a vindication of the rights of woman-第19章
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ing of all her actions; when it is proved to be the iron bed of fate; to fit which; her character should be stretched or contracted; regardless of all moral or physical distinctions。 But if; as I think may be demonstrated; the purposes of even this life; viewing the whole; are subverted by practical rules built upon this ignoble base; I may be allowed to doubt whether woman was created for man: and though the cry of irreligion; or even atheism be raised against me; I will simply declare; that were an angel from heaven to tell me that Moses's beautiful; poetical cosmogony; and the account of the fall of man; were literally true; I could not believe what my reason told me was derogatory to the character of the Supreme Being: and; having no fear of the devil before mine eyes; I venture to call this a suggestion of reason; instead of resting my weakness on the broad shoulders of the first seducer of my frail sex。 〃It being once demonstrated;〃 continues Rousseau; 〃that man and woman are not; nor ought to be; constituted alike in temperament and character; it follows of course; that they should not be educated in the same manner。 In pursuing the directions of nature; they ought indeed to act in concert; but they should not be engaged in the same employments: the end of their pursuits should be the same; but the means they should take to accomplish them; and; of consequence; their tastes and inclinations should be different。〃 (Rousseau's 'Emilius'; Volume 3 page 176。) 〃Girls are from their earliest infancy fond of dress。 Not content with being pretty; they are desirous of being thought so; we see; by all their little airs; that this thought engages their attention; and they are hardly capable of understanding what is said to them; before they are to be governed by talking to them of what people will think of their behaviour。 The same motive; however; indiscreetly made use of with boys; has not the same effect: provided they are let to pursue their amusements at pleasure; they care very little what people think of them。 Time and pains are necessary to subject boys to this motive。 〃Whencesoever girls derive this first lesson it is a very good one。 As the body is born; in a manner before the soul; our first concern should be to cultivate the former; this order is common to both sexes; but the object of that cultivation is different。 In the one sex it is the developement of corporeal powers; in the other; that of personal charms: not that either the quality of strength or beauty ought to be confined exclusively to one sex; but only that the order of the cultivation of both is in that respect reversed。 Women certainly require as much strength as to enable them to move and act gracefully; and men as much address as to qualify them to act with ease。〃 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 〃Children of both sexes have a great many amusements in common; and so they ought; have they not also many such when they are grown up? Each sex has also its peculiar taste to distinguish in this particular。 Boys love sports of noise and activity; to beat the drum; to whip the top; and to drag about their little carts: girls; on the other hand; are fonder of things of show and ornament; such as mirrors; trinkets; and dolls; the doll is the peculiar amusement of the females; from whence we see their taste plainly adapted to their destination。 The physical part of the art of pleasing lies in dress; and this is all which children are capacitated to cultivate of that art。〃 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 〃Here then we see a primary propensity firmly established; which you need only to pursue and regulate。 The little creature will doubtless be very desirous to know how to dress up her doll; to make its sleeve knots; its flounces; its head dress; etc。; she is obliged to have so much recourse to the people about her; for their assistance in these articles; that it would be much more agreeable to her to owe them all to her own industry。 Hence we have a good reason for the first lessons which are usually taught these young females: in which we do not appear to be setting them a task; but obliging them; by instructing them in what is immediately useful to themselves。 And; in fact; almost all of them learn with reluctance to read and write; but very readily apply themselves to the use of their needles。 They imagine themselves already grown up; and think with pleasure that such qualifications will enable them to decorate themselves。〃 This is certainly only an education of the body; but Rousseau is not the only man who has indirectly said that merely the person of a young woman; without any mind; unless animal spirits come under that description; is very pleasing。 To render it weak; and what some may call beautiful; the understanding is neglected; and girls forced to sit still; play with dolls; and listen to foolish conversations; the effect of habit is insisted upon as an undoubted indication of nature。 I know it was Rousseau's opinion that the first years of youth should be employed to form the body; though in educating Emilius he deviates from this plan; yet the difference between strengthening the body; on which strength of mind in a great measure depends; and only giving it an easy motion; is very wide。 Rousseau's observations; it is proper to remark; were made in a country where the art of pleasing was refined only to extract the grossness of vice。 He did not go back to nature; or his ruling appetite disturbed the operations of reason; else he would not have drawn these crude inferences。 