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小说: 战争与和平(上) 字数: 每页3500字

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Alpatitch hugged his leg and broke into sobs。 Prince Andrey gently moved him away; and spurring his horse galloped down the garden walk。
On the terrace the old man was still sitting as before; as uninterested as a fly on some beloved dead face; knocking on the sole of the bast shoe。 And two little girls came running from the plum…trees in the conservatories with their skirts full of plums。 They ran almost against Prince Andrey; and seeing their young master; the elder one clutched her younger companion by the hand; with a panic…stricken face; and hid with her behind a birch…tree not stopping to pick up the green plums they had dropped。
Prince Andrey turned away from them in nervous haste; afraid of letting them notice that he had seen them。 He was sorry to have frightened the pretty child。 He was afraid to glance at her; but yet he felt an irresistible inclination to do so。 A new soothing and consolatory feeling came upon him; as gazing at the little girls; he became aware of the existence of other human interests; utterly remote from him; and as legitimate as his own。 Those little girls were evidently possessed by one passionate desire to carry off and devour those green plums without being caught; and Prince Andrey wished them success in their enterprise。 He could not resist glancing at them once more。 Fancying themselves already secure; they had darted out of their hiding…place; and piping something in their shrill; little voices; and holding up their skirts; they ran gaily and swiftly through the grass with their bare; sunburnt little feet。
Prince Andrey was somewhat refreshed by his ride outside the region of the dust of the high…road along which the troops were marching。 But he rode back into the road not far from Bleak Hills; and overtook his regiment at the halting…place near the dike of a small pond。 It was about two o’clock in the afternoon。 The sun; a red ball through the dust; baked and scorched his back intolerably in his black coat。 The dust stood as immovable as ever over the buzzing; halting troops。 There was not a breath of wind。 As he rode towards the dike; Prince Andrey smelled the fresh; muddy smell of the pond。 He longed to be in the water; however muddy it might be。 He looked round at the pond; from which he heard shrieks and laughter。 The small pond; thickly covered with green slime; was visibly half a yard higher and overflowing the dam; because it was full of white; naked human bodies; with brick…red hands and heads and necks; all plunging about in it。 All that bare white human flesh was splashing about with shrieks and laughter; in the muddy pool; like carp floundering in a net。 There was a ring of merriment in that splashing; and that was what made it peculiarly sad。
One fair…haired young soldier—Prince Andrey knew him—of the third company; with a strap round the calf of his leg; stepped back; crossing himself; to get a good run; and plunge into the water。 Another swarthy and very towzle…headed sergeant up to his waist in the water; bending his fine; muscular figure; was snorting with enjoyment; as he poured the water over his head with his blackened hands。 There was a sound of them slapping each other; and shrieks and cries。
On the banks; on the dike; in the pond; everywhere there was white; healthy; muscular flesh。 Timohin; the officer with the red nose; was rubbing himself with a towel on the dike; and was abashed at seeing Prince Andrey; but made up his mind to address him。
“It’s pleasant; really; your excellency; you should try it!” he said。
“It’s dirty;” said Prince Andrey; grimacing。
“We will clear it out for you in a minute。” And undressed as he was; Timohin ran to clear the men out。 “The prince wants to come。”
“What prince? Our prince?” cried voices; and all of them were in such haste to make way for him that Prince Andrey hardly had time to check them。 He thought it would be better for him to have a bath in a barn。 “Flesh; meat; chair à canon;” he thought; looking too at his own naked body and shuddering; not so much from cold as from the repulsion and horror; mysterious to himself; that he had felt at the sight of that immense multitude of naked bodies floundering in the muddy water。
On the 7th of August; Prince Bagration; at his halting…place at Mihalovka on the Smolensk road; had written a letter to Araktcheev。 Though the letter was addressed to Araktcheev; he knew it would be read to the Tsar; and therefore he weighed every word; so far as he was capable of doing so。
“DEAR COUNT ALEXEY ANDREIVITCH;—I presume that the minister has already reported the abandonment of Smolensk to the enemy。 It is sad; it is pitiable; and the whole army is in despair at the most important place having been wantonly abandoned。 I for my part begged him personally in the most urgent manner; and finally wrote to him; but nothing would persuade him。 I swear to you on my honour that Napoleon was in a greater fix than he has ever been; and he might have lost half his army; but could not have taken Smolensk。 Our troops have fought and are fighting as never before。 With fifteen thousand men I have held the enemy in check for thirty…five hours and beaten them; but he wouldn’t hold his ground for fourteen hours。 It is a shame and a stain on our army; and as for himself; I consider he ought not to be alive。 If he reports that our losses were great; it is false; perhaps about four thousand; not that; but that is nothing: if it had been ten thousand; what of it; that’s war。 But on the other hand the enemy’s losses were immense。
“What would it have cost him to hold his ground for a couple of days? In any case they must have retired of their own accord; for they had no water for their men or their horses。 He gave me his word he would not retreat; but all of a sudden sent an announcement that he was withdrawing in the night。 We cannot fight in this way; and we may soon bring the enemy on to Moscow。…
“There is a rumour afloat that you are thinking of peace。 To make peace; God preserve us! After all the sacrifices that have been made and after such mad retreats—to make peace; you will set all Russia against you; and every one of us will feel it a disgrace to wear the uniform。 If it has come to that; we ought to fight as long as Russia can; and as long as there are men able to stand。…
“There must be one man in command; not two。 Your minister; may be; is very well in the ministry; but as a general; he’s not simply useless; but contemptible; and the fate of all our fatherland has been put in his hands…I am frantic; truly; with rage; forgive me for writing abusively。 It is plain that the man does not love his sovereign; and desires the ruin of us all; who advises peace to be concluded and the minister to be put in command of the army。 And so I write to you plainly: get the militia ready。 For the minister is leading our visitors to the capital in the most skilful manner。 The object of chief suspicion to the whole army is the aide…de…camp Woltzogen。 They say he’s more for Napoleon than for us; and everything the minister does is by his advice。 I am not merely civil to him; but obey him like a corporal; though I am his senior。 It is hard: but loving my sovereign and benefactor; I obey。 And I grieve for the Tsar that he intrusts his gallant army to such a man。 Consider that on our retreat we have lost more than fifteen thousand men from fatigue; or left sick in the hospitals; if we had attacked; that would not have been so。 Tell me for God’s sake what will Russia—our mother—say at our displaying such cowardice; and why are we abandoning our good and gallant country to the rabble and rousing the hatred and shame of every Russian? Why are we in a panic? what are we afraid of? It is not my fault that the minister is vacillating; cowardly; unreasonable; dilatory; and has every vice。 All the army is bewailing it and loading him with abuse。…”

