the antiquities of the jews-1-第264章
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list; and no bishops; priests; or deacons are allowed to marry
more than once; without leaving off to officiate as clergymen any
longer。 See Luke 2:36; 1 Timothy 5:11; 12; 3:2; 12; Titus 1:10;
Constit。 Apost。 B。 II。 sect。 1; 2; B。 VI。 sect。 17; Can。 B。
XVII;; Grot。 in Luc。 ii。 36; and Resports。 ad Consult。 Cassand。
p。 44; and Cotelet。 in Constit。 B。 VI。 sect。 17。 And note; that
Tertullian owns this law against second marriages of the clergy
had been once at least executed in his time; and heavily
complains elsewhere; that the breach thereof had not been always
punished by the catholics; as it ought to have been。 Jerome;
speaking of the ill reputation of marrying twice; says; that no
such person could be chosen into the clergy in his days; which
Augustine testifies also; and for Epiphanius; rather earlier; he
is clear and full to the same purpose; and says that law obtained
over the whole catholic church in his days;as the places in the
forecited authors inform us。
(22) Dr。 Hudson here takes notice; out of Seneca; Epistle V。 that
this was the custom of Tiberius; to couple the prisoner and the
soldier that guarded him together in the same chain。
(23) Tiberius his own grandson; and Caius his brother Drusus's
(24) So I correct Josephus's copy; which calls Germanicus his
brother; who was his brother's son。
(25) This is a known thing among the Roman historians and poets;
that Tiberius was greatly given to astrology and divination。
(26) This name of a lion is often given to tyrants; especially by
the such Agrippa; and probably his freed…man Marsyas; in effect
were; Ezekiel 19:1; 9; Esther 4:9 2 Timothy 4:17。 They are also
sometimes compared to or represented by wild beasts; of which the
lion is the principal; Daniel 7:3; 8; Apoc。 13:1; 2。
(27) Although Caius now promised to give Agrippa the tetrarchy of
Lysanias; yet was it not actually conferred upon him till the
reign of Claudius; as we learn; Antiq。 B。 XIX; ch。 5。 sect。 1。
(28) Regarding instances of the interpositions of Providence; as
have been always very rare among the other idolatrous nations;
but of old very many among the posterity of Abraham; the
worshippers of the true God; nor do these seem much inferior to
those in the Old Testament; which are the more remarkable;
because; among all their other follies and vices; the Jews were
not at this time idolaters; and the deliverances here mentioned
were done in order to prevent their relapse into that idolatry。
(29) Josephus here assures us that the ambassadors from
Alexandria to Caius were on each part no more than three in
number; for the Jews; and for the Gentiles; which are but six in
all; whereas Philo; who was the principal ambassador from the
Jews; as Josephus here confesses; (as was Apion for the
Gentiles;) says; the Jews' ambassadors were themselves no fewer
than live; towards the end of his legation to Caius; which; if
there be no mistake in the copies; must be supposed the truth;
nor; in that case; would Josephus have contradicted so authentic
a witness; had he seen that account of Philo's; which that he
ever did does not appear。
(30) This Alexander; the alabarch; or governor of the Jews; at
Alexandria; and brother to Philo; is supposed by Bishop Pearson;
in Act。 Apost。 p。 41;42; to be the same with that Alexander who
is mentioned by St。 Luke; as of the kindred of the high priests;
Acts 4:6。
(31) What Josephus here; and sect。 6; relates as done by the Jews
seed time; is in Philo; 〃not far off the time when the corn was
ripe;〃 who; as Le Clerc notes; differ here one from the other。
This is another indication that Josephus; when he wrote this
account; had not seen Philo's Legat。 ad Caiurn; otherwise he
would hardly trove herein differed from him。
(32) This。 Publius Petronius was after this still president of
Syria; under Cladius; and; at the desire of Agrippa; published a
severe decree against the inhabitants of Dora; who; in a sort of
intitation of Caius; had set op a statue of Claudius in a Jewish
synagogue there。 This decree is extant; B。 XIX。 ch。 6。 sect。 3;
and greatly confirms the present accounts of Josephus; as do the
other decrees of Claudius; relating to the like Jewish affairs;
B。 XIX。 ch。 5。 sect。 2; 3; to which I refer the inquisitive
(33) Josephus here uses the solemn New Testament words; the
presence and appearance of God; for the extraordinary
manifestation of his power and providence to Petronius; by
sending rain in a time of distress; immediately upon the
resolution he had taken to preserve the temple unpolluted; at the
hazard of his own life; without any other miraculous appearance
at all in that case; which well deserves to be taken notice of
here; and greatly illustrates several texts; both in the Old and
New Testament。
(34) This behavior of Caius to Agrippa is very like that of Herod
Antipas; his uncle; to Herodias; Agrippa's sister; about it John
the Baptist; Matthew 14:611。
(35) The joining of the right hands was esteemed among the
Peoians 'and Parthians' in particular a most inviolable
obligation to fidelity; as Dr。 Hudson here observes; and refers
to the commentary on Justin; B。 XI。 ch。 15。; for its
confirmation。 We often meet with the like use of it in Josephus。
(36) This custom of the Mesopotamians to carry their household
gods along with them wherever they traveled is as old as the days
of Jacob; when Rachel his wife did the same; Genesis 31:19;
30…35; nor is it to pass here unobserved; what great miseries
came on these Jews; because they suffered one of their leaders to
