a vindication of the rights of woman-第13章
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bordination in the mental powers is never to be passed over。 Only 〃absolute in loveliness;〃 the portion of rationality granted to woman is; indeed; very scanty; for; denying her genius and judgment; it is scarcely possible to divine what remains to characterize intellect。 The stamina of immortality; if I may be allowed the phrase; is the perfectibility of human reason; for; was man created perfect; or did a flood of knowledge break in upon him; when he arrived at maturity; that precluded error; I should doubt whether his existence would be continued after the dissolution of the body。 But in the present state of things; every difficulty in morals; that escapes from human discussion; and equally baffles the investigation of profound thinking; and the lightning glance of genius; is an argument on which I build my belief of the immortality of the soul。 Reason is; consequentially; the simple power of improvement; or; more properly speaking; of discerning truth。 Every individual is in this respect a world in itself。 More or less may be conspicuous in one being than other; but the nature of reason must be the same in all; if it be an emanation of divinity; the tie that connects the creature with the Creator; for; can that soul be stamped with the heavenly image; that is not perfected by the exercise of its own reason? Yet outwardly ornamented with elaborate care; and so adorned to delight man; 〃that with honour he may love;〃 (Vide Milton) the soul of woman is not allowed to have this distinction; and man; ever placed between her and reason; she is always represented as only created to see through a gross medium; and to take things on trust。 But; dismissing these fanciful theories; and considering woman as a whole; let it be what it will; instead of a part of man; the inquiry is; whether she has reason or not。 If she has; which; for a moment; I will take for granted; she was not created merely to be the solace of man; and the sexual should not destroy the human character。 Into this error men have; probably; been led by viewing education in a false light; not considering it as the first step to form a being advancing gradually toward perfection; (This word is not strictly just; but I cannot find a better。) but only as a preparation for life。 On this sensual error; for I must call it so; has the false system of female manners been reared; which robs the whole sex of its dignity; and classes the brown and fair with the smiling flowers that only adorn the land。 This has ever been the language of men; and the fear of departing from a supposed sexual character; has made even women of superior sense adopt the same sentiments。 Thus understanding; strictly speaking; has been denied to woman; and instinct; sublimated into wit and cunning; for the purposes of life; has been substituted in its stead。 The power of generalizing ideas; of drawing comprehensive conclusions from individual observations; is the only acquirement for an immortal being; that really deserves the name of knowledge。 Merely to observe; without endeavouring to account for any thing; may; (in a very incomplete manner) serve as the common sense of life; but where is the store laid up that is to clothe the soul when it leaves the body? This power has not only been denied to women; but writers have insisted that it is inconsistent; with a few exceptions; with their sexual character。 Let men prove this; and I shall grant that woman only exists for man。 I must; however; previously remark; that the power of generalizing ideas; to any great extent; is not very common amongst men or women。 But this exercise is the true cultivation of the understanding; and every thing conspires to render the cultivation of the understanding more difficult in the female than the male world。 I am naturally led by this assertion to the main subject of the present chapter; and shall now attempt to point out some of the causes that degrade the sex; and prevent women from generalizing their observations。 I shall not go back to the remote annals of antiquity to trace the history of woman; it is sufficient to allow; that she has always been either a slave or a despot; and to remark; that each of these situations equally retards the progress of reason。 The grand source of female folly and vice has ever appeared to me to arise from narrowness of mind; and the very constitution of civil governments has put almost insuperable obstacles in the way to prevent the cultivation of the female understanding: yet virtue can be built on no other foundation! The same obstacles are thrown in the way of the rich; and the same consequences ensue。 Necessity has been proverbially termed the mother of invention; the aphorism may be extended to virtue。 It is an acquirement; and an acquirement to which pleasure must be sacrificed; and who sacrifices pleasure when it is within the grasp; whose mind has not been opened and strengthened by adversity; or the pursuit of knowledge goaded on by necessity? Happy is it when people have the cares of life to struggle with; for these struggles prevent their becoming a prey to enervating vices; merely from idleness! But; if from their birth men and women are placed in a torrid zone; with the meridian sun of pleasure darting directly upon them; how can they sufficiently brace their minds to discharge the duties of life; or even to relish the affections that carry them out of themselves? Pleasure is the business of a woman's life; according to the present modification of society; and while it continues to be so; little can be expected from such weak beings。 