胭脂醉 作者:悄然无声前言 猜想这是一个交际花和军阀的故事。顾安安,顾欢欢,烟花一样的女子,只因为生在乱世,生在一个迫不得已的环境里,造就了那样一群风尘的人物。顾安安是被强迫的,从小被卖,被训练,她反抗过,但是被钢针一针一针刺到她屈服。身不由己的她不爱轩辕司九,但是抵不过对方的权势,畏他惧他但命不由人,于是她面含微笑曲意承欢。她只是在午夜无人时分,在玻璃窗上写上自己心爱这人的名字……不是不心痛的。旧时的军阀,权倾天下的男人;温婉如水,沉静的女人,况且这样一个女人是名动湖都的——注定了他们之间的故事。相遇是那样的简单,不过是火车站偶然的相遇。权倾天下。连天下都是他的,还有什么是他想要而不可得的?普天之下,莫非王土。只因为生在乱世,注定了安安的无法逃离。不知道轩辕司九是否真的对安安有情。在他的眼睛里,顾及女人的情绪实在是太过多事。他们的眼里,只有自己想要或者是不想,哪...
《亲爱的,结婚吧》 男主角:方中伟 女主角:冯洋洋 其他人物:舒芹 故事地点:台湾,美国 时代背景:现代 情节分类:情妇游戏 情欲指数:三星 推荐指数:三星 内容提要: 从小她就知道,当情妇比新娘好, 所以她生平无大志,只想当情妇! 为了达成这“伟大”的目标,她“练习”了好久, 偏偏她运气不太好,碰上一个不识相的男人, 老想着要破坏她的“百年大计”—— 好吧,她就折衷一下,就当他一个人的情妇好了! 哈,原来当情妇也不容易哩! 除了要有足够的体力、随传随到的“便利”, 还要懂得如何排遣男人不在身边的寂寞时光, 最重要的是,不能跟“正室”呛声! 呜呜呜……她后悔了啦! 现在她不想当情妇了,她想和他结婚啦…… 楔子 偌大的海滩上,只有两个小孩在堆沙堡。 其他人都让年纪较大的孩子带去城里看电影了,只剩下看来甜美,但性格却有些任性的小女孩,还有一个相貌清秀、脾气很好的小...
代序 从今年开始,琦缘将在玫瑰经典推出一系列关于四名女子的故事。他们相逢在年少纯真的岁月,六年的同窗情谊,贵族女校的寄宿背景,使得四名女子间的亲匿友谊胜过同胞手足,并带着一点暧昧与危险。 才高气傲的四名聪敏女子自然不乏追求者,然而要如何在两性追逐的游戏中出奇制胜呢?且看琦缘为你写出四部喜剧。 oK!首先推出的是──凌芊黛的故事。 芊黛在父亲为了生意上利益的前提下,将她和姊姊如贡品般双手奉上,任君挑选。外表柔顺的芊黛足否表里如一愿望父亲安排?还是……不告诉你。说了多没意思?还是请你慢慢品尝这个令人惊异的爱情故事吧! 如果你喜欢这本“狩猎你的心”,也别忘记耐心等待女主角芊黛的众好友粉墨登场吧! 猜猜看,狂野不羁的周红霓、倾城倾国的苏妍妍、冷面女诸葛欧阳敏,谁会先遇上“命中注定的有缘人”呢?至于故事内容……嘻!先卖个关子吧!保证仍是轻松诙谐的浪漫喜剧哟!...
400 BCON HEMORRHOIDSby Hippocratestranslated by Francis AdamsThe disease of the hemorrhoids is formed in this way: if bile orphlegm be determined to the veins in the rectum, it heats the blood inthe veins; and these veins becoming heated attract blood from thenearest veins, and being gorged the inside of the gut swellsoutwardly, and the heads of the veins are raised up, and being atthe same time bruised by the faeces passing out, and injured by theblood collected in them, they squirt out blood, most frequentlyalong with the faeces, but sometimes without faeces. It is to be curedthus:...
75 ADCICERO106-43 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenCICEROIT is generally said, that Helvia, the mother of Cicero, was bothwell-born and lived a fair life; but of his father nothing is reportedbut in extremes. For whilst some would have him the son of a fuller,and educated in that trade, others carry back the origin of his familyto Tullus Attius, an illustrious king of the Volscians, who wagedwar not without honour against the Romans. However, he who first ofthat house was surnamed Cicero seems to have been a person worthy to...
The Cavalry GeneralThe Cavalry GeneralBy XenophonTranslation by H. G. Dakyns1- Page 2-The Cavalry GeneralXenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates.He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gavehim land and property in Scillus, where he lived for many years beforehaving to move once more, to settle in Corinth. He died in 354 B.C.The Cavalry General is a discourse on the merits a cavalry general, orhipparch, in Athens should have. Xenophon also describes the...
