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the decameron(十日谈)-第13章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页3500字

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the honest man fared。 Madame; answered the Chamber…maide; now that he
is in your deceased Lords garments; he appeareth to be a very goodly
Gentleman; and (questionlesse) is of respective birth and breeding;
well deserving this gracious favour which you have affoorded him。
Goe then (quoth the Lady) and conduct him hither; to sit by this fire;
and sup heere with mee; for I feare he hath had but a sorrie supper。
When Rinaldo was entred into the Chamber; and beheld her to be such
a beautifull Lady; accounting his fortune to exceede all comparison;
he did her most humble reverence; expressing so much thankefulnesse as
possibly he could; for this her extraordinary grace and favour。
  The Lady fixing a stedfast eye upon him; well liking his gentle
language and behaviour; perceiving also; how fitly her deceased
husbands apparell was formed to his person; and resembling him in
all familiar respects; he appeared (in her judgement) farre beyond the
Chambermaides commendations of him; so praying him to sit downe by her
before the fire; she questioned with him; concerning this unhappy
nights accident befalne him; wherein he fully resolved her; and shee
was the more perswaded; by reason of his servants comming into the
Towne before night; assuring him; that he should be found for him
early in the morning。
  Supper being served in to the Table; and hee seated according as the
Lady commanded; shee began to observe him very considerately; for he
was a goodly man; compleate in all perfection of person; a delicate
pleasing countenance; a quicke alluring eye; fixed and constant; not
wantonly gadding; in the joviall youthfulnesse of his time; and truest
temper for amorous apprehension; all these were as battering engines
against a Bulwarke of no strong resistance; and wrought strangely upon
her flexible affections。 And though shee fed heartily; as occasion
constrained; yet her thoughts had entertained a new kinde of diet;
digested onely by the eye; yet so cunningly concealed; that no
motive to immodesty could be discerned。 Her mercy thus extended to him
in misery; drew on (by Table discourse) his birth; education; parents;
friends; and alies; his wealthy possessions by Merchandize; and a
sound stability in his estate; but above all (and best of all) the
single and sole condition of a batcheler; an apt and easie steele to
strike fire; especially upon such quicke taking tinder; and in a
time favoured by Fortune。
  No imbarment remained; but remembrance of the Marquesse; and that
being summoned to her more advised consideration; her youth and beauty
stood up as conscious accusers; for blemishing her honour and faire
repute; with lewd and luxurious life; far unfit for a Lady of her
degree; and well worthy of generall condemnation。 What should I
further say? upon a short conference with her Chamber…maide;
repentance for sinne past; and solemne promise of a constant
conversion; thus shee delivered her minde to Rinaldo。
  Sir; as you have related your Fortunes to mee; by this your
casuall happening hither; if you can like the motion so well as shee
that makes it; my deceased Lord and Husband living so perfectly in
your person; this house; and all mine is yours; and of a widdow I will
become your wife; except (unmanly) you deny me。 Rinaldo hearing
these words; and proceeding from a Lady of such absolute
perfections; presuming upon so proud an offer; and condemning himselfe
of folly if he should refuse it; thus replied。 Madam; considering that
I stand bound for ever heereafter; to confesse that you are the
gracious preserver of my life; and I no way able to returne requitall;
if you please so to shadow mine insufficiencie; and to accept me and
my fairest fortunes to doe you service: let me die before a thought of
deniall; or any way to yeeld you the least discontentment。
  Heere wanted but a Priest to joyne their hands; as mutuall affection
already had done their hearts; which being sealed with infinit kisses;
the Chamber…maide called up Friar Roger her Confessor; and wedding and
bedding were both effected before the bright morning。 In breefe; the
Marquesse having heard of the marriage; did not mislike it; but
confirmed it by great and honourable giftes; and having sent for his
dishonest Servant; he dispatched him (after sound reprehension) to
Ferrara; with Letters to Rinaldoes Father and Friends; of all the
accidents that had befalne him。 Moreover; the very same morning; the
three Theeves that had robbed; and so ill intreated Rinaldo; for
another facte by them the same night committed; were taken; and
brought to the Towne of Chasteau Guillaume; where they were hanged for
their offences; and Rinaldo with his wife rode to Ferrara。



  Three young Gentlemen; being Brethren; and having spent all their
Lands and possessions vainely; became poore。 A Nephew of theirs
(falling almost into as desperate a condition) became acquainted
with an Abbot; whom he afterward found to be the King of Englands
Daughter; and made him her Husband in mariage; recompencing all his
Uncles losses; and seating them againe in good estate。

