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10,000 dreams interpreted-第7章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页3500字

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Q。If that is so; why can't you tell us accurately of our future

as you do of our past?

A。Because events are like a procession; they pass a few at a time

and cast a shadow on subjective minds; and those which have passed

before the waking mind are felt by other minds also and necessarily

make a more lasting impression on the subjective mind。

* * * *

Q。To illustrate:  A person on retiring or closing his eyes had a face

appear to him; the forehead well formed but the lower parts distorted。

Explain this phenomenon?

A。A changed state from perfect sleep or waking possessed him。

Now; the man's face was only the expression of his real

thoughts and the state of his business combined。

His thoughts were strong and healthy; but his business fagging;

hence his own spirit is not a perfect likeness of his own soul;

as it takes every atom of earthly composition perfectly normal

to reproduce a perfect spirit picture of the soul or mortal man。

He would have seen a true likeness of himself had conditions

been favorable; thus a man knows when a complete whole is

his portion。  Study to make surroundings always harmonious。

Life is only being perfectly carried on when these conditions

are in unison。


Keep the mind clear and as free from material rubbish as is

possible and go to sleep in a negative condition (this will;

of course; have to be cultivated by the subject)。 A person can;

if he will; completely relax his mind and body to the receptive

mood required for dreams to appear as realities; or true

explanations of future events。

* * * *

To dream you are conversing with a dead relative; and that

relative endeavors to extract a promise from you; warns you

of coming distress unless you follow the advice given。

Disastrous consequences could be averted if minds could grasp

the inner workings and sight of the higher or spiritual self。

The voice of relatives is only that higher self taking form to approach

more distinctly the mind that lives near the material plane。

There is so little congeniality between common or material

natures that persons should depend more largely upon their own

subjectivity for true contentment and pleasure。

* * * *


The will is suspended during sleep; so the dream mind is more a prey

to excitability than the waking mind。

Thus when images appear upon the dream vision they are frequently distorted

into hideous malformations that fill it with fear and excitement。


The constant dwelling of the mind upon certain things distorts

their shapes upon subjectivity; thus throwing dreams in exactly

opposite channels to the waking reality。  Yet the dreamer always

feels a sense of being awake in dreams like these; and on awakening

experiences no recuperation of mind or body after such contrary dreams;

Sleep is not fully sustained while the dreamer is held by material

ideas in the subjective state。

* * * *


The cessation of the organs to perform healthful functions converts

a man into a different person; and dreams while in this state would

have no prophetic meaning; unless to warn the dreamer of this

disorganization of his physical system。

Dreams are symbols used by subjectivity to impress the objective

or material mind with a sense of coming good or evil。  Subjectivity is

the spiritual part of man。  The soul is that circle of man lying

just outside the gross materiality and partaking largely of it。

All thoughts and desires enter first the soul or material mind

and then cast themselves on the spirit。  Frequently the soul becomes

so filled with material or present ideas; that the spiritual symbols

are crowded out; and then it is that dreams seen to be contrary。

Material subjectivity; that is; all thoughts and ideas emanating

from material sources; go to make up this circle; then the mind

catches up the better thoughts of this section and weaves them

into a broader and more comprehensive power; sustaining the owner

in his own judgment。

And still another circle is formed of the finer compound of this;

which is spiritual subjectivity; or the highest element of intelligence

reached by man。  'This circle is ‘‘the spiritual man'' and relates

in substance to the spiritual soul of the macrocosm or universe。

It becomes strong or weak as we recognize or fail to recognize

it as a factor of being。  The process of spiritual development

is similar to that of the vegetable and animal kingdoms。

The trees on the outer rim of the forest are more capable of resisting

the wind than those more to the center; by reason of their exposure

to storms; the roots have penetrated with double strength far

into the earth; and the branches are braced with toughened bark

and closely knitted ligaments。

The same may be said of the animal kingdom。  The mind is developed

by vigorous exercise just as are likewise the muscles of the body。

The more these are cultivated by drawing from their parental affinities

in the macrocosm; the more knowledge or power they take on。

Thus as a man simulates in thought and action an ape; a tiger; a goat;

a snake or a lamb he takes on their characteristics and is swayed by

like influences to enmity; meekness; covetousness and avariciousness。

To illustrate further。  If he is cunning he draws on the fox of

the microcosm and becomes; in action and thought; like that animal。

If selfishness survives; the hog principle is aroused from its latent

cells in the microcosm and he is dominated by material appetites。

In a similar way he may perceive the spiritual in himself。

Nature's laws; with all their numberless and intricate ramifications

are simple in their harmony of process and uniformity of purpose

when applied to the physical and ethical developments of man。'

