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the works of edgar allan poe-3-第39章

小说: the works of edgar allan poe-3 字数: 每页3500字

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than regal magnificence within。  For such follies; even in
childhood; I had imbibed a taste and now they came back to me as if
in the dotage of grief。 Alas; I feel how much even of incipient
madness might have been discovered in the gorgeous and fantastic
draperies; in the solemn carvings of Egypt; in the wild cornices and
furniture; in the Bedlam patterns of the carpets of tufted gold! I
had become a bounden slave in the trammels of opium; and my labors
and my orders had taken a coloring from my dreams。 But these
absurdities must not pause to detail。 Let me speak only of that one
chamber; ever accursed; whither in a moment of mental alienation; I
led from the altar as my bride  as the successor of the unforgotten
Ligeia  the fair…haired and blue…eyed Lady Rowena Trevanion; of

There is no individual portion of the architecture and decoration of
that bridal chamber which is not now visibly before me。 Where were
the souls of the haughty family of the bride; when; through thirst of
gold; they permitted to pass the threshold of an apartment so
bedecked; a maiden and a daughter so beloved? I have said that I
minutely remember the details of the chamber  yet I am sadly
forgetful on topics of deep moment  and here there was no system;
no keeping; in the fantastic display; to take hold upon the memory。
The room lay in a high turret of the castellated abbey; was
pentagonal in shape; and of capacious size。 Occupying the whole
southern face of the pentagon was the sole window  an immense sheet
of unbroken glass from Venice  a single pane; and tinted of a
leaden hue; so that the rays of either the sun or moon; passing
through it; fell with a ghastly lustre on the objects within。 Over
the upper portion of this huge window; extended the trellice…work of
an aged vine; which clambered up the massy walls of the turret。 The
ceiling; of gloomy…looking oak; was excessively lofty; vaulted; and
elaborately fretted with the wildest and most grotesque specimens of
a semi…Gothic; semi…Druidical device。 From out the most central
recess of this melancholy vaulting; depended; by a single chain of
gold with long links; a huge censer of the same metal; Saracenic in
pattern; and with many perforations so contrived that there writhed
in and out of them; as if endued with a serpent vitality; a continual
succession of parti…colored fires。

Some few ottomans and golden candelabra; of Eastern figure; were in
various stations about  and there was the couch; too  bridal
couch  of an Indian model; and low; and sculptured of solid ebony;
with a pall…like canopy above。 In each of the angles of the chamber
stood on end a gigantic sarcophagus of black granite; from the tombs
of the kings over against Luxor; with their aged lids full of
immemorial sculpture。 But in the draping of the apartment lay; alas!
the chief phantasy of all。 The lofty walls; gigantic in height 
even unproportionably so  were hung from summit to foot; in vast
folds; with a heavy and massive…looking tapestry  tapestry of a
material which was found alike as a carpet on the floor; as a
covering for the ottomans and the ebony bed; as a canopy for the bed;
and as the gorgeous volutes of the curtains which partially shaded
the window。 The material was the richest cloth of gold。 It was
spotted all over; at irregular intervals; with arabesque figures;
about a foot in diameter; and wrought upon the cloth in patterns of
the most jetty black。 But these figures partook of the true character
of the arabesque only when regarded from a single point of view。 By a
contrivance now common; and indeed traceable to a very remote period
of antiquity; they were made changeable in aspect。 To one entering
the room; they bore the appearance of simple monstrosities; but upon
a farther advance; this appearance gradually departed; and step by
step; as the visitor moved his station in the chamber; he saw himself
surrounded by an endless succession of the ghastly forms which belong
to the superstition of the Norman; or arise in the guilty slumbers of
the monk。 The phantasmagoric effect was vastly heightened by the
artificial introduction of a strong continual current of wind behind
the draperies  giving a hideous and uneasy animation to the whole。

In halls such as these  in a bridal chamber such as this  I
passed; with the Lady of Tremaine; the unhallowed hours of the first
month of our marriage  passed them with but little disquietude。
That my wife dreaded the fierce moodiness of my temper  that she
shunned me and loved me but little  I could not help perceiving;
but it gave me rather pleasure than otherwise。 I loathed her with a
hatred belonging more to demon than to man。 My memory flew back; (oh;
with what intensity of regret!) to Ligeia; the beloved; the august;
the beautiful; the entombed。 I revelled in recollections of her
purity; of her wisdom; of her lofty; her ethereal nature; of her
passionate; her idolatrous love。 Now; then; did my spirit fully and
freely burn with more than all the fires of her own。 In the
excitement of my opium dreams (for I was habitually fettered in the
shackles of the drug) I would call aloud upon her name; during the
silence of the night; or among the sheltered recesses of the glens by
day; as if; through the wild eagerness; the solemn passion; the
consuming ardor of my longing for the departed; I could restore her
to the pathway she had abandoned  ah; could it be forever?  upon
the earth。

