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小说: 千万不要学英语 字数: 每页3500字

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  Robert: No way!
  Billy: Really。 It cost one hundred and fifty dollars。
  Robert: Wow; that's expensive! My Mom would never buy me shoes like that expensive。
  Billy: Sure they're expensive; but good shoes make you play basketball better。
  Robert: No; that's not true。
  Billy: Yes; it is。 Look at Michael Jordan; his shoes all the best; so he is the best。
  Robert: No。 He would be the best even if he had bad shoes。
  Billy: How did you know?
  Robert: I just know。
  Billy: I'm going to ask coach Malone if it's true?
  Robert: Good! Ask him。 I'll bet you he says I'm right。
  Billy: Okay。 How much do you want to bet?
  Robert: I'll bet you five dollars。
  Billy: All right。 It's a bet。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 14 Basketball Practice 2
  (Robert and Billy run to basketball practice。 They go to the coach; coach Malone; to askhim who is right。 )
  Billy: Coach Malone; tell Robert good shoes make good players。
  Coach Malone: What?
  Robert: Coach Malone; tell Billy shoes are not important。
  Coach Malone: What are you talking about?
  Billy: Coach Malone; I got a new Jordan's yesterday and I said they will make me a betterbasketball player。
  Robert: Dim use my old Reeboks; but I said I'll still be a good basketball player。
  Coach Malone: You are both right。 Good shoes are fortable and help you not to gethurt; but they won't make you a better player。 And a great player would play great in anyshoes。
  Billy: So; who is right? We bet five dollars。 Who wins?
  Robert: Yeah; who wins?
  Coach  Malone:  Nobody  wins。  You  are  both  partially  right  and  you  are  both  partially
  wrong。 Now get ready for practice。 Robert; you practice lay ups。 Billy; you practice freethrows。 And don't worry; both of your shoes are fine。 If I had shoes that good when I wasyoung; I would have been a much better player。
  Billy: See; I was right。 Give me my five dollars。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 15 Talking to Michelle
  (After practice; Robert goes to where the cheerleaders are practicing and talks to Michelleagain。)
  Robert: Hey; Michelle。 Do you have time to talk?
  Michelle: Sure; do you want to talk here or go somewhere else?
  Robert: Let's go somewhere else。
  Michelle: Okay; where?
  Robert: How about McDonald's?
  Michelle: I like Burger King better。
  Robert: Me too。 Let's go to Burger King。
  Michelle: Cool!
  (Robert and Michelle walk to Burger King and order their food。)
  Waiter(a boy): Hello; wele to Burger King。 May I take your order?
  Robert:  Yes;  please。  I  would  like  a  cheeseburger;  fires  and  a  coke。  What  about  youMichelle?
  Michelle: I will have a hamburger and a milk shake; please。
  Waiter(a boy):  That's  one cheeseburger; one hamburger; one French fires; one coke andone milk shake?
  Robert: Right。
  Waiter(a boy): That will be five dollars and seventy…five cents; please。
  (Handing him the money。)
  Robert: Here you are。
  Waiter(a boy): Thank you。
  Michelle: You don't have to buy me food。 I have money。
  Robert: No; but I want to。
  Michelle: Thanks。
  (Michelle and Robert go and sit down。)
  Michelle: So; what do you want to talk about?
  Robert: Oh; nothing。
  Michelle: You must want to talk about something。 You brought me all the way here andbought me food and everything。
  Robert: Well; actually I was wondering if you have a boyfriend?
  Michelle: No; why?
  (Turning red。)
  Robert: Well; I was wondering if you may want be me girlfriend。
  Michelle: Sure; I love to。
  Robert: Awesome。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 16 Homework
  (When Robert goes home; he sits down at the kitchen table; opens his backpack and startsto do his homework。)
  Robert: Mom; my homework is a little bit hard today。 Can you help me?
  Mom: Sure; I'll be happy to help you; but I won't do your homework for you。
  Robert: Don't worry; I only ask you when I have a really difficult problem。
  (After about one half hour; Robert es to the difficult problem。)
  Robert: Mom; can you help me now?
  Mom: Of course; what's the problem?
  Robert: I don't know what Samoa is?
  Mom: Okay。 We can do this in two ways。 We can look it up in the dictionary or we canfind it on the internet。 Which do you think would be interesting?
  Robert: The internet。
  Mom: And which do you think will have more information?
  Robert: The internet。
  Mom: Well; we should go to the puter。
  Robert: Cool; I didn't know homework could be so fun。
  (They go into Robert's room and turns on his puter。)
  Mom: Now click on search and then type in 'Samoa'。
  (Robert does this and many pages and information appear。)
  Robert: Wow; I can write a whole report now。
  Mom: Yes; but don't copy it。 You have to write it in your own words; or it is cheating。
  Robert: Okay; Mom。 And thanks; you are the best!
  Mom: And don't play any puter games; just do your homework。
  Robert: Mom; you don't have to say that。 I really want to study hard。
  Mom: I know; but I'm your mother; it's my job to say things like that。
  Situation 17 Dinner
  (While  Robert  is  finishing  his  homework;  his  mother  makes  dinner。  When  his  fatheres  home  from  work;  Robert;  his  father;  mother  and  older  brother  Sam  go  into  thekitchen to eat dinner。)
  Mother: Dinner's ready! e into the kitchen。
  Father: I'll be there soon。 I just have to wash my hands。
  Father: Sam; Robert; you two wash your hands too。
  Sam: Okay; Dad。
  Robert: Yes; Sir。
  Father: Robert; why are you being so polite?
