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child of storm-第12章

小说: child of storm 字数: 每页3500字

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the cattle to furnish Panda's shields。  He answered me very roughly。  He
said: 'You see these dead beasts which I and my people must slay for the
king; or fall under his displeasure?  Well; bring me five times their
number; and we will talk of your marriage with my daughter; who is a
maid in some request。'

〃I answered that I understood and would try my best; whereon he became
more gentle; for Umbezi has a kindly heart。

〃'My son;' he said; 'I like you well; and since I saw you save
Macumazahn; my friend; from that mad wild beast of a buffalo I like you
better than before。  Yet you know my case。  I have an old name and am
called the chief of a tribe; and many live on me。  But I am poor; and
this daughter of mine is worth much。  Such a woman few men have bred。 
Well; I must make the best of her。  My son…in…law must be one who will
prop up my old age; one to whom; in my need or trouble; I could always
go as to a dry log;* to break off some of its bark to make a fire to
comfort me; not one who treads me into the mire as the buffalo did to
Macumazahn。  Now I have spoken; and I do not love such talk。  Come back
with the cattle; and I will listen to you; but meanwhile understand that
I am not bound to you or to anyone; I shall take what my spirit sends
me; which; if I may judge the future by the past; will not be much。  One
word more: Do not linger about this kraal too long; lest it should be
said that you are the accepted suitor of Mameena。  Go hence and do a
man's work; and return with a man's reward; or not at all。'〃

'*In Zululand a son…in…law is known as 〃isigodo so mkwenyana〃; the
〃son…in…law log;〃 for the reason stated in the text。EDITOR。'

〃Well; Saduko; that spear has an edge on it; has it not?〃 I answered。 
〃And now; what is your plan?〃

〃My plan is; Macumazahn;〃 he said; rising from his seat; 〃to go hence
and gather those who are friendly to me because I am my father's son and
still the chief of the Amangwane; or those who are left of them;
although I have no kraal and no hoof of kine。  Then; within a moon; I
hope; I shall return here to find you strong again and once more a man;
and we will start out against Bangu; as I have whispered to you; with
the leave of a High One; who has said that; if I can take any cattle; I
may keep them for my pains。〃

〃I don't know about that; Saduko。  I never promised you that I would
make war upon Banguwith or without the king's leave。〃

〃No; you never promised; but Zikali the Dwarf; the Wise Little One; said
that you wouldand does Zikali lie?  Ask yourself; who will remember a
certain saying of his about a buffalo with a cleft horn; a pool and a
dry river…bed。  Farewell; O my father Macumazahn; I walk with the dawn;
and I leave Mameena in your keeping。〃

〃You mean that you leave me in Mameena's keeping;〃 I began; but already
he was crawling through the hole in the hut。

Well; Mameena kept me very comfortably。  She was always in evidence; yet
not too much so。

Heedless of her malice and abuse; she headed off the 〃Worn…out…old…Cow;〃
whom she knew I detested; from my presence。  She saw personally to my
bandages; as well as to the cooking of my food; over which matter she
had several quarrels with the bastard; Scowl; who did not like her; for
on him she never wasted any of her sweet looks。  Also; as I grew
stronger; she sat with me a good deal; talking; since; by common
consent; Mameena the fair was exempted from all the field; and even the
ordinary household labours that fall to the lot of Kafir women。  Her
place was to be the ornament and; I may add; the advertisement of her
father's kraal。  Others might do the work; and she saw that they did it。

We discussed all sorts of things; from the Christian and other religions
and European policy down; for her thirst for knowledge seemed to be
insatiable。  But what really interested her was the state of affairs in
Zululand; with which she knew I was well acquainted; as a person who had
played a part in its history and who was received and trusted at the
Great House; and as a white man who understood the designs and plans of
the Boers and of the Governor of Natal。

Now; if the old king; Panda; should chance to die; she would ask me;
which of his sons did I think would succeed himUmbelazi or Cetewayo;
or another?  Or; if he did not chance to die; which of them would he
name his heir?

I replied that I was not a prophet; and that she had better ask Zikali
the Wise。

〃That is a very good idea;〃 she said; 〃only I have no one to take me to
him; since my father would not allow me to go with Saduko; his ward。〃 
Then she clapped her hands and added: 〃Oh; Macumazahn; will you take me?
 My father would trust me with you。〃

〃Yes; I dare say;〃 I answered; 〃but the question is; could I trust
myself with you?〃

〃What do you mean?〃 she asked。  〃Oh; I understand。  Then; after all; I
am more to you than a black stone to play with?〃

I think it was that unlucky joke of mine which first set Mameena
thinking; 〃like a white ant in its tunnel;〃 as Saduko said。  At least;
after it her manner towards me changed; she became very deferential; she
listened to my words as though they were all wisdom; I caught her
looking at me with her soft eyes as though I were quite an admirable
object。  She began to talk to me of her difficulties; her troubles and
her ambitions。  She asked me for my advice as to Saduko。  On this point
I replied to her that; if she loved him; and her father would allow it;
presumably she had better marry him。

〃I like him well enough; Macumazahn; although he wearies me at times;
but love  Oh; tell me; _what_ is love?〃 Then she clasped her slim
hands and gazed at me like a fawn。

