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the patchwork girl of oz-第20章

小说: the patchwork girl of oz 字数: 每页3500字

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place。 It was a pretty house; neatly painted and

with many windows。 Before it was a garden filled

with blooming flowers。 The Soldier with the Green

Whiskers led Ojo up the gravel path to the front

door; on which he knocked。

A woman opened the door and; seeing Ojo

in his white robe; exclaimed:

〃Goodness me! A prisoner at last。 But what a

small one; Soldier。〃

〃The size doesn't matter; Tollydiggle; my

dear。 The fact remains that he is a prisoner;〃

said the soldier。 〃And; this being the prison;

and you the jailer; it is my duty to place the

prisoner in your charge。〃

〃True。 Come in; then; and I'll give you a

receipt for him。〃

They entered the house and passed through a hall

to a large circular room; where the woman pulled

the robe off from Ojo and looked at him with

kindly interest。 The boy; on his part; was gazing

around him in amazement; for never had he dreamed

of such a magnificent apartment as this in which

he stood。 The roof of the dome was of colored

glass; worked into beautiful designs。 The walls

were paneled with plates of

gold decorated with gems of great size and many

colors; and upon the tiled floor were soft rags

delightful to walk upon。 The furniture was framed

in gold and upholstered in satin brocade and it

consisted of easy chairs; divans and stools in

great variety。 Also there were several tables with

mirror tops and cabinets filled with rare and

curious things。 In one place a case filled with

books stood against the wall; and elsewhere Ojo

saw a cupboard containing all sorts of games。

〃May I stay here a little while before I go to

prison?〃 asked the boy; pleadingly。

〃Why; this is your prison;〃 replied Tollydiggle;

〃and in me behold your jailor。 Take off those

handcuffs; Soldier; for it is impossible for

anyone to escape from this house。〃

〃I know that very well;〃 replied the soldier and

at once unlocked the handcuffs and released the


The woman touched a button on the wall and

lighted a big chandelier that hung suspended from

the ceiling; for it was growing dark outside。 Then

she seated herself at a desk and asked:

〃What name?〃

〃Ojo the Unlucky;〃 answered the Soldier

with the Green Whiskers。

〃Unlucky? Ah; that accounts for it;〃 said she。

〃What crime?〃

〃Breaking a Law of Oz。〃

〃All right。 There's your receipt; Soldier; and

now I'm responsible for the prisoner。 I'm glad

of it; for this is the first time I've ever had

anything to do; in my official capacity;〃 remarked

the jailer; in a pleased tone。

〃It's the same with me; Tollydiggle;〃 laughed

the soldier。 〃But my task is finished and I must

go and report to Ozma that I've done my duty

like a faithful Police Force; a loyal Army and

an honest Body…Guardas I hope I am。〃

Saying this; be nodded farewell to Tollydiggle

and Ojo and went away。

〃Now; then;〃 said the woman briskly; 〃I must get

you some supper; for you are doubtless hungry。

What would you prefer: planked whitefish; omelet

with jelly or mutton…chops with gravy?〃

Ojo thought about it。 Then he said: 〃I'll take

the chops; if you please。〃

〃Very well; amuse yourself while I'm gone;

I won't be long;〃 and then she went out by a

door and left the prisoner alone。

Ojo was much astonished; for not only was this

unlike any prison he had ever heard of; but he was

being treated more as a guest than a criminal。

There were many windows and they bad no locks。

There were three doors to the room and none were

bolted。 He cautiously opened one of the doors and

found it led into a hallway。 But he had no

intention of trying to escape。 If his jailor was

willing to trust him in this way he would not

betray her trust; and moreover a hot supper was

being prepared for him and his prison was very

pleasant and comfortable。 So he took a book from

the case and sat down in a big chair to look at

the pictures。

This amused him until the woman came in with a

large tray and spread a cloth on one of the

tables。 Then she arranged his supper; which proved

the most varied and delicious meal Ojo had ever

eaten in his life。

Tollydiggle sat near him while he ate; sewing

on some fancy work she held in her lap。 When

he had finished she cleared the table and then

read to him a story from one of the books。

〃Is this really a prison?〃 he asked; when she

had finished reading。

〃Indeed it is;〃 she replied。 〃It is the only

prison in the Land of Oz。〃

〃And am I a prisoner?〃

〃Bless the child! Of course。〃

〃Then why is the prison so fine; and why

are you so kind to me?〃 he earnestly asked。

Tollydiggle seemed surprised by the question;

but she presently answered:

