(提前4:1)。 所以你们应当小心怎样听(路8:18)。当用各样的智慧,把基督的道理丰丰富富地存在心里(西3:16)。此外又拿着信德当作藤牌,可以灭尽那恶者一切的火箭(弗6:16)。
爱你律法的人有大平安,什么都不能使他们绊脚。你的言语在我上膛何等甘美,在我口中比蜜更甜!我藉着你的训词得以明白,所以我恨一切的假道(诗119:165,103,104)。 你的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光。我比我的师父更通达,因我思想你的法度(诗119:105,99)。 因为连撒但也装作光明的天使(林后11:14)。但无论是我们,是天上来的使者,若传福音给你们,与我们所传给你们的不同,他就应当被咒诅(加1:8)。 The Spirit speaketh expressly; that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith; giving heed to seducing spirits。 Take heed therefore how ye hear。 — Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom。 — Above all; taking the shield of faith; wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked。 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them。 How sweet are thy wo