METEOROLOGYby Aristotletranslated by E. W. WebsterBook I1WE have already discussed the first causes of nature, and allnatural motion, also the stars ordered in the motion of the heavens,and the physical element-enumerating and specifying them and showinghow they change into one another-and becoming and perishing ingeneral. There remains for consideration a part of this inquirywhich all our predecessors called meteorology. It is concerned withevents that are natural, though their order is less perfect than...
Against Apion.(1)by Flavius JosephusTranslated by William WhistonBOOK 1.1. I Suppose that by my books of the Antiquity of the Jews, most excellent Epaphroditus, (2) have made it evident to those who peruse them, that our Jewish nation is of very great antiquity, and had a distinct subsistence of its own originally; as also, I have therein declared how we came to inhabit this country wherein we now live. Those Antiquities contain the history of five thousand years, and are taken out of our sacred books, but are translated by me into the Greek tongue. However, since I observe a considerable number of people giving ear to the reproaches that are laid against us by those who bear ill-will to us, and will not believe what I have written concerning the antiquity of our...
The Seven Poor Travellersby Charles DickensCHAPTER IIN THE OLD CITY OF ROCHESTERStrictly speaking, there were only six Poor Travellers; but, being aTraveller myself, though an idle one, and being withal as poor as Ihope to be, I brought the number up to seven. This word ofexplanation is due at once, for what says the inscription over thequaint old door?RICHARD WATTS, Esq.by his Will, dated 22 Aug. 1579,founded this Charityfor Six poor Travellers,who not being ROGUES, or PROCTORS,May receive gratis for one Night,Lodging, Entertainment,and Fourpence each.It was in the ancient little city of Rochester in Kent, of all thegood days in the year upon a Christmas-eve, that I stood reading...
《12.北 妻 》作者:湛清[内容简介] 夏严军这男人从见她的第一眼起,就毫不隐瞒对她的浓厚兴趣、欲望,他的追求很直接,占有她的方式很霸道,才约会几次就对她吃干抹净。这样的他却拒绝相信爱情,不愿被束缚、占有,也许她该先放手才能得到更多……他要的女人,绝对要乖、要听话、要给他最大的自由、要懂得不要逼他给承诺。邵余晞完全符合这个条件,她懂得分寸,妥贴地照顾他,跟她在一起舒服又自在。在一起两年多来,她就像只乖顺的猫咪,然而这只乖猫咪忽然毫无预警地离开了。她这一走,教他看见自己的爱情有多自私,没她陪伴有多煎熬,他不要这样…… 第一章 『北妻 』 作者:湛清 长长的红毯尾端连接着布置庄严却又浪漫的圣坛,光线从窗户穿进来,落在一对新人身上。 尽管新娘的性子依然急躁,新郎的动作依然笨拙而腼腆,坐在观礼席的邵余晞还是偷偷湿了眼眶。 光美平常做事情粗枝大叶,但是今天的她漂亮极了。...
daughters, one ugly and wicked, and this one she loved because shewas her own daughter, and one beautiful and good, and this one shehated, because she was her step-daughter. The step-daughter once hada pretty apron, which the other fancied so much that she becameenvious, and told her mother that she must and would have that apron.Be quiet, my child, said the old woman, and you shall have it. Yourstep-sister has long deserved death, to-night when she is asleep Iwill come and cut her head off. Only be careful that you are at thefar-side of the bed, and push her well to the front. It would havebeen all over with the poor girl if she had not just then beenstanding in a corner, and heard everything.All day long she dared not go out of doors, and when bed-time had...
《美丽密码》******************《美丽密码》 内容介绍 《美丽密码—从头到脚,全面解密美丽的内涵》 改变一生的美容计划 韩国超级畅销 的美容类图书 从头到脚,完美设计女性!来自韩国的六位一流美容专家,告诉你美丽健康必备信息,给予你专家的经验和指导。 内容介绍 形象设计:塑造魅力十足的我;发型:亮丽秀发的诱惑;面部:皮肤美人,真正美人; 身体:塑造迷人身体曲线;手和指甲:将美丽贯彻到指尖;脚:美人美到脚;《美丽密码》 美丽从头开始 美丽从头开始 关于美容的话题,报纸杂志每天都在讨论,“就是要做美人”已经成了都市女性根植在末梢神经最底处的细胞因子。大S的《美容大王》,郑欣仪(肥肥的女儿)的《我的减肥日记》,九头身美女吴佩慈的《美丽达人》,名人们争相向民间女子们贩售着自己的美容秘方,就连韩国人也不例外,趁着这几年韩流的热度,把韩式美人的标准出口到了中国。...
