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小说: heimskringla 字数: 每页3500字

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Hjalte saw sufficiently that there was no hope of the king's listening to any proposal of a peace; and desisted from speaking of it; and turned the conversation to something else。  When Hjalte; afterwards; came into discourse with the king's daughter Ingegerd; he tells her his conversation with the king。  She told him she expected such an answer from the king。  Hjalte begged of her to say a good word to the king about the matter; but she thought the king would listen as little to what she said: 〃But speak about it I will; if thou requirest it。〃  Hjalte assured her he would be thankful for the attempt。  One day the king's daughter Ingegerd had a conversation with her father Olaf; and as she found her father was in a particularly good humour; she said; 〃What is now thy intention with regard to the strife with Olaf the Thick?  There are many who complain about it; having lost their property by it; others have lost their relations by the Northmen; and all their peace and quiet; so that none of your men see any harm that can be done to Norway。  It would be a bad counsel if thou sought the dominion over Norway; for it is a poor country; difficult to come at; and the people dangerous: for the men there will rather have any other for their king than thee。  If I might advise; thou wouldst let go all thoughts about Norway; and not desire Olaf's heritage; and rather turn thyself to the kingdoms in the East country; which thy forefathers the former Swedish kings had; and which our relation Styrbjorn lately subdued; and let the thick Olaf possess the heritage of his forefathers and make peace with him。〃

The king replies in a rage; 〃It is thy counsel; Ingegerd; that I should let slip the kingdom of Norway; and give thee in marriage to this thick Olaf。 … No;〃 says he; 〃something else shall first take place。  Rather than that; I shall; at the Upsala Thing in winter; issue a proclamation to all Swedes; that the whole people shall assemble for an expedition; and go to their ships before the ice is off the waters; and I will proceed to Norway; and lay waste the land with fire and sword; and burn everything; to punish them for their want of fidelity。〃

The king was so mad with rage that nobody ventured to say a word; and she went away。  Hjalte; who was watching for her; immediately went to her and asked how her errand to the king had turned out。 She answered; it turned out as she had expected; that none could venture to put in a word with the king; but; on the contrary; he had used threats; and she begged Hjalte never to speak of the matter again before the king。  As Hjalte and Ingegerd spoke together often; Olaf the Thick was often the subject; and he told her about him and his manners; and Hjalte praised the king of Norway what he could; but said no more than was the truth; and she could well perceive it。  Once; in a conversation; Hjalte said to her; 〃May I be permitted; daughter of the king; to tell thee what lies in my mind?〃

〃Speak freely;〃 says she; 〃but so that I alone can hear it。〃

〃Then;〃 said Hjalte; 〃what would be thy answer; if the Norway king Olaf sent messengers to thee with the errand to propose marriage to thee?〃

She blushed; and answered slowly but gently; 〃I have not made up my mind to answer to that; but if Olaf be in all respects so perfect as thou tellest me; I could wish for no other husband; unless; indeed; thou hast gilded him over with thy praise more than sufficiently。〃

Hjalte replied; that he had in no respect spoken better of the king than was true。  They often spoke together on the same subject。  Ingegerd begged Hjalte to be cautious not to mention it to any other person; for the king would be enraged against him if it came to his knowledge。  Hjalte only spoke of it to the skalds Gissur and Ottar; who thought it was the most happy plan; if it could but be carried into effect。  Ottar; who was a man of great power of conversation; and much beloved in the court; soon brought up the subject before the king's daughter; and recounted to her; as Hjalte had done; all King Olaf's excellent qualities。 Often spoke Hjalte and the others about him; and now that Hjalte knew the result of his mission; he sent those Gautland men away who had accompanied him; and let them return to the earl with letters (1) which the king's daughter Ingegerd sent to the earl and Ingebjorg。  Hjalte also let them give a hint to the earl about the conversation he had had with Ingegerd; and her answer thereto: and the messengers came with it to the earl a little before Yule。

ENDNOTES: (1)  This seems the first notice we have in the sagas of written      letters being sent instead of tokens and verbal messages。       L。


