the diary of an old soul-第4章
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Each human face will shine my window for thy light。
Make me all patience and all diligence;
Patience; that thou mayst have thy time with me;
Diligence; that I waste not thy expense
In sending out to bring me home to thee。
What though thy work in me transcends my sense
Too fine; too high; for me to understand
I hope entirely。 On; Lord; with thy labour grand。
Lest I be humbled at the last; and told
That my great labour was but for my peace
That not for love or truth had I been bold;
But merely for a prisoned heart's release;
Careful; I humble me now before thy feet:
Whate'er I be; I cry; and will not cease
Let me not perish; though favour be not meet。
For; what I seek thou knowest I must find;
Or miserably die for lack of love。
I justify thee: what is in thy mind;
If it be shame to me; all shame above。
Thou know'st I choose itknow'st I would not shove
The hand away that stripped me for the rod
If so it pleased my Life; my love…made…angry God。
I see a door; a multitude near by;
In creed and quarrel; sure disciples all!
Gladly they would; they say; enter the hall;
But cannot; the stone threshold is so high。
》From unseen hand; full many a feeding crumb;
Slow dropping o'er the threshold high doth come:
They gather and eat; with much disputing hum。
Still and anon; a loud clear voice doth call
〃Make your feet clean; and enter so the hall。〃
They hear; they stoop; they gather each a crumb。
Oh the deaf people! would they were also dumb!
Hear how they talk; and lack of Christ deplore;
Stamping with muddy feet about the door;
And will not wipe them clean to walk upon his floor!
But see; one comes; he listens to the voice;
Careful he wipes his weary dusty feet!
The voice hath spokento him is left no choice;
He hurries to obeythat only is meet。
Low sinks the threshold; levelled with the ground;
The man leaps into liberty he's bound。
The rest go talking; walking; picking round。
If I; thus writing; rebuke my neighbour dull;
And talk; and write; and enter not the door;
Than all the rest I wrong Christ tenfold more;
Making his gift of vision void and null。
Help me this day to be thy humble sheep;
Eating thy grass; and following; thou before;
》From wolfish lies my life; O Shepherd; keep。
God; help me; dull of heart; to trust in thee。
Thou art the father of menot any mood
Can part me from the One; the verily Good。
When fog and failure o'er my being brood。
When life looks but a glimmering marshy clod;
No fire out flashing from the living God
Then; then; to rest in faith were worthy victory!
To trust is gain and growth; not mere sown seed!
Faith heaves the world round to the heavenly dawn;
In whose great light the soul doth spell and read
Itself high…born; its being derived and drawn
》From the eternal self…existent fire;
Then; mazed with joy of its own heavenly breed;
Exultant…humble falls before its awful sire。
Art thou not; Jesus; busy like to us?
Thee shall I image as one sitting still;
Ordering all things in thy potent will;
Silent; and thinking ever to thy father;
Whose thought through thee flows multitudinous?
Or shall I think of thee as journeying; rather;
Ceaseless through space; because thou everything dost fill?
That all things thou dost fill; I well may think
Thy power doth reach me in so many ways。
Thou who in one the universe dost bind;
Passest through all the channels of my mind;
The sun of thought; across the farthest brink
Of consciousness thou sendest me thy rays;
Nor drawest them in when lost in sleep I sink。
So common are thy paths; thy coming seems
Only another phase oft of my me;
But nearer is my I; O Lord; to thee;
Than is my I to what itself it deems;
How better then couldst thou; O master; come;
Than from thy home across into my home;
Straight o'er the marches that I cannot see!
Marches?'Twixt thee and me there's no division;
Except the meeting of thy will and mine;
The loves that love; the wills that will the same。
Where thine meets mine is my life's true condition;
Yea; only there it burns with any flame。
Thy will but holds me to my life's fruition。
O God; I wouldI have no mine that is not thine。
I look for thee; and do not see thee come。
If I could see thee; 'twere a commoner thing;
And shallower comfort would thy coming bring。
Earth; sea; and air lie round me moveless dumb;
Never a tremble; an expectant hum;
To tell the Lord of Hearts is drawing near:
Lo! in the looking eyes; the looked for Lord is here。
I take a comfort from my very badness:
It is for lack of thee that I am bad。
How close; how infinitely closer yet
Must I come to thee; ere I can pay one debt
Which mere humanity has on me set!
〃How close to thee!〃no wonder; soul; thou art glad!
Oneness with him is the eternal gladness。
What can there be so close as making and made?
Nought twinned can be so near; thou art more nigh
To me; my God; than is this thinking I
To that I mean when I by me is said;
Thou art more near me; than is my ready will
Near to my love; though both one place do fill;
Yet; till we are one;Ah me! the long until!
Then shall my heart behold thee everywhere。
The vision rises of a speechless thing;
A perfectness of bliss beyond compare!
A time when I nor breathe nor think nor move;
But I do breathe and think and feel thy love;
The soul of all the songs the saints do sing!
