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child of storm-第16章

小说: child of storm 字数: 每页3500字

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〃I understand; O Tshoza; brother of Matiwane and uncle of Saduko the
chief;〃 I replied。  〃But Bangu is a strong man; living; I am told; in a
strong place。  Still; let that go; for have you not said that you come
out to conquer or to die; you who have nothing to lose; and if you
conquer; you conquer; and if you die; you die and the tale is told。  But
supposing that you conquer。  What will Panda; King of the Zulus; say to
you; and to me also; who stir up war in his country?〃

Now the Amangwane looked behind them; and Saduko cried out:

〃Appear; messenger from Panda the King!〃

Before his words had ceased to echo I saw a little; withered man
threading his way between the tall; gaunt forms of the Amangwane。  He
came and stood before me; saying:

〃Hail; Macumazahn。  Do you remember me?〃

〃Aye;〃 I answered; 〃I remember you as Maputa; one of Panda's indunas。〃

〃Quite so; Macumazahn; I am Maputa; one of his indunas; a member of his
Council; a captain of his impis 'that is; armies'; as I was to his
brothers who are gone; whose names it is not lawful that I should name。 
Well; Panda the King has sent me to you; at the request of Saduko there;
with a message。〃

〃How do I know that you are a true messenger?〃 I asked。  〃Have you
brought me any token?〃

〃Aye;〃 he answered; and; fumbling under his cloak; he produced something
wrapped in dried leaves; which he undid and handed to me; saying:

〃This is the token that Panda sends to you; Macumazahn; bidding me to
tell you that you will certainly know it again; also that you are
welcome to it; since the two little bullets which he swallowed as you
directed made him very ill; and he needs no more of them。〃

I took the token; and; examining it in the moonlight; recognised it at

It was a cardboard box of strong calomel pills; on the top of which was
written: 〃Allan Quatermain; Esq。: One _only_ to be taken as directed。〃 
Without entering into explanations; I may state that I had taken 〃one as
directed;〃 and subsequently presented the rest of the box to King Panda;
who was very anxious to 〃taste the white man's medicine。〃

〃Do you recognise the token; Macumazahn?〃 asked the induna。

〃Yes;〃 I replied gravely; 〃and let the King return thanks to the spirits
of his ancestors that he did not swallow three of the balls; for if he
had done so; by now there would have been another Head in Zululand。 
Well; speak on; Messenger。〃

But to myself I reflected; not for the first time; how strangely these
natives could mix up the sublime with the ridiculous。  Here was a matter
that must involve the death of many men; and the token sent to me by the
autocrat who stood at the back of it all; to prove the good faith of his
messenger; was a box of calomel pills!  However; it served the purpose
as well as anything else。

Maputa and I drew aside; for I saw that he wished to speak with me

〃O Macumazana;〃 he said; when we were out of hearing of the others;
〃these are the words of Panda to you: 'I understand that you;
Macumazahn; have promised to accompany Saduko; son of Matiwane; on an
expedition of his against Bangu; chief of the Amakoba。  Now; were anyone
else concerned; I should forbid this expedition; and especially should I
forbid you; a white man in my country; to share therein。  But this dog
of a Bangu is an evil…doer。  Many years ago he worked on the Black One
who went before me to send him to destroy Matiwane; my friend; filling
the Black One's ears with false accusations; and thereafter he did
treacherously destroy him and all his tribe save Saduko; his son; and
some of the people and children who escaped。  Moreover; of late he has
been working against me; the King; striving to stir up rebellion against
me; because he knows that I hate him for his crimes。  Now I; Panda;
unlike those who went before me; am a man of peace who do not wish to
light the fire of civil war in the land; for who knows where such fires
will stop; or whose kraals they will consume?  Yet I do wish to see
Bangu punished for his wickedness; and his pride abated。  Therefore I
give Saduko leave; and those people of the Amangwane who remain to him;
to avenge their private wrongs upon Bangu if they can; and I give you
leave; Macumazahn; to be of his party。  Moreover; if any cattle are
taken; I shall ask no account of them; you and Saduko may divide them as
you wish。  But understand; O Macumazana; that if you or your people are
killed or wounded; or robbed of your goods; I know nothing of the
matter; and am not responsible to you or to the white House of Natal; it
is your own matter。  These are my words。  I have spoken。'〃

〃I see;〃 I answered。  〃I am to pull Panda's hot iron out of the fire and
to extinguish the fire。  If I succeed I may keep a piece of the iron
when it gets cool; and if I burn my fingers it is my own fault; and I or
my House must not come crying to Panda。〃

〃O Watcher…by…Night; you have speared the bull in the heart;〃 replied
Maputa; the messenger; nodding his shrewd old head。  〃Well; will you go
up with Saduko?〃

〃Say to the King; O Messenger; that I will go up with Saduko because I
promised him that I would; being moved by the tale of his wrongs; and
not for the sake of the cattle; although it is true that if I hear any
of them lowing in my camp I may keep them。  Say to Panda also that if
aught of ill befalls me he shall hear nothing of it; nor will I bring
his high name into this business; but that he; on his part; must not
blame me for anything that may happen afterwards。  Have you the