Inheriting; in a lineal descent from the first fair defect in nature; the sovereignty of beauty; they have; to maintain their power; resigned their natural rights; which the exercise of reason; might have procured them; and chosen rather to be short…lived queens than labour to attain the sober pleasures that arise from equality。 Exalted by their inferiority (this sounds like a contradiction) they constantly demand homage as women; though experience should teach them that the men who pride themselves upon paying this arbitrary insolent respect to the sex; with the most scrupulous exactness; are most inclined to tyrannize over; and despise the very weakness they cherish。 Often do they repeat Mr。 Hume's sentiments; when comparing the French and Athenian character; he alludes to women。 〃But what is more singular in this whimsical nation; say I to the Athenians; is; that a frolic of yours during the Saturnalia; when the slaves are served by their masters; is seriously continued by them through the whole year; and through the whole course of their lives; accompanied too with some circumstances; which still further augment the absurdity and ridicule。 Your sport only elevates for a few days; those whom fortune has thrown down; and whom she too; in sport; may really elevate forever above you。 But this nation gravely exalts those; whom nature has subjected to them; and whose inferiority and infirmities are absolutely incurable。 The women; though without virtue; are their masters and sovereigns。〃 Ah! why do women; I write with affectionate solicitude; condescend to receive a degree of attention and respect from strangers; different from that reciprocation of civility which the dictates of humanity; and the politeness of civilization authorise between man and man? And why do they not discover; when 〃in the noon of beauty's power;〃 that they are treated like queens only to be deluded by hollow respect; till they are led to resign; or not assume; their natural prerogatives? Confined then in cages; like the feathered race; they have nothing to do but to plume themselves; and stalk with mock…majesty from perch to perch。 It is true; they are provided with food and raiment; for which they neither toil nor spin; but health; liberty; and virtue are given in exchange。 But; where; amongst mankind has been found sufficient strength of mind to enable a being to resign these adventitious prerogatives; one who rising with the calm dignity of reason above opinion; dared to be proud of the privileges inherent in man? and it is vain to expect it whilst hereditary power chokes the affections; and nips reason in the bud。 The passions of men have thus placed women on thrones; and; till mankind become more reasonable; it is to be feared that women will avail themselves of the power which they attain with the least exertion; and which is the most indisputable。 They will smile; yes; they will smile; though told that 〃In beauty's empire is no mean; And woman either slave or queen; Is quickly scorn'd when not ador'd。〃 But the adoration comes first; and the scorn is not anticipated。 Lewis the XIVth; in particular; spread factitious manners; and caught in a specious way; the whole nation in his toils; for establishing an artful chain of despotism; he made it the interest of the people at large; individually to respect his station; and support his power。 And women; whom he flattered by a puerile attention to the whole sex; obtained in his reign that prince…like distinction so fatal to reason and virtue。 A king is always a king; and a woman always a woman: (And a wit; always a wit; might be added; for the vain fooleries of wits and beauties to obtain attention; and make conquests; are much upon a par。) his authority and her sex; ever stand between them and rational converse。 With a lover; I grant she should be so; and her sensibility will naturally lead her to endeavour to excite emotion; not to gratify her vanity but her heart。 This I do not allow to be coquetry; it is the artless impulse of nature; I only exclaim against the sexual desire of conquest; when the heart is out of the question。 This desire is not confined to women; 〃I have endeavoured;〃 says Lord Chesterfield; 〃to gain the hearts of twenty women; whose persons I would not have given a fig for。〃 The libertine who in a gust of passion; takes advantage of unsuspecting tenderness; is a saint when compared with this cold…hearted rascal; for I like to use significant words。 Yet only taught to please; women are always on the watch to please; and with true heroic ardour endeavour to gain hearts merely to resign; or spurn them; when the victory is decided; and conspicuous。 I must descend to the minutiae of the subject。 I lament that women are systematically degraded by receiving the trivial attentions; which men think it manly to pay to the sex; when; in fact; they are insultingly supporting their own superiority。 It is not condescension to bow to an inferior。 So ludicrous; in fact; do these ceremonies appear to me; that I scarcely am able to govern my muscles; when I see a man start with eager; and serious solicitude to lift a handkerchief; or shut a door; when the LADY could have done it herself; had she only moved a pace or two。 A wild wish has just flown from my heart to my head; and I will not stifle it though it may excite a horse laugh。 I do earnestly wish to see the distinction of sex confounded in society; unless where love animates the behaviour。 For this distinction is; I am firmly persuaded; the foundation of the weakness of character ascribed to woman; is the cause why the understanding is neglected; whilst accomplishments are acquired with sedulous care: and the same cause accounts for their pre