10,000 dreams interpreted-第58章
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success in all enterprises undertaken at this time。
To cook them; denotes that you will be economical and thrifty
in your home。
_Pane of Glass_。
To dream that you handle a pane of glass; denotes that you are dealing
in uncertainties。 If you break it; your failure will be accentuated。
To talk to a person through a pane of glass; denotes that there
are obstacles in your immediate future; and they will cause you
no slight inconvenience。
To dream of a panorama; denotes that you will change your
occupation or residence。 You should curb your inclinations
for change of scene and friends。
To see a panther and experience fright; denotes that contracts in love
or business may be canceled unexpectedly; owing to adverse influences
working against your honor。 But killing; or over…powering it;
you will experience joy and be successful in your undertakings。
Your surroundings will take on fair prospects。
If one menaces you by its presence; you will have disappointments
in business。 Other people will likely recede from their promises to you。
If you hear the voice of a panther; and experience terror
or fright; you will have unfavorable news; coming in the way
of reducing profit or gain; and you may have social discord;
no fright forebodes less evil。
A panther; like the cat; seen in a dream; portends evil to the dreamer;
unless he kills it。
To dream of seeing pantomimes; denotes that your friends will deceive you。
If you participate in them; you will have cause of offense。
Affairs will not prove satisfactory。
_Paper or parchment_。
If you have occasion in your dreams to refer to; or handle;
any paper or parchment; you will be threatened with losses。
They are likely to be in the nature of a lawsuit。
For a young woman; it means that she will be angry with her
lover and that she fears the opinion of acquaintances。
Beware; if you are married; of disagreements in the precincts
of the home。
To dream of parables; denotes that you will be undecided as to the best
course to pursue in dissenting to some business complication。 To the lover;
or young woman; this is a prophecy of misunderstandings and disloyalty。
To dream that you are in Paradise; means loyal friends; who are
willing to aid you。 This dream holds out bright hopes to sailors
or those about to make a long voyage。 To mothers; this means
fair and obedient children。 If you are sick and unfortunate;
you will have a speedy recovery and your fortune will ripen。
To lovers; it is the promise of wealth and faithfulness。
To dream that you start to Paradise and find yourself bewildered and lost;
you will undertake enterprises which look exceedingly feasible and full
of fortunate returns; but which will prove disappointing and vexatious。
Paralysis is a bad dream; denoting financial reverses and disappointment
in literary attainment。 To lovers; it portends a cessation of affections。
To dream of a parasol; denotes; for married people; illicit enjoyments。
If a young woman has this dream; she will engage in many flirtations;
some of which will cause her interesting disturbances; lest her lover
find out her inclinations。
'146' See Umbrella。
To dream of a parcel being delivered to you; denotes that you
will be pleasantly surprised by the return of some absent one;
or be cared for in a worldly way。
If you carry a parcel; you will have some unpleasant task to perform。
To let a parcel fall on the way as you go to deliver it;
you will see some deal fail to go through。
To dream that you are endeavoring to gain pardon for an offense
which you never committed; denotes that you will be troubled;
and seemingly with cause; over your affairs; but it will finally
appear that it was for your advancement。 If offense was committed;
you will realize embarrassment in affairs。
To receive pardon; you will prosper after a series of misfortunes。
'147' See kindred words。
To see your parents looking cheerful while dreaming; denotes harmony
and pleasant associates。
If they appear to you after they are dead; it is a warning of
approaching trouble; and you should be particular of your dealings。
To see them while they are living; and they seem to be
in your home and happy; denotes pleasant changes for you。
To a young woman; this usually brings marriage and prosperity。
If pale and attired in black; grave disappointments will harass you。
To dream of seeing your parents looking robust and contented; denotes you are
under fortunate environments; your business and love interests will flourish。
If they appear indisposed or sad; you will find life's favors passing you
by without recognition。
'148' See Father and Mother。
To dream of walking through a well…kept park; denotes enjoyable leisure。
If you walk with your lover; you will be comfortably and happily married。
Ill…kept parks; devoid of green grasses and foliage; is ominous
of unexpected reverses。
Parrots chattering in your dreams; signifies frivolous employments and idle
gossip among your friends。
To see them in repose; denotes a peaceful intermission of family broils。
