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小说: 魔法英语同步新课堂(高二·下) 字数: 每页3500字

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    In a summer night in a city in Taiwan; Mary was    46。    
    going on her way to school happily then suddenly    47。    
    she felt the road was strong shaking。 The trees were     48。    
    torn up and many buildings were leaning down to the     49。    
    ground。  Even a car was destroyed by falling buildings。     50。    
    She was knocked down by a tree before she knew。 Doctors     51。    
    carried him to safety and she was settled down in a tent        52。    
    for treatment。 After some time; she had got over。            53。    
    See so many goods from the mainland of China and other       54。    
    countries; she believed all the houses would be built。         55。    
    假设你是李华,你的美国老师Miss Morgan要求你们明天下午去听一个关于美国历史的讲座。你因故不能参加。请你根据以下要点,写一封短信向Miss Morgan请假。    
    *表示歉意    *理由:去机场接人     *询问:是否有录音,以便补听讲座    

Unit 14    Freedom fighters重点、难点、考点精析

    1。In 1850 a law was made to forbid people to help runaway slaves。(SPEAKING)在1850年制定了条法律禁止人们帮助逃跑的奴隶。    
    He forbade us the use of the room。他不许我们使用这个房间。     
    He forbade smoking during office hours。他禁止在办公时间吸烟。     
    He forbade us to leave。他不许我们离开。    
    2。John Brown died so that the slaves might be set free。(SPEAKING)为了奴隶的自由约翰·布朗牺牲了。    
    so that的用法    
    ①句中so that引导目的状语从句,意为“为了”或“以便”,相当于in order that; 往往与can; could; may; might 等情态动词连用。    
    I stepped aside so that/in order that he could pass。 我走到边上去,以便他能过去。    
    The Emperor gave the cheats some gold so that they might begin their work at once。皇帝给了骗子一些金子,好让他们马上干起来。    
    He went to the hall early so that he might get a good seat。他很早就到礼堂去了,以便找到一个好位子。    
    ②so that还可以引导结果状语从句,但往往不用情态动词,且用逗号与主句隔开。    
    I hit him hard; so that he fell to the ground。  我狠狠地揍了他,结果他倒在地上。    
    ③以so that引导的目的状语从句的主语,如果与主句的主语相同,则可转换为以so as to引导的动词不定式短语。    
    She has bought the book so that she can follow the TV lessons。(=She has bought the book so as to follow the TV lessons。)为了听电视教程,她买了那本书。    
    3。Black girls could not marry white boys。(PREREADING)黑人女孩子不能与白人男孩子通婚。    
    She married Mr。 Smith。她嫁给了史密斯先生。     
    He married his daughter to a worker。他把女儿嫁给了一位工人。     
    He married late in life。他结婚很晚。     
    He didn’t marry until thirty。他直到30岁才结婚。    
    4。At that time in the southern states; blacks were not treated as equal citizens。(READING)在当时的南方各州黑人不被作为平等公民对待。    
    Now please divide this circle into two equal parts。 现在将这个圆平分为两等分。    
    Women demand equal pay for equal work。妇女们要求同工同酬。    
    be equal to与……相等    
    The blacks should be equal to the whites。 黑人应该与白人平等。    
    ②be/feel equal to 有“具有……的能力”的含义,后接名词或动词…ing。    
    She does not feel equal to receiving any guests today。 今天她身体不适,不能接待客人。    
    He may equal me in strength; but not in the brains。 他可能与我一样强健,但智力不如我。    
    Two plus two equals four。二加二等于四。    
    You should make friends with your equals or betters。 你应该与和自己同等或比你更好的人交朋友。    
    5。…black people had no right to vote in the southern states。(READING)……南部各州的黑人没有选举权。    
    Are you going to vote for or against Bill? 你打算投票赞成比尔还是反对他?    
    This afternoon they are going to vote on the proposal of the most favoured nation treatment to that country。今天下午他们将就给那个国家最惠国待遇提案进行表决。    
    ③vote 作名词用时,意为“投票(通过)”、“表决(权)”、“投票(权)”或“投票数”。    
    Let’s put this question to the vote。 让我们投票来解决这个问题。    
    6。By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world。  (READING)他这样做,为世界其它地区树立了榜样。    
    set an example to sb意为“为某人树立榜样”。注意这里介词用to,不用for。    
    The development of Huaxi Village has set a good example to the villages all over ChinA。  华西村的发展为中国的各村树立了好榜样。    
    He set an example of plain living。他树立了简朴生活的榜样。     