  Robert: No; Sir。 I'm not being polite。 I've just decided to be a good student。 That's all。
  Father: I'm happy to hear that。 Playing game is fine; but getting good grades in school isimportant too。
  Father: Dear; what's for dinner?
  Mother: We have spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread。
  Sam: Great! I love garlic bread。
  Robert: Yeah; and I love meatballs。
  Father: And you know I like spaghetti a lot。 You are the best; dear。
  Mother: You don't have to say that。 I just love my family and I enjoy making you happy。
  Sam: I'm happy。 And I will be even happier if you give me some more meatballs。
  Father: Say 'please'。
  Sam: Please give me some more。
  Mother: That's better。
  Robert: Dad; can I talk to you after dinner?
  Father: Sure; but first let me have a cup of coffee; okay?
  Robert: Okay。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 18 Talking to Dad
  (Robert and his Dad finish dinner and then go into the living room to talk。)
  Father: So; what did you want to talk to me about; Robert?
  Robert:  Well;  Dad。  I  talked  to  very  nice  girl  today。  And  she  said  she  would  be  mygirlfriend。
  Father: That's great; Robert。 Who is she?
  Robert: Her name's Michelle。 And she is a cheerleader。
  Father: A cheerleader? Is she a nice girl?
  Robert: Yes; she is very nice。
  Father: Yes; but does she study hard?
  Robert: Sure; she studies hard and she is pretty; too。
  Father: That's good。 The best woman is one who is smart and pretty。
  Robert: Like Mom?
  Father:  Exactly!  Your  mother  is  the  prettiest  and  smartest  woman  I  know。  That's  why  Ilove her so much。 You should find the woman just like your mother。
  Robert: I know。 And I know you'll like Michelle; Dad。 She is a lot like Mom。
  Father: Okay。 When can I meet her?
  Robert: Well; why don't I bring her here for dinner this Saturday or Sunday?
  Father: That would be fine。 Why don't you make it Sunday? Your mother and I are goingto the movies on Saturday night。
  Robert: Okay; I'll invite her for dinner on Sunday night。
  Father: I think that would be fine; but you should ask your Mom for permission; too。
  Robert: I'll ask her。 Thanks; Dad。
  Father:  You  are  wele。  Hey;  it's  seven  fifty…five。  I  have  to  watch  the  news  at  eighto'clock。
  Robert: I'm going to call her tonight and invite her。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 19 Robert Calls Michelle on the Phone
  (Robert picks up the phone and dials Michelle's number。 The phone rings。)
  Michelle's Mom: Hello?
  Robert: Yes; hello! May I speak to Michelle; please?
  Michelle's Mom: Who's calling?
  (Suddenly nervous。)
  Robert: Um。。。is this a 3…2…6…1…6…2…6?
  Michelle's Mom: Yes; it is。 May I ask who's calling?
  Robert: Yes; I am a friend of Michelle from school。
  Michelle's Mom: Oh? Well; I'm Michelle's mother。 May I tell Michelle who is calling?
  Robert: Please tell her that Robert is calling。
  Michelle's Mom: Hold on just a minute and I'll get her。
  Robert: Thank you。
  Michelle: Robert; I can't believe you called so soon。
  Robert: Hi; Michelle; how are you?
  Michelle: I'm good。 I just finished dinner。 How are you?
  Robert: I'm good; too。 Listen; I asked my parents if you could e over for dinner thisSunday; and they said 'yes'。 Is that cool?
  Michelle: That's really cool!
  Robert: So; do you want to?
  Michelle: Of course I do。 Where do you live? Is it far from city hall? That 's where I live。
  Robert: No; it's pretty close。 Get a pen。 I'll give you the address and phone number。
  Michelle: Okay; I'm ready。 Go ahead。
  Robert:  All  right。  First; you  go  down main  street  until  you  e  the  public  library  andturn right at the next street which is 5th Avenue。 Go down fifth Avenue for six blocks; andyou will see a big park with a playground。
  Michelle: Okay; so far so good。
  Robert: Turn left just before the park onto 11th street。 My house is the second one on theright; 1969 (nineteen sixty…nine); 11th street。 Do you think you can find it?
  Michelle: No problem。 I know right where that park is。 What's your phone number?
  Robert: My number is 3…2…61…1…8…2。
  Michelle: Did you say 3…2…61…1…2…8?
  Robert: No; 3…2…61…1…'8…2'。
  Michelle: Oh! Okay; I have it。 What time should I e?
  Robert: How about six o'clock?
  Michelle: I have to ask my parents; but I'm sure it'll be fine。 I'll let you know in schooltomorrow?
  Robert: Okay; talk you then; good night!
  Michelle: Good night!
  Situation 20 The Internet
  (While their father and mother are watching the news; Robert and Sam get ready  to gointo the room to use the internet。)
  Sam: Dad; Robert and I are going to use the puter; okay?
  Father: Yes; but don't stay up too late。
  Sam: Don't worry; we'll go to bed by eleven o'clock。
  Sam: e on Robert; let's go!
  Robert: Okay。 Good night; Mom。 Good night; Dad。
  Father: Good night; Robert。 Good night; Sam。
  Mother: Good night; Robert。 Good night; Sam。
  (Sam and Robert go into their room。)
  Sam: Robert; let's play games。

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