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the decameron(十日谈)-第165章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页3500字

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accept Titus as their kinsman (seeing Gisippus had made manifest
refusall thereof) than to lose the kinred of the one; and procure
the hatred of the other。 Wherefore they went to seeke Titus; and
said unto him; they were very well contented that Sophronia should bee
his Wife; hee their deare and loving kinsman; and Gisippus to
remaine their much respected friend。 And embracing one another; making
a solemne feast; such as in the like cases is necessarilie required;
they departed from him; presently sending Sophronia to him; who making
a vertue of necessity; converted her love (in short time after) to
Titus; in as effectuall manner; as formerly shee had done to Gisippus;
and so was sent away with him to Rome; where she was received and
welcommed with very great honour。
  Gisippus remaining still at Athens; in small regard of eyther theirs
or his owne friends: not long after by meanes of sundry troublesome
Citizens; and partialities happening among the common people; was
banished from Athens; and hee; as also all his familie; condemned to
perpetuall exile: during which tempestuous time; Gisippus was become
not onely wretchedly poore; but wandred abroad as a common begger;
in which miserable condition he travelled to Rome; to try if Titus
would take any acknowledgement of him。 Understanding that he was
living; and one most respected among the Romanes; as being a great
Commander and a Senator: he enquired for the place where hee dwelt;
and going to be neere about his house; stayed there so long; till
Titus came home; yet not daring to manifest himselfe; or speake a word
to him; in regard of his poore and miserable estate; but strove to
have him see him; to the end; that hee might acknowledge and call
him by his name; notwithstanding; Titus passed by him without either
speech; or looking on him: Which when Gisippus perceived; and making
full account; that (at the least) he would remember him; in regard
of former courtesies; done to him: confounded with griefe and
desperate thoughtes; hee departed thence; never meaning to see him any
  Now; in regard it was night; he having eaten nothing all that day;
nor provided of one penny to buy him any food; wandred he knew not
whether; desiring rather to die than live; hee came at last to an
old ruinous part of the City; over…spred with briers and bushes; and
seldome resorted unto by any: where finding a hollow Cave or vault; he
entred into it; meaning there to weare away the comfortlesse night;
and laying himselfe downe on the hard ground; almost starke naked; and
without any warme garments; over…wearied with weeping; at last he fell
into a sleepe。
  It fortuned that two men; who had beene abroad the same night;
committing thefts and robberies together; somwhat very earlie in the
morning; came to the same Cave; intending there to share and divide
their booties; and difference happening betweene them about it; hee
that was the stronger person; slew there the other; and then went away
with the whole purchase。
  Gisippus having heard and seene the manner of this accident; was not
a little joyfull; because he had now found a way to death; without
laying any violent hand on himselfe; for life being very loathsome
to him; it was his only desire to die。 Wherfore; he would not budge
from the place; but taried there so long; till the Sergeants and
Officers of justice (by information of him that did the deede) came
thither well attended; and furiously ledde Gisippus thence to prison。
  Being examined concerning this bloudy fact; he plainly confessed;
that hee himselfe had committed the murder; and afterward would not
depart from the Cave; but purposely stayed for apprehension; as
being truely toucht with compunction for so foule an offence: upon
which eremptorie confession; Marcus Varro being then Praetor; gave
sentence that he should be crucified on a Crosse; as it was the usuall
manner of death in those dayes。 Titus chancing to come at the same
time into Praetorium; advisedly beholding the face of the condemned
man (as hee sate upon the bench) knew him to bee Gysippus; not a
little wondring at this strange accident; the povertie of his
estate; and what occasion should bring him thither; especially in
the questioning for his life; and before the Tribunall of justice。
  His soule earnestly thirsting; by all possible meanes to helpe and
defend him; and no other course could now be taken for safetie of
his life; but by accusing himselfe; to excuse and cleare the other
of the crime: hee stept from off the judgement bench; and crouding
through the throng to the Barre; called out to the Praetor in this
manner。 Marcus Varro; recall thy sentence given on the condemned man
sent away; because hee is truely guiltlesse and innocent: With one
bloudie blow have I offended the Gods; by killing that wretched man;
whom the Serjeants found this morning slaine; wherefore Noble Praetor;
let no innocent mans bloud be shed for it; but onely mine that have
  Marcus Varro stood like a man confounded with admiration; being very
sorrie; for that which the whole assistants had both seene and
heard; yet hee could not (with honour) desist from what must needs
be done; but would performe the Lawes severe injunction。 And sending
for condemned Gisippus backe againe; in the presence of Titus; thus he
spake to him。 How becamest thou so madly incensed; as (without any
torment inflicted on thee) to confesse an offence by thee never
committed? Art thou wearie of thy life? Thou chargest thy selfe
