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小说: 战争与和平(上) 字数: 每页3500字

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“Why; what is the matter?” inquired both the Rostovs; young and old together。
Anna Mihalovna heaved a deep sigh。
“Dolohov; Marya Ivanovna’s son;” she said in a mysterious whisper; “has; they say; utterly compromised her。 He brought him forward; invited him to his house in Petersburg; and now this! … She has come here; and that scapegrace has come after her;” said Anna Mihalovna。 She wished to express nothing but sympathy with Pierre; but in her involuntary intonations and half smile; she betrayed her sympathy with the scapegrace; as she called Dolohov。 “Pierre himself; they say; is utterly crushed by his trouble。”
“Well; any way; tell him to come to the club—it will divert his mind。 It will be a banquet on a grand scale。”
On the next day; the 3rd of March; at about two in the afternoon; the two hundred and fifty members of the English Club and fifty of their guests were awaiting the arrival of their honoured guest; the hero of the Austrian campaign; Prince Bagration。
On receiving the news of the defeat of Austerlitz; all Moscow had at first been thrown into bewilderment。 At that period the Russians were so used to victories; that on receiving news of a defeat; some people were simply incredulous; while others sought an explanation of so strange an event in exceptional circumstances of some kind。 At the English Club; where every one of note; every one who had authentic information and weight gathered together; during December; when the news began to arrive; not a word was said about the war and about the last defeat; it was as though all were in a conspiracy of silence。 The men who took the lead in conversation at the club; such as Count Rostoptchin; Prince Yury Vladimirovitch Dolgoruky; Valuev; Count Markov; and Prince Vyazemsky; did not put in an appearance at the club; but met together in their intimate circles at each other’s houses。
That section of Moscow society which took its opinions from others (to which; indeed; Count Ilya Andreivitch Rostov belonged) remained for a short time without leaders and without definite views upon the progress of the war。 People felt in Moscow that something was wrong; and that it was difficult to know what to think of the bad news; and so better to be silent。 But a little later; like jurymen coming out of their consultation room; the leaders reappeared to give their opinion in the club; and a clear and definite formula was found。 Causes had been discovered to account for the fact—so incredible; unheard…of; and impossible—that the Russians had been beaten; and all became clear; and the same version was repeated from one end of Moscow to the other。 These causes were: the treachery of the Austrians; the defective commissariat; the treachery of the Pole Przhebyshevsky and the Frenchman Langeron; the incapacity of Kutuzov; and (this was murmured in subdued tones) the youth and inexperience of the Emperor; who had put faith in men of no character and ability。 But the army; the Russian army; said every one; had been extraordinary; and had performed miracles of valour。 The soldiers; the officers; the generals—all were heroes。 But the hero among heroes was Prince Bagration; who had distinguished himself in his Sch?ngraben engagement and in the retreat from Austerlitz; where he alone had withdrawn his column in good order; and had succeeded in repelling during the whole day an enemy twice as numerous。 What contributed to Bagration’s being chosen for the popular hero at Moscow was the fact that he was an outsider; that he had no connections in Moscow。 In his person they could do honour to the simple fighting Russian soldier; unsupported by connections and intrigues; and still associated by memories of the Italian campaign with the name of Suvorov。 And besides; bestowing upon him such honours was the best possible way of showing their dislike and disapproval of Kutuzov。
“If there had been no Bagration; somebody would have to invent him;” said the wit; Shinshin; parodying the words of Voltaire。
Of Kutuzov people did not speak at all; or whispered abuse of him; calling him the court weathercock and the old satyr。
All Moscow was repeating the words of Prince Dolgorukov: “Chop down trees enough and you’re bound to cut your finger;” which in our defeat suggested a consolatory reminder of former victories; and the saying of Rostoptchin; that French soldiers have to be excited to battle by high…sounding phrases; that Germans must have it logically proved to them that it is more dangerous to run away than to go forward; but that all Russian soldiers need is to be held back and urged not to be too reckless! New anecdotes were continually to be heard on every side of individual feats of gallantry performed by our officers and men at Austerlitz。 Here a man had saved a flag; another had killed five Frenchmen; another had kept five cannons loaded single…handed。 The story was told of Berg; by those who did not know him; that wounded in his right hand; he had taken his sword in his left and charged on the enemy。 Nothing was said about Bolkonsky; and only those who had known him intimately regretted that he had died so young; leaving a wife with child; and his queer old father。

