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小说: heimskringla 字数: 每页3500字

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ew not where the earl to find;      Four times driven off by men unkind;      I wandered now the whole night o'er;      Driven like a dog from door to door。〃

Now when they came to Earl Ragnvald's the earl said they must have had a severe journey。  Then Sigvat sang: 

     〃The message…bearers of the king      From Norway came his words to bring;      And truly for their master they      Hard work have done before to…day。      We did not loiter on the road;      But on we pushed for thy abode:      Thy folk; in sooth; were not so kind      That we cared much to lag hehind。      But Eid to rest safe we found;      From robbers free to the eastern bound:      This praise to thee; great earl; is due       The skald says only what is true。〃

Earl Ragnvald gave Sigvat a gold arm…ring; and a woman said 〃he had not made the journey with his black eyes for nothing。〃  Sigvat sang: 

     〃My coal…black eyes      Dost thou despise?      They have lighted me      Across the sea      To gain this golden prize:      They have lighted me;      Thy eyes to see;      O'er Iceland's main;      O'er hill and plain:      Where Nanna's lad would fear to be      They have lighted me。〃

Sigvat was long entertained kindly and well in the house of Earl Ragnvald。  The earl heard by letters; sent by Ingegerd the king's daughter; that ambassadors from King Jarisleif were come from Russia to King Olaf of Svithjod to ask his daughter Ingegerd in marriage; and that King Olaf had given them hopes that he would agree to it。  About the same time King Olaf's daughter Astrid came to Earl Ragnvald's court; and a great feast was made for her。  Sigvat soon became acquainted by conversation with the king's daughter; and she knew him by name and family; for Ottar the skald; Sigvat's sister's son; had long intimate acquaintance with King Olaf; the Swedish king。  Among other things talked of; Earl Ragnvald asked Sigvat if the king of Norway would not marry the king's daughter Astrid。  〃If he would do that;〃 said he; 〃I think we need not ask the Swedish king for his  consent。〃  Astrid; the kings daughter; said exactly the same。  Soon after Sigvat returns home; and comes to King Olaf at Sarpsborg a little before Yule。

When Sigvat came home to King Olaf he went into the hall; and; looking around on the walls; he sang: 

     〃When our men their arms are taking      The raven's wings with greed are shaking;      When they come back to drink in hall      Brave spoil they bring to deck the wall       Shield; helms; and panzers (1); all in row;      Stripped in the field from lifeless fow。      In truth no royal nail comes near      Thy splendid hall in precious gear。〃

Afterwards Sigvat told of his journey; and sang these verses: 

     〃The king's court…guards desire to hear      About our journey and our cheer;      Our ships in autumn reach the sound;      But long the way to Swedish ground。      With joyless weather; wind and raind;      And pinching cold; and feet in pain       With sleep; fatigue; and want oppressed;      No songs had we  we scarce had rest。〃

And when he came into conversation with the king he sang: 

     〃When first I met the earl I told      How our king loved a friend so bold;      How in his heart he loved a man      With hand to do; and head to plan。      Thou generous king!  with zeal and care      I sought to advance thy great affair;      For messengers from Russian land      Had come to ask Ingegerd's hand。      The earl; thy friend; bids thee; who art      So mild and generous of heart;      His servants all who here may come      To cherish in thy royal home;      And thine who may come to the east      In Ragnvald's hall shall find a feast       In Ragnvald's house shall find a home       At Ragnvald's court be still welcome。      When first I came the people's mind      Incensed by Eirik's son I find;      And he refused the wish to meet;      Alleging treachery and deceit。      But I explained how it was here;      For earl and king; advantage clear      With thee to hold the strictest peace;      And make all force and foray cease。      The earl is wise; and understands      The need of peace for both the lands;      And he entreats thee not to break      The present peace for vengeance's sake!〃

He immediately tells King Olaf the news he had heard; and at first the king was much cast down when he heard of King Jarisleif's suit; and he said he expected nothing but evil from King Olaf; but wished he might be able to return it in such a way as Olaf should remember。  A while afterwards the king asks Sigvat about various news from Gautland。  Sigvat spoke a great deal about Astrid; the kings daughter; how beautiful she was; how agreeable in her conversation; and that all declared she was in no respect behind her sister Ingegerd。  The king listened with pleasure to this。  Then Sigvat told him the conversation he and Astrid had had between themselves; and the king was delighted at the idea。  〃The Swedish king;〃 said he; 〃will scarcely think that I will dare to marry a daughter of his without his consent。〃  But this speech of his was not known generally。  King Olaf and Sigvat the skald often spoke about it。  The king inquired particularly of Sigvat what he knew about Earl Ragnvald; and 〃if he be truly our friend;〃 said the king。  Sigvat said that the earl was King Olaf's best friend; and sang these verses: 

     〃The mighty Olaf should not cease      With him to hold good terms and peace;      For this good earl unwearied shows      He is thy friend where all are foes。      Of all who dwell by the East Sea      So friendly no man is as he:      At all their Things he takes thy part;      And is thy firm friend; hand and heart。〃

