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From thence he went to Hadeland and Ringerike; burning and ravaging all the land。  So says Thiodolf: 

     〃The bonde's household goods are seen      Before his door upon the green;      Smoking and singed: and sparks red hot      Glow in the thatched roof of his cot。      In Hedemark the bondes pray      The king his crushing hand to stay;      In Ringerike and Hadeland;      None 'gainst his fiery wrath can stand。〃

Then the bondes left all to the king's mercy。  After the death of King Magnus fifteen years had passed when the battle at Nis…river took place; and afterwards two years elapsed before Harald and Svein made peace。  So says Thiodolf: 

     〃The Hordland king under the land      At anchor lay close to the strand;      At last; prepared with shield and spear      The peace was settled the third year。〃

After this peace the disturbances with the people of the Upland districts lasted a year and a half。  So says Thiodolf: 

     〃No easy task it is to say      How the king brought beneath his sway      The Upland bondes; and would give      Nought but their ploughs from which to live。      The king in eighteen months brought down      Their bonde power; and raised his own;      And the great honour he has gained      Will still in memory be retained。〃


Edward; Ethelred's son; was king of England after his brother Hardacanute。  He was called Edward the Good; and so he was。  King Edward's mother was Queen Emma; daughter of Richard; earl of Rouen。  Her brother was Earl Robert; whose son was William the Bastard; who at that time was earl at Rouen in Normandy。  King Edward's queen was Gyda; a daughter of Earl Godwin; the son of Ulfnad。  Gyda's brothers were; Earl Toste; the eldest; Earl Morukare the next; Earl Walter the third; Earl Svein the fourth; and the fifth was Harald; who was the youngest; and he was brought up at King Edward's court; and was his foster…son。  The king loved him very much; and kept him as his own son; for he had no children。


One summer it happened that Harald; the son of Godwin; made an expedition to Bretland with his ships; but when they got to sea they met a contrary wind; and were driven off into the ocean。 They landed west in Normandy; after suffering from a dangerous storm。  They brought up at Rouen; where they met Earl William; who received Harald and his company gladly。  Harald remained there late in harvest; and was hospitably entertained; for the stormy weather continued; and there was no getting to sea; and this continued until winter set in; so the earl and Harald agreed that he should remain there all winter。  Harald sat on the high… seat on one side of the earl; and on the other side sat the earl's wife; one of the most beautiful women that could be seen。 They often talked together for amusement at the drinking…table; and the earl went generally to bed; but Harald and the earl's wife sat long in the evenings talking together; and so it went on for a great part of the winter。  In one of their conversations she said to Harald; 〃The earl has asked me what it is we have to talk about so much; for he is angry at it。〃  Harald replies; 〃We shall then at once let him know all our conversation。〃  The following day; Harald asked the earl to a conference; and they went together into the conference…chamber; where also the queen was; and some of the councillors。  Then Harald began thus:  〃I have to inform you; earl; that there lies more in my visit here than I have let you know。  I would ask your daughter in marriage; and have often spoke over this matter with her mother; and she has promised to support my suit with you。〃  As soon as Harald had made known this proposal of his; it was well received by all who were present。  They explained the case to the earl; and at last it came so far that the earl was contracted to Harald; but as she was very young; it was resolved that the wedding should be deferred for some years。


When spring came Harald rigged his ships and set off; and he and the earl parted with great friendship。  Harald sailed over to England to King Edward; but did not return to Valland to fulfill the marriage agreement。  Edward was king over England for twenty… three years and died on a bed of sickness in London on the 5th of January; and was buried in Paul's church。  Englishmen call him a saint。


The sons of Earl Godwin were the most powerful men in England。 Toste was made chief of the English king's army; and was his land…defence man when the king began to grow old; and he was also placed above all the other earls。  His brother Harald was always with the court itself; and nearest to the king in all service; and had the charge of the king's treasure…chamber。  It is said that when the king was approaching his last hour; Harald and a few others were with him。  Harald first leans down over the king; and then said; 〃I take you all to witness that the king has now given me the kingdom; and all the realm of England:〃 and then the king was taken dead out of the bed。  The same day there was a meeting of the chiefs; at which there was some talk of choosing a king; and then Harald brought forward his witnesses that King Edward had given him the kingdom on his dying day。  The meeting ended by choosing Harald as king; and he was consecrated and crowned the 13th day of Yule; in Paul's church。  Then all the chiefs and all the people submitted to him。  Now when his brother; Earl Toste; heard of this he took it very ill; as he thought himself quite as well entitled to be king。  〃I want;〃 said he; 〃that the principal men of the country choose him whom they think best fitted for it。〃  And sharp words passed between the brothers。  King Harald says he will not give up his kingly dignity; for he is seated on the throne which kings sat upon; and is anointed and consecrated a king。  On his side also was the strength of the people; for he had the king's whole treasure。


