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小说: heimskringla 字数: 每页3500字

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; 〃but the king gave me my life and liberty; and told me to say to thee that he will soon be here。  And now we have not 200 men of the force we raised against him; therefore I advise thee; father; not to give battle to that man。〃

Says Gudbrand; 〃It is easy to see that all courage has left thee; and it was an unlucky hour ye went out to the field。  Thy proceeding will live long in the remembrance of people; and I see that thy fastening thy faith on the folly that man is going about with has brought upon thee and thy men so great a disgrace。〃

But the night after; Gudbrand dreamt that there came to him a man surrounded by light; who brought great terror with him; and said to him; 〃Thy son made no glorious expedition against King Olaf; but still less honour wilt thou gather for thyself by holding a battle with him。  Thou with all thy people wilt fall; wolves will drag thee; and all thine; away; ravens wilt tear thee in stripes。〃  At this dreadful vision he was much afraid; and tells it to Thord Istermage; who was chief over the valley。  He replies; 〃The very same vision came to me。〃  In the morning they ordered the signal to sound for a Thing; and said that it appeared to them advisable to hold a Thing with the man who had come from the north with this new teaching; to know if there was any truth in it。  Gudbrand then said to his son; 〃Go thou; and twelve men with thee; to the king who gave thee thy life。〃  He went straightway; and found the king; and laid before him their errand; namely; that the bondes would hold a Thing with him; and make a truce between them and him。  The king was content; and they bound themselves by faith and law mutually to hold the peace so long as the Thing lasted。  After this was settled the men returned to Gudbrand and Thord; and told them there was made a firm agreement for a truce。  The king; after the battle with the son of Gudbrand; had proceeded to Lidstad; and remained there for five days: afterwards he went out to meet the bondes; and hold a Thing with them。  On that day there fell a heavy rain。  When the Thing was seated; the king stood up and said that the people in Lesjar; Loaf; and Vagar had received Christianity; broken down their houses of sacrifice; and believed now in the true God who had made heaven and earth and knows all things。

Thereupon the king sat down; and Gudbrand replies; 〃We know nothing of him whom thou speakest about。  Dost thou call him God; whom neither thou nor any one else can see?  But we have a god who call be seen every day; although he is not out to…day; because the weather is wet; and he will appear to thee terrible and very grand; and I expect that fear will mix with your very blood when he comes into the Thing。  But since thou sayest thy God is so great; let him make it so that to…morrow we have a cloudy day but without rain; and then let us meet again。〃

The king accordingly returned home to his lodging; taking Gudbrand's son as a hostage; but he gave them a man as hostage in exchange。  In the evening the king asked Gudbrand's son what like their god was。  He replied; that he bore the likeness of Thor; had a hammer in his hand; was of great size; but hollow within; and had a high stand; upon which he stood when he was out。 〃Neither gold nor silver are wanting about him; and every day he receives four cakes of bread; besides meat。〃  They then went to bed; but the king watched all night in prayer。  When day dawned the king went to mass; then to table; and from thence to the Thing。  The weather was such as Gudbrand desired。  Now the bishop stood up in his choir…robes; with bishop's coif upon his head; and bishop's staff in his hands。  He spoke to the bondes of the true faith; told the many wonderful acts of God; and concluded his speech well。

Thord Istermage replies; 〃Many things we are told of by this horned man with the staff in his hand crooked at the top like a ram's horn; but since ye say; comrades; that your god is so powerful; and can do so many wonders; tell him to make it clear sunshine to…morrow forenoon; and then we shall meet here again; and do one of two things;  either agree with you about this business; or fight you。〃  And they separated for the day。


There was a man with King Olaf called Kolbein Sterke (the strong); who came from a family in the Fjord district。  Usually he was so equipped that he was girt with a sword; and besides carried a great stake; otherwise called a club; in his hands。  The king told Kolbein to stand nearest to him in the morning; and gave orders to his people to go down in the night to where the ships of the bondes lay and bore holes in them; and to set loose their horses on the farms where they were; all which was done。 Now the king was in prayer all the night; beseeching God of His goodness and mercy to release him from evil。  When mass was ended; and morning was grey; the king went to the Thing。  When he came there some bondes had already arrived; and they saw a great crowd coming along; and bearing among them a huge man's image glancing with gold and silver。  When the bondes who were at the Thing saw it they started up; and bowed themselves down before the ugly idol。  Thereupon it was set down upon the Thing…field; and on the one side of it sat the bondes; and on the other the king and his people。