ENDNOTES: (1)  The Pantzer  a complete suit of plate…armour。


After Yule (A。D。 1019); Thord Skotakol; a sister's son of Sigvat; attended by one of Sigvat's footboys; who had been with Sigvat the autumn before in Gautland; went quite secretly from the court; and proceeded to Gautland。  When they came to Earl Ragnvald's court; they produced the tokens which Olaf himself had sent to the earl; that he might place confidence in Thord。 Without delay the earl made himself ready for a journey; as did Astrid; the king's daughter; and the earl took with him 120 men; who were chosen both from among his courtmen and the sons of great bondes; and who were carefully equipped in all things; clothes; weapons; and horses。  Then they rode northwards to Sarpsborg; and came there at Candlemas。


King Olaf had put all things in order in the best style。  There were all sorts of liquors of the best that could be got; and all other preparations of the same quality。  Many people of consequence were summoned in from their residences。  When the earl arrived with his retinue the king received him particularly well; and the earl was shown to a large; good; and remarkably well…furnished house for his lodging; and serving…men and others were appointed to wait on him; and nothing was wanting; in any respect; that could grace a feast。  Now when the entertainment had lasted some days; the king; the earl; and Astrid had a conference together; and the result of it was; that Earl Ragnvald contracted Astrid; daughter of the Swedish king Olaf; to Olaf king of Norway; with the same dowry which had before been settled that her sister Ingegerd should have from home。  King Olaf; on his part; should give Astrid the same bride…gift that had been intended for her sister Ingegerd。  Thereupon an eke was made to the feast; and King Olaf and Queen Astrid's wedding was drunk in great festivity。  Earl Ragnvald then returned to Gautland; and the king gave the earl many great and good gifts at parting; and they parted the dearest of friends; which they continued to be while they lived。


The spring (A。D。 1019) thereafter came ambassadors from King Jarisleif in Novgorod to Svithjod; to treat more particularly about the promise given by King Olaf the preceding summer to marry his daughter Ingegerd to King Jarisleif。  King Olaf tallied about the business with Ingegerd; and told her it was his pleasure that she should marry King Jarisleif。  She replied。 〃If I marry King Jarisleif; I must have as my bride…gift the town and earldom of Ladoga。〃  The Russian ambassadors agreed to this; on the part of their sovereign。  Then said Ingegerd; 〃If I go east to Russia; I must choose the man in Svithjod whom I think most suitable to accompany me; and I must stipulate that he shall not have any less title; or in any respect less dignity; privilege; and consideration there; than he has; here。〃  This the king and the ambassadors agreed to; and gave their hands upon it in confirmation of the condition。

〃And who;〃 asked the king; 〃is the man thou wilt take with thee as thy attendant?〃

〃That man;〃 she replied; 〃is my relation Earl Ragnvald。〃

The king replies; 〃I have resolved to reward Earl Ragnvald in a different manner for his treason against his master in going to Norway with my daughter; and giving her as a concubine to that fellow; who he knew was my greatest enemy。  I shall hang him up this summer。〃

Then Ingegerd begged her father to be true to the promise he had made her; and had confirmed by giving his hand upon it。  By her entreaties it was at last agreed that the king should promise to let Earl Ragnvald go in peace from Svithjod; but that he should never again appear in the king's presence; or come back to Svithjod while Olaf reigned。  Ingegerd then sent messengers to the earl to bring him these tidings; and to appoint a place of meeting。  The earl immediately prepared for his journey; rode up to East Gautland; procured there a vessel; and; with his retinue; joined Ingegerd; and they proceeded together eastward to Russia。 There Ingegerd was married to King Jarisleif; and their children were Valdemar; Vissivald; and Holte the Bold。  Queen Ingegerd gave Earl Ragnvald the town of Ladoga; and earldom belonging to it。  Earl Ragnvald was there a long time; and was a celebrated man。  His sons and Ingebjorg's were Earl Ulf and Earl Eilif。


There was a man called Emund of Skara; who was lagman of west Gautland; and was a man of great understanding and eloquence; and of high birth; great connection; and very wealthy; but was considered deceitful; and not to be trusted。  He was the most powerful man in West Gautland after the earl was gone。  The same spring (A。D。 1019) that Earl Ragnvald left Gautland the Gautland people held a Thing among themselves; and often expressed their anxiety to each other about what the Swedish king might do。  They heard he was incensed because they had rather held in friendship with the king of Norway than striven against him; and he was also enraged against those who had attended his daughter Astrid to Norway。  Some proposed to seek help and support from the king of Norway; and to offer him their services; others dissuaded from this measure; as West Gautland had no strength to oppose to the Swedes。  〃And the king of Norway;〃 said they; 〃is far from us; the chief strength of his country very distant; and therefore let us first send men to the Swedish king to attempt to come to some

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