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first across the continent |热度 8 | | 上传: 怀疑一切 |更新时间:2020-10-15
First Across the Continentby Noah BrooksThe Story ofThe Exploring Expedition of Lewisand Clark in 1804-5-6Chapter IA Great Transaction in LandThe people of the young Republic of the United States were greatly astonished, in the summer of 1803, to learn that Napoleon Bonaparte, then First Consul of France, had sold to us the vast tract of land known as the country of Louisiana. The details of this purchase were arranged in Paris (on the part of the United States) by Robert R. Livingston and James Monroe. The French government was represented by Barbe-Marbois, Minister of the Public Treasury.The price to be paid for this vast domain was fifteen million dollars. The area of the country ceded was reckoned to be more than one million square miles, greater than the t... 
归航 |热度 12 | | 上传: 梦幻天书 |更新时间:2020-10-15
归航   赵海虹  “同胞们,我沉痛地宣告,某种神秘而不可抑制的病毒已开始威胁整个星球上的生命。  由于该病毒以不可知的途径迅速传播,感染者发病率和死亡率均为100%,出于无奈,我们只得将患者遗体和现有患者发射到外太空。我们忍痛舍弃患病的同胞,是为了保障大多数人的生命安全,这一点希望能得到所有人的谅解。由于死者和患者人数过多,我们将分批发射。我宣布,第一批发射准备工作开始……”  ——小引  21世纪初,《默》周刊成为世界最畅销的杂志之一。虽然是华文刊物,其海外记者的人数却占了记者总数的63%。因此,可以说《默》是以世界大舞台为着眼点的杂志。一个《默》周刊的记者证,就是一张最好的通行证。    我作为一名《默》周刊的海外记者,深切感受到了这张记者证的分量——它是畅通无阻的。靠着它,五年前我甚至对本防陈做了专人采访,那是我津津乐道的一次... 
the little duke |热度 8 | | 上传: 独来读网 |更新时间:2020-10-15
The Little Dukeby Charlotte M. YongeCHAPTER IOn a bright autumn day, as long ago as the year 943, there was a great bustle in the Castle of Bayeux in Normandy.The hall was large and low, the roof arched, and supported on thick short columns, almost like the crypt of a Cathedral; the walls were thick, and the windows, which had no glass, were very small, set in such a depth of wall that there was a wide deep window seat, upon which the rain might beat, without reaching the interior of the room. And even if it had come in, there was nothing for it to hurt, for the walls were of rough stone, and the floor of tiles. There was a fire at each end of this great dark apartment, but there were no chimneys over the ample hearths, and the smoke curled about in thick white ... 
the price she paid |热度 13 | | 上传: 圈圈 |更新时间:2020-10-15
The Price She Paidby David Graham PhillipsIHENRY GOWER was dead at sixty-onethe end of a lifelong fraud which never had been suspected, and never would be. With the world, with his acquaintances and neighbors, with his wife and son and daughter, he passed as a generous, warm-hearted, good-natured man, ready at all times to do anything to help anybody, incapable of envy or hatred or meanness. In fact, not once in all his days had he ever thought or done a single thing except for his own comfort. Like all intensely selfish people who are wise, he was cheerful and amiable, because that was the way to be healthy and happy and to have those around one agreeable and in the mood to do what one wished them to do. He told people, not the truth, not the unpleasant thin... 
the evolution of modern medici |热度 11 | | 上传: 闪啊闪 |更新时间:2020-10-17
The Evolution of Modern Medicineby William OslerA SERIES OF LECTURES DELIVERED AT YALE UNIVERSITY ON THE SILLIMAN FOUNDATION IN APRIL, 1913by WILLIAM OSLERTHE SILLIMAN FOUNDATIONIN the year 1883 a legacy of eighty thousand dollars was left to the President and Fellows of Yale College in the city of New Haven, to be held in trust, as a gift from her children, in memory of their beloved and honored mother, Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman.On this foundation Yale College was requested and directed to establish an annual course of lectures designed to illustrate the presence and providence, the wisdom and goodness of God, as manifested in the natural and moral world. These were to be designated as the Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman Memorial Lectures. It was the belief of the testa... 
