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King Harald moved out with his army from Throndhjem; and went southwards to More。  Hunthiof was the name of the king who ruled over the district of More。  Solve Klofe was the name of his son; and both were great warriors。  King Nokve; who ruled over Raumsdal; was the brother of Solve's mother。  Those chiefs gathered a great force when they heard of King Harald; and came against him。  They met at Solskel; and there was a great battle; which was gained by King Harald (A。D。 867)。  Hornklofe tells of this battle: 

     〃Thus did the hero known to fame;      The leader of the shields; whose name      Strikes every heart with dire dismay;      Launch forth his war…ships to the fray。      Two kings he fought; but little strife      Was needed to cut short their life。      A clang of arms by the sea…shore;       And the shields' sound was heard no more。〃

The two kings were slain; but Solve escaped by flight; and King Harald laid both districts under his power。  He stayed here long in summer to establish law and order for the country people; and set men to rule them; and keep them faithful to him; and in autumn he prepared to return northwards to Throndhjem。  Ragnvald Earl of More; a son of Eystein Glumra; had the summer before become one of Harald's men; and the king set him as chief over these two districts; North More and Raumsdal; strengthened him both with men of might and bondes; and gave him the help of ships to defend the coast against enemies。  He was called Ragnvald the Mighty; or the Wise; and people say both names suited him well。  King Harald came back to Throndhjem about winter。


The following spring (A。D。 868) King Harald raised a great force in Throndhjem; and gave out that he would proceed to South More。 Solve Klofe had passed the winter in his ships of war; plundering in North More; and had killed many of King Harald's men; pillaging some places; burning others; and making great ravage; but sometimes he had been; during the winter; with his friend King Arnvid in South More。  Now when he heard that King Harald was come with ships and a great army; he gathered people; and was strong in men…at…arms; for many thought they had to take vengeance of King Harald。  Solve Klofe went southwards to Firdafylke (the Fjord district); which King Audbjorn ruled over; to ask him to help; and join his force to King Arnvid's and his own。  〃For;〃 said he; 〃it is now clear that we all have but one course to take; and that is to rise; all as one man; against King Harald; for we have strength enough; and fate must decide the victory; for as to the other condition of becoming his servants; that is no condition for us; who are not less noble than Harald。 My father thought it better to fall in battle for his kingdom; than to go willingly into King Harald's service; or not to abide the chance of weapons like the Naumudal kings。〃  King Solve's speech was such that King Audbjorn promised his help; and gathered a great force together and went with it to King Arnvid; and they had a great army。  Now; they got news that King Harald was come from the north; and they met within Solskel。  And it was the custom to lash the ships together; stem to stem; so it was done now。  King Harald laid his ship against King Arnvid's; and there was the sharpest fight; and many men fell on both sides。  At last King Harald was raging with anger; and went forward to the fore…deck; and slew so dreadfully that all the forecastle men of Arnvid's ship were driven aft of the mast; and some fell。 Thereupon Harald boarded the ship; and King Arnvid's men tried to save themselves by flight; and he himself was slain in his ship。 King Audbjorn also fell; but Solve fled。  So says Hornklofe:  

     〃Against the hero's shield in vain      The arrow…storm fierce pours its rain。      The king stands on the blood…stained deck;      Trampling on many a stout foe's neck;      And high above the dinning stound      Of helm and axe; and ringing sound      Of blade and shield; and raven's cry;      Is heard his shout of ‘Victory!'〃

Of King Harald's men; fell his earls Asgaut and Asbjorn; together with his brothers…in…law; Grjotgard and Herlaug; the sons of Earl Hakon of Lade。  Solve became afterwards a great sea…king; and often did great damage in King Harald's dominions。


After this battle (A。D。 868) King Harald subdued South More; but Vemund; King Audbjorn's brother; still had Firdafylke。  It was now late in harvest; and King Harald's men gave him the counsel not to proceed south…wards round Stad。  Then King Harald set Earl Ragnvald over South and North More and also Raumsdal; and he had many people about him。  King Harald returned to Throndhjem。  The same winter (A。D。 869) Ragnvald went over Eid; and southwards to the Fjord district。  There he heard news of King Vemund; and came by night to a place called Naustdal; where King Vemund was living in guest…quarters。  Earl Ragnvald surrounded the house in which they were quartered; and burnt the king in it; together with ninety men。  The came Berdlukare to Earl Ragnvald with a complete armed long…ship; and they both returned to More。  The earl took all the ships Vemund had; and all the goods he could get hold of。 Berdlukare proceeded north to Throndhjem to King Harald; and became his man; and dreadful berserk he was。


