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  Catherine: Here it is James。 Now get going; I don't want you to be late。
  James: Thanks; dear。 I'll be home a little late tonight。 Remember the client。
  Catherine: Okay; but call if you are going to be home after ten。
  James: I will。 Bye。
  Catherine: Bye。
  (James gets in the car and leaves for work。 He turns on the news。)
  News:  。。。and  there  was  an  accident  on  highway  99。  A  truck  turned  over  blockingwestbound  traffic  for  about  two  miles。  Drivers  on highway  99 west  might  want  to  takelocal  road  to  work  this  morning。  The  current  time  is  seven  forty…three  on  this  sunnymorning; and the temperature is seventy…six degrees。 The weather forecast for late todayis  mostly  sunny;  with  some  clouds  forming  in  the  afternoon  and  a  slight  chance  ofshowers  in  the  early  evening。  We'll  keep  you  updated  with  more  traffic  and  weatherthroughout  the  day;  but  now  let's  enjoy  forty…five  minutes  of  mercial…free  rock  androll。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 4 The Gas Station
  James: Damn; I'm almost out of gas。
  (James pulls into a gas station。)
  Attendant: What can I do for you?
  James: Fill it up with unleaded; please。 And can you check the oil; too?
  Attendant: Sure; pal。
  (He opens the hood and checks the oil。)
  Attendant: You're about a quart low; shall I put a quart in for you?
  James: Please。
  Attendant: You know; you could really use a new set of tires。 The ones you have are badlyworn。 I could do that for you right now; it wouldn't take more than thirty minutes。
  James: And the price?
  Attendant: Well。。。 that depends on how good a set of tires you want。
  James: No。 I'm late for work anyway。 I'll just take the gas and oil today。 How much willthat be?
  Attendant: Let's see。 Forteen for the gas / and two…fifty for the oil / makes sisteen dollarsand fifty cents。
  James: Do you take credit cards?
  Attendant: Only Visa and Master Card; not American Express。
  James: Fine; here's my Visa。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 5 Arriving at Work
  Steve: Good morning; James。 You're early。 What's up?
  James: Morning; Steve。 Early is right。 I've got two important meetings today; one with theboss and one with a client。 You're pretty early yourself; something important?
  Steve: Yeah; I'm  meeting  a  client;  too。  Someone  from a  big  puter  pany。  I  thinktheir headquarters are in Taiwan; but this guy runs the New York office。
  James:   Wang   puters。   That's   my   client;   too。   But   I   think   the   owner   is   aChinese…American;  I'm  not  sure  if  they  even  have  an  office  in  TaiWan。  I  guess  we'reworking on this account together。
  Steve: Good。 To tell you the truth / I was a little scared。 The account is really big; it's justtoo much work for one man。 Say; what time do you meet with the boss; Mr。 Barnes?
  James: Ten…thirty; Why?
  Steve: I was right。 We are on this account together。 I'm scheduled to meet with Mr。 Barnesat ten…thirty; too。
  James: Well then; partner; let's get busy preparing something for the meeting。
  Steve: Good idea。 Where should we begin?
  James: I don't know about you / but I always begin big projects by going to the bathroom;and then with a hot cup of coffee。 Can you wait for me?
  Steve: Just hurry。 I'll get the coffee ready。
  James: That sounds like an excellent plan。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 6 Planning for the Meeting
  James: I'm back。
  Steve: Here is your coffee。 You feeling better?
  James: I feel like a Champ。 Where should we begin?
  Steve:  As  always;  it's  best  to  begin  at  the  beginning。  What  have  you  prepared  for  yourmeeting with Wang?
  James: Basically; I just have an outline of a presentation of our pany's new software。 Ithink our product is high quality and that the people from Wang will realize that once theyhear a description of it。
  Steve: Well James; that is a little too simple。 We know the product is good; but we have to
  convince them of that too。 Luckily; I put together a vedio presentation on my notebookputer using our software。 If they like the presentation; and I am confident they will;then that automatically means that they like our pany's product。
  James: Steve; that's why you are at the top of sales。 You think of everything in advance。I'm really just a puter software engineer; I can make this stuff but I can't sell it。
  Steve: Of course you can't。 That's why Mr。 Barnes put us together。 I'll take care of sellingthe software; and you can answer any tough technical question that the people from Wangmight ask。 I'm as bad at science as you are at sales。
  James: Steve; you're too modest。 You're great at sales; but I know you know somethingabout puters too。 I still remember when we first started working here; you taught mea thing or two about Apple Macintosh puters。
  Steve: Sure I know about Macs; but that's just because I used one all through college。 Plus;any dummy can use a Mac。
  James: I couldn't。
  Steve: Not at first。 But after about three days; you were already better than me。
  James: Okay; okay。 So I'm a puter nerd。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 7 The Secretary
  Steve: I'll call my secretary and have her make copies of your outline。
  James: Are you sure that's okay? I mean; she doesn't really work for me。 What if she getsangry。
  Steve: No problem。 She works for me; and you and I are working on this project together。Watch and learn。 (Steve picks up the phone。) Lisa; could you e in here please?
