10,000 dreams interpreted-第61章
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and your wife or lover will lead you a wretched existence。
If you are afflicted with the plague; you will keep your
business out of embarrassment with the greatest maneuvering。
If you are trying to escape it; some trouble; which looks impenetrable;
is pursuing you。
For a young woman to dream of crossing a plain; denotes that she
will be fortunately situated; if the grasses are green and luxuriant;
if they are arid; or the grass is dead; she will have much
discomfort and loneliness。
'159' See Prairie。
To dream that you use a plane; denotes that your liberality and successful
efforts will be highly commended。
To see carpenters using their planes; denotes that you will progress
smoothly in your undertakings。
To dream of seeing planes; denotes congeniality and even success。
A love of the real; and not the false; is portended by this dream。
To dream of a planet; foretells an uncomfortable journey and depressing work。
For a young woman to dream that she is walking across muddy water
on a rotten plank; denotes that she will feel keenly the indifference
shown her by one she loves; or other troubles may arise;
or her defence of honor may be in danger of collapse。
Walking a good; sound plank; is a good omen; but a person will have
to be unusually careful in conduct after such a dream。
To dream of seeing walls plainly plastered; denotes that success will come;
but it will not be stable。
To have plaster fall upon you; denotes unmitigated disasters and disclosure。
To see plasterers at work; denotes that you will have a sufficient
competency to live above penury。
For a woman to dream of plates; denotes that she will practise economy and win
a worthy husband。 If already married; she will retain her husband's love
and respect by the wise ordering of his household。
'160' See Dishes。
For a young woman to dream that she attends a play;
foretells that she will be courted by a genial friend;
and will marry to further her prospects and pleasure seeking。
If there is trouble in getting to and from the play;
or discordant and hideous scenes; she will be confronted
with many displeasing surprises。
'161' See Theater。
To dream of pleasure; denotes gain and personal enjoyment。
'162' See Joy。
To dream of a plow; signifies unusual success; and affairs will reach
a pleasing culmination。
To see persons plowing; denotes activity and advancement
in knowledge and fortune。
For a young woman to see her lover plowing; indicates that she will have
a noble and wealthy husband。 Her joys will be deep and lasting。
To plow yourself; denotes rapid increase in property and joys。
Plums; if they are green; unless seen on trees; are signs of personal
and relative discomfort。
To see them ripe; denotes joyous occasions; which; however; will be
of short duration。
To eat them; denotes that you will engage in flirtations
and other evanescent pleasures。
To gather them; you will obtain your desires; but they will not prove
so solid as you had imagined。
If you find yourself gathering them up from the ground; and find rotten
ones among the good; you will be forced to admit that your expectations
are unrealized; and that there is no life filled with pleasure alone。
To dream of your pocket; is a sign of evil demonstrations against you。
To find a pocketbook filled with bills and money in your dreams;
you will be quite lucky; gaining in nearly every instance your desire。
If empty; you will be disappointed in some big hope。
If you lose your pocketbook; you will unfortunately disagree with your
best friend; and thereby lose much comfort and real gain。
To dream of some one stabbing you with a poinard; denotes that secret
enemies will cause you uneasiness of mind。
If you attack any person with one of these weapons; you will unfortunately
suspect your friends of unfaithfulness。
Dreaming of poinards; omens evil。
'163' See Dagger。
To fed that you are poisoned in a dream; denotes that some painful
influence will immediately reach you。
If you seek to use poison on others; you will be guilty of base thoughts;
or the world will go wrong for you。
For a young woman to dream that she endeavors to rid herself
of a rival in this way; she will be likely to have a deal
of trouble in securing a lover。
To throw the poison away; denotes that by sheer force you
will overcome unsatisfactory conditions。
To handle poison; or see others with it; signifies that unpleasantness
will surround you。
To dream that your relatives or children are poisoned; you will receive
injury from unsuspected sources。
If an enemy or rival is poisoned; you will overcome obstacles。
To recover from the effects of poison; indicates that you
will succeed after worry。
To take strychnine or other poisonous medicine under the advice
of a physician; denotes that you will undertake some affair
fraught with danger。
To dream of seeing a red hot poker; or fighting with one;