The following spring (A。D。 869) King Harald went southwards with his fleet along the coast; and subdued Firdafylke。  Then he sailed eastward along the land until he came to Vik; but he left Earl Hakon Grjotgardson behind; and set him over the Fjord district。  Earl Hakon sent word to Earl Atle Mjove that he should leave Sogn district; and be earl over Gaular district; as he had been before; alleging that King Harald had given Sogn district to him。  Earl Atle sent word that he would keep both Sogn district and Gaular district; until he met King Harald。  The two earls quarreled about this so long; that both gathered troops。  They met at Fialar; in Stavanger fiord; and had a great battle; in which Earl Hakon fell; and Earl Atle got a mortal wound; and his men carried him to the island of Atley; where he died。  So says Eyvind Skaldaspiller: 

     〃He who stood a rooted oak;      Unshaken by the swordsman's stroke;      Amidst the whiz of arrows slain;      Has fallen upon Fjalar's plain。      There; by the ocean's rocky shore;      The waves are stained with the red gore      Of stout Earl Hakon Grjotgard's son;      And of brave warriors many a one。〃


King Harald came with his fleet eastward to Viken and landed at Tunsberg; which was then a trading town。  He had then been four years in Throndhjem; and in all that time had not been in Viken。 Here he heard the news that Eirik Eymundson; king of Sweden; had laid under him Vermaland; and was taking scat or land…tax from all the forest settlers; and also that he called the whole country north to Svinasund; and west along the sea; West Gautland; and which altogether he reckoned to his kingdom; and took land…tax from it。  Over this country he had set an earl; by name Hrane Gauzke; who had the earldom between Svinasund and the Gaut river; and was a mighty earl。  And it was told to King Harald that the Swedish king said he would not rest until he had as great a kingdom in Viken as Sigurd Hring; or his son Ragnar Lodbrok; had possessed; and that was Raumarike and Vestfold; all the way to the isle Grenmar; and also Vingulmark; and all that lay south of it。  In all these districts many chiefs; and many other people; had given obedience to the Swedish king。  King Harald was very angry at this; and summoned the bondes to a Thing at Fold; where he laid an accusation against them for treason towards him。  Some bondes defended themselves from the accusation; some paid fines; some were punished。  He went thus through the whole district during the summer; and in harvest he did the same in Raumarike; and laid the two districts under his power。  Towards winter he heard that Eirik king of Sweden was; with his court; going about in Vermaland in guest…quarters。


King Harald takes his way across the Eid forest eastward; and comes out in Vermaland; where he also orders feasts to be prepared for himself。  There was a man by name Ake; who was the greatest of the bondes of Vermaland; very rich; and at that time very aged。  He sent men to King Harald; and invited him to a feast; and the king promised to come on the day appointed。  Ake invited also King Eirik to a feast; and appointed the same day。 Ake had a great feasting hall; but it was old; and he made a new hall; not less than the old one; and had it ornamented in the most splendid way。  The new hall he had hung with new hangings; but the old had only its old ornaments。  Now when the kings came to the feast; King Eirik with his court was taken into the old hall; but Harald with his followers into the new。  The same difference was in all the table furniture; and King Eirik and his men had the old…fashioned vessels and horns; but all gilded and splendid; while King Harald and his men had entirely new vessels and horns adorned with gold; all with carved figures; and shining like glass; and both companies had the best of liquor。  Ake the bonde had formerly been King Halfdan the Black s man。  Now when daylight came; and the feast was quite ended; and the kings made themselves ready for their journey; and the horses were saddled; came Ake before King Harald; leading in his hand his son Ubbe; a boy of twelve years of age; and said; 〃If the goodwill I have shown to thee; sire; in my feast; be worth thy friendship; show it hereafter to my son。  I give him to thee now for thy service。〃 The king thanked him with many agreeable words for his friendly entertainment; and promised him his full friendship in return。 Then Ake brought out great presents; which he gave to the king; and they gave each other thereafter the parting kiss。  Ake went next to the Swedish king; who was dressed and ready for the road; but not in the best humour。  Ake gave to him also good and valuable gifts; but the king answered only with few words; and mounted his horse。  Ake followed the king on the road and talked with him。  The road led through a wood which was near to the house; and when Ake came to the wood; the king said to him; 〃How was it that thou madest such a difference between me and King Harald as to give him the best of everything; although thou knowest thou art my man?〃  〃I think〃 answered Ake; 〃that there failed in it nothing; king; either to you or to your attendants; in friendly entertainment at this feast。  But that all the utensils for your drinking were old; was because you are now old; but King Harald is in the bloom of youth; and therefore I gave him the new things。  And as to my being thy man; thou art just as much my man。〃  On this the king out with his sword; and gave Ake his deathwound。  King Harald was ready now also to mount his horse; and desired that Ake should be called。  The people went to seek him; and some ran up the road that King Eirik had taken; and found Ake there dead。  They came back; and told the news 

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