Chapter 6
AMONG THE INNUMERABLE CATEGORIES into which it is possible to classify the phenomena of life; one may classify them all into such as are dominated by matter and such as are dominated by form。 To the latter class one may refer the life of Petersburg; especially in its drawing…rooms; as distinguished from the life of the country; of the district; of the province; or even of Moscow。 That life of the drawing…rooms is unchanging。
Between the years 1805 and 1812 we had made peace with Bonaparte and quarrelled with him again; we had made new constitutions and unmade them again; but the salons of Anna Pavlovna and of Ellen were precisely as they had been—the former seven; the latter five years—before。 Anna Pavlovna’s circle were still speaking with incredulous wonder of Bonaparte’s successes; and saw in his successes; and in the submissive attitude of the sovereigns of Europe; a malicious conspiracy; the sole aim of which was to give annoyance and anxiety to the court circle of which Anna Pavlovna was the representative。 The set that gathered about Ellen; whom no less a person than Rumyantsev condescended to visit; and looked on as a remarkably intelligent woman; talked in 1812 with the same enthusiasm as in 1808; of the “great nation;” and the “great man;” and regretted the breach with France; which must; they believed; shortly end in peace。
Of late after the Tsar’s return from the army; some increase of excitement was perceptible in these antagonistic salons; and they made something like demonstrations of hostility to one another; but the bias of each circle remained unaffected。 Anna Pavlovna’s set refused to admit any French people but the most unimpeachable legitimists; and in her drawing…room the patriotic view found expression that the French theatre ought not to be patronised; and that the maintenance of the French company there cost as much as the maintenance of a whole army corps。 The progress of the war was eagerly followed; and rumours greatly to the advantage of our army were circulated。 In the circle of Ellen; of Rumyantsev; the French circle; the reports of the enemy’s cruelty and barbarous methods of warfare were discredited; and all sorts of conciliatory efforts on the part of Napoleon were discussed。 This set discountenanced the premature counsels of those who advised preparations for the removal to Kazan of the court and the girls’ schools; that were under the protection of the empress mother。 The whole war was in fact regarded in Ellen’s salon as a series of merely formal demonstrations; very shortly to be terminated by peace; and the view prevailed; expressed by Bilibin; who was now in Petersburg and constantly seen at Ellen’s; as every man of wit was sure to be; that the war would be ended not by gunpowder but by those who had invented it。 The patriotic fervour of Moscow; of which tidings reached Petersburg with the Tsar; was in Ellen’s salon a subject of ironical; and very witty; though circumspect; raillery。
In Anna Pavlovna’s circle; on the contrary; these patriotic demonstrations roused the greatest enthusiasm; and were spoken of as Plutarch speaks of his ancient Romans。 Prince Vassily; who still filled the same important positions; constituted the connecting link between the two circles。 He used to visit “my good friend Anna Pavlovna;” and was also seen in the “diplomatic salon of my daughter”; and often was led in

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