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10,000 dreams interpreted-第16章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页3500字

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of others to carry out plans。

To make a bad shot means disappointed hopes in carrying forward

successfully business affairs。


Opening a goods box in your dream; signifies untold wealth and that

delightful journeys to distant places may be made with happy results。

If the box is empty disappointment in works of all kinds will follow。

To see full money boxes; augurs cessation from business cares

and a pleasant retirement。


To see in your dreams a bracelet encircling your arm; the gift of lover

or friend; is assurance of an early marriage and a happy union。

If a young woman lose her bracelet she will meet with sundry

losses and vexations。

To find one; good property will come into her possession。


To see your own brain in a dream; denotes uncongenial surroundings

will irritate and dwarf you into an unpleasant companion。

To see the brains of animals; foretells that you will

suffer mental trouble。

If you eat them; you will gain knowledge; and profit unexpectedly。


To dream of brambles entangling you; is a messenger of evil。

Law suits will go against you; and malignant sickness attack you;

or some of your family。


To dream of brandy; foretells that while you may reach heights of distinction

and wealth; you will lack that innate refinement which wins true friendship

from people whom you most wish to please。


It betokens; if full of fruit and green leaves; wealth; many delightful

hours with friends。  If they are dried; sorrowful news of the absent。


To dream of brass; denotes that you will rise rapidly in your profession;

but while of apparently solid elevation you will secretly fear

a downfall of fortune。


Hearing an ass bray; is significant of unwelcome tidings or intrusions。


For a woman to dream of eating bread; denotes that she will be afflicted

with children of stubborn will; for whom she will spend many days of useless

labor and worry。

To dream of breaking bread with others; indicates an assured

competence through life。

To see a lot of impure bread; want and misery will burden the dreamer。

If the bread is good and you have access to it; it is a favorable dream。

'24' See Baking and Crust。


Breakage is a bad dream。  To dream of breaking any of your limbs;

denotes bad management and probable failures。  To break furniture;

denotes domestic quarrels and an unquiet state of the mind。

To break a window; signifies bereavement。  To see a broken ring

order will be displaced by furious and dangerous uprisings;

such as jealous contentions often cause。


Is favorable to persons engaged in mental work。  To see a breakfast

of fresh milk and eggs and a well filled dish of ripe fruit;

indicates hasty; but favorable changes。

If you are eating alone; it means you will fall into your enemies' trap。

If you are eating with others it is good。

'25' See Meals。


To come close to a person in your dreaming with a pure and sweet breath;

commendable will be your conduct; and a profitable consummation of business

deals will follow。

Breath if fetid; indicates sickness and snares。

Losing one's breath; denotes signal failure where success seemed assured。


To dream of being in a vast brewing establishment; means unjust

persecution by public officials; but you will eventually prove

your innocence and will rise far above your persecutors。

Brewing in any way in your dreams; denotes anxiety at the outset;

but usually ends in profit and satisfaction。


To see yourself caught among briars; black enemies are weaving cords of

calumny and perjury intricately around you and will cause you great distress;

but if you succeed in disengaging yourself from the briars; loyal friends

will come to your assistance in every emergency。


Brick in a dream; indicates unsettled business and disagreements

in love affairs。  To make them you will doubtless fail in your

efforts to amass great wealth。


For a young woman to dream that she is a bride; foretells that

she will shortly come into an inheritance which will please

her exceedingly; if she is pleased in making her bridal toilet。

If displeasure is felt she will suffer disappointments

in her anticipations。

To dream that you kiss a bride; denotes a happy reconciliation

between friends。  For a bride to kiss others; foretells for you many

friends and pleasures; to kiss you; denotes you will enjoy health

and find that your sweetheart will inherit unexpected fortune。

To kiss a bride and find that she looks careworn and ill;

denotes you will be displeased with your success and the action

of your friends。

If a bride dreams that she is indifferent to her husband; it foretells

that many unhappy circumstances will pollute her pleasures。

'26' See Wedding。


To see a long bridge dilapidated; and mysteriously winding

into darkness; profound melancholy over the loss of dearest

possessions and dismal situations will fall upon you。

To the young and those in love; disappointment in the heart's

fondest hopes; as the loved one will fall below your ideal。

To cross a bridge safely; a final surmounting of difficulties;