Then Dale…Gudbrand stood up; and said; 〃Where now; king; is thy god?  I think he will now carry his head lower; and neither thou; nor the man with the horn whom ye call bishop; and sits there beside thee; are so bold to…day as on the former days; for now our god; who rules over all; is come; and looks on you with an angry eye; and now I see well enough that ye are terrified; and scarcely dare to raise your eyes。  Throw away now all your opposition; and believe in the god who has all your fate in his hands。〃

The king now whispers to Kolbein Sterke; without the bondes perceiving it; 〃If it come so in the course of my speech that the bondes look another way than towards their idol; strike him as hard as thou canst with thy club。〃

The king then stood up and spoke。  〃Much hast thou talked to us this morning; and greatly hast thou wondered that thou canst not see our God; but we expect that he will soon come to us。  Thou wouldst frighten us with thy god; who is both blind and deaf; and can neither save himself nor others; and cannot even move about without being carried; but now I expect it will be but a short time before he meets his fate: for turn your eyes towards the east;  behold our God advancing in great light。〃

The sun was rising; and all turned to look。  At that moment Kolbein gave their god a stroke; so that the idol burst asunder; and there ran out of it mice as big almost as cats; and reptiles; and adders。  The bondes were so terrified that some fled to their ships; but when they sprang out upon them they filled with water; and could not get away。  Others ran to their horses; but could not find them。  The king then ordered the bondes to be called together; saying he wanted to speak with them; on which the bondes came back; and the Thing was again seated。

The king rose up and said; 〃I do not understand what your noise and running mean。  Ye see yourselves what your god can do;  the idol ye adorned with gold and silver; and brought meat and provisions to。 Ye see now that the protecting powers who used it were the mice and adders; reptiles and paddocks; and they do ill who trust to such; and will not abandon this folly。  Take now your gold and ornaments that are lying strewed about on the grass; and give them to your wives and daughters; but never hang them hereafter upon stock or stone。  Here are now two conditions between us to choose upon;  either accept Christianity; or fight this very day; and the victory be to them to whom the God we worship gives it。〃

Then Dale…Gudbrand stood up and said; 〃We have sustained great damage upon our god; but since he will not help us; we will believe in the God thou believest in。〃

Then all received Christianity。  The bishop baptized Gudbrand and his son。  King Olaf and Bishop Sigurd left behind them teachers;  and they who met as enemies parted as friends; and Gudbrand built a church in the valley。


King Olaf proceeded from thence to Hedemark; and baptized there; but as he had formerly carried away their kings as prisoners; he did not venture himself; after such a deed; to go far into the country with few people at that time; but a small part of Hedemark was baptized; but the king did not desist from his expedition before he had introduced Christianity over all Hedemark; consecrated churches; and placed teachers。  He then went to Hadaland and Thoten; improving the customs of the people; and persisting until all the country was baptized。  He then went to Ringerike; where also all people went over to Christianity。 The people of Raumarike then heard that Olaf intended coming to them; and they gathered a great force。  They said among themselves that the journey Olaf had made among them the last time was not to be forgotten; and he should never proceed so again。  The king; notwithstanding; prepared for the journey。  Now when the king went up into Raumarike with his forces; the multitude of bondes came against him at a river called Nitja; and the bondes had a strong army; and began the battle as soon as they met; but they soon fell short; and took to flight。  They were forced by this battle into a better disposition; and immediately received Christianity; and the king scoured the whole district; and did not leave it until all the people were made Christians。  He then went east to Soleys; and baptized that neighbourhood。  The skald Ottar Black came to him there; and begged to be received among his men。  Olaf the Swedish king had died the winter before (A。D。 1021); and Onund; the son of Olaf; was now the sole king over all Sweden。  King Olaf returned; when the winter (A。D。 1022) was far advanced; to Raumarike。  There he assembled a numerous Thing; at a place where the Eidsvold Things have since been held。  He made a law; that the Upland people should resort to this Thing; and that Eidsvold laws should be good through all the districts of the Uplands; and wide around in other quarters; which also has taken place。  As spring was advancing; he rigged his ships; and went by sea to Tunsberg。  He remained there during the spring; and the time the town was most frequented; and goods from other countries were brought to the town for sale。  There had been a good year in Viken; and tolerable as far north as Stad; but it was a very dear time in all the country north of there。


In spring (A。D。 1022) King Olaf sent a message west to Agder; and north all the way to Hordaland and Rogaland; prohibiting the exporting or selling of corn; malt; or meal; adding; that he; as usual; would come there with his people in guest…quarters。  The message went round all the districts; but the king remained in Viken all summer; and went east to the boundary of the country。 Einar Tambaskelfer had been with the Swedish king Olaf since the death of his relation Earl Svein; and had; as the khag's man; received great fiefs from him。  Now that the king was dead; Einar had a great desire to come into

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