thoughts on man-第46章
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It is a very usual thing for fanciful theories to have their turn amidst the eccentricities of the human mind; and then to be heard of no more。 But it is perhaps no ill occupation; now and then; for an impartial observer; to analyse these theories; and attempt to blow away the dust which will occasionally settle on the surface of science。 If phrenology; as taught by Gall and Spurzheim; be a truth; I shall probably render a service to that truth; by endeavouring to shew where the edifice stands in need of more solid supports than have yet been assigned to it。 If it be a falshood; the sooner it is swept away to the gulph of oblivion the better。 Let the inquisitive and the studious fix their minds on more substantial topics; instead of being led away by gaudy and deceitful appearances。 The human head; that crowning capital of the column of man; is too interesting a subject; to be the proper theme of every dabbler。 And it is obvious; that the professors of this so called discovery; if they be rash and groundless in their assertions; will be in danger of producing momentous errors; of exciting false hopes never destined to be realised; and of visiting with pernicious blasts the opening buds of excellence; at the time when they are most exposed to the chance of destruction。
I shall set out with acknowledging; that there is; as I apprehend; a science in relation to the human head; something like what Plato predicates of the statue hid in a block of marble。 It is really contained in the block; but it is only the most consummate sculptor; that can bring it to the eyes of men; and free it from all the incumbrances; which; till he makes application of his art to it; surround the statue; and load it with obscurities and disfigurement。 The man; who; without long study and premeditation; rushes in at once; and expects to withdraw the curtain; will only find himself disgraced by the attempt。
There is a passage in an acute writer'39'; whose talents singularly fitted him; even when he appeared totally immerged in mummery and trifles; to illustrate the most important truths; that is applicable to the point I am considering。
'39' Sterne; Tristram Shandy; Vol。 1。
〃Pray; what was that man's name;for I write in such a hurry; I have no time to recollect or look for it;who first made the observation; 'That there was great inconstancy in our air and climate?' Whoever he was; it was a just and good observation in him。 But the corollary drawn from it; namely; 'That it is this which has furnished us with such a variety of odd and whimsical characters;'that was not his;it was found out by another man; at least a century and a half after him。 Then again; that this copious storehouse of original materials is the true and natural cause that our comedies are so much better than those of France; or any others that have or can be wrote upon the continent; that discovery was not fully made till about the middle of king William's reign; when the great Dryden; in writing one of his long prefaces (if I mistake not); most fortunately hit upon it。 Then; fourthly and lastly; that this strange irregularity in our climate; producing so strange an irregularity in our characters; cloth thereby in some sort make us amends; by giving us somewhat to make us merry with; when the weather will not suffer us to go out of doors;that observation is my own; and was struck out by me this very rainy day; March 26; 1759; and betwixt the hour of nine and ten in the morning。
〃Thusthus; my fellow…labourers and associates in this great harvest of our learning; now ripening before our eyes; thus it is; by slow steps of casual increase; that our knowledge physical; metaphysical; physiological; polemical; nautical; mathematical; aenigmatical; technical; biographical; romantical; chemical; and obstetrical; with fifty other branches of it; (most of them ending; as these do; in ical;) has; for these two last centuries and more; gradually been creeping upwards towards that acme of their perfections; from which; if we may form a conjecture from the advantages of these last seven years; we cannot possibly be far off。〃
Nothing can be more true; than the proposition ludicrously illustrated in this passage; that real science is in most instances of slow growth; and that the discoveries which are brought to perfection at once; are greatly exposed to the suspicion of quackery。 Like the ephemeron fly; they are born suddenly; and may be expected to die as soon。
Lavater; the well known author of Essays on Physiognomy; appears to have been born seventeen years before the birth of Gall。 He attempted to reduce into a system the indications of human character that are to be found in the countenance。 Physiognomy; as a subject of ingenious and probable conjecture; was well known to the ancients。 But the test; how far any observations that have been made on the subject are worthy the name of a science; will lie in its application by the professor to a person respecting whom he has had no opportunity of previous information。 Nothing is more easy; when a great warrior; statesman; poet; philosopher or philanthropist is explicitly placed before us; than for the credulous inspector or fond visionary to examine the lines of his countenance; and to point at the marks which should plainly shew us that he ought to have been the very thing that he is。 This is the very trick of gipsies and fortune…tellers。 But who ever pointed to an utter stranger in the street; and said; I perceive by that man's countenance that he is one of the great luminaries of the world? Newton; or Bacon; or Shakespear would probably have passed along unheeded。 Instances of a similar nature occur every day。 Hence it plainly appears that; whatever may hereafter be known on the subject; we can scarcely to the present time be said to have overstepped the threshold。 And yet nothing can be more certain than that there is a science of physiognomy; though to make use of an illustration already cited; it has not to this day been extricated out of the block of marble in which it is hid。 Human passions; feelings and modes of thinking leave their traces on the countenance: but we have not; thus far; left the dame's school in this affair; and are not qualified to enter ourselves in the free…school for more liberal enquiries。