And life dies out in bliss; to come again in prayer。
In the great glow of that great love; this death
Would melt away like a fantastic cloud;
I should no more shrink from it than from the breath
That makes in the frosty air a nimbus…shroud;
Thou; Love; hast conquered death; and I aloud
Should triumph over him; with thy saintly crowd;
That where the Lamb goes ever followeth。
WHAT though my words glance sideways from the thing
Which I would utter in thine ear; my sire!
Truth in the inward parts thou dost desire
Wise hunger; not a fitness fine of speech:
The little child that clamouring fails to reach
With upstretched hand the fringe of her attire;
Yet meets the mother's hand down hurrying。
Even when their foolish words they turned on him;
He did not his disciples send away;
He knew their hearts were foolish; eyes were dim;
And therefore by his side needs must they stay。
Thou will not; Lord; send me away from thee。
When I am foolish; make thy cock crow grim;
If that is not enough; turn; Lord; and look on me。
Another day of gloom and slanting rain!
Of closed skies; cold winds; and blight and bane!
Such not the weather; Lord; which thou art fain
To give thy chosen; sweet to heart and brain!
Until we mourn; thou keep'st the merry tune;
Thy hand unloved its pleasure must restrain;
Nor spoil both gift and child by lavishing too soon。
But all things shall be ours! Up; heart; and sing。
All things were made for uswe are God's heirs
Moon; sun; and wildest comets that do trail
A crowd of small worlds for a swiftness…tail!
Up from Thy depths in me; my child…heart bring
The child alone inherits anything:
God's little children…godsall things are theirs!
Thy great deliverance is a greater thing
Than purest imagination can foregrasp;
A thing beyond all conscious hungering;
Beyond all hope that makes the poet sing。
It takes the clinging world; undoes its clasp;
Floats it afar upon a mighty sea;
And leaves us quiet with love and liberty and thee。
Through all the fog; through all earth's wintery sighs;
I scent Thy spring; I feel the eternal air;
Warm; soft; and dewy; filled with flowery eyes;
And gentle; murmuring motions everywhere
Of life in heart; and tree; and brook; and moss;
Thy breath wakes beauty; love; and bliss; and prayer;
And strength to hang with nails upon thy cross。
If thou hadst closed my life in seed and husk;
And cast me into soft; warm; damp; dark mould;
All unaware of light come through the dusk;
I yet should feel the split of each shelly fold;
Should feel the growing of my prisoned heart;
And dully dream of being slow unrolled;
And in some other vagueness taking part。
And little as the world I should foreknow
Up into which I was about to rise
Its rains; its radiance; airs; and warmth; and skies;
How it would greet me; how its wind would blow
As little; it may be; I do know the good
Which I for years half darkling have pursued
The second birth for which my nature cries。
The life that knows not; patient waits; nor longs:
I know; and would be patient; yet would long。
I can be patient for all coming songs;
But let me sing my one monotonous song。
To me the time is slow my mould among;
To quicker life I fain would spur and start
The aching growth at my dull…swelling heart。
Christ is the pledge that I shall one day see;
That one day; still with him; I shall awake;
And know my God; at one with him and free。
O lordly essence; come to life in me;
The will…throb let me feel that doth me make;
Now have I many a mighty hope in thee;
Then shall I rest although the universe should quake。
Haste to me; Lord; when this fool…heart of mine
Begins to gnaw itself with selfish craving;
Or; like a foul thing scarcely worth the saving;
Swoln up with wrath; desireth vengeance fine。
Haste; Lord; to help; when reason favours wrong;
Haste when thy soul; the high…born thing divine;
Is torn by passion's raving; maniac throng。
Fair freshness of the God…breathed spirit air;
Pass through my soul; and make it strong to love;
Wither with gracious cold what demons dare
Shoot from my hell into my world above;
Let them drop down; like leaves the sun doth sear;
And flutter far into the inane and bare;
Leaving my middle…earth calm; wise; and clear。
Even thou canst give me neither thought nor thing;
Were it the priceless pearl hid in the land;
Which; if I fix thereon a greedy gaze;
Becomes not poison that doth burn and cling;
Their own bad look my foolish eyes doth daze;
They see the gift; see not the giving hand
》From the living root the apple dead I wring。
This versing; even the reading of the tale
That brings my heart its joy unspeakable;
Sometimes will softly; unsuspectedly hale
That heart from thee; and all its pulses quell。
Discovery's pride; joy's bliss; take aback my sail;
And sweep me from thy presence and my grace;
Because my eyes dropped from the master's face。
Afresh I seek thee。 Lead meonce more I pray
Even should it be against my will; thy way。
Let me not feel thee foreign any hour;
Or shrink from thee as an estranged power。
Through doubt; through faith; through bliss; through stark dismay;
Through sunshine; wind; or snow; or fog; or shower;
Draw me to thee who art my only day。
I would go near theebut I cannot press
Into thy presenceit helps not to presume。
Thy doors are deeds; the handles are their doing。
He whose day…life is obedient righteousness;
Who; after failure; or a poor success;
Rises up; stronger effort yet renewing
He finds thee; Lord; at length; in his own common room。
Lord; thou hast carried me through this evening's duty;
I am released; weary; and well content。