〃We consider a prisoner unfortunate。 He is

unfortunate in two waysbecause he has done

something wrong and because he is deprived of his

liberty。 Therefore we should treat him kindly;

because of his misfortune; for otherwise he would

become hard and bitter and would not be sorry he

had done wrong。 Ozma thinks that one who has

committed a fault did so because he was not strong

and brave; therefore she puts him in prison to

make him strong and brave。 When that is

accomplished he is no longer a prisoner; but a

good and loyal citizen and everyone is glad that

he is now strong enough to resist doing wrong。 You

see; it is kindness that makes one strong and

brave; and so we are kind to our prisoners。〃

Ojo thought this over very carefully。 〃I had

an idea;〃 said he; 〃that prisoners were always

treated harshly; to punish them。〃

〃That would be dreadful!〃 cried Tollydiggle。

〃Isn't one punished enough in knowing he has

done wrong? Don't you wish; Ojo; with all your

heart; that you had not been disobedient and

broken a Law of Oz?〃

〃II hate to be different from other people;〃

he admitted。

〃Yes; one likes to be respected as highly as his

neighbors are;〃 said the woman。 〃When you are

tried and found guilty; you will be obliged to

make amends; in some way。 I don't know just

what Ozma will do to you; because this is the

first time one of us has broken a Law; but you

may be sure she will be just and merciful。 Here

in the Emerald City people are too happy and

contented ever to do wrong; but perhaps you

came from some faraway corner of our land; and

having no love for Ozma carelessly broke one

of her Laws。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Ojo; 〃I've lived all my life in the

heart of a lonely forest; where I saw no one but

dear Unc Nunkie。〃

〃I thought so;〃 said Tollydiggle。 〃But now

we have talked enough; so let us play a game

until bedtime。〃

Chapter Sixteen

Princess Dorothy

Dorothy Gale was sitting in one of her rooms in

the royal palace; while curled up at her feet was

a little black dog with a shaggy coat and very

bright eyes。 She wore a plain white frock; without

any jewels or other ornaments except an emerald…

green hair…ribbon; for Dorothy was a simple

little girl and had not been in the least spoiled

by the magnificence surrounding her。 Once the

child had lived on the Kansas prairies; but she

seemed marked for adventure for she had made

seven trips to the Land of Oz before she came to

live there for good。 Her very best friend was the

beautiful Ozma of Oz; who loved Dorothy so well

that she kept her in her own palace; so as to be

near her。 The girl's Uncle Henry and Aunt Emthe

only relatives she had in the worldhad also been

brought here by Ozma and given a pleasant home。

Dorothy knew almost everybody in Oz; and it was

she who had discovered the Scarecrow; the Tin

Woodman and the Cowardly Lion; as well as Tik…tok

the Clockwork Man。 Her life was very pleasant now;

and although she had been made a Princess of Oz by

her friend Ozma she did not care much to be a

Princess and remained as sweet as when she had

been plain Dorothy Gale of Kansas。

Dorothy was reading in a book this evening

when Jellia Jamb; the favorite servant…maid of

the palace; came to say that the Shaggy Man

wanted to see her。

〃All right;〃 said Dorothy; 〃tell him to come

right up。〃

〃But he has some queer creatures with himsome

of the queerest I've ever laid eyes on;〃 reported


〃Never mind; let 'em all come up;〃 replied


But when the door opened to admit not only the

Shaggy Man; but Scraps; the Woozy and the Glass

Cat; Dorothy jumped up and looked at her strange

visitors in amazement。 The Patchwork Girl was the

most curious of all and Dorothy was uncertain at

first whether Scraps was really alive or only a

dream or a nightmare。 Toto; her dog; slowly

uncurled himself and going to the Patchwork Girl

sniffed at her inquiringly; but soon he lay down

again; as if to say he had no interest in such an

irregular creation。

〃You're a new one to me;〃 Dorothy said

reflectively; addressing the Patchwork Girl。 〃I

can't imagine where you've come from。〃

〃Who; me?〃 asked Scraps; looking around the

pretty room instead of at the girl。 〃Oh; I came

from a bed…quilt; I guess。 That's what they say;

anyhow。 Some call it a crazy…quilt and some a

patchwork quilt。 But my name is Scrapsand now

you know all about me。〃

〃Not quite all;〃 returned Dorothy with a smile。

〃I wish you'd tell me how you came to be alive。〃

〃That's an easy job;〃 said Scraps; sitting upon

a big upholstered chair and making the springs

bounce her up and down。 〃Margolotte wanted a

slave; so she made me out of an old bed…quilt she

didn't use。 Cotton stuffing; suspender…button

eyes; red velvet tongue; pearl beads for teeth。

The Crooked Magician made a Powder of Life;

sprinkled me with it andhere I am。 Perhaps

you've noticed my different colors。 A very refined

and educated gentleman named the Scarecrow; whom I

met; t

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