第一章 「周氏」企业里,人人都在传——那个被董事长重金挖角过来的超级秘书王攸贞,将是周家大少未来的妻子、周氏企业下一任董事长夫人。 所以,王攸贞从踏进周氏企业办公的第一天,就备受各方礼遇,完全没有任何人敢因为眼红她的际遇或因为她是被重金礼聘进来的而故意刁难她。 未来董娘耶!巴结都来不及了,哪敢刁难?别说刁难了,连一些酸言酸语五四三的话,大家也都不敢随便在她会出没的地方说出口。虽然说,就这么眼睁睁看着周氏企业最活生生、鲜嫩嫩的一块上好松阪牛肉——呀,不是啦,是周氏排名第一的黄金单身汉……对,眼睁睁看着周氏第一黄金单身汉随随便便就被一个空降部队给叼走,心里自是不无哀怨的。可是,世间事向来就是这样,人比人只会气死人;人各有命,别怨叹啦。了不起下辈子再努力看看好了,看是努力长得美一点,还是努力让能力才华齐备一点喽。 王攸贞才进入周氏工作半个月,能力高不高强当然...
Author :A.MarshallIssue : 总第 72期Provenance :Date :Nation :Translator : 多年来我闲来无事,便替人看相算命。在慈善义卖会上,我会坐在帐幕里,门外挂着一大幅布帘,上书:“埃及大相士沙巴卡在帐中候教,为阁下预卜未来。” 我身穿长袍,头包头巾,上扣苏格兰紫蓟别针,颈上围着一条围巾,印着土人战盾图样。我把脸和手涂饰得黝黑发光,盘膝坐在丝垫上面,身旁摆着一个香炉,让烟香飘荡吸引帐外人群。 我的助手在帐外叫唤着招客:“大相士沙巴卡在祷告了!”我应声喃喃诵唱,谁也听不懂我说什么。 然后,我们开始营业。 “请各位一个一个的来,详谈性格,细说过去,指点未来,只收一块钱。任何问题都可以解答。沙巴卡,准备好了吗?” 我用一口埃及腔答道:“准备好了。” 接着,一位顾客便会走进帐来。通常先进来的总是个女人,而且脸上总是带着严肃表情。我每次替人看相算命,头几个顾客大多对手相...
The Childrenby Alice MeynellContentsFellow Travellers with a Bird, I.Fellow Travellers with a Bird, II.Children in MidwinterThat Pretty PersonOut of TownExpressionUnder the Early StarsThe Man with Two HeadsChildren in BurlesqueAuthorshipLettersThe FieldsThe Barren ShoreThe BoyIllnessThe Young ChildrenFair and BrownReal ChildhoodFELLOW TRAVELLERS WITH A BIRD, I.To attend to a living child is to be baffled in your humour,disappointed of your pathos, and set freshly free from all the pre-occupations. You cannot anticipate him. Blackbirds, overheard yearby year, do not compose the same phrases; never two leitmotifsalike. Not the tone, but the note alters. So with the uncovenatedways of a child you keep no tryst. They meet you at another place,...
灰姑娘时代早被淘汰,乖乖女招数以是过去!现在!拽才是王道~不把它搅个天翻地覆,王子又怎会出拽公主的王子 正文 第1章章节字数:4715 更新时间:07-08-18 11:37看着镜子里的自己,乌黑的头发被简单的绑在脑后,一副大大的眼镜遮住了我的大部分脸,鼻子和脸颊上有着点点雀斑,自信的一笑,两个小酒窝露了出来。"哇哈哈哈哈~!"我的变身终于成功了!我仰头大笑,我背着书包就往楼下跑。"哥!我饿了,今天早上吃什么?""吃蛋炒饭和。。。。你又在发什么疯!!把你的头发扎好!眼镜摘掉!还有去洗掉那些黑色的化装品!你恶不恶心啊?"果然不出所料,老哥看见我的新造型之后开始脱口大骂。"不要这么说嘛,我只是换了一下形象而已嘛!好不容易从美国回来,不玩个够本怎么对得起自己呢,是吧?"我向老哥抛了个媚眼,用柔得出水的声音说,当然!每当我用这种声音说话的时候一般是没有什么好事的。...
RECOLLECTIONS OF THE PRIVATE LIFE OF NAPOLEON, V2BY CONSTANTPREMIER VALET DE CHAMBRETRANSLATED BY WALTER CLARKCONTENTS:CHAPTER VII. to CHAPTER XII.CHAPTER VII.In the month of May, 1801, there came to Paris, on his way to takepossession of his new kingdom, the Prince of Tuscany, Don Louis theFirst, whom the First Consul had just made King of Etruria. He traveledunder the name of the Count of Leghorn, with his wife, who was theinfanta of Spain, Maria Louisa, third daughter of Charles the Fourth; butin spite of the incognito, which, from the modest title he had assumed,he seemed really anxious to preserve, especially, perhaps, on account ofthe poor appearance of his small court, he was, notwithstanding, receivedand treated at the Tuileries as a king. This prince...