About the commencement of the second month of the marriage; the Lady
Rowena was attacked with sudden illness; from which her recovery was
slow。 The fever which consumed her rendered her nights uneasy; and in
her perturbed state of half…slumber; she spoke of sounds; and of
motions; in and about the chamber of the turret; which I concluded
had no origin save in the distemper of her fancy; or perhaps in the
phantasmagoric influences of the chamber itself。 She became at length
convalescent  finally well。 Yet but a brief period elapsed; ere a
second more violent disorder again threw her upon a bed of suffering;
and from this attack her frame; at all times feeble; never altogether
recovered。 Her illnesses were; after this epoch; of alarming
character; and of more alarming recurrence; defying alike the
knowledge and the great exertions of her physicians。 With the
increase of the chronic disease which had thus; apparently; taken too
sure hold upon her constitution to be eradicated by human means; I
could not fall to observe a similar increase in the nervous
irritation of her temperament; and in her excitability by trivial
causes of fear。 She spoke again; and now more frequently and
pertinaciously; of the sounds  of the slight sounds  and of the
unusual motions among the tapestries; to which she had formerly

One night; near the closing in of September; she pressed this
distressing subject with more than usual emphasis upon my attention。
She had just awakened from an unquiet slumber; and I had been
watching; with feelings half of anxiety; half of vague terror; the
workings of her emaciated countenance。 I sat by the side of her ebony
bed; upon one of the ottomans of India。 She partly arose; and spoke;
in an earnest low whisper; of sounds which she then heard; but which
I could not hear  of motions which she then saw; but which I could
not perceive。 The wind was rushing hurriedly behind the tapestries;
and I wished to show her (what; let me confess it; I could not all
believe) that those almost inarticulate breathings; and those very
gentle variations of the figures upon the wall; were but the natural
effects of that customary rushing of the wind。 But a deadly pallor;
overspreading her face; had proved to me that my exertions to
reassure her would be fruitless。 She appeared to be fainting; and no
attendants were within call。 I remembered where was deposited a
decanter of light wine which had been ordered by her physicians; and
hastened across the chamber to procure it。 But; as I stepped beneath
the light of the censer; two circumstances of a startling nature
attracted my attention。 I had felt that some palpable although
invisible object had passed lightly by my person; and I saw that
there lay upon the golden carpet; in the very middle of the rich
lustre thrown from the censer; a shadow  a faint; indefinite shadow
of angelic aspect  such as might be fancied for the shadow of a
shade。 But I was wild with the excitement of an immoderate dose of
opium; and heeded these things but little; nor spoke of them to
Rowena。 Having found the wine; I recrossed the chamber; and poured
out a gobletful; which I held to the lips of the fainting lady。 She
had now partially recovered; however; and took the vessel herself;
while I sank upon an ottoman near me; with my eyes fastened upon her
person。 It was then that I became distinctly aware of a gentle
footfall upon the carpet; and near the couch; and in a second
thereafter; as Rowena was in the act of raising the wine to her lips;
I saw; or may have dreamed that I saw; fall within the goblet; as if
from some invisible spring in the atmosphere of the room; three or
four large drops of a brilliant and ruby colored fluid。 If this I saw
 not so Rowena。 She swallowed the wine unhesitatingly; and I
forbore to speak to her of a circumstance which must; after all; I
considered; have been but the suggestion of a vivid imagination;
rendered morbidly active by the terror of the lady; by the opium; and
by the hour。

Yet I cannot conceal it from my own perception that; immediately
subsequent to the fall of the ruby…drops; a rapid change for the
worse took place in the disorder of my wife; so that; on the third
subsequent night; the hands of her menials prepared her for the tomb;
and on the fourth; I sat alone; with her shrouded body; in that
fantastic chamber which had received her as my bride。  Wild
visions; opium…engendered; flitted; shadow…like; before me。 I gazed
with unquiet eye upon the sarcophagi in the angles of the room; upon
the varying figures of the drapery; and upon the writhing of the
parti…colored fires in the censer overhead。 My eyes then fell; as I
called to mind the circumstances of a former night; to the spot
beneath the glare of the censer where I had seen the faint traces of
the shadow。 It was there; however; no longer; and breathing with
greater freedom; I turned my glances to the pallid and rigid figure
upon the bed。 Then rushed upon me a thousand memories of Ligeia 
and then came back upon my heart; with the turbulent violence of a
flood; the whole of that unutterable wo with which I had regarded her
thus enshrouded。 The night waned; and still; with a bosom full of
bitter thoughts of the one only and supremely beloved; I remained
gazing upon the body of Rowena。

It might have been midnight; or perhaps earlier; or later; for I had
taken no note of time; when a sob; low; gentle; but very distinct;
startled me from my revery。  I felt that it came from the bed of
ebony  the bed of death。 I listened in an agony of superstitious
terror  but there was no repetition of the sound。 I strained my
vision to detect any motion in the corpse  but there was not the
slightest perceptible。 Yet I could not have been dec

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