The writings of Lavater on the subject of physiognomy are couched in a sort of poetic prose; overflowing with incoherent and vague exclamations; and bearing small resemblance to a treatise in which the elements of science are to be developed。 Their success however was extraordinary; and it was probably that success; which prompted Gall first to turn his attention from the indications of character that are to be found in the face of man; to the study of the head generally; as connected with the intellectual and moral qualities of the individual。
It was about four years before the commencement of the present century; that Gall appears to have begun to deliver lectures on the structure and external appearances of the human head。 He tells us; that his attention was first called to the subject in the ninth year of his age (that is; in the year 1767); and that he spent thirty years in the private meditation of his system; before he began to promulgate it。 Be that as it will; its most striking characteristic is that of marking out the scull into compartments; in the same manner as a country delineated on a map is divided into districts; and assigning a different faculty or organ to each。 In the earliest of these diagrams that has fallen under my observation; the human scull is divided into twenty…seven compartments。
I would say of craniology; as I have already said of physiognomy; that there is such a science attainable probably by man; but that we have yet made scarcely any progress in the acquiring it。 As certain lines in the countenance are indicative of the dispositions of the man; so it is reasonable to believe that a certain structure of the head is in correspondence with the faculties and propensities of the individual。
Thus far we may probably advance without violating a due degree of caution。 But there is a wide distance between this general statement; and the conduct of the man who at once splits the human head into twenty…seven compartments。
The exterior appearance of the scull is affirmed to correspond with the structure of the brain beneath。 And nothing can be more analogous to what the deepest thinkers have already confessed of man; than to suppose that there is one structure of the brain better adapted for intellectual purposes than another。 There is probably one structure better adapted than another; for calculation; for poetry; for courage; for cowardice; for presumption; for diffidence; for roughness; for tenderness; for self…control and the want of it。 Even as some have inherently a faculty adapted for music or the contrary'40'。
'40' See above; Essay II。
But it is not reasonable to believe that we think of calculation with one portion of the brain; and of poetry with another。
It is very little that we know of the nature of matter; and we are equally ignorant as to the substance; whatever it is; in which the thinking principle in man resides。 But; without adventuring in any way to dogmatise on the subject; we find so many analogies between the thinking principle; and the structure of what we call the brain; that we cannot but regard the latter as in some way the instrument of the former。
Now nothing can be more certain respecting the thinking principle; than its individuality。 It has been said; that the mind can entertain but one thought at one time; and certain it is; from the nature of attention; and from the association of ideas; that unity is one of the principal characteristics of mind。 It is this which constitutes personal identity; an attribute that; however unsatisfactory may be the explanations which have been given respecting it; we all of us feel; and that lies at the foundation of all our voluntary actions; and all our morality。
Analogous to this unity of thought and mind; is the arrangement of the nerves and the brain in the human body。 The nerves all lead up to the brain; and there is a centrical point in the brain itself; in which the reports of the senses terminate; and at which the action of the will may be conceived to begin。 This; in the language of our fathers; was called the 〃seat of the soul。〃
We may therefore; without departing from the limits of a due caution and modesty; consider this as the throne before which the mind holds its court。 Hither the senses bring in their reports; and hence the sovereign will issues his commands。 The whole system appears to be conducted through the instrumentality of the nerves; along whose subtle texture the feelings and impressions are propagated。 Between the reports of the senses and the commands of the will; intervenes that which is emphatically the office of the mind; comprising meditation; reflection; inference and judgment。 How these functions are performed we know not; but it is reasonable to believe that the substance of the brain or of some part of the brain is implicated in them。
Still however we must not lose sight of what has been already said; that in the action of the mind unit