Chapter 3
ON THE 3RD OF MARCH all the rooms of the English Club were full of the hum of voices; and the members and guests of the club; in uniforms and frock…coats; some even in powder and Russian kaftans; were standing meeting; parting; and running to and fro like bees swarming in spring。 Powdered footmen in livery; wearing slippers and stockings; stood at every door; anxiously trying to follow every movement of the guests and club members; so as to proffer their services。 The majority of those present were elderly and respected persons; with broad; self…confident faces; fat fingers; and resolute gestures and voices。 Guests and members of this class sat in certain habitual places; and met together in certain habitual circles。 A small proportion of those present were casual guests—chiefly young men; among them Denisov; Rostov; and Dolohov; who was now an officer in the Semyonovsky regiment again。 The faces of the younger men; especially the officers; wore that expression of condescending deference to their elders which seems to say to the older generation; “Respect and deference we are prepared to give you; but remember all the same the future is for us。” Nesvitsky; an old member of the club; was there too。 Pierre; who at his wife’s command had let his hair grow and left off spectacles; was walking about the rooms dressed in the height of the fashion; but looking melancholy and depressed。 Here; as everywhere; he was surrounded by the atmosphere of people paying homage to his wealth; and he behaved to them with the careless; contemptuous air of sovereignty that had become habitual with him。
In years; he belonged to the younger generation; but by his wealth and connections he was a member of the older circles; and so he passed from one set to the other。 The most distinguished of the elder members formed the centres of circles; which even strangers respectfully approached to listen to the words of well…known men。 The larger groups were formed round Count Rostoptchin; Valuev; and Naryshkin。 Rostoptchin was describing how the Russians had been trampled underfoot by the fleeing Austrians; and had had to force a way with the bayonet through the fugitives。 Valuev was confidentially informing his circle that Uvarov had been sent from Petersburg to ascertain the state of opinion in Moscow in regard to Austerlitz。
In the third group Naryshkin was repeating the tale of the meeting of the Austrian council of war; at which; in reply to the stupidity of the Austrian general; Suvorov crowed like a cock。 Shinshin; who stood near; tried to make a joke; saying that Kutuzov; it seemed; had not even been able to learn from Suvorov that not very difficult art of crowing like a cock—but the elder club members looked sternly at the wit; giving him thereby to understand that even such a reference to Kutuzov was out of place on that day。
Count Ilya Andreitch Rostov kept anxiously hurrying in his soft boots to and fro from the dining…room to the drawing…room; giving hasty greetings to important and unimportant persons; all of whom he knew; and all of whom he treated alike; on an equal footing。 Now and then his eyes sought out the graceful; dashing figure of his young son; rested gleefully on him; and winked to him。 Young Rostov was standing at the window with Dolohov; whose acquaintance he had lately made; and greatly prized。 The old count went up to them; and shook hands with Dolohov。
“I beg you will come and see us; so you’re a friend of my youngster’s … been together; playing the hero together out there。… Ah! Vassily Ignatitch … a good day to you; old man;” he turned to an old gentleman who had just come in; but before he had time to finish his greetings to him there was a general stir; and a footman running in with an alarmed countenance; announced: “He had arrived!”
Bells rang; the stewards rushed forward; the guests; scattered about the different rooms; gathered together in one mass; like rye shaken together in a shovel; and waited at the door of the great drawing…room。
At the door of the ante…room appeared the figure of Bagration; without his hat or sword; which; in accordance with the club custom; he had left with the hall porter。 He was not wearing an Astrachan cap; and had not a riding…whip over his shoulder; as Rostov had seen him on the night before the battle of Austerlitz; but wore a tight new uniform with Russian and foreign orders and the star of St。 George on the left side of his chest。 He had; obviously with a view to the banquet; just had his hair cut and his whiskers clipped; which changed his appearance for the worse。 He had a sort of na?vely festive air; which; in conjunction with his determined; manly features; gave an expression positively rather comic to his face。 Bekleshov and Fyodor Petrovitch Uvarov; who had come with him; stood still in the doorway trying to make him; as the guest of most importance; precede them。 Bagration was embarrassed; and unwilling to avail himself of their courtesy; there was a hitch in the proceedings at the door; but finally Bagration did; after all; enter first。 He walked shyly and awkwardly over the parquet of the reception…room; not knowing what to do with his hands。 He would have been more at home and at his ease walking over a ploughed field under fire; as he had walked at the head of the Kursk regiment at Sch?ngraben。 The stewards met him at the first door; and saying a few words of their pleasure at seeing such an honoured guest; they surrounded him without waiting for an answer; and; as it were; taking possession of him; led him off to the drawing…room。 There was no possibility of getting in at the drawing…room door from the crowds of members and guests; who were crushing one another in their efforts to get a look over each other’s shoulders at Bagration; as if he were some rare sort of beast。 Count Ilya Andreitch laughed more vigorously than any one; and continually repeating; “Make way for him; my dear boy; make way; make way;” shoved the crowd aside; led the guests into the drawing…room; and seated them on the sofa in the middle of it。 The great men; and the more ho

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