    7。His message was that black people should not be separated but should be treated with respect in the same way as other people。(READING)他带给人们的启示是黑人不应该被隔离,而应该受到和其他人一样的待遇,而且应该完全地受尊重。    
    I want this work finished before you go home。 Have you got the message?     
    (2)separate 的用法    
    Cut it into three separate parts。把它切成三部分。    
    The two questions are quite separate。这两个问题没有联系。    
    Keep the boys and the girls separate。把男孩和女孩分开。    
    I must have a separate room。我必须有个单独的房间。    
    The children sleep in separate beds。孩子们都在各自的床上睡觉。    
    Separate your things from mine。把你的东西和我的分开。    
    Separate the oranges into four sections。把桔子分成四份。    
    They separated two years ago and haven’t seen each other ever since。 他们两年前分手了,以后再也没有见面。    
    8。…where black people had equal rights and were free to live; study and work as they wishe                D。 (READING)……黑人在那里享有平等的权利,可以像他们所希望的那样自由地生活、学习和工作。    
    You may take the jewelry as you like。你爱拿什么珠宝就拿什么。    
    Do it as I have told you。按照我所说的去做。    
    I want you to tell my friend your very interesting experience exactly as you have told it to me。 我想叫你把你这个十分有趣的经历告诉我的朋友,就像你告诉我的一样。    
    He lost the game as expected (=as he was expected)。正如所料,他输了那场比赛。    
    As planned (=As it was planned) they met on January 20。 按计划他们在一月二十日那天见面了。    
    ③as与动词构成的固定搭配有:treat…as,regard…as; speak of…as; think of…as,describe…as,introduce…as,look on/upon…as,consider…as等。    
    They treated us as honoured guests。他们把我们当作贵宾。    
    Frankly; I look upon it as an experiment。老实说,我把它当作一次试验。    
    Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest presidents in AmericA。  亚伯拉罕·林肯被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。    
    I wish I could fly like a bird。 /I wish I could fly as a bird does。     
    9。She refused to stand up for a white man and was arrested by the police。(READING)她拒绝起身为白人男子让座而被警察逮捕。    
    He refused my offer of help。他拒绝我提供帮助。     
    She refused to discuss the matter。她拒绝讨论这件事。    
    I asked him to give me some money; but he refused。 我请他给我点钱,但是他拒绝了。     
    They rejected his poorly written article。他们拒绝使用他这篇写得很糟糕的文章。    
    10。Winning this case gave King national attention。(READING)赢得这场官司使金受到全国的关注。    
    ①动名词短语Winning the case在句中用作主语,相当于一个名词,谓语一般用单数形式。    
    Smoking is harmful to health。吸烟对健康有害。    
    Collecting shells is one of his hobbies。收集贝壳是他的爱好之一。    
    It is no use crying over the spilt milk。覆水难收。    
    It is no good talking with him。跟他谈没好处。    
    It is a waste of time arguing about such trifles。辩论这样的小事,是浪费时间。    
    ③动名词(短语)在There be句型中可用作主语。    
    There is no joking about such matters。这种事开不得玩笑。    
    There is no denying the fact that his invention has greatly improved the quality of the products。不容否认,他的发明大大提高了产品的质量。    
    11。…which inspired people of all races to fight for equality。(READING)……它鼓舞着各族人民为平等而斗争。    
    The speaker inspired the crowd。 演讲者感动了听众。     
    The officer inspired his men to be brave。军官鼓舞士兵要勇敢。    
    His words are inspiring。他的话鼓舞人心。    
    12。The following year; King received the Nobel Prize for Peace。(READING)第二年(1964年),金获得诺贝尔和平奖。    
    (1)receive the prize意为“获得奖项”,可与prize搭配的动词有win,receive,take,gain,carry off/away等。    
    They carried off most of the prizes at the village flower show。 他们在乡村花展上获得了大部分的奖项。    
    His design for the school took the second prize。他的校舍设计获得二等奖。    
    (2)the Nobel Peace Prize意为“诺贝尔和平奖”,也可以写成the Nobel Prize for Peace。六项诺贝尔奖是the Nobel Prize for Physics(物理奖); the Nobel Prize for Chemistry(化学奖); the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine(生理和医学奖); the Nobel Prize for Literature(文学奖); the Nobel Prize for Peace(和平奖); the Nobel Prize for Economics(经济奖)。    
    13。From then on; all black people had the right to vote。(READING)从那时

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