marry an idolatrous wife; contrary to the law of Moses。 Of which
matter see the note on B。 XIX。 ch。 5。 sect。 3。
(37) This custom; in Syria and Mesopotamia; of setting men upon
an ass; by way of disgrace; is still kept up at Damascus in
Syria; where; in order to show their despite against the
Christians; the Turks will not suffer them to hire horses; but
asses only; when they go abroad to see the country; as Mr。
Maundrell assures us; p。 128。
(1) In this and the three next chapters we have; I think; a
larger and more distinct account of the slaughter of Caius; and
the succession of Claudius; than we have of any such ancient
facts whatsoever elsewhere。 Some of the occasions of which
probably were; Josephus's bitter hatred against tyranny; and the
pleasure he took in giving the history of the slaughter of such a
barbarous tyrant as was this Caius Caligula; as also the
deliverance his own nation had by that slaughter; of which he
speaks sect。 2; together with the great intimacy he had with
Agrippa; junior; whose father was deeply concerned in the
advancement of Claudius; upon the death of Caius; from which
Agrippa; junior; Josephus might be fully informed Of his history。
(2) Called Caligula by the Romans。
(3) Just such a voice as this is related to be came; and from an
unknown original also; to the famous Polycarp; as he was going to
martyrdom; bidding him 〃play the man;〃 as the church of Smyrna
assures us in their account of that his martyrdom; sect。 9。
(4) Here Josephus supposes that it was Augustus; and not Julius
Caesar; who first changed the Roman commonwealth into a monarchy;
for these shows were in honor of Augustus; as we shall learn in
the next section。
(5) Suetonius says Caius was slain about the seventh hour of the
day; the ninth。 The series of the narration favors Josephus。
(6) The rewards proposed by the Roman laws to informers was
sometimes an eigth partm as Spanheim assures us; from the
criminal's goods; as here; and sometimes a fourth part。
(7) These consuls are named in the War of the Jews; B。 II。 ch。
11。 sect; 1; Sentius Saturninus and Pomponius Secundus; as
Spanheim notes here。 The speech of the former of them is set down
in the next chapter; sect。 2。
(8) In this oration of Sentius Saturninus; we may see the great
value virtuous men put upon public liberty; and the sad misery
they underwent; while they were tyrannized over by such emperors
as Caius。 See Josephus's own short but pithy reflection at the
end of the chapter: 〃So difficult;〃 says he; 〃it is for those to
obtain the virtue that is necessary to a wise man; who have the
absolute power to do what they please without control。〃
(9) Hence we learn that; in the opinion of Saturninus; the
sovereign authority of the consuls and senate had been taken away
just a hundred years before the death of Caius; A。D。 41; or in
the sixtieth year before the Christian saga; when the first
triumvirate began under Caesar; Pompey; and Crassus。
(10) Spanheim here notes from Suetonius; that the name of Caius's
sister with whom he was guilty of incest; was Drusilla and that
Suetonius adds; he was guilty of the same crime with all his
sisters also。 He notes further; that Suetonius omits the mention
of the haven for ships; which our author esteems the only public
work for the good of the present and future ages which Caius left
behind him; though in an imperfect condition。
(11) This Caius was the son of that excellent person Germanicus;
who was the son of Drusus; the brother of Tiberius the emperor。
(11) The first place Claudius came to was inhabited; and called
Herincure; as Spanheim here informs us from Suetonius; in Claud。
ch。 10。
(12) How Claudius; another son of Drusus; which Drusus was the
father of Germanicus; could be here himself called Germanicus;
Suetonius informs us; when he assures us that; by a decree of the
senate; the surname of Germanicus was bestowed upon Drusus; and
his posterity also。In Claud。 ch。 1。
(13) This number of drachmae to be distributed to each private
soldier; five thousand drachmae; equal to twenty thousand
sesterces; or one hundred and sixty…one pounds sterling; seems
much too large; and directly contradicts Suetonius; ch。 10。; who
makes them in all but fifteen sesterces; or two shillings and
four pence。 Yet might Josephus have this number from Agrippa;
junior; though I doubt the thousands; or at least the hundreds;
have been added by the transcribers; of which we have had several
examples already in Josephus。
(14) This piercing cold here complained of by Lupus agrees well
to the time of the year when Claudius began his reign; it being
for certain about the months of November; December; or January;
and most probably a few days after January the twenty…fourth; and
a few days before the Roman Parentalia。
(15) It is both here and elsewhere very remarkable; that the
murders of the vilest tyrants; who yet highly deserved to die;
when those murderers were under oaths; or other the like
obligations of fidelity to them; were usually revenged; and the
murderers were cut off themselves; and that after a remarkable
manner; and this sometimes; as in the present case; by those very
persons who were not sorry for such murders; but got kingdoms by
them。 The examples are very numerous; both in sacred and profane
histories; and seem generally indications of Divine vengeance on
such murderers。 Nor is it unworthy of remark; that such murderers
of tyrants do it usually on such ill principles; in such a cruel
manner; and as ready to involve the innocent with the guilty;
which was the case here; ch。 1。 se