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modeste mignon-第7章

小说: modeste mignon 字数: 每页3500字

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it。 Why; the man talks about comparisons that howl; rocks that faint;

and waves of war! However; he is only a travelling Englishman; and we

must expect absurdities;though his are really inexcusable。 He takes

you to Spain; and sets you in the clouds above the Alps; and makes the

torrents talk; and the stars; and he says there are too many virgins!

Did you ever hear the like? Then; after Napoleon's campaigns; the

lines are full of sonorous brass and flaming cannon…balls; rolling

along from page to page。 Modeste tells me that all that bathos is put

in by the translator; and that I ought to read the book in English。

But I certainly sha'n't learn English to read Lord Byron when I didn't

learn it to teach Exupere。 I much prefer the novels of Ducray…Dumenil

to all these English romances。 I'm too good a Norman to fall in love

with foreign things;above all when they come from England。〃

Madame Mignon; notwithstanding her melancholy; could not help smiling

at the idea of Madame Latournelle reading Childe Harold。 The stern

scion of a parliamentary house accepted the smile as an approval of

her doctrine。

〃And; therefore; my dear Madame Mignon;〃 she went on; 〃you have taken

Modeste's fancies; which are nothing but the results of her reading;

for a love…affair。 Remember; she is just twenty。 Girls fall in love

with themselves at that age; they dress to see themselves well…

dressed。 I remember I used to make my little sister; now dead; put on

a man's hat and pretend we were monsieur and madame。 You see; you had

a very happy youth in Frankfort; but let us be just;Modeste is

living here without the slightest amusement。 Although; to be sure; her

every wish is attended to; still she knows she is shut up and watched;

and the life she leads would give her no pleasure at all if it were

not for the amusement she gets out of her books。 Come; don't worry

yourself; she loves nobody but you。 You ought to be very glad that she

goes into these enthusiasms for the corsairs of Byron and the heroes

of Walter Scott and your own Germans; Egmont; Goethe; Werther;

Schiller; and all the other 'ers。'〃

〃Well; madame; what do you say to that?〃 asked Dumay; respectfully;

alarmed at Madame Mignon's silence。

〃Modeste is not only inclined to love; but she loves some man;〃

answered the mother; obstinately。

〃Madame; my life is at stake; and you must allow menot for my sake;

but for my wife; my colonel; for all of usto probe this matter to

the bottom; and find out whether it is the mother or the watch…dog who

is deceived。〃

〃It is you who are deceived; Dumay。 Ah! if I could but see my

daughter!〃 cried the poor woman。

〃But whom is it possible for her to love?〃 asked the notary。 〃I'll

answer for my Exupere。〃

〃It can't be Gobenheim;〃 said Dumay; 〃for since the colonel's

departure he has not spent nine hours a week in this house。 Besides;

