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10,000 dreams interpreted-第15章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页3500字

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If young ones are in the nest; it denotes successful journeys and

satisfactory dealings。  If they are lonely and deserted; sorrow; and folly

of yours will cause you anxiety。


For a married woman to dream of giving birth to a child;

great joy and a handsome legacy is foretold。

For a single woman; loss of virtue and abandonment by her lover。


To dream of a birthday is a signal of poverty and falsehood to the young;

to the old; long trouble and desolation。

_Birthday Presents_。

Receiving happy surprises; means a multitude of high accomplishments。

Working people will advance in their trades。

Giving birthday presents; denotes small deferences; if given

at a fe^te or reception。


Eating or baking them; indicates ill health and family peace ruptured

over silly disputes。


To dream of a bishop; teachers and authors will suffer great mental worries;

caused from delving into intricate subjects。

To the tradesman; foolish buying; in which he is likely to incur loss

of good money。

For one to see a bishop in his dreams; hard work will

be his patrimony; with chills and ague as attendant。

If you meet the approval of a much admired bishop; you will be

successful in your undertakings in love or business。


This dream omens ill。

It implies a wish to undo work that is past undoing。

You are also likely to suffer losses through some enemy。


To dream of blackberries denotes many ills。  To gather them is unlucky。

Eating them denotes losses。


To see in your dreams writing in white chalk on a blackboard; denotes ill

tidings of some person prostrated with some severe malady; or your financial

security will be swayed by the panicky condition of commerce。


To see a blacksmith in a dream; means laborious undertakings will soon work

to your advantage。


To dream of your bladder; denotes you will have heavy trouble in your business

if you are not careful of your health and the way you spend your energies。

To see children blowing up bladders; foretells your expectations

will fail to give you much comfort。


Blankets in your dream means treachery if soiled。  If new and white;

success where failure is feared; and a fatal sickness will be avoided

through unseen agencies。


Blasphemy; denotes an enemy creeping into your life; who under assumed

friendship will do you great harm。

To dream you are cursing yourself; means evil fortune。

To dream you are cursed by others; signifies relief through

affection and prosperity。

The interpretation of this dream here given is not satisfactory。

'22' See Profanity。


To hear young animals bleating in your dreams; foretells that you will have

new duties and cares; though not necessarily unpleasant ones。


To dream of bleeding; denotes death by horrible accidents and malicious

reports about you。  Fortune will turn against you。


To dream of being blind; denotes a sudden change from affluence

to almost abject poverty。

To see others blind; denotes that some worthy person will call

on you for aid。


For a woman to dream that she is blindfolded; means that disturbing

elements are rising around to distress and trouble her。

Disappointment will be felt by others through her。

_Blind Man's Buff_。

To dream that you are playing at blind man's buff; denotes that you are

about to engage in some weak enterprise which will likely humiliate you;

besides losing money for you。


Blood…stained garments; indicate enemies who seek to tear down a successful

career that is opening up before you。

The dreamer should beware of strange friendships。

To see blood flowing from a wound; physical ailments and worry。

Bad business caused from disastrous dealings with foreign combines。

To see blood on your hands; immediate bad luck; if not careful

of your person and your own affairs。

_Blood Stone_。

To dream of seeing a blood stone; denotes that you will be unfortunate

in your engagements。  For a young woman to receive one as a gift;

denotes she will suffer estrangement from one friend; but will; by this;

gain one more worthy of her。


To dream of seeing trees and shrubs in blossom; denotes a time

of pleasing prosperity is nearing you。


Denotes injury to yourself。  If you receive a blow; brain trouble

will threaten you。

If you defend yourself; a rise in business will follow。

_Blotting Paper_。

To dream of using blotting paper; signifies you will be deceived

into the betrayal of secrets which will seriously involve a friend。

To see worn blotting paper; denotes continued disagreements in the home

or among friends。


For a young woman to dream of blushing; denotes she will be worried

and humiliated by false accusations。  If she sees others blush;

