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小说: 千万不要学英语 字数: 每页3500字

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  Mrs。 Lee: If your father says it's okay; then it's okay with me; too。 But remember; he's the
  one who dicided on eleven。
  Michael: Dad; can I stay up until twelve?
  Mr。 Lee: No!
  Michael: But; Dad。 Please?
  Mr。 Lee: I said no。 Now go wash your face and brush your teeth。
  Michael: Okay。 But when can I stay up until twelve?
  Mr。 Lee: When you are in high school。
  Michael: High school? But; Dad; that's two years from now。 I can't wait that long。
  Mrs。 Lee: Okay; maybe next year if you study hard。
  Michael: Really? Thanks; Mom。 I promise I'll study hard。 I'll get all 〃A〃s。 I promise。
  Mrs。 Lee: I hope you do get all 〃A〃s。 That would be wonderful。
  Mr。 Lee: That would be great。 If you get all 〃A〃s; I'll buy you a new bike; too。
  Michael: Do you promise?
  Mr。 Lee: Yes; I promise。 But right now; you still have to go to bed。
  Michael: But; Dad?
  Mr。 Lee: No buts! Go to bed right now!
  Michael: Yes; Sir。
  Mrs。 Lee: Sweet dreams。
  Michael: Thanks; Mom。
  Mr。 Lee: Good night; son。
  Michael: Good night; Dad。
  (Michael goes into his bedroom。)
  Mr。 Lee: Do you think I was too strict?
  Mrs。 Lee: No; Michael is teenager。 He needs you to be strict with him。
  Mr。 Lee: Okay; if you say so。 Thank you; dear。
  Mrs。  Lee:  You're  wele。  And  you're  a  good  father  and  a  good  husband。  Don't  worryabout our son。 He is a good boy and I bet he really will get all 〃A〃s。千万别学英语初学版 2A
  Tape 2 A Father and His Young Daughter Go to America~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 1: Talking about America_x_i_e_                                            _g_u_a_n_g_l_i_a_n_                                                                                                                       g_ _0_6_…_1_0_…_1_0_;_(Mr。 Park; a Korean father; decides to go to America with his daughter Sumi。 To get readyto go to America; he also thinks it would be good if she speak only in English。)
  Mr。 Park (Father): Sumi; would you like to go to America?
  Sumi (daughter): What?
  Mr。  Park  (Father):  I  ask  you  if  you  want  to  go  to  American  with  me。  I  will  go  nextTuesday。 I think you would learn a lot if you go with me。
  Sumi (daughter): Dad; of course I want to go with you。 But why are you speaking Englishto me?
  Mr。  Park  (Father):  Well;  next  Tuesday  is  only  five  days  form  now。  If  we're  going  toAmerica; we should practice our English everyday。
  Sumi  (daughter):  That  is  a  good  idea;  Dad。  If  we  speaking  English  together  until  nextTuesday; speaking English at America will be easier。
  Mr。 Park (Father): That is right。 So; do you promise?
  Sumi (daughter): Yes; Dad。 I promise to speak only English until next Tuesday。
  Mr。 Park (Father): No; you must promise to speak only English until the week after nextTuesday。
  Sumi (daughter): Why?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Because we will be at America for one week。 And you have to speakonly English until we e back to Korea。
  Sumi (daughter): Yes; I promise。
  Mr。 Park (Father): That's a good girl。
  Sumi (daughter): Is mom going with us?
  Mr。  Park  (Father):  No;  your  mother  has  to  stay  here;  and  take  care  of  your  youngerbrother。
  Sumi (daughter): So Taijun is stay in Korea with mom。
  Mr。  Park  (Father):  Yes;  your  brother  Taijun  is  only  twelve  years  old。  He  doesn't  knowmuch English yet。
  Sumi (daughter): But I am only fifteen years old。
  Mr。  Park  (Father):  I  know。  But  that  means  you  have  already  learned  English  in  school。Now I want you to practice your English with me; and with people in America。
  Sumi (daughter): Okay; Dad。 But I don't think mom and Taijun are going to be happy。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Don't worry! I would explain to your mother and your brother。
  Sumi (daughter): Okay; Dad。 Good luck!
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 2: Explaining to Mrs。 Park and Taijun
  (Mr。  Park  and  Sumi  go  into  the  living  room。  Mrs。  Park  and  her  son  Taijun  are  therewatching television。)
  Mr。 Park (Father): Um; I have something I want to tell you。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): Okay; but why are you telling me in English?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Well; that was what I want to tell you。 Sumi and I are going to Americanext week。 That is why I'm practicing my English。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): What? You're going where?
  Mr。 Park (Father): We're going to visit America。 I want Sumi to see American and practiceher English。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): And when did you decide this?
  Mr。 Park (Father): I decided it last week。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): And why didn't you tell me?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Well; I wasn't sure until just now。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): Why not?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Because I just asked Sumi。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): And what did she say?
  Sumi (daughter): I said yes。 I really want to visit America; please?
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): I don't know。
  Mr。 Park (Father): It would be a very good chance for her to practice her English and tosee many new famous; too。
  Sumi (daughter): Yeah; Mom; it would be a good chance; please let me go?
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): What about Taijun? It's not fair if only Sumi goes?
  Taijun(Son): Yeah; what bout me? I want to go; too。
  Mr。 Park (Father): What? Where did you learn English? You're only twelve!