he doesn't even notice Modestethat five…franc piece of a man! His

uncle Gobenheim…Keller is all the time writing him; 'Get rich enough

to marry a Keller。' With that idea in his mind you may be sure he

doesn't know which sex Modeste belongs to。 No other men ever come

here;for of course I don't count Butscha; poor little fellow; I love

him! He is your Dumay; madame;〃 said the cashier to Madame

Latournelle。 〃Butscha knows very well that a mere glance at Modeste

would cost him a Breton ducking。 Not a soul has any communication with

this house。 Madame Latournelle who takes Modeste to church ever since

youryour misfortune; madame; has carefully watched her on the way

and all through the service; and has seen nothing suspicious。 In

short; if I must confess the truth; I have myself raked all the paths

about the house every evening for the last month; and found no trace

of footsteps in the morning。〃

〃Rakes are neither costly nor difficult to handle;〃 remarked the

daughter of Germany。

〃But the dogs?〃 cried Dumay。

〃Lovers have philters even for dogs;〃 answered Madame Mignon。

〃If you are right; my honor is lost! I may as well blow my brains

out;〃 exclaimed Dumay。

〃Why so; Dumay?〃 said the blind woman。

〃Ah; madame; I could never meet my colonel's eye if he did not find

his daughternow his only daughteras pure and virtuous as she was

when he said to me on the vessel; 'Let no fear of the scaffold hinder

you; Dumay; if the honor of my Modeste is at stake。'〃

〃Ah! I recognize you both;〃 said Madame Mignon in a voice of strong


〃I'll wager my salvation that Modeste is as pure as she was in her

cradle;〃 exclaimed Madame Dumay。

〃Well; I shall make certain of it;〃 replied her husband; 〃if Madame la

Comtesse will allow me to employ certain means; for old troopers

understand strategy。〃

〃I will allow you to do anything that shall enlighten us; provided it

does no injury to my last child。〃

〃What are you going to do; Jean?〃 asked Madame Dumay; 〃how can you

discover a young girl's secret if she means to hide it?〃

〃Obey me; all!〃 cried the lieutenant; 〃I shall need every one of you。〃

If this rapid sketch were clearly developed it would give a whole

picture of manners and customs in which many a family could recognize

the events of their own history; but it must suffice as it is to

explain the importance of the few details heretofore given about

persons and things on the memorable evening when the old soldier had

made ready his plot against the young girl; intending to wrench from

the recesses of her heart the secret of a love and a lover seen only

by a blind mother。



An hour went by in solemn stillness broken only by the cabalistic

phrases of the whist…players: 〃Spades!〃 〃Trumped!〃 〃Cut!〃 〃How are

honors?〃 〃Two to four。〃 〃Whose deal?〃phrases which represent in

these days the higher emotions of the European aristocracy。 Modeste

continued to work; without seeming to be surprised at her mother's

silence。 Madame Mignon's handkerchief slipped from her lap to the

floor; Butscha precipitated himself upon it; picked it up; and as he

returned it whispered in Modeste's ear; 〃Take care!〃 Modeste raised a

pair of wondering eyes; whose puzzled glance filled the poor cripple

with joy unspeakable。 〃She is not in love!〃 he whispered to himself;

rubbing his hands till the skin was nearly peeled off。 At this moment

Exupere tore through the garden and the house; plunged into the salon

like an avalanche; and said to Dumay in an audible whisper; 〃The young

man is here!〃 Dumay sprang for his pistols and rushed out。

〃Good God! suppose he kills him!〃 cried Madame Dumay; bursting into


〃What is the matter?〃 asked Modeste; looking innocently at her friends

and not betraying the slightest fear。

〃It is all about a young man who is hanging round the house;〃 cried

Madame Latournelle。

〃Well!〃 said Modeste; 〃why should Dumay kill him?〃

〃Sancta simplicita!〃 ejaculated Butscha; looking at his master as

proudly as Alexander is made to contemplate Babylon in Lebrun's great


〃Where are you going; Modeste?〃 asked the mother as her daughter rose

to leave the room。

〃To get ready for your bedtime; mamma;〃 answered Modeste; in a voice

as pure as the tones of an instrument。

〃You haven't paid your expenses;〃 said the dwarf to Dumay when he


〃Modeste is as pure as the Virgin on our altar;〃 cried Madame


〃Good God! such excitements wear me out;〃 said Dumay; 〃and yet I'm a

strong man。〃

〃May I lose that twenty…five sous if I have the slightest idea what

you are about;〃 remarked Gobenheim。 〃You seem to me to be crazy。〃

〃And yet it is all about a treasure;〃 said Butscha; standing on tiptoe

to whisper in Gobenheim's ear。

〃Dumay; I am sorry to say that I am still almost certain of what I

told you;〃 persisted Madame Mignon。

〃The burden of proof is now on you; madame;〃 said Dumay; calmly; 〃it

is for you to prove that we are mistaken。〃

Discovering that the matter in question was only Modeste's honor;

Gobenheim took his hat; made his bow; and walked off; carrying his ten

sous with him;there being evidently no hope of another rubber。

〃Exupere; and you too; Butscha; may leave us;〃 said Madame

Latournelle。 〃Go back to Havre; you will get there in time for the

last piece at the theatre。 I'll pay for your tickets。〃

When the four friends were alone with Madame Mignon; Madame

Latournelle; after looking at Dumay; who being a Breton understood the

mother's obstinacy; and at her husband who was fingering the cards;

felt herself authorized to speak up。

〃Madame Mignon; come now; tell us what decisive thing has struck your


〃Ah; my good friend; if you were a musician you would have heard; as I

have; the language of love that Modeste speaks。〃

The piano of the demoiselles Mignon was among the few articles of

furniture which had been moved from the town…house to the Chalet。

Modeste often conjured away her troubles by practising; without a

master。 Born a musician; she played to enliven her mother。 She sang by

nature; and loved the German airs which her mother taught her。 From

these lessons and these attempts at self…instruction came a phenomenon

not uncommon to natures with a musical vocation; Modeste composed; as

far as a person ignorant of the laws of harmony can be said to

compose; tender little lyric melodies。 Melody is to music what imagery

and sentiment are to poetry; a flower that blossoms spontaneously。

Consequently; nations have had melodies before harmony;botany comes

later than the flower。 In like manner; Modeste; who knew nothing of

the painter's art except what she had seen her sister do in the way of

water…color; would have stood subdued and fascinated before the

pictures of Raphael; Titian; Rubens; Murillo; Rembrandt; Albert Durer;

Holbein;in other words; before the great ideals of many lands。

Lately; for at least a month; Modeste had warbled the songs of

nightingales; musical rhapsodies whose poetry and meaning had roused

the attention of her mother; already surprised by her sudden eagerness

for composition and her fancy for putting airs into certain verses。

〃If your suspicions have no other foundation;〃 said Latournelle to

Madame Mignon; 〃I pity your susceptibilities。〃

〃When a Breton girl sings;〃 said Dumay gloomily; 〃the lover is not far


〃I will let you hear Modeste when she is improvising;〃 said the

mother; 〃and you shall judge for yourselves〃

〃Poor girl!〃 said Madame Dumay; 〃If she only knew our anxiety she

would be deeply distressed; she would tell us the truth;especially

if she thought it would save Dumay。〃

〃My friends; I will question my daughter to…morrow;〃 said Madame

Mignon; 〃perhaps I shall obtain more by tenderness than you have

discovered by trickery。〃

Was the comedy of the 〃Fille mal Gardee〃 being played her

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