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the works of edgar allan poe-5-第34章

小说: the works of edgar allan poe-5 字数: 每页3500字

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his own language; he has imprisoned his own conceptions by the barrier he
has erected against those of others。 It is lamentable to think that such a
mind should be buried in metaphysics; and; like the Nyctanthes; waste its
perfume upon the night alone。 In reading that man's poetry; I tremble like
one who stands upon a volcano; conscious from the very darkness bursting
from the crater; of the fire and the light that are weltering below。

〃What is poetry?…Poetry! that Proteus…like idea; with as many appellations
as the nine…titled Corcyra! 'Give me;' I demanded of a scholar some time
ago; 'give me a definition of poetry。' _'Tr鑣volontiers;' _and he
proceeded to his library; brought me a Dr。 Johnson; and overwhelmed me
with a definition。 Shade of the immortal Shakespeare! I imagine to myself
the scowl of your spiritual eye upon the profanity of that scurrilous Ursa
Major。 Think of poetry; dear B…; think of poetry; and then think of Dr。
Samuel Johnson! Think of all that is airy and fairy…like; and then of all
that is hideous and unwieldy; think of his huge bulk; the Elephant! and
then…and then think of the 'Tempest' …the 'Midsummer…Night's Dream'…
Prospero Oberon…and Titania!

〃A poem; in my opinion; is opposed to a work of science by having; for its
_immediate _object; pleasure; not truth; to romance; by having; for its
object; an _indefinite _instead of a _definite _pleasure; being a poem
only so far as this object is attained; romance presenting perceptible
images with definite; poetry with indefinite sensations; to which end
music is an _essential; since _the comprehension of sweet sound is our
most indefinite conception。 Music; when combined with a pleasurable idea;
is poetry; music; without the idea; is simply music; the idea; wi thout
the music; is prose; from its very definitiveness。

〃What was meant by the invective against him who had no music in his soul?

〃To sum up this long rigmarole; I have; dear B…; what you; no doubt;
perceive; for the metaphysical poets as poets; the most sovereign
contempt。 That they have followers proves nothing…

〃'No Indian prince has to his palace
More followers than a thief to the gallows。

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