Possibilities for inner improvements or expansions rest with material man。

If he entertains gross desires to the exclusion of spiritual germs;

he will dwarf and degrade higher aspirations; and thus deprive subjective

spirituality of her rightful possessions。

* * * *

Nature; in compounding the materials for the creation of the deaf man;

inadvertently dropped the ingredient sound; hence making an imperfect being;

and sound; being thus foreign to his nature; he can only be approached

by signs even in dreams。  Subjectivity uses nature's forces;

while a normal person uses dreams to work on his waking consciousness。

As it is impossible to use with effect a factor which a man does not

naturally possess; a deaf man rarely ever dreams of sound; or a blind

man of light。

* * * *


Whatever symbol is used to impress the dreamer is the one

which is likely to warn him more definitely than any other。

No two persons being ever in the same state at the same time;

the same symbols would hardly convey identical impressions;

neither will the same dream be as effective in all cases

of business or love with the same dreamer。

A person's dream perception wavers; much as it does in waking hours。

You fail to find the same fragrance in the rose at all times;

though the same influences seemingly surround you; and thus it is

that different dreams must be used for different persons to convey

the same meaning。

Creation; confident of her power to perfect her designs;

does not resort to that monotony in her work; which might result

were the perception of man; or the petals and fragrance of flowers

cast from one stereotyped mold of intelligence; beauty or sweetness。

This variety of scheme runs through all creation。

You think you have identical dreams; but there is always

some variation; even if it be something dreamed immediately over。

Nature is no sluggard and is forever changing her compounds;

so that there is bound to be change in the details even of dreams。

This change would not materially affect the approach of happiness

or sorrow in different people; and hence the same dreams are

reliable for all。

Persons of the same or similar temperament will be more deeply

impressed by a certain dream than would people their opposite;

and though the dream cannot be the same in detail yet it is

apparently the same; just as two like flowers are called roses;

though they are not identical。

If a young woman twenty…five and a girl of fifteen should each have a dream

of marriage; the same definition would apply to each; just the same

as if they would each approach a flower and smell of it differently。

Different influences will possess them unconsciously; though the outward

appearance be the same。

A young woman of a certain age is warned in a dream of trouble

likely to befall her; while another of similar age and

threatened trouble is warned also; but in different symbols;

which she fails to grasp and bring back to waking existence;

and she thus believes she has had no warning dream。

There are those in the world who lack subjective strength;

material or spiritual; and hence they fail to receive dreams;

however symbolic; because there is no power within them

to retain these impressions。

There are many reasons for this loss; utter material gross…ness; want

of memory; physical weakness uncoupled from extreme nervousness;

and total lack of faith in any warning or revelation purporting

or coming from the dream consciousness。

To dream at night and the following day have the thing dreamed of

actually take place; or come before your notice; is not allegorical。

It is the higher or spiritual sense living or grasping the immediate

future ahead of the physical mind。  The spiritual body is

always first to come into contact with the approaching future;

it is present with it; while still future to the physical body。

There is no reason why man should not grasp coming events earlier;

only he does not cultivate inner sight as he does his outer senses。

The allegorical is used because man weakens his spiritual force

by catering to the material senses。

He clings to the pleasures and woes of the material world

to the exclusion of spirituality。



‘‘_When he was set down on the Judgment seat; his wife sent

unto him; saying; ‘Have thou nothing to do with that just man;

for I have suffered many things this day in a dream; because of him_。'

''Matthew xxvii; 19。


To dream that you are abandoned; denotes that you will have difficulty

in framing your plans for future success。

To abandon others; you will see unhappy conditions piled thick around you;

leaving little hope of surmounting them。

If it is your house that you abandon; you will soon come to grief

in experimenting with fortune。

If you abandon your sweetheart; you will fail to r

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