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小说: heimskringla 字数: 每页3500字

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When Sigurd and Markus lost their ships in the Gaut river; and saw they could get no hold on Erling; they went to the Uplands; and proceeded by land north to Throndhjem。  Sigurd was received there joyfully; and chosen king at an Eyra…thing; and many gallant men; with their sons; attached themselves to his party。 They fitted out ships; rigged them for a voyage; and proceeded when summer came southwards to More; and took up all the royal revenues wheresoever they came。  At this time the following lendermen were appointed in Bergen for the defence of the country:  Nikolas Sigurdson; Nokve Palson; and several military leaders; as Thorolf Dryl; Thorbjorn Gjaldkere; and many others。 As Markus and Sigurd sailed south; they heard that Erling's men were numerous in Bergen; and therefore they sailed outside the coast…rocks; and southwards past Bergen。  It was generally remarked; that Markus's men always got a fair wind; wherever they wished to sail to。


As soon as Erling Skakke heard that Sigurd and Markus had sailed southwards; he hastened to Viken; and drew together an armed force; and he soon had a great many men; and many stout ships。 But when he came farther in Viken; he met with a strong contrary wind; which kept him there in port the whole summer。  Now when Sigurd and Markus came east to Lister; they heard that Erling had a great force in Viken; so they turned to the north again。  But when they reached Hordaland; with the intention of sailing to Bergen; and came opposite the town; Nikolas and his men rowed out against them; with more men and larger ships than they had。 Sigurd and Markus saw no other way of escaping but to row away southwards。  Some of them went out to sea; others got south to the sound; and some got into the Fjords。  Markus; and some people with him; sprang upon an isle called Skarpa。  Nikolas and his men took their ships; gave Jon Halkelson and a few others quarter; but killed the most of them they could get hold of。  Some days after Eindride Heidafylja found Sigurd and Markus; and they were brought to Bergen。  Sigurd was beheaded outside of Grafdal; and Markus and another man were hanged at Hvarfsnes。  This took place on Michaelmas day (September 29; 1163); and the band which had followed them was dispersed。


Frirek Keina and Bjarne the Bad; Onund Simonson and Ornolf Skorpa had rowed out to sea with some ships; and sailed outside along the land to the east。  Wheresoever they came to the land they plundered; and killed Erling's friends。  Now when Erling heard that Sigurd and Markus were killed; he gave leave to the lendermen and people of the levy to return home; but he himself; with his men; set his course eastward across the Folden fjord; for he heard of Markus's men there。  Erling sailed to Konungahella; where he remained the autumn; and in the first week of winter Erling went out to the island Hising with his men; and called the bondes to a Thing。  When the Hising people came to the Thing; Erling laid his law…suit against them for having joined the bands of Sigurd and Markus; and having raised men against him。  Assur was the name of one of the greatest of the bondes on the island; and he answered Erling on account of the others。  The Thing was long assembled; but at the close the bondes gave the case into Erling's own power; and he appointed a meeting in the town within one week; and named fifteen bondes who should appear there。  When they came; he condemned them to pay a penalty of 300 head of cattle; and the bondes returned home ill pleased at this sentence。  Soon after the Gaut river was frozen; and Erling's ships were fast in the ice; and the bondes kept back the mulct; and lay assembled for some time。  Erling made a Yule feast in the town; but the Hising people had joint…feasts with each other; and kept under arms during Yule。  The night after the fifth day of Yule Erling went up to Hising; surrounded Assur's house; and burnt him in it。  He killed one hundred men in all; burnt three houses; and then returned to Konungahella。  The bondes came then; according to agreement; to pay the mulct。


Erling Skakke made ready to sail in spring as soon as he could get his ships afloat for ice; and sailed from Konungahella; for he heard that those who had formerly been Markus's friends were marauding in the north of Viken。  Erling sent out spies to learn their doings; searched for them; and found them lying in a harbour。  Onund Simonson and Ornolf Skorpa escaped; but Frirek Keina and Bjarne the Bad were taken; and many of their followers were killed。  Erling had Frirek bound to an anchor and thrown overboard; and for that deed Erling was much detested in the Throndhjem country; for the most powerful men there were relatives of Frirek。  Erling ordered Bjarne the Bad to be hanged; and he uttered; according to his custom; many dreadful imprecations during his execution。  Thorbjorn Skakkaskald tells of this business: 

     〃East of the Fjord beyond the land;      Unnoticed by the pirate band;      Erling stole on them ere they knew;      And seized and killed all Keina's crew。      Keina; fast to an anchor bound;      Was thrown into the deep…blue Sound;      And Bjarne swung high on gallows…tree;      A sight all good men loved to see。〃