When King Olaf had despatched Bjorn and his followers to Gautland; he sent other people also to the Uplands; with the errand that they should have guest…quarters prepared for him; as he intended that winter (A。D。 1018) to live as guest in the Uplands; for it had been the custom of former kings to make a progress in guest…quarters every third year in the Uplands。  In autumn he began his progress from Sarpsborg; and went first to Vingulmark。  He ordered his progress so that he came first to lodge in the neighbourhood of the forest habitations; and summoned to him all the men of the habitations who dwelt at the greatest distance from the head…habitations of the district; and he inquired particularly how it stood with their Christianity; and; where improvement was needful; he taught them the right customs。  If any there were who would not renounce heathen ways; he took the matter so zealously that he drove some out of the country; mutilated others of hands or feet; or stung their eyes out; hung up some; cut down some with the sword; but let none go unpunished who would not serve God。  He went thus through the whole district; sparing neither great nor small。  He gave them teachers; and placed these as thickly in the country as he saw needful。  In this manner he went about in that district; and had 300 deadly men…at…arms with him; and then proceeded to Raumarike。 He soon perceived that Christianity was thriving less the farther he proceeded into the interior of the country。  He went forward everywhere in the same way; converting all the people to the right faith; and severely punishing all who would not listen to his word。


Now when the king who at that time ruled in Raumarike heard of this; he thought it was a very bad affair; for every day came men to him; both great and small; who told him what was doing。  Therefore this king resolved to go up to Hedemark; and consult King Hrorek; who was the most eminent for understanding of the kings who at that time were in the country。  Now when these kings spoke with each other; they agreed to send a message to Gudrod; the valley…king north in the Gudbrandsdal; and likewise to the king who was in Hadaland; and bid them to come to Hedemark; to meet Hrorek and the other kings there。  They did not spare their travelling; for five kings met in Hedemark; at a place called Ringsaker。  Ring; King Hrorek's brother; was the fifth of these kings。  The kings had first a private conference together; in which he who came from Raumarike first took up the word; and told of King Olaf's proceedings; and of the disturbance he was causing both by killing and mutilating people。  Some he drove out of the country; some he deprived of their offices or property if they spoke anything against him; and; besides; he was travelling over the country with a great army; not with the number of people fixed by law for a royal progress in guest…quarters。  He added; that he had fled hither upon account of this disturbance; and many powerful people with him had fled from their udal properties in Raumarike。  〃But although as yet the evil is nearest to us; it will be but a short time before ye will also be exposed to it; therefore it is best that we all consider together what resolution we shall take。〃  When he had ended his speech; Hrorek was desired to speak; and he said; 〃Now is the day come that I foretold when we had had our meeting at Hadaland; and ye were all so eager to raise Olaf over our heads; namely; that as soon as he was the supreme master of the country we would find it hard to hold him by the horns。  We have but two things now to do: the one is; to go all of us to him; and let him do with us as he likes; which I think is the best thing we can do; or the other is; to rise against him before he has gone farther through the country。 Although he has 300 or 400 men; that is not too great a force for us to meet; if we are only all in movement together: but; in general; there is less success and advantage to be gained when several of equal strength are joined together; than when one alone stands at the head of his own force; therefore it is my advice; that we do not venture to try our luck against Olaf Haraldson。〃

Thereafter each of the kings spoke according to his own mind some dissuading from going out against King Olaf; others urging it; and no determination was come to; as each had his own reasons to produce。

Then Gudrod; the valley…king; took up the word; and spoke:  〃It appears wonderful to me; that ye make such a long roundabout in coming to a resolution; and probably ye are frightened for him。 We are here five kings; and none of less high birth than Olaf。 We gave him the strength to fight with Earl Svein; and with our forces he has brought the country under his power。  But if he grudges each of us the little kingdom he had before; and threatens us with tortures; or gives us ill words; then; say I for myself; that I will withdraw myself from the king's slavery; and I do not call him a man among you who is afraid to cut him off; if he come into your hands here up in Hedemark。  And this I can tell you; that we shall never bear our heads in safety while Olaf is in life。〃  After this encouragement they all agreed to his determination。

Then said Hrorek; 〃With regard to this determination; it appears to me necessary to make our agreement so strong that no one shall fail in his promise to the other。  Therefore; if ye determine upon attacking Olaf at a fixed time; when he comes here to Hedemark; I will not trust much to you if some are north in the valleys; others up in Hedemark; but if our resolution is to come to anything; we must remain here assembled together day and night。〃

This the kings agreed to; and kept themselves there all assembled; ordering a feast to be provided for them at Ringsaker; and drank there a cup to success; sending out spies to Raumarike; and when one set came in sending out others; so that day and night they had intelligence of Olaf's proceedings; and of the numbers of his men。  King Olaf went about in Raumarike in guest…quarters; and altogether in the way before related; but as the provision of the guest…quarter was not always sufficient; upon account of his numerous followers; he laid it upon the bondes to give additional contributions wherever he found it necessary to stay。  In some places he stayed longer; in others; shorter than was fixed; and his journey down to the lake Miosen was shorter than had been fixed on。  The kings; after taking their resolution; sent out message…tokens; and summoned all the 

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