the crime of sylvestre bonnard(西维斯特·博拉德的罪行)-第23章
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Lord; let thy servant depart in peace!' For if an old fellow like me can be
of any use to anybody; I would wish; with your help; to devote my last
energies and abilities to the care of this orphan。〃
I had uttered these last words in Madame de Gabry's own vestibule;
and I was about to take leave of my kind guide when she said to me;
〃My dear Monsieur; I cannot help you in this matter as much as I
would like to do。 Jeanne is an orphan and a minor。 You cannot do anything
for her without the authorisation of her guardian。〃
〃Ah!〃 I exclaimed; 〃I had not the least idea in the wold that Jeanne had
a guardian!〃
Madame de Gabry looked at me with visible surprise。 She had not
expected to find the old man quite so simple。
She resumed:
〃The guardian of Jeanne Alexandre is Maitre Mouche; notary at
Levallois…Perret。 I am afraid you will not be able to come to any
understanding with him; for he is a very serious person。〃
〃Why! good God!〃 I cried; 〃with what kind of people can you expect
me to have any sort of understanding at my age; except serious persons。〃
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She smiled with a sweet mischievousnessjust as my father used to
smileand answered:
〃With those who are like youthe innocent folks who wear their hearts
on their sleeves。 Monsieur Mouche is not exactly that kind。 He is cunning
and light…fingered。 But although I have very little liking for him; we will
go together and see him; if you wish; and ask his permission to visit
Jeanne; whom he has sent to a boarding… school at Les Ternes; where she
is very unhappy。〃
We agreed at once upon a day; I kissed Madame de Gabry's hands; and
we bade each other good…bye。
From May 2 to May 5。
I have seen him in his office; Maitre Mouche; the guardian of Jeanne。
Small; thin; and dry; his complexion looks as if it was made out of the dust
of his pigeon…holes。 He is a spectacled animal; for to imagine him without
his spectacles would be impossible。 I have heard him speak; this Maitre
Mouche; he has a voice like a tin rattle; and he uses choice phrases; but I
should have been better pleased if he had not chosen his phrases so
carefully。 I have observed him; this Maitre Mouche; he is very
ceremonious; and watches his visitors slyly out of the corner of his eye。
Maitre Mouche is quite pleased; he informs us; he is delighted to find
we have taken such an interest in his ward。 But he does not think we are
placed in this world just to amuse ourselves。 No: he does not believe it;
and I am free to acknowledge that anybody in his company is likely to
reach the same conclusion; so little is he capable of inspiring joyfulness。
He fears that it would be giving his dear ward a false and pernicious idea
of life to allow her too much enjoyment。 It is for this reason that he
requests Madame de Gabry not to invite the young girl to her house except
at very long intervals。
We left the dusty notary and his dusty study with a permit in due form
(everything which issues from the office of Maitre Mouche is in due form)
to visit Mademoiselle Jeanne Alexandre on the first Thursday of each
month at Mademoiselle Prefere's private school; Rue Demours; Aux
The first Thursday in May I set out to pay a visit to Mademoiselle
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Prefere; whose establishment I discerned from afar off by a big sign;
painted with blue letters。 That blue tint was the first indication I received
of Mademoiselle Prefere's character; which I was able to see more of later
on。 A scared…looking servant took my card; and abandoned me without one
word of hope at the door of a chilly parlour full of that stale odour peculiar
to the dining… rooms of educational establishments。 The floor of this
parlour had been waxed with such pitiless energy; that I remained for
awhile in distress upon the threshold。 But happily observing that little
strips of woollen carpet had been scattered over the floor in front of each
horse…hair chair; I succeeded; by cautiously stepping from one carpet…
island to another in reaching the angle of the mantlepiece; where I sat
down quite out of breath。
Over the mantelpiece; in a large gilded frame; was a written document;
entitled in flamboyant Gothic lettering; Tableau d'Honneur; with a long
array of names underneath; among which I did not have the pleasure of
finding that of Jeanne Alexandre。 After having read over several times the
names of those girl…pupils who had thus made themselves honoured in the