she will be given to flippant railery which will make her unpleasing

to her friends。

_Boarding House_。

To dream of a boarding house; foretells that you will suffer

entanglement and disorder in your enterprises; and you are likely

to change your residence。


To dream of this is just about the same as to dream of the devil; it indicates

stormy times and much bad fortune。  Disenchantment with humanity will follow。

To kill one is good。


To hear boasting in your dreams; you will sincerely regret

an impulsive act; which will cause trouble to your friends。

To boast to a competitor; foretells that you will be unjust;

and will use dishonest means to overcome competition。


Boat signals forecast bright prospects; if upon clear water。

If the water is unsettled and turbulent; cares and unhappy changes

threaten the dreamer。  If with a gay party you board a boat

without an accident; many favors will be showered upon you。

Unlucky the dreamer who falls overboard while sailing

upon stormy waters。


To dream of bobbins; denotes that important work will devolve on you;

and your interests will be adversely affected if you are negligent

in dispatching the same work。


Bogs; denotes burdens under whose weight you feel that endeavors

to rise are useless。  Illness and other worries may oppress you。

'23' See Swamp。


To dream of seeing a boiler out of repair; signifies you

will suffer from bad management or disappointment。

For a woman to dream that she goes into a cellar to see about

a boiler foretells that sickness and losses will surround her。


To dream of a boil running pus and blood; you will have unpleasant things

to meet in your immediate future。  May be that the insincerity of friends

will cause you great inconvenience。

To dream of boils on your forehead; is significant of the sickness

of some one near you。


To dream of bolts; signifies that formidable obstacles will

oppose your progress。

If the bolts are old or broken; your expectations will be

eclipsed by failures。

_Bomb Shell_。

To dream of bomb shells; foretells anger and disputes; ending in law suits。

Many displeasing incident{s?} follow this dream。


To see your bones protruding from the flesh; denotes that treachery

is working to ensnare you。

To see a pile of bones; famine and contaminating influences surround you。


Bonnet; denotes much gossiping and slanderous insinuations;

from which a woman should carefully defend herself。

For a man to see a woman tying her bonnet; denotes unforeseen

good luck near by。  His friends will be faithful and true。

A young woman is likely to engage in pleasant and harmless flirtations

if her bonnet is new and of any color except black。

Black bonnets; denote false friends of the opposite sex。


Pleasant pursuits; honor and riches to dream of studying them。

For an author to dream of his works going to press; is a dream of caution;

he will have much trouble in placing them before the public。

To dream of spending great study and time in solving some

intricate subjects; and the hidden meaning of learned authors;

is significant of honors well earned。

To see children at their books; denotes harmony and good conduct

of the young。

To dream of old books; is a warning to shun evil in any form。


To see a bookcase in your dreams; signifies that you

will associate knowledge with your work and pleasure。

Empty bookcases; imply that you will be put out because of lack

of means or facility for work。

_Book Store_。

To visit a book store in your dream; foretells you will be filled

with literary aspirations; which will interfere with your other

works and labors。


To see your boots on another; your place will be usurped in the affections

of your sweetheart。

To wear new boots; you will be lucky in your dealings。

Bread winners will command higher wages。

Old and torn boots; indicate sickness and snares before you。


Borrowing is a sign of loss and meagre support。

For a banker to dream of borrowing from another bank;

a run on his own will leave him in a state of collapse;

unless he accepts this warning。  If another borrows from you;

help in time of need will be extended or offered you。

True friends will attend you。


For a young woman to dream that her bosom is wounded; foretells that some

affliction is threatening her。

To see it soiled or shrunken; she will have a great

disappointment in love and many rivals will vex her。

If it is white and full she is soon to be possessed of fortune。

If her lover is slyly observing it through her sheer corsage;

she is about to come under the soft persuasive influence

of a too ardent wooer。


Bottles are good to dream of if well filled with transparent liquid。

You will overcome all obstacles in affairs of the heart;

prosperous engagements will ensue。  If empty; coming trouble

will envelop you in meshes of sinister design; from which you

will be forced to use strategy to disengage yourself。


To dream of a bouquet beautifully and richly colored; denotes a legacy

from some wealthy and unknown relative; also; pleasant; joyous gatherings

among young folks。

To see a withered bouquet; signifies sickness and death。

_Bow and Arrow_。

Bow and arrow in a dream; denotes great gain reaped from the inability

of others to carry out plans。

To make a bad shot means disappointed hopes in carrying forward

successfully business af

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