falsly; to be the person who this last night murdered the man in the
Cave; and there is another that voluntarily also doth confesse his
  Gisippus lifting up his eyes; and perceiving it was Titus; conceived
immediately; that he had done this onely for his deliverance; as one
that remembred him sufficiently; and would not be ungratefull for
former kindnesses received。 Wherefore; the teares flowing abundantly
down his cheekes; he said to the Judge Varro; it was none but I that
murdered the man; wherefore; I commiserate the case of this Noble
Gentleman Titus; who speakes now too late for the safety of my life。
Titus on the other side; said。 Noble Praetor; this man (as thou seest)
is a stranger heere; and was found without any weapon; fast asleepe by
the dead body: thou mayst then easily perceive; that meerely the
miserable condition wherein he is; hath made him desperate; and he
would make mine offence the occasion of his death。 Absolve him; and
send me to the Crosse; for none but I have deserved to die for this
  Varro was amazed; to observe with what earnest instance each of them
strove to excuse the other; which halfe perswaded him in his soule;
that they were both guiltlesse。 And as he was starting…up; with full
intent to acquaint them: a yong man; who had stood there all this
while; and observed the hard pleading on either side; he crowded
into the Barre; being named Publius Ambustus; a fellow of lewd life;
and utterly out of hopes; as being debauched in all his fortunes;
and knowne among the Romaines to be a notorious theefe; who verily had
committed the murder。 Well knew his conscience; that none of them were
guilty of the crime; wherewith each so wilfully charged himselfe:
being therefore truely toucht with remorse; he stept before Marcus
Varro; saying。
  Honourable Praetor; mine owne horrid and abominable actions; have
induced me thus to intrude my selfe; for clearing the strict
contention betweene these two persons。 And questionlesse; some God
or greater power; hath tormented my wretched soule; and so
compunctually solicited me; as I cannot chuse; but make open
confession of my sinne。 Here therefore; I doe apparantly publish; that
neither of these men is guilty of the offence; wherewith so wilfully
each chargeth himselfe。 I am the villaine; who this morning murdered
the man in the Cave; one of no greater honesty then my selfe; and
seeing this poore man lie there sleeping; while we were dividing the
stolne booties betweene us; I slew my Companyon; because I would be
the sole possessor。 As for Noble Lord Titus; he had no reason thus
to accuse himselfe; because 'he' is a man of no such base quality: let
them both then be delivered; and inflict the sentence of death on me。
  Octavius Caesar; to whom tydings was brought of this rare
accident; commanding them al three to be brought before him; would
needs understand the whole History; in every particular as all had
happened; which was substantially related to him。 Whereupon;
Octavius pleased them all three: the two noble friendes; because
they were innocent; and the third; for openly revealing the very
  Titus tooke home with him his friend Gisippus; and after he had
sharpely reproved him for his distrust; and cold credence of his
friendship: he brought him to Sophronia; who welcomed him as lovingly;
as if he had bin her naturall borne brother; bemoaning his hard and
disastrous fortune; and taking especiall care; to convert all passed
distresses; into as happy and comfortable a change; fitting him with
garments and attendants; beseeming his degree both in Nobility and
vertue。 Titus; out of his honourable bounty; imparted halfe his
lands and rich possessions to him; and afterward gave him in marriage;
his owne Sister; a most beautifull Lady; named Fulvia; saying to him
beside。 My deare friend Gisippus; it remaineth now in thine owne
election; whether thou wilt live here still with me; or returne
backe to Athens; with all the wealth which I have bestowed on thee。
But Gisippus; being one way constrayned; by the sentence of banishment
from his native City; and then againe; in regard of the constant love;
which he bare to so true and thankefull friend as Titus was: concluded
to live there as a loyall Roman; where he with his Fulvia; and Titus
with his faire Sophronia; lived long after together in one and the
same house; augmenting daily (if possible it might be) their amity
beyond all other equalizing。
  A most sacred thing therefore is (ordiall amity; worthy not onely of
singuler reverence; but also to be honoured with eternall
commendation; as being the onely wise Mother of all magnificence and
honesty; the Sister of Charity and Gratitude; the enemy to hatred
and avarice; and which is alwayes ready (without attending to be
requested) to extend all vertuous actions to others; which she would
have done to her selfe。 Her rare and divine effects; in these contrary
times of ours; are not to be found between two such persons; which
is a mighty fault; and greatly checketh the miserable covetousnesse of
men; who respecting nothing but onely their particular benefit; have
banished true Amity; to the utmost confines of the whole earth; and
sent her into perpetuall exile。
  What love; what wealth; or affinity of kindred; could have made
Gisippus feele (even in the intyrest part of his soule) the fervent
compassion; the teares; the sighes of Titus; and with such efficacy as
plainely appeared: to make him consent; that his faire elected Spouse;
by him so dearely esteemed; should become the wife of his Companion;
but onely the precious league of Amity?
  What Lawes; what threatnings; what feares; could cause the yong

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