eyes of Mademoiselle Prefere; I began to feel uneasy at not hearing any
one coming。 Mademoiselle Prefere would certainly have succeeded in
establishing the absolute silence of interstellar spaces throughout her
pedagogical domains; had it not been that the sparrows had chosen her
yard to assemble in by legions; and chirp at the top of their voices。 It was a
pleasure to hear them。 But there was no way of seeing themthrough the
ground…glass windows。 I had to content myself with the sights of the
parlour; decorated from floor to ceiling; on all of its four walls; with
drawings executed by the pupils of the institution。 There were Vestals;
flowers; thatched cottages; column…capitals; and an enormous head of
Tatius; King of the Sabines; bearing the signature Estelle Mouton。
I had already passed some time in admiring the energy with which
Mademoiselle Mouton had delineated the bushy eyebrows and the fierce
gaze of the antique warrior; when a sound; faint like the rustling of a dead
leaf moved by the wind; caused me to turn my head。 It was not a dead leaf
at allit was Mademoiselle Prefere。 With hands jointed before her; she
came gliding over the mirror…polish of that wonderful floor as the Saints of
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the Golden Legend were wont to glide over the crystal surface of the
waters。 But upon any other occasion; I am sure; Mademoiselle Prefere
would not have made me think in the least about those virgins dear to
mystical fancy。 Her face rather gave me the idea of a russet…apple
preserved or a whole winter in an attic by some economical housekeeper。
Her shoulders were covered with a fringed pelerine; which had nothing at
all remarkable about it; but which she wore as if it were a sacerdotal
vestment; or the symbol of some high civic function。
I explained to her the purpose of my visit; and gave her my letter of
〃Ah!so you are Monsieur Mouche!〃 she exclaimed。 〃Is his health
VERY good? He is the most upright of men; the most…〃
She did not finish the phrase; but raised her eyes to the ceiling。 My
own followed the direction of their gaze; and observed a little spiral of
paper lace; suspended from the place of the chandelier; which was
apparently destined; so far as I could discover; to attract the flies away
from the gilded mirror…frames and the Tableau d'Honneur。
〃I have met Mademoiselle Jeanne Alexandre;〃 I observed; 〃at the
residence of Madame de Gabry and had reason to appreciate the excellent
character and quick intelligence of the young girl。 As I used to know her
parents very well; the friendship which I felt for them naturally inclines
me to take an interest in her。〃
Mademoiselle Prefere; in lieu of making any reply; sighed profoundly;
pressed her mysterious pelerine to her heart; and again contemplated the
paper spiral。
At last she observed;
〃Since you were once the friend of Monsieur and Madame Alexandre;
I hope and trust that; like Monsieur Mouche and myself; you deplore those
crazy speculations which led them to ruin; and reduced their daughter to
absolute poverty!〃
I thought to myself; on hearing these words; how very wrong it is to be
unlucky; and how unpardonable such an error on the part of those
previously in a position worthy of envy。 Their fall at once avenges and
flatters us; and we are wholly pitiless。
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After having answered; very frankly; that I knew nothing whatever
about the history of the bank; I asked the schoolmistress if she was
satisfied with Mademoiselle Alexandre。
〃That child is indomitable!〃 cried Mademoiselle Prefere。
And she assumed an attitude of lofty resignation; to symbolise the
difficult situation she was placed in by a pupil so hard to train。 Then; with
more calmness of manner; she added:
〃The young person is not unintelligent。 But she cannot resign herself
to learn things by rule。〃
What a strange old maid was this Mademoiselle Prefere! She walked
without lifting her legs; and spoke without moving her lips! Without;
however; considering her peculiarities for more than a reasonable instant; I
replied that principles were; no doubt; very excellent things; and that I
could trust myself to her judgement in regard to their value; but that; after
all; when one had learned something; it very little difference what method
had been followed in the learning of it。
Mademoiselle made a slow gesture of dissent。 Then with a sigh; she
〃Ah; Monsieur! those who do not understand educational methods are
apt to have very false ideas on these subjects。 I am certain they expres