林肯047 |热度 13 | | 上传: 铲除不公 |更新时间:2020-10-17
  二十、动荡      事实上,他还并未正式成为美国总统,离就任的日子尚有四个月的时间,这可谓是林肯一生中最艰难的日子了。和平年代里,总统在被提名到就任之间可以有十个月的充裕时间,来预先确定自己今后人事、国政的方针和策略,在某种意义上就相当于定婚期,在这段时间里,“总统”这个职位对于他就仿佛是新娘对于新郎一样,他在新娘的旁边绕着圈,观察着她,在结婚前的日子里可以沉默地思考,怎么去对待她,怎样才能效果更好的说服她,或者教育她;如果这位新娘是位有经验的寡妇,那他一定会怀疑,婚后的日子会不会是那种两人海誓山盟、没有日常的磨擦、令两个人都心满意足的美好时光,而倘若她是个处女,那么他便会满脑子都是至善至美的幸福幻影了。  对这一切,林肯都不抱幻想;他听不到新婚喜气洋洋的乐声,却满耳朵都是战斗的鼓声,他的担忧逐渐变成了可怕的事实,四面八方都传来坏消息,这位新总统内心世界的... 
美国众神_作者:[英]尼尔●盖曼 |热度 16 | | 上传: 中国长城网 |更新时间:2020-10-17
目录《美国众神》是一种享受《美国众神》题记第一部 影子第一章第二章第三章第四章第五章第六章第七章第八章第二部 我的安塞儿第九章第十章第十一章第十二章第十三章第三部 风暴时刻第十四章第十五章第十六章第十七章第十八章第四部 死者为何归来第十九章第二十章尾声“美国众神”简介  风暴逼近,新旧神灵大战爆发  影子刑满获释了。他的理想很简单:回到妻子身边,重拾旧日的工作和生活。但妻子死了,过去的生活也随之化为泡影。  就在他彷徨无计的时候,一个陌生人来到他身边。他有一个奇怪的名字,星期三,而且似乎对影子的一切了如指掌。他向影子提供了一份工作,充当他的保镖,陪他漫游美国。  影子上路了。但他渐渐发现,星期三所游历的美国并不完全是现实中的美国。他似乎有一种神力,能深入现实背后,进入“后台”,显示出支配美国社会生活的种种力量,见识种种奇异的人物。... 
speaking of operations(说起手 |热度 15 | | 上传: 雨帆 |更新时间:2020-10-17
Speaking of OperationsSpeaking of Operationsby Irvin S. CobbRespectfully dedicated to two classes:Those who have already been operated on Those who have not yetbeen operated on1- Page 2-Speaking of OperationsNow that the last belated bill for services professionally rendered hasbeen properly paid and properly receipted; now that the memory of theevent, like the mark of the stitches, has faded out from a vivid red to abecoming pink shade; now that I pass a display of adhesive tape in a drug-... 
7月01日 金正昆谈礼仪之西餐礼仪 |热度 13 | | 上传: 世纪史诗 |更新时间:2020-10-17
央视国际 (2005年07月04日 10:53)主讲人简介:金正昆教授,1959年出生,浙江东阳人。知名礼仪与公共关系专家,博士生导师,现任中国人民大学国际关系学院外交学系主任,礼仪与公共研究中心主任。主要从事外交学、传播学、礼仪学与公共关系学研究。主要著作有《外交学》、《现代外交学概论》等。内容简介:在人们交往范围日益广泛的今天,西餐对于我们来说已经并不陌生,外国朋友来了,吃腻了中国菜了,通常拿起刀叉,来顿西餐过过瘾,但是与中餐相比,西餐礼仪的繁琐复杂可不仅仅是筷子和刀叉的区别。人们常说,西餐吃的是情调,但是对于很多人来说,情调没吃出来,问题倒一大堆。面对三、四副刀叉该如何使用?餐具的摆放又有哪些讲究?白白的餐布到底有哪些用途?点菜又有什么技巧?今天,金正昆教授带您换换口味,您解析西餐中的礼仪。(全文)说个实话,西餐这个东西未必合我们每个人的口味。我老婆有一次私下就跟我发表过感... 
half a life-time ago |热度 13 | | 上传: 雨来不躲 |更新时间:2020-10-17
Half a Life-Time Agoby Elizabeth GaskellCHAPTER I.Half a life-time ago, there lived in one of the Westmoreland dales asingle woman, of the name of Susan Dixon. She was owner of the smallfarm-house where she resided, and of some thirty or forty acres ofland by which it was surrounded. She had also an hereditary right toa sheep-walk, extending to the wild fells that overhang Blea Tarn.In the language of the country she was a Stateswoman. Her house isyet to be seen on the Oxenfell road, between Skelwith and Coniston.You go along a moorland track, made by the carts that occasionallycame for turf from the Oxenfell. A brook babbles and brattles by thewayside, giving you a sense of companionship, which relieves the deep... 