For a young woman to dream that she owns a parrot; denotes that her lover
will believe her to be quarrelsome。
To teach a parrot; you will have trouble in your private affairs。
A dead parrot; foretells the loss of social friends。
To dream of parsley; denotes hard…earned success; usually the surroundings
of the dreamer are healthful and lively。
To eat parsley; is a sign of good health; but the care of a large
family will be your portion。
To see or eat parsnips; is a favorable omen of successful business or trade;
but love will take on unfavorable and gloomy aspects。
To dream of parting with friends and companions; denotes that many little
vexations will come into your daily life。
If you part with enemies; it is a sign of success in love and business。
To dream of seeing your business partner with a basket of crockery
on his back; and; letting it fall; gets it mixed with other crockery;
denotes your business will sustain a loss through the indiscriminate
dealings of your partner。 If you reprimand him for it; you will;
to some extent; recover the loss。
To dream of forming a partnership with a man; denotes uncertain
and fluctuating money affairs。 If your partner be a woman;
you will engage in some enterprise which you will endeavor
to keep hidden from friends。
To dissolve an unpleasant partnership; denotes that things will arrange
themselves agreeable to your desires; but if the partnership was pleasant;
there will be disquieting news and disagreeable turns in your affairs。
Partridges seen in your dreams; denotes that conditions will be
good in your immediate future for the accumulation of property。
To ensnare them; signifies that you will be fortunate in expectations。
To kill them; foretells that you will be successful; but much
of your wealth will be given to others。
To eat them; signifies the enjoyment of deserved honors。
To see them flying; denotes that a promising future is before you。
To dream of an unknown party of men assaulting you for your money
or valuables; denotes that you will have enemies banded together against you。
If you escape uninjured; you will overcome any opposition; either in
business or love。
To dream of attending a party of any kind for pleasure; you will find
that life has much good; unless the party is an inharmonious one。
To dream that you see passengers coming in with their luggage;
denotes improvement in your surroundings。 If they are leaving
you will lose an opportunity of gaining some desired property。
If you are one of the passengers leaving home; you will be
dissatisfied with your present living and will seek to change it。
_Passing Bell_。
To hear a passing bell; unexpected intelligence of the sorrow
or illness of the absent。
To ring one yourself; denotes ill health and reverses。
To dream of a password; foretells you will have influential aid
in some slight trouble soon to attack you。 For a woman to dream
that she has given away the password; signifies she will endanger
her own standing through seeking frivolous or illicit desires。
To dream of pasteboard; denotes that unfaithful friends will deceive
you concerning important matters。 To cut pasteboard; you will throw
aside difficulties in your struggle to reach eminent positions。
To dream of pastry; denotes that you will be deceived by some artful person。
To eat it; implies heartfelt friendships。
If a young woman dreams that she is cooking it; she will fail
to deceive others as to her real intentions。
'149' See Pies。
To dream that you have patches upon your clothing; denotes that you
will show no false pride in the discharge of obligations。
To see others wearing patches; denotes want and misery are near。
If a young woman discovers a patch on her new dress; it indicates
that she will find trouble facing her when she imagines her happiest
moments are approaching near。 If she tries to hide the patches;
she will endeavor to keep some ugly trait in her character from her lover。
If she is patching; she will assume duties for which she has no liking。
For a woman to do family patching; denotes close and loving bonds
in the family; but a scarcity of means is portended。
To dream of securing a patent; denotes that you will be careful
and painstaking with any task you set about to accomplish。
If you fail in securing your patent; you will suffer failure
for the reason that you are engaging in enterprises for which you
have no ability。
If you buy one; you will have occasion to make a tiresome
and fruitless journey。
To see one; you will suffer unpleasantness from illness。
_Patent Medicine_。
To dream that you resort to patent medicine in your search for health;
denotes that you will use desperate measures in advancing your fortune;
but you will succeed; to the disappointment of the envious。
To see or manufacture patent medicines; you will rise from obscurity
to positions above your highest imaginings。
To dream that you are walking in a narrow and rough path;
stumbling over rocks and other obstructions; denotes that you
will have a rough encounter with adversity; and feverish