  Taijun(Son):  Dad;  now  you've  learned  English  at  evening  elementary  school。  I  startedlearning English two years ago。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Okay; Taijun。 I promise to take you to America next year。 But this yearonly Sumi and I will go。
  Taijun(Son): Okay。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): And what about me? When will I go to America?
  Mr。 Park (Father): I don't know。 But I will buy you a present。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): That sounds good。 I want a Boborea's coat。
  Mr。 Park (Father): But those are very expensive。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): If you don't buy me a coat; you cannot go to America。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Okay; you win。 I will buy you a Boborea's coat。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 3: Talking about the Vacation
  (Sumi goes home and talks to her father about the vacation。)
  Sumi (daughter): Dad; I want to talk to about the trip。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Okay; what do you want to talk about?
  Sumi (daughter): I want to talk about where we will go?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Well; my sister; your aunt; lives in Los Angeles; so I thought we wouldgo there first。
  Sumi (daughter): Great! Then can we go to New York; Boston and San Francisco?
  Mr。  Park (Father):  I  don't  know。  We will  be  there  only  for  a week。 And New York  andBoston are very far from Los Angeles。 But I think we can go to San Francisco。
  Sumi  (daughter):  Okay;  what  about  Yellow  Stone  Park  and  Grant  Canyon。  Can  we  gothere; too?
  Mr。 Park (Father): I don't know about the Yellow Stone; it's also very far。 But the GrantCanyon is pretty close to LA; So maybe we can go there。
  Sumi (daughter): That's great! I am going to see LA; San Francisco and the Grant Canyon。
  Mr。 Park (Father): I said maybe。 I can't promise you anything。 First we have to go thereand ask your aunt about traveling inside the United States。
  Sumi (daughter): I know; Dad。 But I am still very happy anykersidid about this trip。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Good。 I know we will have fun wherever we go。
  Sumi (daughter): Yes; but we'll have more fun if we go to more places。
  Mr。  Park  (Father):  That's  true。  I  will  try  my  best  to  visit  San  Francisco  and  the  GrantCanyon。
  Sumi (daughter): Thanks; Dad。 You're the best。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Will I still be the best if we only go to Los Angeles?
  Sumi (daughter): Of course; you'll always be the best dad to me。
  Mr。 Park (Father): And you will always be the prettiest daughter to me。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 4: Going to the Airport
  (Next Tuesday es; and Mr。 Park and Sumi are going to the airport。)
  Mr。 Park (Father): Sumi; are you ready to go?
  Sumi (daughter): Almost; I'll be ready in 5 minutes。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Okay; I'm going to say good…bye to your mother and brother。
  (Mr。 Park goes into the living room where Mrs。 Park and Taijun are waiting。)
  Mr。 Park (Father): Sumi and I will be leaving in about 5 minutes。 Don't worry; Taijun。 Wewill go next year。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): And next year; I will get a Boborea's skirt to go with my coat。
  Mr。 Park (Father): No。 Next year you can go with us。
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): What if I don't want to go!
  Mr。 Park (Father): Then I'll buy you anything you want。
  Taijun(Son): I want to go! I don't want a present!
  Sumi (daughter): Okay; I'm ready。 Let's go!
  (Sumi goes to his mother and brother。)
  Sumi (daughter): Mom; we'll be back in one week。 Don't worry! Taijun; you'll be good
  and listen to mom。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Yes; listen to your mother。 We will see you in one week。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Good…bye!
  Sumi (daughter): Good…bye!
  Taijun(Son): Good…bye!
  Mrs。 Park (Mother): Good…bye!
  (Mr。 Park and Sumi go out the house and get in the car。)
  Mr。 Park (Father): Let's go!
  Sumi (daughter): Yeah! Let's go to America。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Well; first we have to go to the airport。 Do you know the name of ourairport in English?
  Sumi (daughter): Yes; it's called Kambao。
  Mr。 Park (Father): That's right! But its full name is Kambao International Airport。
  Sumi  (daughter):  Okay;  then;  let's  go  to  Kambao  International  Airport  and  then  to  LosAngeles International Airport。
  Mr。 Park (Father): Very good! You learned quickly。
  Sumi (daughter): Of course I do! I'm your daughter!
  Mr。 Park (Father): That's  true。 I am pretty smart; too。 So you should thank me for yourintelligence。
  Sumi (daughter): Thanks; Dad; for the intelligence and for this vacation。
  Mr。 Park (Father): You are wele for the vacation。 But I really think you should thankyour mother for your intelligence。 She is much smarter than I am。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 5: At the Airport
  (Mr。 Park and Sumi arrived at Kambao International Airport and get ready to go。)
  Mr。 Park (Father): We are here! Let's go get our tickets。
  Sumi (daughter): What? We don't have tickets yet?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Yes; we have tickets。 But I bought them on the internet。 Now we haveto get them。
  Sumi (daughter): Okay; where do we have to go to get them?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Well; We are flying Egana airlines。 So we should go to the Egana ticketwindow。
  Sumi (daughter): Good; let's go!
  (Mr。 Park and Sumi go the Egana ticket window。)
  (a woman): Hello; may I help you?
  Mr。 Park (Father): Yes; please。 My name is Park Jiangyork; and this is my daughter ParkSumi。 We are traveling to Los Angeles today and want to get our tickets。
  (a woman): Please wait here。
  (The agent…employ looks at the puter。)
  (a woma

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