  The fortunes of Rinaldo de Este; being heard by the Ladies and
Gentlemen; they admired his happinesse; and commended his devotion
to Saint Julian; who (in such extreame necessity) sent him so good
succour。 Nor was the Lady to be blamed; for leaving base liberty;
and converting to the chaste embraces of the marriage bed; the dignity
of Womens honour; and eternall disgrace living otherwise。 While thus
they descanted on the happy night betweene her and Rinaldo; Madam
Pampinea sitting next to Philostratus; considering; that her Discourse
must follow in order; and thinking on what shee was to say; the Queene
had no sooner sent out her command; but she being no lesse faire
then forward; began in this manner。 Ladies of great respect; the
more we conferre on the accidents of Fortune; so much the more
remaineth to consider on her mutabilities; wherein there is no need of
wonder; if discreetly we observe that al such things as we fondly
tearme to be our owne; are in her power; and so (consequently)
change from one to another; without any stay or arrest (according to
her concealed judgement) or setled order (at least) that can bee
knowne to us。 Now; although these things appeare thus dayly to us;
even apparantly in all occasions; and as hath beene discerned by
some of our precedent Discourses; yet notwithstanding; seeing it
pleaseth the Queene; that our arguments should aime at these ends; I
will adde to the former tales another of my owne; perhaps not
unprofitable for the hearers; nor unpleasing in observation。
  Sometime heeretofore; there dwelt in our Cittie; a Knight named
Signior Theobaldo; who (according as some report) issued from the
Family of Lamberti; but others derive him of the Agolanti; guiding
(perhaps) their opinion heerein; more from the traine of Children;
belonging to the saide Theobaldo (evermore equall to that of the
Agolanti) then any other matter else。 But setting aside from which
of these two houses he came; I say; that in his time he was a very
wealthy Knight; and had three sonnes; the first being named
Lamberto; the second Theobaldo; and the third Agolanto; all goodly and
gracefull youths: howbeit; the eldest had not compleated eighteene
yeares; when Signior Theobaldo the Father deceased; who left them
all his goods and inheritances。 And they; seeing themselves rich in
ready monies and revennewes; without any other governement then
their owne voluntary disposition; kept no restraint upon their
expences; but maintained many servants; and store of unvalewable
Horses; beside Hawkes and Hounds; with open house for all commers; and
not onely all delights else fit for Gentlemen; but what vanities
beside best agreed with their wanton and youthfull appetites。
  Not long had they run on this race; but the Treasures lefte them
by their Father; began greatly to diminish; and their Revennewes
suffised not; to support such lavish expences as they had begun: but
they fell to engaging and pawning their inheritances; selling one to
day; and another to morrow; so that they saw themselves quickely
come to nothing; and then poverty opened their eyes; which prodigality
had before clozed up。 Heereupon; Lamberto (on a day) calling his
Brethren to him; shewed them what the honors of their Father had
beene; to what height his wealth amounted; and now to what an ebbe
of poverty it was falne; only thorow their inordinate expences。
Wherefore hee counselled them; (as best he could) before further
misery insulted over them; to make sale of the small remainder that
was left; and then to betake themselves unto some other abiding; where
fairer Fortune might chance to shine uppon them。
  This advice prevailed with them; and so; without taking leave of any
body; or other solemnity then closest secrecie; they departed from
Florence; not tarrying in any place untill they were arrived in
England。 Comming to the City of London; and taking there a small house
upon yearely rent; living on so little charge as possibly might be;
they began to lend out money at use: wherein Fortune was so favourable
to them; that (in few yeares) they had gathered a great summe of mony:
by means whereof it came to passe; that one while one of them; and
afterward another; returned backe againe to Florence: where; with
those summes; a great part of their inheritances were redeemed; and
many other bought beside。 Linking themselves in marriage; and yet
continuing their usances in England; they sent a Nephew of theirs
thither; named Alessandro; a yong man; and of faire demeanor; to
maintaine their stocke in employment: while they three remained stil
in Florence; and growing forgetful of their former misery; fell againe
into as unreasonable expences as ever; never respecting their houshold
charges; because they had good credite among the Merchants; and the
monies still sent from Alessandro; supporting their expences divers
  The dealings of Alessandro in England grew verie great; for hee lent
out much money to many Gentlemen; Lords; and Barons of the Land;
upon engagement of their Mannors; Castles; and other revennues: from
whence he derived immeasurable benefite。 While the three Brethren held
on in their lavish expences; borrowing moneys when they wanted
untill their supplies came from England; whereon (indeede) was theyr
onely dependance: it fortuned; that (contrary to the opinion of all
men) warre happened betweene the King of England; and one of his
sonnes; which occasioned much trouble in the whole Countrey; by taking
part on either side; some with the sonne; and other with the Father。
In regard whereof; those Castles and places pawned to Alessandro; were
sodainely seized from him; nothing then remaining; that turned him any
profite。 But living in hope day by day; that peace would be
concluded betweene the Father and the Sonne; he never doubted; but all
things then should be restored to him; both the principall and
interest; and therfore he would not depart out of the Co

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