  Lisa: I can but I won't。 It's only eight fifty…five and I don't start work until nine o'clock。
  James: Well; Steve; I guess she knows who's the boss。
  Steve: Very funny。 We'll just have to wait for five minutes; That's all。
  James: Whatever you say。
  (At two minutes after nine o'clock。)
  Steve: Lisa; do you think you could e in here now?
  Lisa: Of course; Mr。 Dawson; I'll be right in。 (Lisa es into the office。) What do youneed; sir?
  Steve: Could you make Mr。 Goddard here about twenty copies of his outline。
  Lisa: Why; doesn't he have a secretary?
  Steve: (A little angry。) Of course he does; but we're working on a project together and Iwould really appreciate it if you would just cooperate with me right now。
  Lisa: All right; all right。 You don't have to get mad。 Did you say ten or twenty copies?
  James: Actually; ten will be fine。 It's a small group today。
  Steve: But I said twenty; so make it twenty。
  Lisa: Yes; sir; Mr。 Dawson。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 8 Meeting the Boss
  (Mr。 Barnes calls Steve on the intraoffice phone)
  Mr。 Barnes: Dawson?
  Steve: Yes; this is he。
  Mr。 Barnes: Contact Goddard and e up to my office immediately。 I want to 'wanna'go over today's meeting in advance。
  Steve: Mr。 Goddard is with me now; we'll e up right away。 (Steve to James。)  Well;that  was  the  old  man;  It's  show  time。  And  he  sounds  a  little  nervous;  which  means  wehave to be even more careful。
  James: I'll be extremely careful。 I just don't want him to yell at me again。 I'm an engineer;not a secretary。
  Steve: Be careful。 Lisa might hear you。 Anyway; let's go。
  (Steve and James go up to Mr。 Barnes' office and his secretary sends them in。 They knockon the door。)
  Mr。 Barnes: e in。
  James: Good morning; sir。
  Steve: Good morning; Mr。 Barnes。 How are you?
  Mr。 Barnes: I'll be a lot better after this meeting is over。 I hope you two have done yourhomework / because this is a huge deal。 If we can convince Wang / about our pany /then larger puter firms will follow。 I don't have to tell either of you that could meanmillions of dollars。 I'm counting on you。
  Steve: Don't worry; Mr。 Barnes。 Sir; you can depend on us。 Isn't that 'Is not' right; James?
  James: Yes; I think; I mean of course you can。
  Mr。 Barnes: I had better be able to。 And if you two do / a good job; I won't forget it whenit es time for promotions either。 I put you on this assignment / because you are mytwo best men; I know you won't disappoint me。 Well; let's hear about your ideas for thepresentation。 Goddard; would you like to start?
  James: I think it might be best to let Mr。 Dawson begin; he is the expert at sales。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 9 Going to Lunch
  Steve: Wow; that went pretty well。 Mr。 Barnes was easy today。
  James: Easy on you maybe。 I don't think he likes me。
  Steve: Don't be ridiculous。 He likes you; but he's a businessman like me / and so I knowhow to talk to him。
  James: I'm not so sure。
  Steve: Well; I'm sure that I'm hungry。 Why don't we continue talking over lunch?
  James: That sounds great; I'm starving。
  (They walk outside the building to a restaurant。)
  Steve: Do you like Italian food? This place is terrific。
  James: Like it? I love it。 Let's go in。
  (They sit down and look at the menu for a while; then the waitress es。)
  Steve: What are your specials today?
  Waitress:  Today  we  have  roasted  lamb  and  vegetable  lasagna;  I  highly  remend  thelasagna。
  James: The lasagna sounds good; I'll have that。
  Waitress: And you; sir?
  Steve: No。 No vegetables for me。 I want some meat。 I'll try the lamb; please。
  Waitress: Also an excellent choice。 Would you care for anything to 'the' drink?
  Steve: Yes; I'll have a double martini。
  James: Steve; what about the meeting?
  Steve: Oh。 Yes。 Better make that / a mineral water。
  James: I'll have some lemonade; please。 And could you bring us some bread to start。
  Waitress: Of course; I'll be right back with that。
  James: I like this place。 They have really good service。
  Steve: Just follow me and you won't go wrong。
  James: Not with restaurants; at least。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 10 The Meeting
  Steve:  Good  afternoon;  gentlemen。  Today  my  colleague;  Mr。  Goddard  and  I  will  beintroducing you to a revolutionary new software program。 It bines all the functions ofvarious  other  programs    word  processing;  translating;  financial  management;  graphicdesign / and more  into one。 I will be leading the first part of the presentation; while Mr。Goddard will be answering technical questions at the end。
  Mr。 Wang: I have a question from the beginning。
  Steve: Yes。 Please go ahead。
  Mr。  Wang:  I'm  wondering  about  the  price  of  your  program。  In  other  words;  will  it  becheaper to buy your product; or / should we just buy all {of} the others separately?
  Steve: I'm glad you asked that question; Mr。 Wang。 I was going to save this part until theend of the meeting; but since you asked / I will tell you。 Our program is on average fortypercent less expensive than it would be to buy the programs it replaces separately。
  Mr。 Wang: And what about after…service and upgrades?
  Steve: All our pro

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