马未都说收藏_家具篇 |热度 13 | | 上传: 蝴蝶的出走 |更新时间:2020-10-17
  我们了解历史一般通过两个途径—文献及证物。文献的局限在于执笔者的主观倾向,以及后来人的修饰,因此不能保证客观真实地再现历史。证物不言,却能真实地诉说其文化背景,描述成因。文明的形成过程是靠证物来标定坐标,汇成进程图表。  此套书共四册,分为家具篇、陶瓷篇(上)、陶瓷篇(下)、杂项篇。在中央电视台《百家讲坛》播出时受时间限制,内容不尽完整。此为全本,未做删节。全套图书,从当今百姓喜爱的传统文化入手,试图解释文明成因,展现文化魅力。只要你对文物乃至文化有兴趣,读此书就一定会乐趣无穷。  这个乐趣是你熟知的文化带给你的,而不是我。  2008年1月●【目录】▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅  第一讲  盛世收藏—历史  1  第二讲  床前明月—交椅  19  第三讲  一榻清风—床榻  34  第四讲  正襟危坐—椅凳... 
男人到底想什么:女人必读的男人 |热度 8 | | 上传: |更新时间:2020-10-19
  01  太忙了  听说连打电话的时间都没有……  "哎哟……这个男人到底在干什么?为什么一整天连一通电话都没有?"  我逐渐开始生气。认识他已经四个月了,刚开始,他经常打电话、发信息给我,最近却很少打电话给我,连信息都舍不得发一封。不仅如此,他还经常不接我的电话,明明看到了"未接来电",但直到深夜也不给我回电话。今天,我又忍不住拿起了电话。  叮铃铃……~  "嗯,慧珠啊!"  他的声音很温柔。  "这算什么?怎么一整天都不打电话给我?"  "我连打电话的时间都没有,忙死了。"  "又骗我?"  "我时时刻刻都想听到妳的声音,但目前为了新的项目而忙得晕头转向,回家后还要加班呢!妳想想,我哪有精力再打电话给妳啊?"  "不管怎样,你真是太过分了。"  "我这么埋头苦干难道仅仅为了我自己吗?如果我有成就,难道你不觉得骄傲吗?所以,妳要谅解我。我最近真的忙得连打电话的时间都没有了。"... 
an old maid |热度 8 | | 上传: 散发弄舟 |更新时间:2020-10-21
An Old Maidby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo Monsieur Eugene-Auguste-Georges-Louis Midy de la GrenerayeSurville, Royal Engineer of the Ponts at Chausses.As a testimony to the affection of his brother-in-law,De BalzacAN OLD MAIDCHAPTER IONE OF MANY CHEVALIERS DE VALOISMost persons have encountered, in certain provinces in France, anumber of Chevaliers de Valois. One lived in Normandy, another atBourges, a third (with whom we have here to do) flourished in Alencon,and doubtless the South possesses others. The number of the Valesiantribe is, however, of no consequence to the present tale. All thesechevaliers, among whom were doubtless some who were Valois as Louis... 
人在天涯--琼瑶 |热度 13 | | 上传: |更新时间:2020-10-21
琼瑶:《人在天涯》1  飞机起飞已经好一会儿了。  窗外,是一层层的云浪,云卷著云,云裹著云,云拥著云。志翔倚窗而坐,呆呆的凝 视著窗外那些重叠著的云层。第一次坐飞机,第一次越洋远行,第一次真正的离开家—— 离开台湾。心里所充塞著的感觉,就像那些卷拥堆积著的云一样;一片迷茫中却闪耀著太 阳的光华。离愁与期待,追寻与兴奋,迷惘与欣慰……都矛盾的、复杂的充满在他胸臆里 。他不知道哥哥志远当初出国时,是不是和他现在一样,也满怀有说不出来的滋味?想必 ,志远比他更增加了几分迷惘吧,因为志远那时是单独扑奔一个人地生疏的地方。而他— —志翔,却是奔向哥哥!哥哥!哥哥正在罗马,那神奇的、音乐与艺术之都!哥哥正在等 待他的到达,要他去分享他的成功。罗马,对志翔而言,罗马是许多明信画片的堆积—— 志远陆续寄回家的,他在旅行杂志上看到的,以及电影上看到的;古竞技场,大喷泉,罗 马废墟,梵谛冈... 