〃I have it word for word; and may your Spirit be with you; Macumazahn;
when you attack the strong mountain of Bangu; which; were I you;〃 Maputa
added reflectively; 〃I think I should do just at the dawn; since the
Amakoba drink much beer and are heavy sleepers。〃

Then we took a pinch of snuff together; and he departed at once for
Nodwengu; Panda's Great Place。

Fourteen days had gone by; and Saduko and I; with our ragged band of
Amangwane; sat one morning; after a long night march; in the hilly
country looking across a broad vale; which was sprinkled with trees like
an English park; at that mountain on the side of which Bangu; chief of
the Amakoba; had his kraal。

It was a very formidable mountain; and; as we had already observed; the
paths leading up to the kraal were amply protected with stone walls in
which the openings were quite narrow; only just big enough to allow one
ox to pass through them at a time。  Moreover; all these walls had been
strengthened recently; perhaps because Bangu was aware that Panda looked
upon him; a northern chief dwelling on the confines of his dominions;
with suspicion and even active enmity; as he was also no doubt aware
Panda had good cause to do。

Here in a dense patch of bush that grew in a kloof of the hills we held
a council of war。

So far as we knew our advance had been unobserved; for I had left my
wagons in the low veld thirty miles away; giving it out among the local
natives that I was hunting game there; and bringing on with me only
Scowl and four of my best hunters; all well…armed natives who could
shoot。  The three hundred Amangwane also had advanced in small parties;
separated from each other; pretending to be Kafirs marching towards
Delagoa Bay。  Now; however; we had all met in this bush。  Among our
number were three Amangwane who; on the slaughter of their tribe; had
fled with their mothers to this district and been brought up among the
people of Bangu; but who at his summons had come back to Saduko。  It was
on these men that we relied at this juncture; for they alone knew the
country。  Long and anxiously did we consult with them。  First they
explained; and; so far as the moonlight would allow; for as yet the dawn
had not broken; pointed out to us the various paths that led to Bangu's

〃How many men are there in the town?〃 I asked。

〃About seven hundred who carry spears;〃 they answered; 〃together with
others in outlying kraals。  Moreover; watchmen are always set at the
gateways in the walls。〃

〃And where are the cattle?〃 I asked again。

〃Here; in the valley beneath; Macumazahn;〃 answered the spokesman。  〃If
you listen you will hear them lowing。  Fifty men; not less; watch them
at nighttwo thousand head of them; or more。〃

〃Then it would not be difficult to get round these cattle and drive them
off; leaving Bangu to breed up a new herd?〃

〃It might not be difficult;〃 interrupted Saduko; 〃but I came here to
kill Bangu; as well as to seize his cattle; since with him I have a
blood feud。〃

〃Very good;〃 I answered; 〃but that mountain cannot be stormed with three
hundred men; fortified as it is with walls and schanzes。  Our band would
be destroyed before ever we came to the kraal; since; owing to the
sentries who are set everywhere; it would be impossible to surprise the
place。  Also you have forgotten the dogs; Saduko。  Moreover; even if it
were possible; I will have nothing to do with the massacre of women and
children; which must happen in an assault。  Now; listen to me; O Saduko。
 I say let us leave the kraal of Bangu alone; and this coming night send
fifty of our men; under the leadership of the guides; down to yonder
bush; where they will lie hid。  Then; after moonrise; when all are
asleep; these fifty must rush the cattle kraal; killing any who may
oppose them; should they be seen; and driving the herd out through
yonder great pass by which we have entered the land。  Bangu and his
people; thinking that those who have taken the cattle are but common
thieves of some wild tribe; will gather and follow the beasts to
recapture them。  But we; with the rest of the Amangwane; can set an
ambush in the narrowest part of the pass among the rocks; where the
grass is high and the euphorbia trees grow thick; and there; when they
have passed the Nek; which I and my hunters will hold with our guns; we
will give them battle。  What say you?〃

Now; Saduko answered that he would rather attack the kraal; which he
wished to burn。  But the old Amangwane; Tshoza; brother of the dead
Matiwane; said:

〃No; Macumazahn; Watcher…by…Night; is wise。  Why should we waste our
strength on stone walls; of which none know the number or can find the
gates in the darkness; and thereby leave our skulls to be set up as
ornaments on the fences of the accursed Amakoba?  Let us draw the
Amakoba out into the pass of the mountains; where they have no walls to
protect them; and there fall on them when they are bewildered and settle
the matter with them man to man。  As for the women and children; with
Macumazahn I say let them go; afterwards; perhaps; they will become
_our_ women and children。〃

〃Aye;〃 answered the Amangwane; 〃the plan of the white Inkoosi is good;
he is clever as a weasel; we will have his plan and no other。〃

So Saduko was overruled and my counsel adopted。

All that day we rested; lighting no fires and remaining still as the
dead in the dense bush。  It was a very anxious day; for although the
place was so wild and lonely; there was always the fear lest we should
be discovered。  It was true that we had travelled mostly by night in
small parties; to avoid leaving a spoor; and avoided all kraals; still;

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