Now when King Harald perceived that his brother Toste wanted to have him deprived of the kingdom he did not trust him; for Toste was a clever man; and a great warrior; and was in friendship with the principal men of the country。  He therefore took the command of the army from Toste; and also all the power he had beyond that of the other earls of the country。  Earl Toste; again; would not submit to be his own brother's serving man; therefore he went with his people over the sea to Flanders; and stayed there awhile; then went to Friesland; and from thence to Denmark to his relation King Svein。  Earl Ulf; King Svein's father; and Gyda; Earl Toste's mother; were brother's and sister's children。  The earl now asked King Svein for support and help of men; and King Svein invited him to stay with him; with the promise that he should get so large an earldom in Denmark that he would be an important chief。

The earl replies; 〃My inclination is to go back to my estate in England; but if I cannot get help from you for that purpose; I will agree to help you with all the power I can command in England; if you will go there with the Danish army; and win the country; as Canute; your mother's brother; did。〃

The king replied; 〃So much smaller a man am I than Canute the Great; that I can with difficulty defend my own Danish dominions against the Northmen。  King Canute; on the other hand; got the Danish kingdom in heritage; took England by slash and blow; and sometimes was near losing his life in the contest; and Norway he took without slash or blow。  Now it suits me much better to be guided by my own slender ability than to imitate my relation; King Canute's; lucky hits。〃

Then Earl Toste said; 〃The result of my errand here is less fortunate than I expected of thee who art so gallant a man; seeing that thy relative is in so great need。 It may be that I will seek friendly help where it could less be expected; and that I may find a chief who is less afraid; king; than thou art of a great enterprise。〃

Then the king and the earl parted; not just the best friends。


Earl Toste turned away then and went to Norway; where he presented himself to King Harald; who was at that time in Viken。 When they met the earl explained his errand to the king。  He told him all his proceedings since he left England; and asked his aid to recover his dominions in England。

The king replied that the Northmen had no great desire for a campaign in England; and to have English chiefs over them there。  〃People say;〃 added he; 〃that the English are not to be trusted。〃 

The earl replied; 〃Is it true what I have heard people tell in England; that thy relative; King Magnus; sent men to King Edward with the message that King Magnus had right to England as well as to Denmark; and had got that heritage after Hardacanute; in consequence of a regular agreement?〃

The king replied; 〃How came it that he did not get it; if he had a right to it?〃

〃Why;〃 replied the earl; 〃hast thou not Denmark; as King Magnus; thy predecessor; had it?〃

The king replies; 〃The Danes have nothing to brag of over us Northmen; for many a place have we laid in ashes to thy relations。〃

Then said the earl; 〃If thou wilt not tell me; I will tell thee。 Magnus subdued Denmark; because all the chiefs of the country helped him; and thou hast not done it; because all the people of the country were against thee。  Therefore; also; King Magnus did not strive for England; because all the nation would have Edward for king。  Wilt thou take England now?  I will bring the matter so far that most of the principal men in England shall be thy friends; and assist thee; for nothing is wanting to place me at the side of my brother Harald but the king's name。  All men allow that there never was such a warrior in the northern lands as thou art; and it appears to me extraordinary that thou hast been fighting for fifteen years for Denmark; and wilt not take England that lies open to thee。〃

King Harald weighed carefully the earl's words; and perceived at once that there was truth in much of what he said; and he himself had also a great desire to acquire dominions。  Then King Harald and the earl talked long and frequently together; and at last he took the resolution to proceed in summer to England; and conquer the country。  King Harald sent a message…token through all Norway and ordered out a levy of one…half of all the men in Norway able to carry arms。  When this became generally known; there were many guesses about what might be the end of this expedition。  Some reckoned up King Harald's great achievements; and thought he was also the man who could accomplish this。  Others; again; said that England was difficult to attack; that it was very full of people; and the men…at…arms; who were called Thingmen; were so brave; that one of them was better than two of Harald's best men。  Then said Ulf the marshal: 

     〃I am still ready gold to gain;      But truly it would be in vain;      And the king's marshal in the hall      Might leave his good post once for all;      If two of us in any strife      Must for one Thingman fly for life;      My lovely Norse maid; in my youth      We thought th

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