〃Upon my word; young woman;〃 I replied; 〃that is a matter upon which I
should have thought you more competent to instruct me。〃

〃Oh; Macumazahn;〃 she said almost in a whisper; and letting her head
droop like a fading lily; 〃you have never given me the chance; have
you?〃  And she laughed a little; looking extremely attractive。

〃Good gracious!〃or; rather; its Zulu equivalentI answered; for I
began to feel nervous。  〃What do you mean; Mameena?  How could I〃 
There I stopped。

〃I do not know what I mean; Macumazahn;〃 she exclaimed wildly; 〃but I
know well enough what you meanthat you are white as snow and I am
black as soot; and that snow and soot don't mix well together。〃

〃No;〃 I answered gravely; 〃snow is good to look at; and so is soot; but
mingled they make an ugly colour。  Not that you are like soot;〃 I added
hastily; fearing to hurt her feelings。  〃That is your hue〃and I
touched a copper bangle she was wearing〃a very lovely hue; Mameena;
like everything else about you。〃

〃Lovely;〃 she said; beginning to weep a little; which upset me very
much; for if there is one thing I hate; it is to see a woman cry。  〃How
can a poor Zulu girl be lovely?  Oh; Macumazahn; the spirits have dealt
hardly with me; who have given me the colour of my people and the heart
of yours。  If I were white; now; what you are pleased to call this
loveliness of mine would be of some use to me; for then then  Oh;
cannot you guess; Macumazahn?〃

I shook my head and said that I could not; and next moment was sorry;
for she proceeded to explain。

Sinking to her kneesfor we were quite alone in the big hut and there
was no one else about; all the other women being engaged on rural or
domestic tasks; for which Mameena declared she had no time; as her
business was to look after meshe rested her shapely head upon my knees
and began to talk in a low; sweet voice that sometimes broke into a sob。

〃Then I will tell youI will tell you; yes; even if you hate me
afterwards。  I could teach you what love is very well; Macumazahn; you
are quite rightbecause I love you。〃  (Sob。)  〃No; you shall not stir
till you have heard me out。〃  Here she flung her arms about my legs and
held them tight; so that without using great violence it was absolutely
impossible for me to move。  〃When I saw you first; all shattered and
senseless; snow seemed to fall upon my heart; and it stopped for a
little while and has never been the same since。  I think that something
is growing in it; Macumazahn; that makes it big。〃  (Sob。)  〃I used to
like Saduko before that; but afterwards I did not like him at allno;
nor Masapo eitheryou know; he is the big chief who lives over the
mountain; a very rich and powerful man; who; I believe; would like to
marry me。  Well; as I went on nursing you my heart grew bigger and
bigger; and now you see it has burst。〃  (Sob。)  〃Nay; stay still and do
not try to speak。  You _shall_ hear me out。  It is the least you can do;
seeing that you have caused me all this pain。  If you did not want me to
love you; why did you not curse at me and strike me; as I am told white
men do to Kafir girls?〃  She rose and went on:

〃Now; hearken。  Although I am the colour of copper; I am comely。  I am
well…bred also; there is no higher blood than ours in Zululand; both on
my father's and my mother's side; and; Macumazahn; I have a fire in me
that shows me things。  I can be great; and I long for greatness。  Take
me to wife; Macumazahn; and I swear to you that in ten years I will make
you king of the Zulus。  Forget your pale white women and wed yourself to
that fire which burns in me; and it shall eat up all that stands between
you and the Crown; as flame eats up dry grass。  More; I will make you
happy。  If you choose to take other wives; I will not be jealous;
because I know that I should hold your spirit; and that; compared to me;
they would be nothing in your thought〃

〃But; Mameena;〃 I broke in; 〃I don't want to be king of the Zulus。〃

〃Oh; yes; yes; you do; for every man wants power; and it is better to
rule over a brave; black peoplethousands and thousands of themthan
to be no one among the whites。  Think; think!  There is wealth in the
land。  By your skill and knowledge the amabuto 'regiments' could be
improved; with the wealth you would arm them with gunsyes; and
'by…and…byes' also with the throat of thunder〃 (that is; or was; the
Kafir name for cannon)。*  〃They would be invincible。  Chaka's kingdom
would be nothing to ours; for a hundred thousand warriors would sleep on
their spears; waiting for your word。  If you wished it even you could
sweep out Natal and make the whites there your subjects; too。  Or
perhaps it would be safer to let them be; lest others should come across
the green water to help them; and to strike northwards; where I am told
there are great lands as rich and fair; in which none would dispute our

'*Cannon were called 〃by…and…byes〃 by the natives; because when
field…pieces first arrived in Natal inquisitive Kafirs pestered the
soldiers to show them how they were fired。   The answer given was always
〃By…and…bye!〃  Hence the name。EDITOR'

〃But; Mameena;〃 I gasped; for this girl's titanic ambition literally
overwhelmed me; 〃surely you are mad!  How would you do all these

〃I am not mad;〃 she answered; 〃I am only what is called great; and you
know well enough that I can do them; not by myself; who am but a woman
and tied with the ropes that bind women; but with you to cut those ropes
and help me。  I have a plan which wil

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