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小说: 搜索引擎优化魔法书 字数: 每页3500字

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比如“oil painting technique ”。 


度。特别是 Google 提供的数据,对于 SEO 来说非常重要。 

    从长远来说,那些竞价竞争程度激烈并且同时搜索量也很大的词,是长期的 SEO 战略 



味着SEO 后将会获得很好的回报,节省大量的广告费用。 

    从短期 SEO 策略来看,则需要根据实际情况,选择有一定搜索量,跟产品销售相关, 

                                                                      第 148 页 

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                              表 12…2…1 overture 提供的关键词月度搜索量 

            每月搜索量                                             关  键        词 

            55666                  oil painting 

             6899                 oil painting technique 

             3093                 oil painting reproduction 

             2350                  oil painting picture 

             2319                  floral oil painting 

             2318                  oil painting on canvas 

             2235                  oil painting instruction 

             2128                  painting in oil 

             2076                 original oil painting 

             1772                  landscape oil painting 

             1554                  oil painting portrait 

             1328                  oil painting artist 

             1159                  art oil painting 

             1056                 oil painting for sale 

            953                    oil painting secret from a master 

            904                    oil painting book 

            781                    fine art oil painting 

            658                   abstract oil painting 

            648                    beautiful color in light oil painting pastel skin tone 


            621                   wholesale oil painting 

            611                    nude oil painting 

            608                    antique oil painting 

            597                    fill your oil painting with light color 

            584                    from oil painting picture 

            554                   oil painting supply 

            522                    china oil painting 

            494                   flower oil painting 

            428                    still life oil painting 

            422                    oil painting lesson 

            399                    oil painting frame 

            393                    oil painting usa 

            385                    oil painting for the serious beginner 

            383                    oil painting from photo 

            383                   oil painting gallery 

                                                                                                         第 149 页 

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搜索引擎优化魔法书 SEO Magic Book  浩维互动免费电子书 timev 

            379                   oil painting italy 

            371                   cat oil painting 

            359                   custom oil painting 

            341                   oil painting for beginner 

            332                   chinese oil painting 

            310                   framed oil painting 

            306                   adam new oil painting york 

            305                   bronx new oil painting york 

            305                  buy oil painting 

            303                   adirondack new oil painting york 

            303                   alma new oil painting york 

            300                   oil painting material and technique 

            299                   france oil painting 

            291                   addison new oil painting york 

            284                   astoria new oil painting york 

            284                   get oil painting 

            278                   painting with water soluble oil 

            269                   artist book material oil painting technique today 

            269                   best oil painting 

            268                   angola new oil painting york 

            266                   oil figure painting 

            266                   oil painting photo 

            265                   flower fruit in oil painting sumptuous vegetable 

            263                   seascape oil painting 

            261                   bombay new oil painting york 

            259                   cleaning oil painting 

            258                   de oil painting 

            256                   famous oil painting 

            253                   oil painting restoration 

            247                   dog oil painting 

            244                   acrylic effects elements in oil painting watercolor weather 

            243                   horse oil painting 

            240                   free oil painting lesson 

            233                   english oil painting 

            232                   oil painting class 

            231                   brookfield new oil painting york 

            230                   animal oil painting 

            229                   oil painting kit 

            227                   modern oil painting 

            226                   painting the beauty of flower with oil 

            222                   western oil painting 

                                                                                                      第 150 页 

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搜索引擎优化魔法书 SEO Magic Book  浩维互动免费电子书 timev 

            220                    albany new oil painting york 

            219                    alton new oil painting york 

            216                    oil painting tip 

            213                    angelica new oil painting york 

            211                    acrylic and oil painting 

            209                    accord new oil painting york 

            207                    it oil painting 

            204                    atlanta new oil painting york 

            203                    alpine new oil painting york 

            203                    bradford new oil painting york 

            203                    brooklyn new oil painting york 

            202                    akron new oil painting york 

            202                    alabama new oil painting york 

            201                    ashland new oil painting york 

            201                    bayside new oil painting york 

            195                    almond new oil painting york 

            192                    discount oil painting 

            189                    contemporary oil painting 

            188                    oil pastel painting 

            187                    bob ross oil painting 

            185                    painting in oil 

            182                    oil painting video 

            181                    bloomfield new oil painting york 

            180                    brentwood new oil painting york 

            177                    brunswick new oil painting york 

                                                                                                        第 151 页 

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                     图12…2…1   Google 提供的关键词分析工具 

                                                                       第 152 页 

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                          第三节 关键词密度  


    关键词密度(Keyword   Density)与关键词频率(Keyword   Frequency)所阐述的实质上 



果某个网页共有 100 个词,而关键词在其中出现 5 次,则可以说关键词密度为5%。 


    我们给出的例子只是一种理想的简化方式,事实上,在我们的网页中,还有很多的 HTML 

部件,如meta     标签中的 Title、Keywords、Description,如图像元素的Alt 文本、HTML 文 


网页内容为100 个词,但同时,页面的Title 有 10 个词,Description               有20 个词,图像的alt 

则用了70 个词,HTML 注释用了 10 个词,这样,页面中的文本字数即为  100 + 10 + 20 + 70 

+ 10 = 210。 



中出现3 次,在Description 中出现5 次,在Alt 文本中出现 30 次,在注释中出现2 次,那 

么总的关键词出现次数即为  5 + 3 + 5 + 30 + 2 = 45 。这样,这样关键词密度即为45/210                   × 

100% = 21%。当然,搜索引擎在算法上要比这复杂得多,但基本策略与此近似。 


    不同的搜索引擎,包括 Google、Yahoo 和MSN   Search,在对关键词密度的算法上数学 

公式有所差别,其接受的最佳关键词密度也不尽相同。就过度优化如关键词Spam 而言,不 


键词密度在 2%~8%是一个较为适当的范围,有利于网站在搜索引擎中排名,同时也不会被 

                                                                       第 153 页 

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