怜怜-(喜洋洋2)骄傲花魁 |热度 41 | | 上传: 津鸿一瞥 |更新时间:2020-10-25
喜洋洋二《骄傲花魁》 男主角:斐煜 女主角:言妙儿 其它人物:于曼曼,萧嬷嬷 故事地点:大陆 时代背景:古代 情节分类:花魁与报恩男 情欲指数:三星 推荐指数:三星 文案: 呜呜呜……她好惨哪! 本来在妓馆里当红牌花魁当得好好的 日子过得舒服惬意又自在 怎么会突然冒出个男人说要帮她赎身 以报答她当年的施舍之恩?! 这下可好,风光的花魁生活没啦 她后半辈子都得跟著这个嫌她多话的男人 也不晓得他会不会对她好…… 唉,事情已经变成这样,再怨叹也没有用 还不如以她聪明的脑袋想个好计画—— 嗯,既然她已经被他带进家门 那她就来个顺水推舟,把自己推向他 等生米煮成熟饭,她就可以坐稳少夫人的位子啦… 楔子 “可恶!我又不是不付帐,你们那种狗眼看人低的态度是怎样?” 一个相貌清秀的书生站在客栈门外愤愤不平地骂着。 “哼!你有本事就拿钱出来啊!”客栈小二趾高气昂地站在客栈门口,对... 
modeste mignon |热度 8 | | 上传: 开了 |更新时间:2020-10-25
Modeste Mignonby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo a Polish Lady.Daughter of an enslaved land, angel through love, witch throughfancy, child by faith, aged by experience, man in brain, woman inheart, giant by hope, mother through sorrows, poet in thy dreams,to THEE belongs this book, in which thy love, thy fancy, thyexperience, thy sorrow, thy hope, thy dreams, are the warp throughwhich is shot a woof less brilliant than the poesy of thy soul,whose expression, when it shines upon thy countenance, is, tothose who love thee, what the characters of a lost language are toscholars.De Balzac.MODESTE MIGNON... 
中外科学家发明家丛书:卡皮察 |热度 8 | | 上传: 九十八度 |更新时间:2020-11-01
- Page 2-彼得·列昂尼多维奇·卡皮察是前苏联物理学家、前苏联科学院院士。他最主要的工作是研究超强力磁场中的各种物理现象和低温物理学。被誉为“低温物理学之父”。1945年和1974年两次获得苏联社会主义劳动英雄称号。他曾五次获得列宁勋章。1978年10月17日,瑞典皇家科学院在他84岁高龄时授予他诺贝尔物理奖。- Page 3-一、勤奋的学生1894年6月26日,卡皮察出生在喀琅施塔得(科特林岛)一个军事工程师的家庭。父亲博学多才,上校军衔,喀琅施塔得要塞的建筑者,有才华有修养的工程师。母亲是位很有学问的妇女。她从事文学、教育和各种社会公益活动。外公是著名的数学家、天文学家、大地测量学家。他在参谋总部服务,少将军衔,并被选为俄国皇家科学院通讯院士。他周游了许多国家,是个不倦的旅行家,卡皮察继承了外公的这一爱好。... 
a treatise on good works |热度 8 | | 上传: 人生几何 |更新时间:2020-11-01
A treatise on Good Worksby Dr. Martin Luthertogether with theLetter of Dedicationby Dr. Martin Luther, 1520INTRODUCTION1. The Occasion of the Work. Luther did not impose himself asreformer upon the Church. In the course of a conscientiousperformance of the duties of his office, to which he had beenregularly and divinely called, and without any urging on hispart, he attained to this position by inward necessity. In 1515he received his appointment as the standing substitute for thesickly city pastor, Simon Heinse, from the city council ofWittenberg. Before this time he was obliged to preach onlyoccasionally in the convent, apart from his activity as teacherin the University and convent. Through this appointment he was... 
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