In France; boys and girls; particularly the latter; are only educated to please; to manage their persons; and regulate their exterior behaviour; and their minds are corrupted at a very early age; by the worldly and pious cautions they receive; to guard them against immodesty。 I speak of past times。 The very confessions which mere children are obliged to make; and the questions asked by the holy men I assert these facts on good authority; were sufficient to impress a sexual character; and the education of society was a school of coquetry and art。 At the age of ten or eleven; nay; often much sooner; girls began to coquet; and talked; unreproved; of establishing themselves in the world by marriage。 In short; they were made women; almost from their very birth; and compliments were listened to instead of instruction。 These; weakening the mind; Nature was supposed to have acted like a step…mother; when she formed this after…thought of creation。 Not allowing them understanding; however; it was but consistent to subject them to authority; independent of reason; and to prepare them for this subjection; he gives the following advice: 〃Girls ought to be active and diligent; nor is that all; they should also be early subjected to restraint。 This misfortune; if it really be one; is inseparable from their sex; nor do they ever throw it off but to suffer more cruel evils。 They must be subject; all their lives; to the most constant and severe restraint; which is that of decorum: it is; therefore; necessary to accustom them early to such confinement; that it may not afterward cost them too dear; and to the suppression of their caprices; that they may the more readily submit to the will of others。 If; indeed; they are fond of being always at work; they should be sometimes compelled to lay it aside。 Dissipation; levity; and inconstancy; are faults that readily spring up from their first propensities; when corrupted or perverted by too much indulgence。 To prevent this abuse; we should learn them; above all things; to lay a due restraint on themselves。 The life of a modest woman is reduced; by our absurd institutions; to a perpetual conflict with herself: not but it is just that this sex should partake of the sufferings which arise from those evils it hath caused us。〃 And why is the life of a modest woman a perpetual conflict? I should answer; that this very system of education makes it so。 Modesty; temperance; and self…denial; are the sober offspring of reason; but when sensibility is nurtured at the expense of the understanding; such weak beings must be restrained by arbitrary means; and be subjected to continual conflicts; but give their activity of mind a wider range; and nobler passions and motives will govern their appetites and sentiments。 〃The common attachment and regard of a mother; nay; mere habit; will make her beloved by her children; if she does nothing to incur their hate。 Even the restraint she lays them under; if well directed; will increase their affection; instead of lessening it; because a state of dependence being natural to the sex; they perceive themselves formed for obedience。〃 This is begging the question; for servitude not only debases the individual; but its effects seem to be transmitted to posterity。 Considering the length of time that women have been dependent; is it surprising that some of them hug their chains; and fawn like the spaniel? 〃These dogs;〃 observes a naturalist; 〃at first kept their ears erect; but custom has superseded nature; and a token of fear is become a beauty。〃 〃For the same reason;〃 adds Rousseau; 〃women have or ought to have; but little liberty; they are apt to indulge themselves excessively in what is allowed them。 Addicted in every thing to extremes; they are even more transported at their diversions than boys。〃 The answer to this is very simple。 Slaves and mobs have always indulged themselves in the same excesses; when once they broke loose from authority。 The bent bow recoils with violence; when the hand is suddenly relaxed that forcibly held it: and sensibility; the plaything of outward circumstances; must be subjected to authority; or moderated by reason。 〃There results;〃 he continues; 〃from this habitual restraint; a tractableness which the women have occasion for during their whole lives; as they constantly remain either under subjection to the men; or to the opinions of mankind; and are never permitted to set themselves above those opinions。 The first and most important qualification in a woman is good…nature or sweetness of temper; formed to obey a being so imperfect as man; often full of vices; and always full of faults; she ought to learn betimes even to suffer injustice; and to bear the insults of a husband without complaint; it is not for his sake; but her own; that she should be of a mild disposition。 The perverseness and ill…nature of the women only serve to aggravate their own misfortunes; and the misconduct of their husbands; they might plainly perceive that such are not the arms by which they gain the superiority。〃 Formed to live with such an imperfect being as man; they ought to learn from the exercise of their faculties the necessity of forbearance; but all the sacred rights of humanity are violated by insisting on blind obedience; or; the most sacred rights belong ONLY to man。 The being who patiently endures injustice; and silently bears insults; will soon become unjust; or unable to discern right from wrong。 Besides; I deny the fact; this is not the true way to form or meliorate the temper; for; as a sex; men have better tempers than women; because they are occupied by pursuits that interest the head as well as the heart; and the steadiness o