signifies that you will meet trouble with combative energy。
To play at poker; warns you against evil company; and young women;
especially; will lose their moral distinctiveness if they find
themselves engaged in this game。
_Polar Bear_。'164'
Polar bears in dreams; are prognostic of deceit;
as misfortune will approach you in a seeming fair aspect。
Your bitterest enemies will wear the garb of friendship。
Rivals will try to supersede you。
To see the skin of one; denotes that you will successfully
overcome any opposition。
'164' See Bear。
To dream of a pole…cat; signifies salacious scandals。
To inhale the odor of a pole…cat on your clothes; or otherwise smell one;
you will find that your conduct will be considered rude; and your affairs
will prove unsatisfactory。
To kill one; denotes that you will overcome formidable obstacles。
If the police are trying to arrest you for some crime of which you
are innocent; it foretells that you will successfully outstrip rivalry。
If the arrest is just; you will have a season of unfortunate incidents。
To see police on parole; indicates alarming fluctuations in affairs。
To dream of polishing any article; high attainments will place
you in enviable positions。
To dream of a politician; denotes displeasing companionships;
and incidences where you will lose time and means。
If you engage in political wrangling; it portends that misunderstandings
and ill feeling will be shown you by friends。
For a young woman to dream of taking interest in politics;
warns her against designing duplicity;
To dream of dancing the polka; denotes pleasant occupations。
'165' See Dancing。
Pomegranates; when dreamed of; denotes that you will wisely use
your talents for the enrichment of the mind rather than seeking
those pleasures which destroy morality and health。
If your sweetheart gives you one; you will be lured by artful
wiles to the verge of distraction by woman's charms; but inner
forces will hold you safe from thralldom。
To eat one; signifies that you will yield yourself a captive
to the personal charms of another。
To see a pond in your dream; denotes that events will bring no emotion;
and fortune will retain a placid outlook。
If the pond is muddy; you will have domestic quarrels。
'166' See Water Puddle and kindred words。
To see ponies in your dreams; signifies moderate speculations
will be rewarded with success。
To dream that you; or any of your friends; appear to be poor;
is significant of worry and losses。
'167' See Pauper。
To see a poor…house in your dream; denotes you have unfaithful friends;
who will care for you only as they can use your money and belongings。
Any dream in which you see the Pope; without speaking to him;
warns you of servitude。 You will bow to the will of some master;
even to that of women。
To speak to the Pope; denotes that certain high honors are in store for you。
To see the Pope looking sad or displeased; warns you against vice or sorrow
of some kind。
To dream of seeing poplars; is an omen of good; if they are in leaf or bloom。
For a young woman to stand by her lover beneath the blossoms and leaves
of a tulip poplar; she will realize her most extravagant hopes。
Her lover will be handsome and polished。 Wealth and friends will be hers。
If they are leafless and withered; she will meet with disappointments。
Poppies seen in dreams; represents a season of seductive pleasures
and flattering business; but they all occupy unstable foundations。
If you inhale the odor of one; you will be the victim of artful
persuasions and flattery。
(The mesmeric influence of the poppy inducts one into strange atmospheres;
leaving materiality behind while the subjective self explores these realms
as in natural sleep; yet these dreams do not bear truthful warnings
to the material man。 Being; in a manner; enforced。)
To dream of porcelain; signifies you will have favorable opportunities
of progressing in your affairs。 To see it broken or soiled;
denotes mistakes will be made which will cause grave offense。
To dream of a porch; denotes that you will engage a new undertakings;
and the future will be full of uncertainties。
If a young woman dreams that she is with her lover on a porch;
implies her doubts of some one's intentions。
To dream that you build a porch; you will assume new duties。
To see a porcupine in your dreams; denotes that you will disapprove
any new enterprise and repel new friendships with coldness。
For a young woman to dream of a porcupine; portends that she
will fear her lover。
To see a dead one; signifies your abolishment of ill feelings and possessions。
If you eat pork in your dreams; you will encounter real trouble;
but if you only see pork; you will come out of a conflict victoriously。
'168' See Bacon。
To see a porpoise in your dreams; denotes enemies are thrusting
your interest aside; through your own inability to keep people
interested in you。
Seeing a porter in a dream; denotes decided bad luck and eventful happenings。