Onund and Ornolf; with the band that had escaped; fled to Denmark; but were sometimes in Gautland; or in Viken。


Erling Skakke sailed after this to Tunsberg; and remained there very long in spring (A。D。 1164); but when summer came he proceeded north to Bergen; where at that time a great many people were assembled。  There was the legate from Rome; Stephanus; the Archbishop Eystein; and other bishops of the country。  There was also Bishop Brand; who was consecrated bishop of Iceland; and Jon Loptson; a daughter's son of King Magnus Barefoot; and on this occasion King Magnus and Jon's other relations acknowledged the relationship with him。

Archbishop Eystein and Erling Skakke often conversed together in private; and; among other things; Erling asked one day; 〃Is it true; sir; what people tell me; that you have raised the value of the ore upon the people north in Throndhjem; in the law cases in which money…fees are paid you ?〃

〃It is so;〃 said the archbishop; 〃that the bondes have allowed me an advance on the ore of law casualties; but they did it willingly; and without any kind of compulsion; and have thereby added to their honour for God and the income of the bishopric。〃

Erling replies; 〃Is this according to the law of the holy Olaf? or have you gone to work more arbitrarily in this than is written down in the lawbook?〃

The archbishop replies; 〃King Olaf the Holy fixed the laws; to which he received the consent and affirmative of the people; but it will not be found in his laws that it is forbidden to increase God's right。〃

Erling: 〃If you augment your right; you must assist us to augment as much the king's right。〃

The archbishop: 〃Thou hast already augmented enough thy son's power and dominion; and if I have exceeded the law in taking an increase of the ore from the Throndhjem people; it is; I think; a much greater breach of the law that one is king over the country who is not a king's son; and which has neither any support in the law; nor in any precedent here in the country。〃

Erling: 〃When Magnus was chosen king; it was done with your knowledge and consent; and also of all the other bishops here in the country。〃

Archbishop: 〃You promised then; Erling; that provided we gave our consent to electing Magnus king; you would; on all occasions; and with all your power; strengthen God's rights。〃

Erling: 〃I may well admit that I have promised to preserve and strengthen God's commands and the laws of the land with all my power; and with the king's strength; and now I consider it to be much more advisable; instead of accusing each other of a breach of our promises; to hold firmly by the agreement entered into between us。  Do you strengthen Magnus in his dominion; according to what you have promised; and I will; on my part; strengthen your power in all that can be of advantage or honour。〃

The conversation now took a more friendly turn; and Erling said; 〃Although Magnus was not chosen king according to what has been the old custom of this country; yet can you with your power give him consecration as king; as God's law prescribes; by anointing the king to sovereignty; and although I be neither a king; nor of kingly race; yet most of the kings; within my recollection; have not known the laws or the constitution of the country so well as I do。  Besides; the mother of King Magnus is the daughter of a king and queen born in lawful wedlock; and Magnus is son of a queen and a lawfully married wife。  Now if you will give him royal consecration; no man can take royalty from him。  William Bastard was not a king's son; but he was consecrated and crowned king of England; and the royalty in England has ever since remained with his race; and all have been crowned。  Svein Ulfson was not a king's son in Denmark; and still he was a crowned king; and his sons likewise; and all his descendants have been crowned kings。  Now we have here in Norway an archiepiscopal seat; to the glory and honour of the country; let us also have a crowned king; as well as the Danes and Englishmen。〃

Erling and the archbishop afterwards talked often of this matter; and they were quite agreed。  Then the archbishop brought the business before the legate; and got him easily persuaded to give his consent。  Thereafter the archbishop called together the bishops; and other learned men; and explained the subject to them。  They all replied in the same terms; that they would follow the counsels of the archbishop; and all were eager to promote the consecration as soon as the archbishop pleased。


Erling Skakke then had a great feast prepared in the king's house。  The large hall was covered with costly cloth and tapestry; and adorned with great expense。  The court…men and all the attendants were there entertained; and there were numerous guests; and many chiefs。  Then King Magnus received the royal consecration from the Archbishop Eystein; and at the consecration there were five other bishops and the legate; besides a number of other clergy。  Erling Skakke; and with him twelve other lendermen; administered to the king the oath of the law; and the day of the consecration the king and Erling had the legate; the archbishop; and all the other bishops as guests; and the feast was exceedingly magnificent; and the father and son distributed many great presents。  King Magnus was then eight years of age; and had been king for three years。


When the Danish king Valdemar heard the news from Norway that Magnus was become king of the whole country; and all the other parties in the country were rooted out; he sent his men with a letter to King Magnus and Erling; and reminded them of the agreement which Erling had entered into; under oath; with King Valdemar; of which we have spoken before; namely; that Viken from the east to Rygiarbit should

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