though the means seem hardly safe to use。  Any obstacle

or delay denotes disaster。

To see a bridge give way before you; beware of treachery and false admirers。

Affluence comes with clear waters。  Sorrowful returns of best efforts are

experienced after looking upon or coming in contact with muddy or turbid

water in dreams。


To dream of a bridle; denotes you will engage in some enterprise which will

afford much worry; but will eventually terminate in pleasure and gain。

If it is old or broken you will have difficulties to encounter;

and the probabilities are that you will go down before them。

A blind bridle signifies you will be deceived by some wily enemy;

or some woman will entangle you in an intrigue。

_Bridle Bits_。

To see bridle bits in your dreams; foretells you will subdue

and overcome any obstacle opposing your advancement or happiness。

If they break or are broken you will be surprised into making

concessions to enemies;


To dream of brimstone; foretells that discreditable dealings will lose

you many friends。  if you fail to rectify the mistakes you are making。

To see fires of brimstone; denotes you will be threatened with loss

by contagion in your vicinity。


To dream that you are affected with bronchitis; foretells you will be detained

from pursuing your views and plans by unfortunate complications of sickness

in your home。

To suffer with bronchitis in a dream; denotes that discouraging prospects

of winning desired objects will soon loom up before you。


For a woman to dream of a bronze statue; signifies that she will fail

in her efforts to win the person she has determined on for a husband。

If the statue simulates life; or moves; she will be

involved in a love affair; but no marriage will occur。

Disappointment to some person may follow the dream。

To dream of bronze serpents or insects; foretells you will be pursued

by envy and ruin。  To see bronze metals; denotes your fortune will be

uncertain and unsatisfactory。


To see a fowl with her brood; denotes that; if you are a woman;

your cares will be varied and irksome。  Many children will be

in your care; and some of them will prove wayward and unruly。

Brood; to others; denotes accumulation of wealth。


To dream of brooms; denotes thrift and rapid improvement in

your fortune; if the brooms are new。  If they are seen in use;

you will lose in speculation。  For a woman to lose a broom;

foretells that she will prove a disagreeable and slovenly

wife and housekeeper。


Broth denotes the sincerity of friends。  They will uphold you in

all instances。  If you need pecuniary aid it will be forthcoming。

To lovers; it promises a strong and lasting attachment。

To make broth; you will rule your own and others' fate。


To dream of being in a brothel; denotes you will encounter disgrace

through your material indulgence。


To see your brothers; while dreaming; full of energy; you will

have cause to rejoice at your own; or their good fortune;

but if they are poor and in distress; or begging for assistance;

you will be called to a deathbed soon; or some dire loss will

overwhelm you or them。


To dream of using a hair…brush; denotes you will suffer

misfortune from your mismanagement。  To see old hair brushes;

denotes sickness and ill health。  To see clothes brushes;

indicates a heavy task is pending over you。

If you are busy brushing your clothes; you will soon receive reimbursement

for laborious work。  To see miscellaneous brushes; foretells a varied line

of work; yet withal; rather pleasing and remunerative。


To dream of buckles; foretells that you will be beset with invitations to

places of pleasure; and your affairs will be in danger of chaotic confusion。


If a woman dreams that she kills a lot of buffaloes; she will

undertake a stupendous enterprise; but by enforcing will power

and leaving off material pleasures; she will win commendation

from men; and may receive long wished for favors。  Buffalo; seen in

a dream; augurs obstinate and powerful but stupid enemies。

They will boldly declare against you but by diplomacy you

will escape much misfortune。


To hear joyous blasts from a bugle; prepare for some unusual happiness;

as a harmony of good things for you is being formed by unseen powers。

Blowing a bugle; denotes fortunate dealings。


To dream of bugs denotes that some disgustingly revolting complications

will rise in your daily life。  Families will suffer from the carelessness

of servants; and sickness may follow。


To see large and magnificent buildings; with green lawns stretching

out before them; is significant of a long life of plenty; and travels

and explorations into distant countries。

Small and newly built houses; denote happy homes and

profitable undertakings; but; if old and filthy buildings;

ill health and decay of love and business will follow。


To see one pursuing you; business trouble; through envious

and jealous competitors; will harass you。

If a young woman meets a bull; she will have an offer of marriage; but;

by declining this offer; she will better her fortune。

To see a bull goring a person; misfortun

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